Never Thought You’d Be This Kind of Hero!

Chapter 93: before inference begins


Cole was very stubborn to his father, and he was much closer to his sister. He just ripped off sister Irene's hand, and his eyes were red like a rabbit: "I'm not wrong, sister."

"I-I've been thinking that way for a long time. Maybe among our three brothers, the father is most satisfied with the eldest brother. If the eldest brother can be resurrected—"

The little boy wiped his tears while speaking angrily, and Irene patted him on the back: "What are you talking about!"

Then he looked back at Xu Jun: "Mr. Xu Jun, please don't mind, my brother is nonsense."

For the death of people, the light gods have a clear explanation. After people die, their souls will be judged to decide whether they go to heaven or hell. The devout believers of the light gods will return to heaven and return to their place. The gods who believe in them; and the pagans and criminals can only go to hell, and there will be no peace forever.

Resurrection does not exist in the teachings of Illuminati and is called "the trick of the evil undead to deceive the people".

If Cole's words are spread by people with a heart, it will have a very bad influence on the current Newt family.

Cole also knew that he had said something wrong, but Xu Jun pressed his head and rubbed it: "Be careful next time you speak, not everyone is as unbelieving in God as I am."

When he was done, he blinked.

Cole and Erin were stunned: What the hell! How dare some people say that they do not believe in God! ! !

Suddenly, Xu Jun became taller in their eyes, and seemed to have completed the transformation from an ordinary person to a non-mainstream second-year teenager.

And the poor old housekeeper, who was forced to listen to a lot of things he shouldn't have listened to, still stood with his hands down, like a petrified quail.

Jace had already run in from the front hall, self-consciously as if this was his home. Like most aristocratic mansions, this is a relatively small manor—it can be considered very luxurious in the city center where every inch of land is expensive. Generally speaking, their real estates are in the countryside, and the land is vast and can be used as desired. , The Garden Racecourse has no shortage of conservatories and cold storages, making it look like a small palace.

For example, the house of Lord Newt in Mondama City seems tight. The garden is a small garden. You can see a small glass botanical garden, which is also a conservatory. The cold storage is underground, opposite the conservatory, together with the warehouse.

Although the sparrow is small, it has all the five internal organs, but the sparrow himself definitely wishes he could be bigger.

The mansion of Lord Newt is a stone castle, and the style from the outside to the inside is similar to the architectural style of the Golden Banner Empire. There are cloisters in the garden. The nobles of the Golden Banner Empire like to plant Senroland vines around the wooden cloisters. They bloom three seasons a year. The small petals are pink and blue, and the little fresh nobles sing poems and talk about love below. , just can't hold it.

The city of Mondama is located in the south, so there is no way to grow Moroccan vines, only the relatives of Moroccan vines.

The pink-purple flowers are like stars, dotted in the green, and there are two small tables under the purple warbler vines surrounded by bear children and horses. Xu Jun always thought that his children were very well-behaved, neither Lance nor Mantou belonged to the category of bear children, but now he saw Mantou nibbling on the little flowers on the vines of the purple warbler with his head up, and Lance also went up to the monkey tree to help him drag it. Branches of vines.

Looking bald.

Xu Junhu grimaced and walked over quickly: "Lance, Mantou, what are you doing?!"

Lance was still sitting on the tree, with his legs crossed, and grabbed a bouquet of flowers from behind: "Dad, we picked flowers for you and gave them to you."

This bouquet... is also a pink-purple flower. Xu Jun looked at the bald Violet Warbler again, clapped his hands, and asked Lance to come down: "Can't you know this in the future? This is someone else's flower, how can you just take care of it? What about picking? There are also steamed buns! Hurry up and stop stealing them!"

Mantou hummed: "The matter of the brave... Can it be considered a steal..."

"—You're not a hero either!!!"

Xu Jun felt the distress of being a father for a moment, and could not wait to have a glass of wine and complain to each other with the Lord Newt of Mondama City. Now the children are really becoming more and more disobedient! Still stubborn! What a pity!

The steamed buns went to Jace's side for protection.

Xu Jun sighed: "When the child is old, the steamed buns that are married will spill water."

- The ghost knows how Mantou got married.

No matter how tense it is outside, the garden of Lord Newt is still peaceful and calm. The maid brought tea and coffee, each with a small cake. When she saw Jace sitting at the round table, she couldn't help but blush. Then she looked up and saw Xu Jun. The little girl's steps were chaotic, and she trotted back all the way.

Jace was smiling, but Xu Jun couldn't feel the girl's thoughts. He was still thinking about how to educate little Lance. Strange to say, I was ruthless and never felt any guilt when I was sanguang, but I didn't want Lance to become such a bastard. I guess this is the legendary father's mentality _(:зゝ∠)_

When I thought about it, I immediately felt that I was very good.

So, the awesome Xu Jun took the awesome little Lance to sit at the table and eat snacks.

"The flower you just picked is called Wisteria vine, which belongs to the magic vine family. Like its relative, Senrowan vine, it is the most unpromising among the magic vine family. Remember, you can't pick flowers casually, and Sanguang can't just light it... Most of the flower vines in the vine family are either poisonous or camouflaged, and some of them have evolved into plant monsters. They look beautiful and actually eat people. Do you remember the dead fig vines and Wenqi? They are also vines. …”

The awesome old Xu Jun began to teach his children how to be safe.

Mantou and Lance listened very seriously, especially Mantou. The boy was so frightened by Xu Jun that his eyes changed when he looked at Violet Orioles and Vine Flowers, just like he was looking at a monster.

Erin and Ska came out of the room. They changed their clothes, especially Ska. This guy can be considered to be able to change his ragged clothes that were mixed with battle clothes, and his long red hair was also obedient. The bundle of posts is in the back of the head, and it appears to be very gentle. As long as this guy doesn't talk and doesn't get impatient, if he just stands quietly, he still has a noble temperament.

I don't know what he and Irene just said, their faces were a little red, and they didn't dare to look at each other's faces.

"Your relationship is really good." Irene watched Xu Jun educate Lance. Although she didn't understand what they were saying, she still sighed.

Xu Jun shut his mouth a little embarrassed.

I can't tell people that I was just discussing how to take care of other people's flowers...

But Irene obviously just wanted to bring up her own topic. The girl sighed and sat down at the round table. It was already dusk, the sun was sinking down the mountain, but it was more illuminating than the morning sun. The burning sky was blood red. Ska opened the small umbrella in his hand, and Qiqi Ai helped Irene to hold it.

Very stupid.

"It must have scared you all just now," Irene said tiredly, putting her hand on her forehead, "My father and Cole... They will quarrel in a few days, and we are all used to it."

"Our mother left very early. It was about eleven years ago. At that time, a plague broke out in the city. My mother... did not survive. The following year, there was a large-scale uprising within the Golden Banner Empire, and the empire called on the nobles. Going to war, and our Newt family was affiliated to the Golden Flag Empire hundreds of years ago, knowing that we also regard the empire as a backer now, of course we have the responsibility to do things for the empire.”

"Me and Cole's older brother... Red Newt, he was drafted into the army and died in infighting. After that, my family completely changed. Sometimes I really feel like my life is a dream."

Irene raised her head slightly, half of her face was hidden in the shadows, her eyes were dull, but she immediately cheered up: "I'm sorry, I really want to start complaining unconsciously, I hope this won't affect everyone's mood... "

Xu Jun opened the topic: "Does the plague eleven years ago have anything to do with the black disease this time?"

Irene thought for a while: "No, I think it's two diseases, sir. Eleven years ago... It seems that it was because the weather was too hot and the water ghosts breed in the moat, and the river water was polluted. That time the city lost Nearly one-tenth of the people died, and some migrated to live in other places. The black disease may be more terrifying than that. I discussed the black disease with Miss Anna from the church, and we both thought it was very ominous. "

Ska answered: "Miss Anna is a nun of the church."

"We all feel that this is somewhat similar to the description of the 'Doomsday Disaster' in the Bright Prophecy... It's like the undead crawling out of the ground. But Miss Anna also has black disease. She hasn't gone out for three or four days. I'll go. When she was looking for her, she was always reluctant to see me, saying she was afraid of infecting me." Irene frowned and bit her lower lip lightly, as if she was struggling to keep talking.

In the end, she decided to trust Senior Xu Jun.

"Sometimes I can hear strange noises in the garden at night, it seems to be coming from beside the warehouse, it's not like a human voice, it's not like a bird call, it's a bit like the roar of some beast, but more Horribly hoarse, my father and Cole both said I heard it wrong, but it was the wind."

—Come on, it’s finally time for the official appearance of the famous detective Xu Jun.

Xu Jun glanced at the garden for a week and saw three crows fell from two big trees, and a small wooden tablet was erected under one tree, with four words written on it: "Hani's Tomb."

"Haney was Red's hound when he was alive, and then Cole and I, who died of old age two years ago," Erin said.

Xu Jun had a very bad guess in his heart.

No, according to his current knowledge of the black disease - this is probably not just a conjecture.

So that night, while sleeping in the guest room, Xu Jun couldn't help but took out the bone bird and told his old enemy, His Majesty the Demon King on the other side of his thoughts.