Never Thought You’d Be This Kind of Hero!

Chapter 56: Talk heart


In addition to the human light religion, there are also some races and forces with prophets or fortune-tellers. Orc shamans stand in the field with scepters to worship their beast gods, and elf astrologers face the stars and the moon. Stare, the witches of the siren play the magic harp in the deep sea, the dragons just look at the sky, at the sky of the gods who once brought them glory, the long life gives them a keen sense of the current situation. Intuition and hunches.

The state of the demon clan is not right.

The Demon King may or may not be dead.

About a month ago, the dark elements began to be rampant on the Continent of God's Favor. At that time, it did not attract too many people's attention, because since the appearance of the devil, the dark elements seem to come every few months. Also get used to it.

But no one would have imagined that this riot outside the dark elements would actually cover the entire continent for a month.

The sun was foggy and the rain seemed dark and dirty.

Almost all the gods on the Continent of God's Favorites have acted, and some of them have come to a conclusion after calculating: the Demon King is stronger, and he must have a big conspiracy, so he will let the dark elements run around.

Maybe he wants to crush other intelligent races in this way! You must know that ordinary intelligent races are completely overwhelmed by dark elements!

In just one month, cities of all sizes have been unable to handle human beings, the hospitals are full, and the low-level pharmacists are struggling with the shortage of medicinal materials to treat colds, inflammations and other diseases. Much stronger than ordinary people, but there are already cases of weak deaths among the common people.

Therefore, the Demon King definitely wants to use the dark elements to consume the will and strength of his clan, and then lead the army of demons to launch a general attack!

There are other fortune-tellers who, after thinking hard for a long time, came to a conclusion: This abnormal situation is not because of what the Demon King has done. His vital signs have been silent since a month ago, and his numerology cannot be found.

"But a . . . darker star rose, and he was completely black, waking up from the abyss, without a shred of brilliance in himself."

These fortune-tellers have a lot of theories, some say that the demon king is dead and a new demon king was born, some say that there is an infighting within the demon and the demon king has been killed, and some people shake their heads: "It's a brave man! He killed the demon king, It is for his own ambition, standing in the treasure house of the Demon King, he was blinded, and he greedily gathered the treasure house of the Demon King and became the new Demon King!"

—It doesn’t seem wrong in a way_(:зゝ∠)_

It's just that there are already different opinions in a race of humans, and almost everyone participates in the discussion. The dark element not only infects people's bodies, but also makes them more emotionally excited. Take the capital of the Golden Banner Empire as an example. The number of violent incidents that broke out in just one month was twice as many as before, and "whether it was the hero who killed the devil" or "the devil's subordinate killed the devil" has also become a problem. A hot topic in the streets and alleys, casinos have opened handicap [.

Your country pills.

The Pope faction of the God of Light was trying desperately to pull back public opinion and instill positive energy. Amway more people who are sick and unable to take medicine come to believe in God of Light. It's a good idea, but it's a pity that "our own people" are holding back. The group of elders in the Presbyterian Church spread some rumors everywhere in a sympathetic manner. Stir up dissatisfaction with the Pope's rule.

So... The Pope didn't care about selling Amway anymore, he rolled up his sleeves and was ready to formally fight with the Presbyterian Church!

—Dinister, come back soon! Come back and help me, Dad! ← This is the voice of His Majesty the Holy Son of Light’s adoptive father, the Pope.

However, the Son of Dannister is now happily mingling with the Holy Light Elves in Shengyuan Heights. It may be because he and Gnar also fought very hard when he fought with the Moonlight Elves. The Holy Light Elves I was very optimistic about them. Originally, there were those who rejected "these two soft human beings", but now they no longer reject them. Instead, they are very warmly entertained.

These young low-level holy light elves don't know what kind of difficulties and pressures their higher-ups are facing, and they haven't heartlessly given the books of the Dannister Amway hero Xu Jun and the Demon King Luo Xienke.

Xu Jun said: … =-=

However, the eyes of Demon King Rosienke who lurked in his body were much gentler when he looked at the Holy Light Spirit.

People's feelings about the changes of the times are delayed. Even if a major event is happening, most people are in the trend of the changes of the times. Just like boiling a frog in warm water, a person will slowly become numb in a gradually warming cauldron. This world, or the Continent of God's Favored, is undergoing earth-shaking changes.

Dark elements have shrouded the continent for a month, and the tree of life of the Holy Light Elf Moonlight Elf has been eroded by darkness. It is not clear whether other races have similar situations. This is a very unusual thing.

However, because the races are on guard against each other, it is impossible to tell what happened inside him, so Xu Jun currently only knows the above information.

He is very qualified as a hero and very powerful as a warrior, but let him analyze these things... He can only say "the world is really messed up" for things like the increase in violence within human beings and the opening of casinos.

He can't analyze anything.

The Demon King Luo Xienke deeply felt that talking to Xu Jun was like playing the qin to the bull. This brave man is a lot smarter. If you ask him how to loot and how to get rid of the three lights, he is even more specific. What kind of theology is "Can the affairs of the brave be considered stealing?" As can be imagined, His Majesty the Demon King would be amazed. But whenever he wanted to make the brave man think about something serious, and train him to think about the current situation and politics, the brave man always showed his stupidity beyond ordinary people.

There's no other way, when Xu Jun was in high school, politics was the worst _(:зゝ∠)_

Luo Xienke thought that it would be okay if Xu Jun really couldn't learn these things, anyway, one of the two of them was smart enough, and at the same time he felt that even his Majesty the Demon King Luo Xienke would not be able to protect Xu Jun. What to do then

Do you really want Xu Jun to go to the Holy Light Spirit...

He is not required to grow into a mature politician, but at least he can't sell himself at any time like now!

The Demon King Luo Xienke thought of a question that he thought was very simple to test and point Xu Jun: "You killed the Demon King, this may be a feat for you personally, but you don't know what this means for the whole world. What impact will this have?"

After thinking hard for a while, Xu Jun clapped his hands and said, "Casinos all over the world will bet on how many days it took me to kill the Demon King?"

His Majesty the Demon King Rosienke: "..."

"Also, why did the capital casino of the Golden Flag Empire open the market first, and the casino in the city of darkness didn't respond? Aren't they leading the world's gambling trend?" - the brave Xu Jun continued, but then his voice Precipitated a lot: "I know what you mean, Prince Ryan, you may think I'm stupid and don't know what I've done."

"I... At first I didn't really know the impact my actions would have on this world," he squeezed his right index finger with his left hand, and became unconsciously nervous: "But the death of the Demon King seems to be a real deal to the Continent of God's Favor. It's not a good thing."

"There are so many races in this world, and their relationship is very complicated. Their relationship with demons is definitely not as simple as a simple enemy. If I had known this earlier..."

He was a little depressed, if he had known that he would cross, if he had known that he would face such a mess after crossing, if he had known that the dark elements would skyrocket after the death of the Demon King—

He simply stopped killing the Demon King. Wouldn't it be okay if he didn't do this main line, just go to Baihe Town to check the girl's favorability and propose marriage.

This can't be blamed for Xu Jun's sudden depression. In fact, in the morning of this day, after they sent the Moonlight Elf to prison in the name of gathering a crowd, Queen Ellie and the elders of the Holy Light Elf took Xu Jun to their lives. The last effort was made under the tree.

All the elders united, and a holy light sacrificial ceremony presided over by the queen failed.

They failed to save the tree of life.

The Holy Light Praise is the most profound sacrifice mastered by the Holy Light Elves, and it is also the only way to communicate with the ancient Sun God according to legend.


After jointly casting such a huge sacrificial spell, the elders seemed to be a thousand years old, and Queen Ellie was stunned. They didn't want to use this spell, not because they couldn't pay the price, but Because the Holy Light Elf can only use this ability once in a lifetime.

Moreover, only elders and queens who have been recognized under the tree of life can cast this spell.

This is their last resort.


Xu Jun wanted to pour the Holy Spirit Potion into the Tree of Life, but was stopped by Queen Ellie. Although the Holy Light Praise failed, the rich Holy Light elements were indeed gathered... It was just that they failed to successfully expel the huge and numerous dark elements. "Now the holy light element here is saturated, there can be no more, it will cause an explosion." Ellie said weakly with a crying voice.

Xu Jun looked at the girl's pale and haggard face and felt very sad.

According to Ellie, although the dark elements have been slowly increasing in recent years, and even began to infect their tree of life, the real seriousness of the situation is a matter of the past two months.

And the death of the Demon King... It can be matched.

"I know what killing the Demon King will bring," he replied dully to "Prince Ryan"'s question: "Maybe I shouldn't kill the Demon King, this is wrong."

But "Prince Ryan" spoke in a calm and reassuring voice.

"You're not wrong," he said. "It shouldn't be your fault to kill the Demon King as a hero."

Moreover, the abnormal outbreak of the dark element... has nothing to do with the "death" of the Demon King.