Night Ranger

Chapter 109: Territory status [third update! ]


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A big power like the Tower of Ashes has a certain amount of weight in the entire south, and forming an alliance with a small White River Valley is a ridiculous thing in itself.

If Marvin hadn't found the Book of Naaru for Hathaway, and Hathaway had misunderstood Marvin's identity as a Awakened One, this kind of thing would never have been accomplished.

In the eyes of outsiders, this matter is very strange.

The weirder something is, the more attention it attracts. This simple alliance announcement has attracted a lot of attention.

At the same time, Marvin's deeds also began to come into the eyes of everyone.

His outrageous performance in the third ring tower before adding it. It's hard not to get people's imaginations flowing.

Most people think that Marvin and Hathaway have a very special relationship. It was no wonder that the purple-robed wizard who loved Hathaway showed such hostility towards Marvin.

"Sure enough, the tree attracts the wind."

Marvin gave a wry smile.

Now he has some reputation. But what these reputations brought to him may not be all good things.

After so many days, what I did in the tower of the third ring has probably spread to River Beach City, right

Those who are interested should be able to guess the relationship between the double mask and Baron Marvin. If you are smarter, you will probably think that these two people are the same person!

He is the identity of the double-knife mask, and he may be suspected.

But Marvin wasn't worried. This kind of thing is not a big deal.

What's more, there are so many people using scimitars in this world, it's not difficult to explain it as a coincidence.

He wrote a letter back. Let the two phantom assassins wear masks, disguise themselves, and do a few things in the river beach city.

Anyway, as long as you beat yourself to death and refuse to admit it, others will be suspicious at best.

After becoming famous, Marvin can be regarded as a person of status in the south, which is still helpful for some plans he will implement next.

His regional popularity has increased rapidly. There is one more at the end:

[Your deeds are known, regional reputation +2]

[Regional Fame (Young Night Walker) (Forest of Chiba)]: You helped the elves to take revenge successfully and killed two exiles from the Red Road. Your reputation among the wood elves has increased rapidly.

This is the prestige obtained by Marvin's third identity, and it can be used when necessary.

"How sure are you about the Holy Grail battle in three days' time?"

Hathaway asked suddenly.

Marvin recovered from the data panel. Said firmly: "One hundred percent."

"Arrogance." Hathaway said disdainfully: "Don't think that the awakened are invincible. You don't even know your opponent, so you dare to make such a conclusion?"

"Do you know that the Tower of Thunder and the Tower of Artisans have made sufficient preparations for you?"

Marvin shook his head, but he still said confidently, "Anyone can make preparations."

"Obviously, I was more prepared than they were."

"The snow mountain terrain is different from the forest." Hathaway frowned: "I'm still curious, where did your natural self-confidence come from? Wizard is the most powerful profession..."

Marvin interrupted, "That's all for now."

Hathaway gave him a bitter look: "Okay, now!"

She also saw part of the tragedy after the shattering, and the news recently came from the legendary wizard council that this catastrophe seems to be unstoppable, and even Lord Anthony has fallen.

After the catastrophe, wizards may indeed face decline.

"But no matter what, you will face the strongest players from the other two academies. Their spellcasting ability is much stronger than your brother—although I don't want to admit it, but Magor Academy is indeed the worst among the three academies. Maybe it has something to do with my lazy management."

Hathaway rubbed her temples: "And there are their followers. As far as I know, the people from the Tower of Thunder changed their followers temporarily."

Marvin sneered: "A member of the Unicorn family?"

"It should be, they are coming for you. There is only one purpose, and that is revenge!" Hathaway reminded: "You killed White, and the Unicorn family can't let it go. Although the competition regulations, the level of followers It can't be more than level 2 of the wizard himself, but a level 2 powerhouse is still very troublesome."

"And another academy, the Wizard of the Craftsman's Tower, has also replaced his followers with a powerful shield guard. They will definitely change into a full set of sophisticated equipment, and your scimitar will be greatly restrained— It doesn’t even work at all.”

Marvin nodded.

These things were all within Marvin's expectation.

His excellent performance in the forest terrain will definitely attract the attention of the enemy. Wizards who can go to the battle for the Holy Grail are not fools.

"Thank you for the information. I remember."

Marvin simply thanked him.

He has gained so much in Chiba no Mori this time, it's time to show his strength!

This battle for the Holy Grail is bound to attract the attention of many people, and it is also good for the development of the White River Valley to show one's own strength occasionally.

As for the unicorn family... Marvin counts his days. It was almost the time when the ancient red dragon was awakened by the volcano.

It seems to be the days of the Holy Grail Contest.

I just need to deal with the dead soldiers or killers they sent over.

Quasi-Legendary can kill himself, but are you afraid of a mere Tier 2 killer? Although the former was made up by Marvin decisively after being crippled by Ibrahimovic. But no matter what, it also greatly improved Marvin's confidence.

After a brief chat with Hathaway, the latter still hopes to communicate with Marvin more about the Awakened, but unfortunately Marvin is not a Awakened at all, so he can only fool around a few words at the moment, and then leave .

After this meeting, Hathaway will enter a true closed state, and will not leave the close until the legend.

Marvin remembered that in the previous life, Hathaway was promoted to legend about a week before the cataclysm.

Now with the Book of Naaru, it is estimated that the progress will be much faster.

Added a legendary wizard ally. Nature is a wonderful thing.

Going back to Pooh's dormitory, Pooh wasn't there. According to the old housekeeper, he went to discuss tactics with his mentor Hensel.

"Master Marvin, here is a letter from the White River Valley."

"It was sent by Anna. It arrived two days ago, and it says you unsealed it yourself. Neither Master Pooh nor I have read it."

The old butler took out a letter.

Marvin nodded and opened the envelope. Don't avoid suspicion, just read it like this.

The old butler, like Anna, is the kind of person who will do his best for the White River Valley, and he is truly his own. Although I am getting old, I am often unable to do things well, but my loyalty is beyond doubt.

Anna wrote a lot of content in the letter. Roughly and Marvin described some of the things that happened in the White River Valley during this period:

As expected, Gru fulfilled his promise. Joined the White River Valley with the Thorn Squad. The addition of this adventurer team has greatly enhanced the patrolling power of the White River Valley.

Most of the territory residents have been resettled.

Autumn is coming soon. The food problem is very serious, because the Jackals set fire to it several times before, and the food in the granary can last for a month at most.

There is still a lack of craftsmen and craftsmen in the castle. There is nothing to do about it. The White River Valley is a rural place after all, and there is nothing special about attracting these craftsmen. Although Ma Wen posted a notice to attract talents at a high price, only a few people came.

Most of the craftsmen are with their families, and few of them are willing to move. Most applicants are bachelors.

Rumors have recently surfaced near River Beach City and the White River Valley: [The lord of the White River Valley, Mr. Marvin, is the double-knife mask]. Although Anna has denied this and banned the spread of rumors, there are still many people secretly spreading them. There was nothing Anna could do about this kind of thing. After all, she was just a housekeeper, not the lord herself.

Fortunately, after similar news appeared, there was no instability of people's hearts in the White River Valley. The residents of the White River Valley all know that it was the double-knife mask who personally led people to regain the territory. They probably have such a mentality in their hearts: If the lord is really a double-knife mask, then that would be fine. Only such a powerful lord can guard this land.

At the end of the letter, Anna also mentioned several characters:

The female liar named Lola returned to the White River Valley again. This time, she claimed that she had reached an agreement with a certain chamber of commerce in Gemstone Bay, and could purchase the grain of the chamber of commerce at a price lower than 30% of the market price, provided that Marvin agreed to the Some conditions of the chamber of commerce.

Because this matter had to be decided by Marvin himself, Anna asked Laura to stay temporarily to slow things down.

As for the little girl named Isabel that Marvin told her about, she didn't show up for a long time.

In the end, a strange man, who claimed to be "the greatest alchemist ever", proposed to Anna that he hoped to settle in the White River Valley. Anna let him live outside the castle for the time being.

There are too many affairs in the territory, after all, there are only a few who can make decisions for Anna. These problems arise when Marvin is away for a while.

He hesitated, and began to write back to Anna. Everything is arranged.

As for Isabel, he felt a little uneasy. He was impressed by the courage of the little girl, whose eyes were crimson and who seemed to be of the blood of a mysterious race.

"Forget it, let's take a look when we return to River Beach City."

Marvin picked up his pen and quickly replied to Anna.

After writing for half an hour, he arranged everything in detail.

Magor Academy had special pigeons, so Marvin sealed the letter with wax seal and handed it over to the old housekeeper for delivery.

Not long after, Pooh came back.

"Brother, my mentor gave me some things. You may need them." Seeing Marvin, Pooh immediately took out a few spell scrolls.

These were given to him by Hansel. He was going to give them to Marvin.

Marvin was not in a hurry, but looked at Pooh:

"What did you want to tell me before?"

Pooh froze for a moment, then began to hesitate.

His face flushed slightly, and he seemed to be struggling whether to tell Marvin about it.

Marvin waited quietly. (It’s a great event for the pie in the sky, cool mobile phones are waiting for you! Follow up~click/official account (add friends on WeChat-add official account-enter qdread), and participate immediately! Everyone has a prize, now follow qdread immediately WeChat public account!) (to be continued~^~)