Never Thought You’d Be This Kind of Hero!

Chapter 64: A new journey!


Several moonlight elves were imprisoned in isolation, and the elders were treated slightly better. Prince Linka and his dog-legged guard Lin Mi were directly thrown into the water prison of the forbidden demon, and life was better than death.

Although the Lin Mi guard wanted to turn to go to others when he saw that the prince he was following was dying, and even wanted to surrender to the Holy Light Spirit, Ellie believed that there was no such thing as eating meat with thieves and not being beaten with thieves in this world. He had already gone to a dead end when he obeyed Prince Rinka's order to peep at the tree of life of the Light Spirit.

The hostages sent by the Moonlight Elf King have changed from one to many, but several elders still have a chance to go back. Prince Linka's life is over.

But I guess the only one who will be sad is the Moonlight Elf King... Maybe the other Moonlight Elf will beat gongs and drums and sing songs with joy.

Xu Jun's development after this is not clear, nor does he care. After his body fully recovered, he said goodbye to Queen Ellie. Although Ellie was very reluctant, she calmed down after asking that Xu Jun would live in a small town called Baihe Town. Baihe Town is in Shengyuan Heights. It is about 150 kilometers to the northwest... In terms of units that Xu Jun is more familiar with, it is 150 kilometers. In the words that the Holy Light Spirit can accept, it is "the distance of two days and two nights", yes, The Holy Light Elf rides a white horned deer or a mixed-race white wildebeest of a unicorn and a horse, and its big hooves can take people to places for two days and two nights.

It's only two days and two nights, it's not far!

It took Xu Jun a long time to get Ellie to get rid of the idea of "I'll go to Baihe Town to play with you when I get the moonlight elf thing done".

Because if that's the case... Maybe Xu Jun is still on the road and Ellie has already arrived at Baihe Town_(:зゝ∠)_

Xu Jun didn't want to run all the way to Baihe Town, so that he would be uncomfortable with the steamed buns. The ideal travel state in his mind is to walk and play all the way, buy fried chicken and duck neck kebabs to eat, and try more local food and specialties when passing through towns and villages.

He used to be a gamer in modern times. Although he wasn't considered a nerd, because his economic strength was not very strong, he couldn't take a trip that would leave him alone. Although selling game guides can get tens of thousands of bonuses... But at that time, many scenic spots cost 100,000 to play once.

I didn't expect that things that can't be done in reality can be enjoyed in this world.

Originally, he also said that he would travel with Prince Ryan, why do you bring me and I bring money and so on.

It's ridiculous to think about it now.

_(:зゝ∠)_He also brought money... A lot of the gold coins he carried were looted from the Demon King's treasury...

"Prince Ryan" was silent when he said this at the time. He thought that the prince was a silent support. Now that he thinks about it, he really wants to die.

In front of other people's deity, they looted their treasure house and traveled around the world with their money.

This Demon King can actually endure this!

Xu Jun wanted to laugh at the thought of this, but before his mouth opened, he let out a wry smile.

"Let's go, Mantou, let's go."

He and Mantou came from the teleportation array, but there was no way to teleport when they left. One was because Xu Jun was dizzy in the teleportation array, which was even more dizzy than motion sickness, and the other was because of the Holy Light Elves on the entire Shengyuan Heights. Everyone warmly welcomes Xu Jun to walk this land, especially the young and versatile elves, they all want to see Xu Jun up close, so that they can make more creations in the future.

Although the fact that Xu Jun killed the Demon King was concealed by Queen Ellie and the elders, the fact that Xu Jun helped the Tree of Life to rejuvenate its second spring was a proper escape.

It is estimated that Xu Jun will become a living legend within the Holy Light Spirit.

Countless Light Elf men and women held quills and wrote on parchment. The elves are not just powerful and rude races, they are also good at singing, dancing, writing poetry and painting. In the past, the style of painting was to praise the sun, praise the green trees, praise the earth, praise the queen, and now there is one more praise, which is to help The hero Xu Jun who saved their tree of life~(≧▽≦)/~

Xu Jun's face froze all the way, listening to this group of Holy Light elves who should be arrogant and cold to the outside world singing and laughing, the style of painting resembles the festive scene after liberation in the TV series of the Anti-Japanese War.

He really can't stand it...

When he finally left, watching his back gradually disappear into the grass on the edge of Shengyuan Heights, the elf boys and girls suddenly shouted in unison: "Xu Jun! - We will definitely make you the most beautiful legend on the main film continent. !!!”

Xu Jun was so shocked that he almost fell off the steamed bun.

What's more, I am the most beautiful cloud in your sky! ! !

Mud is enough! ! !

However, when Xu Jun arrived in some big cities later, he found that there were bards in the tavern who began to sing songs about the friendship between the brave Xu Jun and the Holy Light Elves. The lyrics were still very beautiful and beautiful, with a melody. There is a sub-elf smell in it.

Xu Jun had a very bad premonition, and then heard the bard introduce that the song was really brought by the caravan from the periphery of Shengyuan Heights.

Really beeping a dog.

Now Xu Jun doesn't know much about his life as an internet celebrity in the future. He rode a steamed bun and left Shengyuan Heights, a place with a large group of enthusiastic Holy Light elves.

Cong Shengyuan Heights goes northwest. The best way to go is the official road from the Golden Banner Empire to the sub-elf tribes and towns outside the Shengyuan Heights. This is also the trade route for other races to trade with the Holy Light Elves. Road checkpoints, and the closer it is to the human country, the more checkpoints, ostensibly to protect the passing caravan from encountering gangs of thieves and robbers, but everyone thinks that this is the way for human officials to generate income.

Every level has to pay the toll, or it is calculated according to the head of the head and the head of the animal - a caravan will never fail to hire a bodyguard, right? Bodyguards also count. Caravans always have ox-drawn carts, right? Cattle and horses also count.

Xu Jun still remembers that when he first went to the sub-elf towns around the Shengyuan Heights to do a mission, he stupidly took the official road... As a result, the money was soft.

At that time, he was still a poor man. He wished he could break a copper coin in half and use it. As a result, half of Yan Guo's money was donated to the Jinqi Empire.

Later, he became familiar with this place, and he never walked on that shit official road again. The money he received was so reasonable, and the infrastructure was just rubbish. If he could build the road into a highway as smooth and reliable, would it be fine? But the road is full of dirt, muddy and difficult to walk when it rains, and it is not a special road. Many times, horses and whips are used to run on it, and as a result, the local sub-elves drive a group of sheep and cows to cross the road, and he has to pay People give way.

This shit.

Later, after he got acquainted here, he never walked the official road again.

He had found it on the map before, and all the supply points in this whole map, that is, the towns and villages and the points for the materials for spawning monsters, can be connected together, so that they can be replenished while brushing, and by the way, put yourself The previous task has been handed in.

This time, Xu Jun is also prepared to brush the past like this.

He patted Mantou on the neck and told him to stop: "Mantou, find a place to hide, I'll go ahead and look for the griffin." Mantou stopped immediately, he could feel that Xu Jun seemed to relax a little. He found that Xu Jun was unusually silent along the way, which made Mantou a little scared, thinking that something had happened, but now Xu Jun has become normal again.

Now that Xu Jun spoke to him in the same tone as before, he would easily tell him "be careful", as if he didn't care about the monster he was about to challenge at all. Although Mantou is a very young Moonlight Colt, the inheritance he has accepted tells him that the gryphons, saluman snakes, two-headed cocksnakes that Xu Jun challenged are all very powerful monsters, and they are high-level like the Moonlight Colts. , but unlike Moonshine, they eat meat and are therefore much more ferocious.

Mantou's parents told him when he was very young that, as a moonlight foal, the most important thing in life is stability. Their herbivorous beasts can't beat the carnivorous beasts of the same level no matter what, although an adult male Moonlight The foal may fight for the female beast, but it will not endanger life, so as a moonlight foal, no matter what, it cannot provoke all the high-level monsters! ! !

Mantou's parents are the best in their line of moonlight horses. His father is even the patriarch, who can also be called a king. His father's strength is very strong, he can kick the lightning leopard with his hoofs and dare to attack him, but even his father , and has always walked around the griffin.

The young mantou was very dissatisfied with this life that seemed to be settled, and he did not want to live such a life.

Then he met Xu Jun.

They hit it off instantly, and the way Xu Jun was fighting with the bipedal dragon with a dagger in his hand made Mantou very envious: the bipedal flying dragon is a middle-level monster, but the strength of the adult bipedal flying dragon is always much stronger than that of the juvenile moonlight foal Mantou, his parents Teach him to play dead when he sees a flying dragon.

As for Xu Jun, at that time Xu Jun didn't look strong, he still looked like a human teenager, but he used terrain and a dagger to hack an adult flying dragon to death.

The black blood of the bipedal flying dragon was stained with Xu Jun's blood, and the young mantou looked hot.

After that, after obtaining permission from the clan, Mantou ran away with Xu Jun.

He ignorantly knows how to think: This may be the best decision he has ever made in his life.

Xu Jun really took him to a different life. He was still a moonlight colt and couldn't fight against high-level monsters, but he ran fast and became the best partner with Xu Jun.

The last time Xu Jun asked him to hide, he went to kill the Demon King Luo Xienke, accomplishing a feat that no one in this world has ever done before.

This time he is going to challenge a new gryphon.

Mantou watched Xu Jun leave, and he found a shade of a tree to hide himself under. Herbivorous monsters are very sensitive to smells, and Mantou knows that there are absolutely no other monsters nearby. As for those forest cats that were foraging not far away... He could kill ten of them with a single kick, no virtual.

Will Xu Jun bring griffin feathers as trophies this time

Looking forward to it~(≧▽≦)/~

Mantou waited for a long time, and when he saw Xu Jun limping out of the forest, he panicked immediately and ran out regardless of Xu Jun's instructions.

The author has something to say: Demon King Xixi: So, is my full name really hard to remember

Jun Jun brave and many readers: super-difficult-!

Demon King Xixi (knocking on the blackboard): Let's see, how can people remember the steamed bread? It means that you don't remember carefully! Go back and copy it a hundred times! ! !