Never Thought You’d Be This Kind of Hero!

Chapter 99: Red Newt


Xu Jun didn't know what was behind him, and the Carloman City Lord finally let out his last breath - he wanted to turn others into undead, but he forgot himself, so he died, and there was no "resurrection" at all possibility.

Just now, Bishop Carloman's words as if he had been brainwashed by a cult also revealed a lot of information. He may have really believed in the God of Light, but he was kidnapped by Helle, the God of Darkness, and he changed his beliefs. He has a big boss, and he is going to use the city of Mondama as a cult den. He wants to create a large number of undead and help his newly recognized boss to do things.

Before Rosienke... The Dark Demon King also said that Helle, the God of Darkness, was probably reborn, and now it seems that this may be a recent thing.

But why Montama City

"Xu Jun..." When he was thinking, someone called his name from behind. The voice was hoarse and unpleasant like an old duck. As soon as Xu Jun turned his head, he saw the inhuman Newt City Lord.

The city lord who has ruled the city of Montama for many years has not been able to survive the double blow of darkness and light - in fact, it is not easy for him to survive until now. It also gave him a trace of life. If there were only dark elements, he might have already become an undead.

"A good person, why do you want to be an undead?" Xu Jun sighed, but he thought of the elder brother who died young in the mouth of Cole and Irene, and also thought of the high-level death knight he met in the corridor before... He probably I thought of the reason why the Newt City Lord did this.

Cole and Irene's eldest brother, Red Newt, was already a high-level knight when he died in battle. Such a person would not be a low-level demon if he turned into an undead demon, but could become a death knight of the same level.

Death knights are completely different from demons, they are nobles among demons. If you want to become a death knight, you must either be born a demon and then train hard to become a death knight, or you are a warrior of other races.

Therefore, in the eyes of the believers of the Light God Cult, such a thing as "resurrection" is an evil act of great treason, and the undead demons are regarded as objects of greed for life and fear of death.

But for Xu Jun... This is actually not much different from changing nationality.

There was silence in the hall, the candle flames were extinguished, and the brilliance of the Holy Spirit's potion burned the blood and demon patterns in the hall to ashes, giving off the smell of burning pot. Xu Jun walked very carefully, he didn't want to destroy everything here, because this place was still useful.

The bishop of Montama City turned to the god of darkness. This is a big event for the Light God Cult, and it is also a huge scandal. It is much more serious than the carnival tree vine that the bishop buys and sells.

The nuns and monks in this church may have also been killed, so there is no witness to what Bishop Carloman did. The Light God Religion is such a face-saving religion, they may clean up in Mondama City, and then secretly do some tricks to make the economy of Mondama City even more depressed - the city owner of Mondama City has just died, he His son is young and immature, unable to carry the burden, and the city will really fall apart by then.

And the affairs of Bishop Carloman and the Dark God Cult will naturally be buried by the dust of history.

Don't say that the Light God Cult can't do such a thing, in fact, they have done much more than this.

The slaughter of the pagans involved thousands of people each time. In the past, there was a witch association that was dissatisfied with the church's many dogmas and openly confronted it. In the end, all the members of the association were tied to the sun and sacrificed.

Said to be a sacrifice, in fact, is to burn alive.

When the Snow Blade Kingdom was still an empire in the past, there was a provincial consul in the northern province who said after drinking that the Light Sect was no different from a cult. In the end, the church lost his position, and the family where the consul belonged was also excluded in various ways. , this is nothing, the problem is that the province in the Xueren Empire at the time was a province that was very undisciplined and very remote, because the consul could be reluctant to suppress, but after the consul stepped down, his succession did not do well, the province The internal security is getting worse year by year. After the Snow Blade Empire has shrunk into the Snow Blade Kingdom, the province has almost become a home for criminals and robbers, no different from the tyrannical northern orcs. After that, the province named Mobei became independent when the Snow Blade Empire shrank into a kingdom, and it became the current Mobei Kingdom.

Doesn't the Church of the Light God know what will happen if a competent consul is removed from office? No, they knew very well, but the Xueren Empire was very strong at that time, and the imperial power faintly overwhelmed the divine power. How could the Light God Cult tolerate such a thing

Mobei Province has become Mobei Kingdom, and the unfortunate one is also the Snow Blade Empire. What does it have to do with the Light God Cult

But the people of Mobei Kingdom hate Xue Ren.

This is a political matter, Xu Jun is not very clear. But he is very clear that in the years when Mobei Province was not managed by a strong consul, there were many riots, good people were displaced, and some businessmen went to make war money, making Mobei Province even more chaotic. After that, Mobei Province became independent and became the Mobei Kingdom. The population in the city was seriously lost. A large number of refugees fled to the Snow Blade Kingdom, but they were not properly managed and cared for, and some of them became refugees.

It can be said that after the Snow Blade Empire has shrunk into a kingdom, half of the troubles in the north are caused by Mobei Kingdom.

Mobei Province has become Mobei Kingdom, and Xueren Empire has become Xueren Kingdom. Of course, the twists and turns are not as simple as Xu Jun understands. But the consequences can be seen by everyone. The God of Light is supreme, and their believers are full of kindness, justice and light, but what their high-level officials have done makes people shudder.

There are only two ways to go to Mondama City. One is to whitewash the peace and let the Light God Cult slowly turn the city into a barren city, and the stain of the bishop's apostasy and belief in the Dark God will naturally be covered up; The matter is completely out, let everyone know that the Light God Cult may not like to see Montama City, but they can't do anything to suppress this weather-beaten city, after all, they still know how to make fake faces.

When Denister chatted with Xu Jun before, he had expressed his dissatisfaction with some things within the Light God Cult many times, but he was only a holy son, with the Pope on it, and the Presbyterian Church on the opposite side, so he couldn't do much.

But there are many things, even a young man like Denister who is just 20 years old, knows what he can do and can't do.

Xu Jun looked down at City Lord Newt, who had become bloody, half of his body turned into blood balls, and half of his body had begun to grow pustules: "Is it appropriate to sacrifice your second son and eldest daughter for the resurrection of your eldest son?"

In front of the blood dumplings, the head and arms can still be seen, which is barely human. The eyelid of one of his eyes had fallen off, making it look terrifyingly bulging, and the other eye was bloody, as if he could no longer see.

The protruding eye turned twice and looked at Xu Jun with great difficulty: "Irene and Cole... will also be resurrected..."

Xu Jun understood that the Newt City Lord may not know very much about the undead - also, the city of Montama is not a city close to the dark abyss, and the people here usually don't see the demon undead, and they want to get in touch with these dark creatures Possibly only through books and descriptions of others.

The Lord of Newt was probably deceived by Bishop Carloman. He probably thought that it was easy for people to become undead, but how could that be possible? Not even the Arch Lich can turn other creatures into undead demon creatures without taking any damage.

Xu Jun looked behind City Lord Newt, and a young man in black death knight armor with a long sword in his hand stood there quietly.

He had to shake his head and said to City Lord Newt, "Don't worry, now your eldest son Reid has been resurrected, and Irene and Cole don't have to become undead demons."

City Lord Newt raised his head even harder, and Xu Jun saw that his upper and lower lips had also fallen off, revealing his pale teeth, but the muscles on his cheeks twitched, and he actually smiled: "Yes, that's good, that's good..."

"Kill me," Newt's city lord said in a trembling voice, "I am no longer a human, Mr. Xu Jun, thank you for saving my children... and the city of Montama... Please end my pain... Let me go down Hell."

"When people die, they should die well."

This is the last word that the Newt City Lord left in the world.

His chest was pierced by a sword, but the one who killed him was not Xu Jun, but the young high-ranking death knight, Red Newt.

Weak humans killed by death knights will turn into fly ash because they can't bear the dark elements. Half of City Lord Newt's body was still human, and the other half was shattered by his eldest son in Xu Jun's sigh.

"I think this way he will have some dignity." Xu Jun said.

Red didn't speak. As a human being, at the hands of someone who is also a human being, this is considered a death in an infighting, and death at the hands of a death knight can still be considered a sacrifice.

"Pray in your human body that... the merciful God of Light washes away all sinful souls."

As the young death knight said so, a tear fell from his eye, and his pale cheeks were bloodless. Unlike his father, he is completely unable to return to the embrace of light.

"Thank you," In the end, Reid bowed and saluted Xu Jun, following the etiquette of a human knight, showing how well-bred and graceful he was a young man when he was a human knight: "If you don't subdue first, With Carloman, I can't be free."

—Although it is a high-level death knight, it is a "creation" after all. His creator is the bishop of Carloman. As long as the old bishop does not die or voluntarily sets him free, he can only be a bodyguard or a mercenary.

Xu Jun felt that Reid was really miserable. His father was deceived and fascinated and committed a serious crime that could destroy the city. After his resurrection, he became the most shameless dark creature ever. But he still had a question: "Reid, didn't the Holy Spirit medicine just now affect you?"

"Although it's diluted a thousand times, but... you're just a high-level death knight?"

Reid: "… "

Are high-level death knights weak? ! ! !