Never Thought You’d Be This Kind of Hero!

Chapter 55: His Majesty the Demon King


Xu Jun solemnly said to Prince Ryan in his heart: "His Royal Highness, I'm very sorry, I think I'm going to betray humanity."

"—Sure enough, the Holy Light Elf understands me! It's great! I want to betray my identity and join the Holy Light Elf! Let me become a qualified Holy Light Elf Goose Warrior!"

"Prince Ryan" paused, although he could probably have foreseen that the brave man would be moved by the simple words of the Holy Light Elf Queen, and also knew that the brave man had no knowledge of his own identity - as far as the Demon King Rosienk himself knew , The intelligent creatures in this world have always had a deep understanding of race and class, and it was even more serious tens of thousands of years ago. At that time, there was no difference between ordinary humans and slaves, and powerful races such as the dragon race were well known as the darlings of gods. .

Although human beings now claim that the so-called "God's Favor" in this land of God's favor is the human believers who are favored by the God of Light, but tens of thousands of years ago, it was the giant dragon family who was really favored by the gods.

When the gods fight, they use dragons as mounts, because only this huge and powerful "Warcraft" can withstand the baptism of the elemental storm that the gods set off when they fight.

The so-called kinship of the gods, it is better to say that it is a statement found by the strong for himself.

At that time, all the powerful races were all in a group, and all the weak races could not wait to live on the thighs of the powerful races, flattering and docile slaves.

This kind of thinking that is exclusive, full of hostility, and eager to hug 10,000 thighs when he is weak has actually continued to this day.

The arrogant dragons are willing to be ridden by the gods, and they become tyrants when they treat the intelligent races below; the elves are ashamed to live with humans, and even despise the sub-elves born after some fallen elves have entered into marriages with other races; Humans once embraced the thighs of the dragon clan, and now they have become a huge independent race when their strength is strong. No matter how much they envy the strong people in their hearts, they always have to show their backbone on the surface.

When you see a powerful race, you are jealous, but you can't help but be sour to express your loyalty to the human race.

Xu Jun did not have such loyalty.

When he was called the mixed-blood Holy Light Elf, he was not overjoyed or proud, and he was very sincere when he shouted in his heart that he wanted to join the Holy Light Elf family.

… If I were still Prince Ryan, I would beat this guy hard and throw him into the confessional chamber of the Light God Cult, where he would spend the rest of his remorseful life, the Demon King Rosienke was in a relaxed mood think.

But how long has it been? When he thought of the Light God Cult, there was no resentment or irony in his heart, as if the Light God Cult had nothing to do with him, and the humans who deceived and framed him were only worthless dust in the distant past. .

The brave Xu Jun...

So in the end, the Demon King Luo Xienke did not ridicule Xu Jun's words. It doesn't matter whether the hero loves humans or not, as long as he can accept demons in the future.

— No, it doesn’t matter if you can’t accept demons, as long as you can accept demon kings (⊙v⊙)

Xu Jun hummed a little song in his heart, thinking that this game from Dad Kuangfeng could choose races other than humans, that's not bad, he could just grab a Holy Light Spirit and come out, he was playing "The World of Yalong People" before. 》, I also tried to be a full-fledged Yalong maid~(≧▽≦)/~

He was carried by the steamed buns, and the steamed buns were in the same high mood as him. As a herbivorous beast, their Moonlight Colt has always been bullied by high-level carnivorous beasts, but since following Xu Jun, he has never been bullied. , today he can even kick the moonlight elf prince in the face!

That arrogant and hateful moonlight elf in the mouth of his father and mother!

So Mantou was even more proud of letting Xu Jun ride on his back, kicking his footsteps, and happily walked back with the army.

He had already thought about it, and when his journey with Xu Jun came to an end and he had the opportunity to return to his own clan, he must tell the whole clan about this glorious experience! he! Steamed bun! I kicked a big man like the Moonlight Elf Prince a lot!

Xu Jun is happy here, but the rest of the Divine Dependent Continent is still in dire straits.

The Pope of the Light God Sect has spoken out that the Demon King Luo Xienke is dead, and the hero Xu Jun killed him. There is no more Demon Lord in the world, and there is a savior Xu Jun, but these words are even for human beings. don't quite believe it. First of all, because the Light Sect has been divided into two factions, the Pope’s faction said that Xu Jun killed the Demon King, and their sons, Danister and Xu Jun, are very good friends. Some time ago, Danister went to find Xu. Jun confirmed this. The members of the Presbyterian sect listened to the elders secretly revealing a message: the so-called brave Xu Jun is likely to be a pretense, there is indeed such a person in the world, and it is not false to be friends with the Son of Danister. But whether the brave Xu Jun killed the Demon King is not sure. After all, their Pope can do anything to suppress the Council of Elders in order to improve his prestige.

Of course, the Council of Presbyterians can't make it too obvious. They are only subtly controlling public opinion. Gossip about this generation of popes is flying all over the sky. What has an improper relationship with the emperor of the Golden Banner Empire? The third elder of the Presbyterian Church is now nerfed by the Pope. Some people even say that the Pope is a pervert who loves night attacks, while the third elder is a shivering little sheep under the dark forces.

The third elder wanted to kill the Demon King, but was turned into a dog by the lord of the icefield. In the end, the wasteland city was slapped by a group of geese.

Ever since he was nabbed by a goose, he has had a psychological shadow on white. Every time he sees the Pope's white robe, he shakes like a sieve, which is even more incredible in the eyes of a caring person.

His Majesty the Pope of the Light Sect began to scoff at this, thinking that you are the clowns who still want to bring me down? Is it just relying on this kind of malicious slander that can't be on the table? Cleaners clean themselves!

However, he underestimated the attention of the people to gossip and tidbits...

It is said that the Pope and the emperor of the Golden Flag Empire have improper behaviors in private, and no one is deeply concerned. It is said that the Pope accepted bribes when he was young, and no one cares.

Said that the Pope attacked the third elder at night... Everyone was excited...

In this way, the majesty and character of His Majesty the Pope will not seem to be maintained, and the matter he said that the hero Xu Jun killed the Demon King is also open to question.

The Pope's heart is a dog's _(:зゝ∠)_

Originally, he didn't need to explain this matter at all, because Xu Jun did kill the demon king. This is the exact picture that the prophecy elder saw in the crystal ball. The Demon King was buried in the center of the hot hell. This is the news that Dynister sent back. He still trusts this adopted son very much if he doesn't believe in others, although he doesn't quite understand why Xu Jun told Dynister about such an important matter. .

However, Dinister's guardian knight Gnar also conveyed the same message, so I had to believe it.

Yes, compared to his adopted son who is smart but also jumps out, the Pope still trusts the mature and stable guardian knight Gnar with the bigger picture...

As for why Denister said that he would go on a trip with Xu Jun, but Gnar didn't control him, and now they don't know where they went... The Pope expressed that he was tired and had given up thinking.

In short, all the information points to the fact that the Demon King is dead.

It's a pity that even the Pope himself doesn't believe it when he says this now.

Because this is not what God's Favored Continent should look like after the Demon King is no longer in this world.

In the ancient war between gods and demons, the demon king fell. It is recorded that after the death of the demon king, the darkness between heaven and earth quickly disappeared, the vortex formed by the terrifying dark elements dissipated in the center of the sky, the darkness returned to the night, and the light came to the day, one after another. For a hundred days, the world was sunny, and it only started to rain in one hundred and one days, and the Continent of God's Favored People did not fall to the point of genocide due to drought.

Just recently, what was the world like before the Demon King was born again? The Pope paused. He still remembered that he was about twenty years old at that time. Although he knew a little about the power struggle he was about to face, he was still a young and innocent young man. He had a friend at that time... Ryan was still called Leo, who was a few years younger than him and was the Snow Blade Empire—the eldest prince of the Snow Blade Empire at that time.

He didn't want to recall things about the prince, so he quickly changed his mind: yes, before the Demon King appeared, the dark elements of this continent were silent, only the occasional Necromancer or the dirty believers of the Dark God Cult appeared. Will awaken them, and occasionally demons will crawl out of the dark abyss, bringing some dark elements as well.

At that time, on the Continent of God's Favorites, the dark elements were almost out of scale, and people were even worried that there were too few dark elements, affecting the balance of the world.

It was always sunny, the air was fresh and fluffy, and followers of the Shining God never felt the disgusting sticky hindrance as they do now when casting their magic.

But since the Demon King appeared, the entire Divine Favored Continent has changed.

The dark elements are like living creatures with intelligence, obeying the orders of the Demon King.

By analogy, if the Demon King is really dead, the dark elements on the Continent of God's Favor should be depressed again, sinking to the ground, to the hell under the dark abyss.

But now the whole continent is like a dark steamer, the evil aura spreads from the ground, churning in the sky, like the volcanic ash filled with volcanic ash after a volcanic eruption, invisible to the naked eye, but everywhere.

Much more serious than when Demon Lord Rosienk was alive.

Therefore, even the Pope himself does not believe that the Demon King is really dead.

If the world becomes like this after the death of Demon Lord Rosienk... oh well, then you old man should still come back alive QAQ

The author has something to say: Pope: QAQ Demon King, you old man, you should still live, you are dead, this world is so scary

Demon King Xixi: ... I remember when I was Prince Ryan, you were a few years older than me, so why did you call me old man

Pope: . . . Damn old cucumber even painted himself green!