Never Thought You’d Be This Kind of Hero!

Chapter 60: Prince Ryan


The top level of the Holy Light Elves agreed that the conspiracy of the Moonlight Elves was exposed, and their awkward and strange attitude after their mission to Shengyuan Heights was finally explained.

Because the tree of life of the moonlight elves is finished, so they want to come to the holy light elves to make a fool of themselves. This explanation is reasonable and in line with the truth. The certified evidence is all there. The glib moonlight elves have no way to refute them. .

In response, Prince Rinka, who was finally released from the clutches of the dead fig, just sneered like crazy, while Elder Duter and others laughed bitterly. Their current mood is really complicated. As the elders of the Moonlight Elf family, they were originally concerned about the country and the people, even if they were asked by the Moonlight Elf King, "You must be low-key along the way, even if you humbly ask the young Queen of the Holy Light Elf to save our lives. Trees are okay," they agreed. Unexpectedly, all this was ruined by Prince Linka.

As a moonlight elf, who is not arrogant? Why can they bear it? Isn't it just because the tree of life is so important to the elves

But let's not say that elves reproduce sexually and don't need the tree of life - can that be the same? Can the elf bred through sex still have such pure elemental power? !

Elder Dut and the others were originally concerned about their tree of life, and could not wait to worry about it, but now they are also worried about the country and the people and cannot get up _(:зゝ∠)_

After all, it is a matter of life and death. It is possible to be killed by these reckless and rude Holy Light Elves accidentally. Compared with the Tree of Life, they should worry about their own lives first.

They burst into tears and explained to the young lady Ellie, the queen of the Holy Light Elf, what they were here for—of course they wanted to ask the Holy Light Elf to save their tree of life! Can you do anything else? Although I now know that the Tree of Life of the Holy Light Elves is also half-dead... The last hope is gone.

However, it is a pity that the brain circuits of the moonlight elves and the holy light elves will never match, and it is no wonder that they fight with the holy light elves every time.

Because the sincere confession in their eyes did not win the sympathy and mercy of the Holy Light Spirit, these bastards still looked at Dutt and others with the eyes of a fool:

"—Would anyone believe this statement? Elder Duterte, don't deceive yourself. You and I have been hostile to each other for many years. After the tree of life is in danger, the first reaction should be to snatch the tree of life of our family?"

Elder Dutt looked at the elf queen of the Holy Light with a determined face, unable to say a word, completely desperate.

It turns out that the Holy Light Spirit thought so! It turns out that they are playing this idea!

—If your own tree of life is broken, you will rob someone else's house. This is actually the original idea of these Holy Light Elves...

Suddenly, Elder Dutt and others were a little fortunate that the Holy Light Elves now knew that the Tree of Life of the Moonlight Elves was also eroded by dark elements.

Otherwise, it is estimated that the two clans have fought in full swing and suffered heavy casualties. Their moonlight elves still don't know what happened...

Regarding the moonlight elves who dared to be detrimental to the tree of life of the holy light elves, the elders of the holy light elves and the queen had different attitudes. They had many heated discussions, and those who were more extreme, such as the alchemy elders, thought that This group of moonlight elves should be sacrificed, maybe the tree of life will come back to life as soon as it sees the abominable moonlight elves dead (… ). The more kind-hearted elders, like the beast elders, asked to send the moonlight elves back, but it was not a free gift. They wanted their elf king to redeem them. If the requirements were not too high, they could use the moonlight well water in exchange. .

Xu Jun couldn't participate in this kind of meeting. After all, it was the family's internal affairs. The only thing he knew was that this group of elders would get up when they encountered something about the moonlight elves. They were so excited that they almost forgot that their tree of life was in jeopardy.

Instead, Xu Jun, who is a brave man, is full of the tree of life _(:зゝ∠)_

In theory, the group of the brave must remain neutral and cannot be biased towards any one race or force, so Xu Jun does not want to participate in the disputes between the two races.

But it's okay to help friendly races in his own name.

He made a lot of preparations for the tree of life. I don’t know if the Holy Spirit Elixir is easy to use or not, although the Sun God seems to be very confident in the shelf life of this thing, and through the experiments of the Holy Light Elf Queen and others, it has also been found that this Holy Spirit Elixir is very useful in delaying aging and enhancing life. Strong effect, but what about expelling the dark elements? - Oh, I seem to have used it before.

"When I was with the Demon King Luo... Radish Shik? That's what it was called... Anyway, when I was fighting with him, I also used the Holy Spirit Potion, but I don't know if it was the problem of the potion or the Demon King's strong resistance. It's not easy to use the second time." Xu Jun was discussing countermeasures with the reliable Prince Ryan.

The very reliable "Prince Ryan" thinks that you can't even remember Lao Tzu's name and want to ask Lao Tzu questions? He decisively chose not to condone this hero's behavior.

"You must memorize the name of the Demon Lord Rosienke before you speak to me." His Majesty the Demon Lord said coldly.

Xu Jun: "..."

Why is it like being fined a hundred times by the teacher for writing the wrong name in the first grade →_→

The two of them read the four words of Luo Xienke over and over again as if joking. When Xu Jun read the name of the demon king, he did not have the resentment that ordinary human beings deliberately grit their teeth, as if this was just an ordinary name, between heaven and earth. The most ordinary four words.

He actually dared to make jokes like "Radish Hitt" while saying that the name of the devil is so annoying. The four words are really long.

His Majesty the Demon King Luo Xienke felt a little soft in his heart: "It seems that you are not afraid of him at all."

Xu Jun took out the potion of the Holy Spirit, and then took out a high-grade dark rune stone from the Demon King's treasure house. He poured some of the potion on it. The slate made a burning sound like a sizzling barbecue. Also cleaned up. He felt much more at ease: "Well, it seems that the Holy Spirit Elixir is really useful in this regard."

Then he replied to Luo Xienke: "Why are you afraid of him, the brave should have nothing to fear."

He was casual, obviously not taking Rosienke's words seriously. He also didn't know who the soul in his body belonged to, Prince Ryan or Demon King Ron Siek. The two were originally the same person, but they were far apart. The Demon King Rosienke was quiet, he thought, even a guy with little brains like Xu Jun should know how righteous Prince Ryan is, and how evil and terrible the Demon Lord Rosienke is.

The leisurely days like now are coming to an end soon.

Xu Jun didn't know anything about this, he thought, but he would soon know what kind of fact he was about to face: the hero who killed the Demon King was also the culprit who helped resurrect the Demon King. What a severe blow, will he collapse? Will he madly curse himself for deceiving him

Luo Xienke thought about this almost playfully, and he couldn't tell whether it was heavy or uncomfortable, but a sense of relief.

Maybe Xu Jun is essentially the same as other humans, maybe he is different, that doesn't matter.

The Demon King always gets everything he wants.

When Xu Jun frantically did experiments to determine the effect of the Holy Spirit's potion—in fact, when he was wasting this precious potion, Dannister nested in his treehouse. He was different from Xu Jun, and he was more nervous among the Holy Light Elves. It's not a good time to run around. Coupled with the fact that the moonlight elves were investigating the tree of life just now, the holy light elves were more vigilant about foreigners. Although Dannister is the son of light, the holy light elves do not eat this kind of thing, he is still It's better to be low-key.

But after all, it was the people brought by Xu Jun, and the treatment was good. Not to mention the special vegetables and fruits of Shengyuan Heights for three meals a day, the Holy Light elves did not care about him and the Guangming Divine Religion.

Denist is still able to contact his adoptive father, the Pope of the Light God Cult.

What kind of trust it is to allow other people to hand over letters on their own territory.

Of course, Denister himself probably understands that this is not just believing, but also looking down on his strength... The Holy Light Elf has never taken him seriously _(:зゝ∠)_

This morning, he received a... carrier pigeon from His Majesty the Pope.

Said to be a carrier pigeon, it was actually a very fast-flying bird beast raised by the gods of light. It looked a bit like an ordinary white dove. The light gods unanimously use this dove-like beast to convey information instead of the faster letter eagle, because it is more gentle, and conveys their thoughts of love for peace and compassion for the common people to the outside world.

After all, it's a face project.

The white dove monster hovered and fell, and its posture was no worse than that of an eagle. It landed on Nar's arm. After letting Nar untie the letter, he slammed at the fruits and vegetables on the dining table, although it was just a monster all the time. , I usually still eat meat, but I also know how delicious this fruit with a sweet fragrance will be.

It flew very fast all the way. In order to deliver the letter as soon as possible, it almost didn't eat or drink. Now it can finally fill its stomach - it is really hard to work for the white-bearded old man of the Light God Cult!

The dead fig vine has never seen such a fast and fierce white pigeon, curiously stretched out two vine tentacles, and stood on the edge of the dining table to probe his brain.

"Gah!" The white dove monster was frightened to death and choked.

Denister opened the envelope, thinking that he was urging him to go back quickly. He also wants to go back, but now he can get first-hand consultation in Shengyuan Heights. Can the Holy Light Elf be okay? What does the Moonlight Elf want to do? .

He didn't come to travel, he was on a business trip.

Denister thought without a sense of responsibility. Now that the Demon King is dead, the Light Divine Sect will inevitably be in a mess. Although he has a high status and is known as the Holy Son, his status is not good, but it will make him a target for the elders to attack the Pope, so it is better to take the opportunity to come out.

But when he saw the first two lines of the letter, his expression turned solemn.

"There are traces of dark elements in the Holy Spring of the Light God Sect, come back quickly."

"Spend the brave Xu Jun away."