Never Thought You’d Be This Kind of Hero!

Chapter 89: Demon King and Hero


The smile of His Majesty the Dark Lord Rosienke was softer than ever before.

From the perspective of the icefield lord Weizer standing outside the door, their Majesty the Demon King is smiling at a dark crystal ball and an ordinary parchment book. for the sake of becoming friendly.

The icefield lord raised his elbow and poked the abyss lord beside him. He was slightly shorter than the abyss lord, so he just poked the abyss lord's stomach: "Searle, why do you think Your Majesty has such a... expression?"

When it comes to expressions, the icefield lord, who has always been serious and serious, has a look that can be called "distorted". For him, it is not a good thing for His Majesty the Demon King to laugh like this.

The abyss lord Sel was poked and bent over. Since the dark abyss was completely cleaned, he often felt stomach pains in addition to feeling that he had no clothes on. It was as if the ice lord was cleaning the dark abyss. It's like he grabbed his stomach and washed it.

... He originally wanted to come back to report and complain, but Wei Ze not only did not express sympathy for his experience, but also asked him to pay the cleaning fee quickly.

- Is this what people do! ! !

For example, now, the Lord of the Icefield doesn't take his stomach aching seriously at all, and still stabs him casually as before.

The abyss lord Searle took a deep look at the icefield lord and wondered how a Weizer could become like this, but then he continued: "You have been with your majesty during this time, and your majesty is here. You know who you want."

Icefield Lord Weizer's expression seemed to be constipated for a moment.

In fact, Weizer knows exactly who His Majesty the Demon King Rosienke is thinking about. Is there any other possibility besides the human hero Xu Jun? During this time, he also often discussed with his colleagues about the brave man. At the beginning, I talked to the fear lord and the flame lord. The fear lord lazily said that His Majesty the Demon King is already old, even if he wants to find a foreigner to fall in love, it is normal, while the flame lord expresses very sadness.

"I like that human... He looks really good, alas, I used to seduce him." The Flame Lord, who finally grew his neck after eating and drinking for many days, said sadly.

After saying these words, the air in the entire hall became cold. The Icefield Lord and the other three looked back and saw His Majesty the Demon King Rossienke walking past the door.

He heard it.

As a result, the Fire Lords and Dread Lords were sent to the front lines of the Northern Alliance, and the Abyss Lords were called back to report.

... What is the job description, isn't it that you don't want to let your "rival in love" dangle in front of your eyes

This method has been complained about privately by the Icefield Lord for a long time, but no matter how he complained, His Majesty the Demon King's behavior is very effective. The flame lord has been counseled since then. The night before she left, she cried and said to the icefield lord: "I will never dare to touch your majesty's people in the future QAQ"

The lord of the icefield was angry: "What is your majesty's person!!!"

Flame Lord, if you can't speak, don't speak! ! !

However, according to the flame lord, she really loved the brave Xu Jun's upright and beautiful skin, and she really seduced him. Of course, her technique is very advanced, not comparable to those furry children who just learned charm and want to use it. At that time, she asked Xu Jun to have a dream, in which people's mind will be neglected, so it is easier to succeed.

In the dream, she released the triple temptation, money power and beauty.

"I'll be honest, the brave Xu Jun is not fundamentally different from other humans I've seen. I think his essence is just a superficial person. Because of the first temptation for money, he almost didn't run out. He looked up and down. He watched the flying gold coins for a long time. He didn't want the second temptation power, maybe he knew that he didn't have that ability. The third temptation... it was me."

"His eyes were in a trance, and he was almost on my body. It was no different from any ordinary man. I heard him muttering a name, and finally showed a puzzled expression. At this time, there was a sudden thunder in the sky. Now, he'll wake up."

At that time, the icefield lord Weizer squinted at the flame lord: "It seems that you are not charming enough, little girl."

The little girl hummed: "... I almost succeeded... Alas, that brave man looks really good _(:зゝ∠)_"

It would be nice if it was successful, there would not be so many things after that.

The Icefield Lord didn't say much. Now that the Flame Lord's body has not grown out yet, everything is poking at her sore spot. So the flame lord was carried away by the fear lord, and returned for the abyss lord.

This is a good thing.

The Pit Lord knows humans very well, after all, he has had several human lovers... although none of them died well. After His Majesty the Demon King was reborn and led them to fight against humans, the abyss lord often did not do his job properly. He would wander around in human cities and ask him where he was going.

Icefield Lord Weizer said that he didn't understand at all.

But about Xu Jun, Weizer still talked to the abyss lord.

"Searle, I'm very worried, did that guy named Xu Jun give His Majesty some ecstasy..."

The abyss lord Sear frowned exaggeratedly: "Oh, Weizer, you didn't realize that this is the role of love."

God's special love.

And now, when Wei Ze, Lord of the Icefield, secretly saw the rare smile of His Majesty the Demon King outside the door, he couldn't help thinking in his heart: Maybe, maybe, probably, His Majesty really fell in love with that human being.

... The old leg of the God of Darkness, is there any reason for such a thing to happen

And the abyss lord Seer also seemed to have a lot of emotion: "I don't believe and don't want this kind of thing to happen... Believe me, but we can try to contact the brave Xu Jun, what kind of person is he? , you have to know to know.”

He thought for a while, and added: "I'm also very interested in that Xu Jun."

It may be because he has too much dark history. When he said this sentence, it seemed that he was not interested but interested. The Icefield Lord Weizer gave him a cold look: "Then you will be the same as the Flame Lord. end."

Abyss Lord Sel: _(:зゝ∠)_

"But before you leave, you must pay me the cleaning fee."

"… Can we forget about that?!"

Xu Jun sneezed three times on his face.

"Who cares about me?" He rubbed his eyes, tears coming out. The Bone Bird was placed in the leather bag on his waist. Because of the large space for the backpack, the belt was only used as a utility bag. There are some coins in a mess, and a few small bottles of potions for emergencies.

I don't know why the Bone Bird was judged as a "creature", so it couldn't be put into the space backpack, but the leather bag was too small, and it was bulging after putting it in.

Xu Jun was also worried that the little guy would be screaming for some reason, but the bone bird just looked at Xu Jun with its black beanie eyes, but with a grunt in its mouth, it shrank its neck and feet, which matched Xu Jun's movements very well.

"...Really obedient." Although there was only one skeleton left, Xu Jun still felt a sense of cuteness and reached out to scratch the bird's chin.

The leather bag was squeezed out of a strange shape. Fortunately, Ska and the others didn't pay attention. Jace seemed to see something, and his playful eyes fixed Xu Jun's gaze. Xu Jun said that his thick skin was not false.

The city lord Newt of Montama City was leaning on crutches. He came by a carriage. Unlike the few gorgeous and exaggerated carriages parked at the entrance of the Hehuan Garden, the city lord’s carriage was too simple, even the one that Scar sat in before. Nothing compares. The size could fit three or four more people, so the Newt City Lord invited Xu Jun and Ska to get into the car, saying that they would go home and thank the two benefactors who saved the Newt family.

But he was very harsh on his children, and let them run back and think about whether they did the right thing today.

Irene was okay, Cole was obviously very unhappy, and the boy pouted in dissatisfaction.

Xu Jun remembered what City Lord Newt had said about "Cole's eldest brother", and secretly wrote it down, ready to ask when he had a chance.

When I was in the wasteland city before, I heard the city owner say that his son was also dead, and it sounded like he was killed in battle.

Ten years ago, there was a big riot in the Divine Favored Continent. It was initiated by the lower-class people and waved swords at the nobles of the Golden Banner Empire and the Snow Blade Kingdom, saying that they wanted to create a world where everyone is equal. But it didn't take long for the rebel army to succumb to internal turmoil.

At that time, many noble children participated in the suppression, including many young nobles from the surrounding free cities.

But it has nothing to do with the current black plague disaster in Mondama City.

Just when Xu Jun decided to go to the City Lord's Mansion to eat food, and by the way, when he was eating there for the past few days, he saw a familiar little figure running from the street, it was Lodina. The child shouted while running: "Uncle Xu Jun! Uncle! Wait! Something big happened!"

Xu Jun apologized to the city lord Newt, and the city lord Newt asked his friend to go first. During this time, it was difficult to find a good hotel in the city. The city lord also knew this very well. Jace and Lance and Mantou might have a place to live.

Xu Jun followed Xiao Luodi to the slum. Luodi was small, but he had a clear mind and was fluent in speech, but now his hands were shaking and his breathing was short: "Uncle Xu Jun, something terrible happened... We are next door. Uncle Marlowe is sick, but it doesn't seem like black disease, he..."

Lodi swallowed his saliva, his voice lowered, as if he was afraid of being heard: "He was swollen, pus, and his face was blue. He didn't speak, but just looked straight at people. Like an undead... Uncle, you said, could it be death coming?"

The child finally finished speaking, and his voice was full of tears: "Grandpa gave that amulet to Uncle Marlow and Aunt Lina. They used it, but it didn't work..."