Never Thought You’d Be This Kind of Hero!

Chapter 45: They say Xu Jun


There are two ways to activate the magic pattern trap, one is to use some activation magic, and the other is to fight here, after all, the general magic pattern is used for defense. Of course, Xu Jun couldn't have a fight with Dynister in order to perform the magic pattern, and he didn't need to do that. He knew many ways to activate the magic pattern.

"But magic can't be used here," said Denister, who was probably overly frightened, now speaking dryly: "There are death figs out there..."

Xu Jun patted his head: "Oh, I almost forgot!"

He walked to the window, stretched out his head and greeted outside: "Wenqi? How are you?"

Who is Vinci...? Just when everyone was in doubt, there was also a small child's reply from outside: "Xu Jun, you are fine, but I am not Wen Qi, I am Man Qi, Wen Qi is sick and has been taken away for treatment."

It is death that speaks without flowers.

As a plant monster, the death fig is regarded as a silent creature like other plant monsters. Can plants speak? of course not. So plant monsters can talk? It shouldn't be!

Denist and Gnar looked at each other, their hearts collapsed, and the worldview seemed to shatter into scum in their hearts.

#300 years ago, the old scholar who wrote the Encyclopedia of Plant Warcraft is about to jump up from the cemetery! #

#Coffin board can't hold it! #

Not to mention Dynister and Gnar, even the little prince Roja was stunned: his sister said that only those closest to nature can make the plant monsters speak! Is this human being so powerful

Although the Holy Light Elves respect the Holy Light, the elves themselves love nature. Even the youngest elves know the greatness of nature. However, even in the elves who are so close to nature, there are only a few people. Can communicate with monsters!

This, this human is really amazing! ! !

The little prince didn't know, the look he looked at Xu Jun was almost the same as when he looked at his sister casting advanced spells, it was full of longing and admiration.

At this time, the death fig Manqi said: "I know what you want to do, Xu Jun, damn Xu Jun, you haven't come here for a long time, this time you brought two humans, stupid humans. Did you open the tattoos for them to see? Didn't you see enough last time?"

Dynister was hit by "stupid humans", and his heart and worldview were broken.

This time, it wasn't just Man Qi who spoke, but a thicker voice, like thunder, also sounded: "I don't agree, Xu Jun, this is too dangerous."

Oh, this time the big tree is talking. It turns out that it is not an ordinary big tree, but a tree spirit.

As soon as the big tree spoke, the ground seemed to vibrate, and the top of the tree kept shaking leaves, looking like a poor middle-aged bald man. Xu Jun directly pushed the pot to the little prince Loya: "It's your little prince who wants to see it!"

Loya said that I am willing to carry the pot: "Yes, I want to see it!"

The big tree seemed to be in a bit of a dilemma: "But it's really dangerous..."

The little elf prince jumped up directly, and the bear child was strong in this regard. He was messing around, crying and making trouble, and finally Xu Jun was allowed to "perform" once.

When he started, the dead fig Manqi also poked in a branch to express his desire to watch, while the dryad was struggling to push down the entire canopy and lie outside the window. They said it was for safety, but the tone was obviously different from before. Even people like Gnar who didn't like brain supplements had to wonder: maybe these high-end and high-grade plant monsters are not a group of quiet and dignified guys .

…Fortunately, they hadn't been shown the way the elders of the Holy Light Elves gathered and fought.

Under Xu Jun's "calling", the Yinyue Demonic Wolf climbed up from the ground with a low howl, and the loose fur became tight and firm, wrapping its slender body; the mechanical bird flew down and stopped on the silvery moon. On the head of the magic wolf, it danced with Xu Jun's hand; on the surrounding walls, magic rose and cast in the painting, but when it was about to hit Xu Jun, it was smashed by a big sword. After hundreds of battles, such a "small game" is easy to come by.

Dannister and Gnar were just amazed at Xu Jun's rich experience. His fighting skills were like textbooks. One point of strength was not enough. The epee shot on the fireball could just destroy the fireball. Not even Mars will be left on the ground.

Gnar even clenched his sword subconsciously. He eagerly wanted to discuss with Xu Jun, which would definitely help him improve his combat skills.

And the little prince of the Holy Light Elf, Loya, is even more uncontrollable. The little child has not seen the world. When Queen Akar was still alive, he thought that the strongest person in the world was Her Majesty, his mother. Later, when Ellie's sister became the new queen, he changed his idol, now...

Although, although Xu Jun is only a human being! But he can fight! Telling stories again! ! !

The little prince looked at Xu Jun with bright eyes, and suddenly rushed over and hugged his leg: "I've decided! I want to be a hero too!!!"

- Why can't you think about it, child

The elders of the Holy Light Elves fought fiercely for the goods. At the end of the fight, they even completely forgot that the Moonlight Elves came to send the envoy in two days, and they did not remember why they fought. The duel turned into a melee, and the elders rolled up their sleeves. I have been playing from the morning until the sunset, and I only realize the passage of time when I am hungry.

"It's been a long time since I was so happy." The spirit beast elder sighed. He usually looks like the most peaceful of all the elders, but now, how do the young holy light elves know that he used to tear up the holy knights and step on the moonlight elves. What about Yingzi

The alchemy elder has a more restrained personality, just nodded slightly, yes, now these little holy light elves only know that he is serious and harsh, and they are even afraid that he will avoid him. What a graceful and crazy character is the "Muse"? If they could understand his past, they wouldn't think he was scary now.

Because back then, he was a true killer of gods, demons, and demons...

The other elders also smiled, and everyone remembered the youthful and frivolous past. After the fight, my mood has improved a lot, and Xu Jun's goods don't seem to be that attractive... At least it won't let them fight again.

Maybe it's because of old age and lack of energy.

"The mutant lotus seed can be exchanged with you... But you will also give me one of your saluman snake slough." The spirit beast elder reluctantly gave up a seed, but he did not want to be the one who took advantage of it, and asked the alchemy elder. I want the same thing.

The alchemist thought to himself that Xu Jun had brought three snake sloughs, and it was okay to give him one, but he didn't want to show too much ease on his face, and his serious face showed a hint of bitterness: "Okay..."

All the other elders also made some concessions to each other. Xu Jun is really strong. He brought a lot of goods and good quality, which gave them a chance to balance each other. Closing his pockets.

Xu Jun is such a good person.

Thinking like this, the elders walked towards the meeting room, but saw Her Majesty Queen Ellie and Knight Commander Jesse walking this way.

Her Majesty Queen Ellie... A piece of cloth-like material was slightly exposed on the edge of her skirt pocket. The alchemist looked at it closely, and it looked familiar. Then again, the pattern was not the saluman brought by Xu Jun. Snake slough! ! !

The scene was very embarrassing for a while.

Queen Ellie took the initiative and issued a good person card to herself: "The elders are not here, so many precious materials in the conference room are unsafe, so I will pack them up first."

Elders: "..."

Wait, Queen! How can it be unsafe there? ! The only one who can go in and out there is us besides you - oh, there seems to be Xu Jun.

Because the conference room has a self-cleaning system, not even the cleaners go there!

Your Majesty the Queen, you have to speak with your conscience! ! !

Her Majesty the Queen obviously does not need any conscience, she just rummaged through it very seriously, and found that the hairdressing agent that Xu Jun said was indeed not in these materials, indicating that Xu Jun did leave it to her exclusively.

Consider him a little conscience.

Queen Ellie is in a slightly better mood. Although Xu Jun's low EQ often makes her speechless, this guy really treats her sincerely. Of course, she doesn't need any hairdressing stuff, and she didn't really worry about changing her hair color when she mentioned her hair to Xu Jun at the beginning! How can the beauty of the beautiful Holy Light Elf be reduced due to the change of hair color? !

But Xu Jun can't understand it, it's really good to have a friend like him, but unfortunately he can only be a friend.

"Elders, don't worry, there is no shortage of materials." Ellie said with a smile.

The elders seemed to see the precious material flying away with wings, and they shed tears in their hearts, but they still wanted to say that Her Majesty the Queen is wise, and Her Majesty has done a beautiful job.

Hi... so angry QAQ

Queen Ellie is complacent, and it feels good to grab something from someone else. Knight Commander Jesse seemed a little worried: "Your Majesty, let the little prince have too much contact with Xu Jun..." Will this make the little prince learn from Xu Jun? Although Xu Jun's character is good, the little prince of the Holy Light Elf can't learn from human heroes. What if he wants to be a hero in the future

- Of course, Knight Commander Jesse, who is worried about the country and the people, doesn't know that their little prince is now holding Xu Jun's thigh and begging to be a hero.

Allie glanced at him: "I don't think you're really worried about this."

And if Loya really wants to be a hero, he will be adventurous after reading the story too much, and it has little to do with Xu Jun.

In short, it was the fault of the beast elder who told him so many stories...

Knight Commander Jesse pursed his lips: "Your Majesty, recently, an elf has become ill, and the tree of life has been stained with dark elements... I'm afraid it won't be concealed for long."

Queen Ellie paused, she clenched her fists, and seemed to have made an extremely difficult decision: "...I'll ask Xu Jun to see what he can do."