Never Thought You’d Be This Kind of Hero!

Chapter 119: Xu Jun


If the Divine Grace Festival is placed in Xu Jun's original world, it may be the three-in-one New Year + Thanksgiving + National Day, with the lively and joyful atmosphere of the New Year, and thanks to the gods for the gift, at the same time the Divine Grace Day It is still the day when the Golden Banner Empire was founded in history, and its significance to the Golden Banner Empire is even more unusual.

During the seven days of this charismatic festival, the people of the Golden Banner Empire must keep smiling, because in these glorious seven days, the first emperor of the Golden Banner Empire, Lears, and the grassland tribes of the then Snow Blade Empire The marriage of Queen Nagaro, who laid the foundation of the Golden Banner Empire. The prairie tribe led by Queen Nagaro is the last formed territory owned by humans on the prairie, and the rest are basically occupied by the orcs. Therefore, if the emperor of any country can marry Queen Nagaro, he is also equal to Gained a "power" to expand north.

To this end, the then emperor of the Snow Blade Empire "Old Lion" Dadanet abolished his queen and proposed to Queen Nagaro, but his ambition was not only to join forces with Queen Nagaro to expand to the north, he I want to eat the tribe of Queen Nagaro directly.

Queen Nagaro is not stupid, she has long seen Dadanet's conspiracy and ambition, so she dragged this matter on the surface, but in private she found the Golden Banner Empire... At that time, it was not an empire, but a Lears, a duke expelled from Snowblade, begged for an alliance.

Lears is a noble of Xueren, but he has long been dissatisfied with Xueren's corruption. After he was expelled by his political enemies, he came to the east of the current Golden Banner Empire, where he met the young and sharp Queen Nagaro, they were like-minded, there Run a new force formed by the alliance of the prairie tribes and the people of Lears. Just like when the sun rises, the moon must also set, the power of Li Si and Na Jia Luo is thriving and soon becomes a kingdom, while the snow blade is getting weaker and weaker.

More than fifty years later, the sons of Lears and Nagaro requested the church's coronation, and the church crowned him as "emperor". Before this, only the emperor of the Snow Blade Empire could receive this honor.

The Golden Banner Empire was finally officially born.

Afterwards, the sons of these two great figures went back to posthumously seal them. Lears became the first emperor of the Golden Banner Empire, and Nagaro was the "Queen of the Holy Light".

However, only scholars will study this. Most people think that the Jinqi Empire was an empire from the beginning, and the first emperor was also an emperor from birth_(:зゝ∠)_

Back in the Snow Blade Empire, the so-called old lion, the so-called old lion, who was more than wise and lacking in spirit, would have no idea how he would have felt if he could learn of these things that happened behind him.

Don't talk about him, let's talk about Queen Nagaro. Back then, she chose to marry Lears just to save her tribe, but after many years... her tribe was merged into the Golden Banner Empire.

History really makes fun of people.

Xu Jun didn't know much about these things. He also read a lot of game-related history books when he was playing games at the time, but most of them were modern ones, such as Emperor Lears and Queen Nagaro... But the history of hundreds of years ago character.

However, if you want to participate in the celebration of Divine Grace, you must know these old things, or you will behave like an illiterate when it comes to the celebration.

After all, the banquet that Xu Jun is going to is very high-end, and every move in that kind of place will be watched by people, not to mention "celebrities" like Xu Jun. It is estimated that you should be careful to be watched when you poop.

Dinister took Xu Jun to make up for it for a long time, so that Xu Jun asked for a dog. Especially when Jace didn't have to go to any "noble" celebration banquet, he would take Lance and Mantou to the street every day, and he would come back after an hour and tell Xu Jun in a regretful tone: "Oh, it's really outside. It's a pity you didn't go there~"

Denister felt that this was not possible, the learning progress was too slow - this child directly used his enthusiasm for learning etiquette to ask Xu Jun, making himself as strict as the etiquette elder, and feeling quite good about himself.

It seems to be the attitude of a college entrance examination sprint class teacher VS poor class scumbag.

"How do you put the cup? Don't put it down so hard! Take it lightly, and use your little finger to pad it! Pad it!"

Xu Jun sighed: "What a motherfucker."

"Fuck?!" Denister clutched his chest in disbelief: "How can you say 'Fuck', Boss Xu Jun?!"

Xu Jun: "..."

Is this still alive

But it turns out that Murphy's Law exists in this world. If a person feels that he is already very desperate and unlucky, then he is likely to be even more desperate and unlucky next

Because the Pope saw that Denister's "education" of Xu Jun was too slow, he kindly "found" another "teacher" for Xu Jun.

The god of light... Her Royal Highness.

The middle-aged butler who was temporarily transferred to Xu Jun's Erhuan's house to help welcome the Holy Maiden in. He felt that this world was too unreal. At the beginning, he was very dissatisfied by being transferred here by the court sergeant, and felt that his political career would end before it even started—yes, even if he is a housekeeper or a clerk, if he does a good job, he can still be in power. of! Therefore, when he first came, he was still a little indifferent to the brave Mr. Xu Jun...

but now! His Highness the Holy Son of Light is that Mr. Xu Jun's good friend! His Royal Highness the Second Prince will greet Mr. Xu Jun when he sees him! Take the initiative to say hello! Her Royal Highness has also come to look for Xu Jun! I came by myself!

- Difficult, could it be that Mr. Xu Jun has a deep background? !

- In case, in case he is His Majesty the Emperor... Who is it? Be bold and imagine that if it is..., then the age can also be suitable!

The butler who thought he might have accidentally learned something secretive of the royal family became nervous and almost walked hand in hand. He led Her Highness into the conference room and stepped aside.

The door opened, and when I heard Mr. Xu Jun talking inside, it seemed like some disrespectful words like "Denny, get up quickly", which made the housekeeper tremble: God! How dare you speak to His Highness the Holy Son like this!

Although the Holy Son of the Light God Cult looks like a mascot now, he is someone who is qualified to ascend to the Pope's throne!

Xu Jun and Denister were talking nonsense in the small conference room, and the etiquette class was completely impossible to learn. It just so happened that the addition of the saintess at this time also made the atmosphere... suddenly embarrassing.

Xu Jun looked at the saint.

The saint looked at Xu Jun.

Denister exclaimed in his heart that it was not good. Although he could understand why his adoptive father wanted the saint to contact Xu Jun—the saint was nominally from the Presbyterian Church, but the girl didn’t know what to eat when she grew up, so she just I have developed a character of integrity and responsibility. Now the elders will be in chaos. The Pope, as the elder, does not want the saint to continue to mix with the smelly elders.

Moreover, the Holy Maiden will also attend the two-day Divine Grace Banquet, and she will definitely go with Dynister at that time.

The relationship between them can't be said to be bad, but it's not really good because of their willingness to stand. It's better to let the young people get acquainted with them before going.

Danister still remembered that when his adoptive father was talking about something, there was a kind smile like an old father on his face! - What the hell, whose adoptive father are you! look at me, okay

Danister, who didn't understand his adoptive father's painstaking efforts, and didn't have any good friendship between men and women for Saintess, just stood up and said hello to Saintess El, and then he saw Xu Jun's dull look on his face. With Saint El.

It was broken. The villain in Denister covered his face. Because he had a bad impression of the Presbyterian Church, he even said a lot of bad things about the saintess. What if Boss Xu Jun... took it seriously

Saint El is looking at the hero Xu Jun.

The eyes of the two were very flat. Two seconds later, a hint of admiration appeared on the face of the saint, while Xu Jun looked a little shy, just like any innocent boy's reaction after seeing a beautiful woman, he quickly lowered his head. head.

Danister looked left and right, okay, now he doesn't have to worry about how bad Xu Jun thinks this saint is because of what he said before - even Danister has to admit that the saint El is by heart. Lun is not an ambitious, sinister and cunning girl, she is very reasonable, even better than Dinister - so he starts to struggle with another thing!

What if Xu Jun likes Al! ! !

The adoptive father will be taken away by Al! If Big Brother Xu Jun is also taken away! What is the baby alive! Why don't you go home and cry with Gnar

At this time, the hearts of Saint El and the brave Xu Jun are as follows:

El - [When I went out today, I deliberately wore a necklace of five thousand gold, the diamond is so big! Wearing a 24K pure gold bracelet, the material is so-so! Xu Jun saw it but was unmoved, he must be a magnanimous person with a high state of mind! can make friends!]

Xu Jun - [What should I do, what should I do! In the previous account, Lao Tzu and the Holy Maiden talked to each other! What is this, is it a meeting with an ex-girlfriend? what do I do? ! Online waiting is very urgent!]

And only Denister, he sighed deeply in his heart, feeling that he, as a simple boy, could no longer understand the atmosphere.

... Why is Xu Jun's face so red

However, what reassured Denister (?) was that in the next time, at least Xu Jun did not take the initiative to speak to the Holy Maiden El, and El did not pay attention to Xu Jun anymore. Their topic has also changed from Xu Jun's etiquette norms to various historical knowledge, and El also brought a sentence: "His Majesty the Pope believes that if you can learn more history, you will be ridiculed even if you don't learn etiquette well..."

Danister: "And then???"

"—You can also use all kinds of allusions to go back."

Her Majesty the Holy Maiden looked calm, smiled at Denister's "you're making fun of me" face, and then threw a heavy bomb: "This time, the Dark Lord Rosienke will also cooperate with His Majesty the Dark Lord. The pit lord is here to participate... have you got the news?"

The Divine Grace Festival officially opened. The whole city of Randall was lit with fireworks the night before. The air condition was obviously bad the next day. There is no such thing as smog in this world. Otherwise, it is estimated that fireworks will be banned in the whole city.

When Xu Jun walked out of his home within the Second Ring Road wearing a dress, he thought he had crossed again overnight. The badges of the Light God Sect were hung all over Randall, inside and outside, and the golden glittering made people's eyes hurt. The tree is wrapped in circles with ribbons. There are no pedestrians on the streets of the luxury area, and almost all of them are riding in carriages, and the carriages are also terribly packed. People in this world celebrate their festivals like showing off their wealth.

Xu Jun was waiting on the side of the road for the housekeeper to set up a carriage for him. After waiting for about five minutes, five or six carriages ran past his house. The curtains are of demon-patterned cloth embroidered with the inscription of peace of mind, and the wheels are specially plated with a layer of gold.

Are you sick

I can't help but recall: When I came to Randall last time, were Randall's nobles so arrogant

Or did he not stay in Randall for a long time because he was in prison, so he forgot

After waiting for a while, the housekeeper wiped the sweat from his forehead and ran: "Sir, I'm sorry for my dereliction of duty. The carriage that was stored in the Golden Horse Carriage Store was unloaded by a thief this morning..."

This is unfortunate, Xu Jun doesn't mind walking, but just like the War of the Roses, if you walk to participate in this kind of celebration, you must be a laughing stock for at least half a year. But Danny was going to be with his adoptive father, and the carriages in the whole city may have already been booked... At this moment, a pure black carriage was steadily driving over from the street.

Heavy, atmospheric, mysterious.

The horses were covered with metal ornaments, which were also black, and should be polished with black crystal and black profound gold. A fist-sized skull was carved on the front of the carriage.

Wherever the black carriage went, others could not avoid it.

Although I don't know what this guy's background is, it's not something to be offended by looking at this posture. I heard that the Dark God Cult has risen again recently... Could this be...

The two pure black mysterious carriages stopped in front of Xu Jun, and a black gloved hand stretched out from it, and the owner of this hand also spoke to Xu Jun: "Can't you be late for the Divine Grace Festival? "

"Please come in."

Xu Jun frowned, as if he was facing an enemy, but he still got into the carriage.

"... What are you doing? At this time... "

He wanted to ask why the other party was here, and why he invited him to the car, and his mind began to diverge in an instant, and even began to wonder if his carriage might have been stolen by this bastard. So many thoughts were jumbled together that his head was buzzing.

Finally, looking at this strange yet familiar face in front of him, he muttered, "Why should I be late?"

His voice was low, and although he was sitting cross-legged in the carriage, His Majesty the Demon King Rosienke, who still looked extremely tall, traced Xu Jun's face over and over again with his eyes, and then slipped from face to neck to the neckline of his dress, as if he could penetrate into it. internal.

"Because I've always been helpful," he said, adding hesitantly after a while, "… Xu Jun."


"—Are you fat?"

The author has something to say: Jun Jun brave man: Why did I gain two pounds! Two pounds! It all tells you that your brain is sick!

Demon King Xixi: It's okay, it's okay to gain weight, it feels great to be a little fatter =3=