Never Thought You’d Be This Kind of Hero!

Chapter 94: Be safe


In the middle of the night, Xu Jun rolled around on the bed. The rooms in the Newt City Lord's Mansion are very well furnished. The bed is covered with a blanket of mint velvet, which is cool to sleep on in summer and covered with a blanket. It is like turning on the air conditioner to 16 degrees in summer, and then covering it with an air-conditioning quilt. .

This is completely different from sleeping in the wild a few days ago. You don’t need to keep vigils, you don’t need to light monsters, and you don’t need to worry about elemental storms. Although large-scale elemental storms rarely occur in the human kingdom, even a small The tornado can also bring incalculable damage to adventurers in the wild.

Xu Jun is very familiar with and used to all this. He likes adventures in the wild, just as leisurely as wandering the streets of the city, but I have to say that it is still uncomfortable to stay in the wild for a long time.

In the guest room of the Newt City Lord's Mansion, the maid also put a glass of ice water and a glass of wine on the bedside table very intimately. Many people here like to drink before going to bed.

Xu Jun finally took out the bone bird.

It wasn't because of what Erin said about voices in the garden. Even if what he imagined is true, there are undead creatures in this city that will bring disaster... Then there is a way to solve this matter. The worst thing about this thing is that the whole city will die, but what Xu Jun is going to do now may make things worse.

Now he actually... wants to ask the Demon King for help.

It was that Demon King, His Majesty the Dark Demon Lord Rosienke, and Xu Jun, as a brave man, actually wanted to ask him for help.

It's so ridiculous.

But the unusual weather in the city, the gathering dark elements that Jace had said, the black disease that turned a man into an undead creature, the bishop's bizarre behavior, all seemed to portend an ominous truth. Xu Jun gritted his teeth, lifted the bone bird, and looked at it.

- At this moment, he thought that his behavior was ridiculous. Even if he wanted to communicate with the other party, why should the other party ignore him? The Bone Bird's eyes are photographic crystals, which are connected to things like crystal balls, but who knows if the Demon King Rosienke has opened the connection now? Who knows if he's looking at the crystal ball

This is not a real video chat _(:зゝ∠)_

I don't know why, but my mood suddenly became worse.

Almost in the mood that the other party could not open the photographic crystal, Xu Jun's eyes lit up when he saw the bone bird Hei Doudou.

This is a sign of a successful connection.

Xu Jun stammered at the small eyes of the photographic crystal, the bone bird.

"Hello, Luo... Your Majesty the Demon King Enke," when he was nervous, he forgot the other party's name again, the four words are really hard to remember _(:зゝ∠)_: "I am in Montama City now, Had some problems, and I thought maybe you'd be interested."

Bone Bird's head was motionless, and he looked at Xu Jun as quietly as a chicken. For some reason, being stared at by this little thing in the middle of the night, he felt strangely relieved.

"Mondama City has a disease called black disease, which can kill people. This black disease should have something to do with the dark elements, and it seems that it can not only kill people, but also if combined with other things. I also have an idea about what conditions it needs to meet to turn people into undead creatures, but I’m not sure yet… What happened in Montama City was not a natural disaster, but a man-made disaster, but generally no one would do such a thing.”

"I suspect these things... may have something to do with religion."

It's a big thing when you say this. Religion is the religion of light in the final analysis. As a human hero, he actually told the devil of the devil that he suspects that there is a problem with the religion of light. Send, if the other party wants to use this to do something, he only needs to record his next words, and the witnesses and materials are all there.

When Xu Jun faced the giant dragon, when there was still a trace of blood left in the battle to the end, he had never been so nervous, but now he had difficulty breathing, his throat was dry, and he could hardly speak.

I can't tell if I'm worried that the person on the other side won't believe me, or I've ignored him from the beginning, or I've sold him. Although the latter is cruel, it's normal in this world. After all, he killed someone once. Well, people can't stop themselves when they want to take revenge.

"I suspect Carloman, the bishop of Montama City... no longer believes in the God of Light, and has become a pagan. He may now believe in the undead... the god of the undead?"

The bishop of Yicheng actually changed his beliefs, which is a huge stain that can be written into the history of the Light Sect.

But for the Light Sect, even if this matter is true, they would rather suppress the bishop's matter and resolve it internally, rather than let outsiders know a little bit of news.

After Xu Jun finished speaking, he pursed his lips tightly, waiting for the executioner's verdict like a slaughtered animal.

But Rosienke was not his executioner.

So Xu Jun heard a young, gentle and majestic male voice strangely sounded in his mind: "Don't be afraid, Xu Jun."

After the guy comforted him, he continued: "Maybe you like to record other people's stories, just like you did with those horse thieves at the time... But don't worry, I don't like to do this kind of thing."

This kind of familiar style with no bullshit but just wanting to scold him made Xu Jun almost cry: "Should I thank you?!"

The Demon King Rosienke felt quite humble: "No, it is also my responsibility to educate young people like you."

Time suddenly seems to have returned to two months ago. At that time, His Majesty the Demon King pretended to be Prince Ryan... Although he is indeed Prince Ryan, the noble and glamorous Demon King also became amused in Xu Jun's body. Than, and often do the virtues of the dean, and regard it as his duty to educate the brave.

Xu Jun completely relaxed now, only to realize that the cold sweat on his back had soaked his pajamas, so he took off his pajamas and wiped the sweat on his back like a towel with the silk clothes: "What's the responsibility, you say What's your responsibility? You just ran away without saying a word, hey, you heartless man..."

Luo Xienke laughed and scolded: "What nonsense is it!"

The distance between Dark Abyss and Mondama City is almost halfway across the continent, so it is already midnight in Mondama City, while Dark Abyss is still noon. However, the demon family is not used to working under the sun. Although the demon king Luo Xienke is not an ordinary demon, he does not like the sun either.

If Xu Jun hadn't disturbed him, he should be taking a nap now.

Of course, now his body is also "napping". Using a bone bird to peep at each other is a way to get close, but he wants to get close to Xu Jun, but he can't only use this method. After the demon entered the human soul, he left a passageway. As long as he wanted, he could invade the human body at any time.

But this is extremely unsafe, because while he is "parking" his soul in someone else's body, his own body is defenseless and easily destroyed.

This can be much more expensive than long distance calls.

- The Lord of the Icefields must not know about this, he will go mad.

The Demon King Rosienke thought.

But what he said to Xu Jun was serious.

"As the bishop of the Light God Cult, if he is only ambitious, he can choose to climb up, such as exchanging the taxes of Montama City for the opportunity to return to the Golden Banner Empire, and if he can become a place close to the Holy City The bishop's words are very close to the power center of the Light God Cult, and there is no need for him to have anything to do with the undead."

"But it's different if he's converted, whether he's actually converted or if he's just… turned his ambitions in a different direction."

Xu Jun's voice was heavy: "Under the God of Darkness... Are there any gods alive to this day?"

—That was the question he finally wanted to ask.

As a human being, it is unreasonable to talk about the affairs of one's own race to foreigners, and to ask very private questions like the other party.

Xu Jun heard Luo Xienke answer him like this: "No god can live till now."

The big stone in his heart fell, very heavy.

Rosienke interrupted his thoughts with a smile: "It's true, I didn't lie to you. No gods can live forever, but they may not necessarily die completely. After the battle of gods and demons, most gods fell and died. , but others are simply slumbering, 'resurrected' by any possible trigger."

"I want to thank you, Xu Jun."

Then, he let out a burst of hearty laughter in Xu Jun's heart.

"The only one who can make a bishop convert his faith without hesitation is the one who committed a serious crime - His Majesty Heller, the god of darkness, who woke up from a deep slumber. When he died, the godhead fell into the dark abyss Inside, he was squeezed and buried, no one found him, and now he is alive, so he also took away the godhead."

Rosienke then remembered that when he was very young, he was indeed fortunate to have seen the divine personality of His Majesty the God of Darkness. Like a hexagonal black gem, the size of the palm of the hand, it contains the most real darkness in the entire world. He was oppressed and breathless just by looking at it.

But that was him when he was young. At that time, he only had the identity of the Demon King.

The strange potholes left after the dark abyss devoured evil spirits and were cleaned up were originally inexplicable, but now they matched Xu Jun's conception.

After the two sides finished their business, their hearts were a little heavy. Xu Jun originally thought that Bishop Carloman was just hooked up by some little god, but now he learned that it might be the god of darkness himself, and his face turned green. Damn, this is not Gurana, God of Darkness! This god of darkness, Helle, is a bully who fights against the sun god!

_(:зゝ∠)_ Heaven is going to kill me.

Luo Xienke exited the brave Xu Jun's brain. He didn't sleep for a nap, but he was refreshed and had a feeling that his soul was nourished, and suddenly wanted to go out to bask in the sun.

In fact, the sun is still very comfortable.