Night Ranger

Chapter 101: The sixth pearl


The four iron guards who returned to the elf capital left with the young man, and Marvin didn't know his name from the beginning to the end.

Ollie also left soon. She shouldered the duty of guarding the Chiba Forest, and there was an unscrupulous red road exile breaking in. She had to catch him as soon as possible.

Although she may not be the opponent's opponent, she must do so.

Only two elven iron guards remained on the scene, and they were ordered by Oli to escort the elven prince back to the stone giant's territory.

No one dared to disobey the orders Nicholas personally issued. So does Ollie.

However, Ibrahimovic looked at the two elf iron guards with a look of pity:

"Have you ever offended Ollie? That narrow-minded woman?"

The two elf iron guards looked at each other, and there was a bit of a wry smile in their voices: "Your Highness Ibrahimovic, please don't make things difficult for us."

"Relax," Ibrahimovic said casually.

With a snap, he dropped the iron sword in his hand to the ground.

"Don't say I'm bullying you, look, I'm unarmed now, this is your chance."

Ibrahimovic blinked, and the two elf iron guards had no choice but to rush forward!

It is really annoying to let them arrest their own prince with their own hands—but in fact, what is even more depressing is that they all know that this prince is a genius who touched the quasi-legend thirty years ago.

Although part of his power should have been sealed by Sir Nicholas, it was simply not something the two elf iron guards could deal with.

That's why Eevee asked if the two poor elf iron guards had offended her.

When the two sides fought, Ibrahimovic's movements were as fast as lightning, and his wrist was extremely dexterous. He actually snatched the opponent's weapon from one of the elf iron guards in the blink of an eye!


Seeing this scene, Marvin, who was packing up the few spoils left on Black Jack, also showed a surprised face.

This trick is so powerful...

It must be a very powerful skill to be able to directly take the weapon from the opponent's hand!

Only those who have experienced it know how dangerous it is. Sharp cold weapons will not show mercy to warm skin.

However, Ibrahimovic's movements were so easy, a simple wrist cut directly took away the opponent's weapon.

The key is that this movement is also very chic and elegant.

"As expected of an elf prince, maybe it's a talent skill..."

Marvin guessed in his heart. He has seen similar skills in monks and boxers, but there is no one as light as the Ibrahimovic used.

Over there, the elf prince molested the two iron guards, and here Marvin basically packed up the things left by Black Jack.

Blackjack is a very discreet guy and keeps most of his stuff in a storage device.

This storage device is also equipped with a self-destruct device. With the death of Blackjack, the dimensional space in the device is automatically destroyed, and all items automatically flow to the astral world.

But even so, Marvin still found something from Black Jack.

The first is the pair of machetes he used. This pair of scimitars is very heavy, much heavier than ordinary scimitars. In the ranger system, probably only the [Black Butcher] profession can support such a heavy scimitar. Although Ma Wen can't use it, it's not bad to throw it into the Void Conch and give it away later or simply sell it for a good price.

After all, the texture of this pair of scimitars called "Death" is almost the same as that of "Tang".

Then there is a wallet made of lizard skin. The wallet is very delicate, and Black Jack chose to hide it close to his body, probably because it has special meaning to him, and it may have been given to him by someone who is very important to him...Of course, all of this is Marvin's guess.

The lizard's skin is fireproof, so it wasn't damaged. When Marvin burned the corpse, he thought about it. Good things will not be burned by flames, and what will be burned are useless things.

However, the moment Marvin opened the Water Lizard wallet, he was completely stunned by the number of wizard gold coins inside!

"Although it has long been known that a wallet made of water lizard skin can store a large amount of gold coins, and has a simple space superimposition effect."

"And I also know that the killer Black Jack must have made a lot of money."

"but… "

Marvin looked at the wizard gold coins in his wallet and remained silent.

But more than two hundred wizard gold coins are too exaggerated, right? !

This is 200,000 silver coins!

What kind of chamber of commerce did Black Jack rob to get so much money

"etc… "

Marvin suddenly thought of something. Black Jack was originally a member of the Shadow Spider Society, but now he has chosen to be an advanced red road exile... This means that he was abandoned by the Shadow Spider Society.

With the means of the Shadow Spider Club, such disobedient members will basically be exterminated.

"This guy, with so much money, wouldn't it be that he robbed a branch controlled by the Shadow Spider?"

Marvin thought about it in an instant.

But no matter what, it is still very good to have such a large sum of money in your own hands. At least the financial crisis in the White River Valley can be alleviated.

It's just that these wizard gold coins were very valuable before the cataclysm, but after the cataclysm, they will depreciate sharply. It has to be spent as quickly as possible.

In addition to the water lizard purse, Marvin also found a hot iron shelf painted with red paint, which was a token of the exiles from the Red Road.

Finally, a shimmer necklace.

Marvin's necklace is the scar of the moon, which can provide some moonlight vision, but now that he has dark vision, the scar of the moon can basically be thrown back to the warehouse.

The effect of this shimmering necklace is also very ordinary, it only provides [Cleansing] three times a day, but the appearance is more beautiful, I think girls will like it very much.

Just when Marvin was hesitating whether to wear this necklace, he suddenly discovered something unexpected!

This is a string of small pearl necklaces, each pearl is black, except for one pearl in the center, which is pure white.

Inside the white pearl, a small fish could faintly swim; but if you stare at it for a long time, you will find that this may be your own illusion, and there is no small fish.

Ma Wen's heart moved, and his eyes fixed on the white pearl.


[Reconnaissance (35) skill is being activated... ]

[Reconnaissance failed...]

[Reconnaissance result: This pearl may have a great origin, or it may be worthless. If you want to know more, you need a professional pearl appraiser to give professional advice.]

Scouting failed!

Marvin showed a smile.

I didn't expect to get this white pearl here!

Marvin is very familiar with this thing. If he guessed correctly, this white pearl is one of the unlocking keys of a hidden copy—[Cursed Pearl Island]!

There are six similar pearls in total. Most of them are distributed around Jewel Bay.

At the beginning, Ma Wen spent a lot of time and money to collect these six pearls. He bought the last pearl at a high price from a player from another place, who refused to tell him about it. source of pearls.

Swimming fish... Ma Wen was almost certain that this was the sixth pearl!

Pearl Island, Pearl Island, although it is a cursed place, there are many treasures inside!

Especially that legendary item!

"It seems that the next trip to Gemstone Bay must be put on the agenda!"

Ma Wen secretly hid the sixth pearl, thinking in his heart.

"It's really boring. I know the result and still have to struggle. These guys have been brainwashed by the old guy, so old-fashioned to death."

On the other side, Ibrahimovic easily knocked down the two elf iron guards, and he didn't forget to say something.

Marvin stood up casually and looked at the elf prince: "Is it too unkind to be so mean to a woman who loves me so much?"

Ibrahimovic froze for a moment, then looked at Marvin playfully: "How did you see that, kid?"

"Any fool can see that girl named Ollie, the way she looks at you is too obvious." Marvin said.

"Oh, a precocious child." Ibrahimovic laughed and said, "Oli is a good girl, and she has a great figure."

Marvin nodded in agreement.

Ibrahimovic said: "So, in order not to let her die at the hands of that red road exile, show your true skills."

"Help me find the outcast from the Red Road."

Marvin frowned: "What are you talking about?"

"There's no need to pretend." Ibrahimovic's eyes were bright: "I see the extra blessing of the Night King in you."

"The ability called [Night Tracking] should be able to help me find the enemy."

"Otherwise, why do you think I've stayed here for so long, just waiting for dark."

While speaking, the sky gradually darkened.

(Just to clarify, the latest update, until three days later before it goes on the shelves, will have one chapter each at 0:00 and 12:00. By the way, let’s warm up, May 1st, once the VIP system is activated in the background, I will update two chapters immediately , the tenth update on the day it was put on the shelf, each chapter is more than 3,000 words. Readers who say they are unhappy now bear with it for a while, and it will explode soon.)