Night Ranger

Chapter 110: Cosmic Magic Pool [Fourth update! ]


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However, after a long time, Pooh shook his head: "Forget it, it's actually not a big deal."

"Let's talk about other things."

Marvin frowned slightly.

There's something wrong with Pooh.

Generally speaking, my younger brother rarely hides anything from himself.

Also, his demeanor...why is he blushing? This guy is only nine years old? What happened

Is my little brother's mind actually somewhat unpredictable

Marvin was a little depressed. Before killing his girlfriend by himself, Pooh didn't say a word, but now he is so hesitant, wanting to say something but not saying it, this kind of behavior is really suspicious!

But since he didn't want to talk about it, Marvin wouldn't force him to ask. At most, he would just pay more attention in the future.

"In this case, let's make a plan first."

Marvin said in a deep voice, "Have the specific rules for the Holy Grail battle come out?"

Pooh nodded, and handed a piece of parchment to Marvin. The specific details of the final battle of the three-ring high tower holy grail battle are written in detail on it.

The contestants are still limited to two people, the wizard is the main one, and then the followers; in addition, the level of the followers cannot exceed two levels of the wizard himself.

The current Marvin happens to be level seven, meeting such conditions.

Judging from the power of the other two contestants, most of them will also bring level seven followers.

As for the location, it is still placed in the exclusive demiplane of the owner of the Tower of Thunder, the legendary wizard Lehman.

In Lehman's demiplane, there is a snow mountain that never melts all year round. The battle for the Holy Grail unfolds in the snow-capped terrain.

This time, it was much more dangerous than the last qualifying match. Because in the snow mountain. There are not only enemies with amazing strength, but also more crises.

All that remains is the detailed rules.

After reading it carefully, Ma Wen understood the essence of the game thoroughly.

The battle for the Holy Grail in the game is similar. It's just that countless copies have been opened for players to participate in. But in today's Feinan world, there is only one chance, and he must grasp it well, and must get the magic Holy Grail.

The snow-capped terrain is indeed not conducive to his performance. This calls for tactics.

Marvin thought for a while. Suddenly asked: "How many spells have you mastered now?"

This question, if it were any other wizard, would probably hesitate for a long time.

But Pooh did not hesitate to tell Marvin all about his strength.

It can be seen that he still trusts this brother very much.

Pooh's mana is 150 points, which can be exchanged for about 8 to 10 zero-level spells and 4 to 6 first-level spells from the universe magic pool every day.

This kind of ability is almost much stronger than that of a normal fifth-level wizard. Not to mention that he also has powerful professional specialties such as [Quick Casting], [Moving Casting], and [Random Multiple Casting].

This kid is indeed a genius in wizarding. If the magic pool of the universe does not collapse, I am afraid that even legends can fight in this life.


After listening to Pooh's narration, Marvin fell into deep thought.

In this day and age. The reason why wizards are kings is because of the existence of the magic pool in the universe.

The operation mechanism of the universe magic pool is as follows:

Through meditation, wizards get in touch with the magic pool of the universe in consciousness. Most people cannot connect to the magic pool of the universe through their own spiritual power throughout their lives, so they cannot become wizards.

And those who can become wizards can temper their spiritual power through their own meditation, so as to make more connections with the universe magic pool.

Take the simplest analogy. Become a wizard. It is to establish two channels between one's own body and the magic pool of the universe.

The magic pool of the universe is a pool, and the magic power in it is like water.

through the first pipe. The shamans channel the water from the pool into their bodies as part of meditation.

After doing the first step, wizards have magic in their bodies. But magic is not enough, you also need to exchange spells.

That's right, it's an exchange.

A wizard must decide which spells to use the next day before midnight every day, and then exchange them.

The channel of redemption is the second channel. Perhaps it is not appropriate to describe it as a pipeline, in short, it is a similar method.

The way to exchange is to use magic power to exchange for the spells to be used tomorrow according to your wizard level and the authority open to you in the universe magic pool.

These spells will appear in the back of your mind, and when you want to use them, just use them.

For example, a fifth-level wizard can use 20 points of magic power to exchange for a one-level spell from the universe magic pool, or use the 20 points of magic power to exchange for three zero-level spells, it depends on your choice.

From this point of view, the universe magic pool is not only a giant magic pool, but also a spell pool.

With the Cosmic Magic Pool, wizards don't need to study spells. They just need to continuously improve their spiritual power, break down the barrier between the Cosmic Magic Pool and their own consciousness, and let the Cosmic Magic Pool open more permissions to themselves!

To put it vividly, it is to make the first channel thicker and get more magic power; at the same time, through the second channel, it can impact the authority of the universe magic pool and increase the range of spells that one can learn.

Even so, not all wizards can learn the same spells.

It is precisely because of the existence of the magic pool of the universe that Lance, who established this order single-handedly, has become the god of all wizards!

Because it saves them a lot of time and they just need to focus on meditation!

There is no need to study spells at all, they only need to continuously increase their magic power, and then go to the magic pool's spell system to exchange them!

This greatly reduces the cost of practice time for wizards, and they can use their time in other areas to better arm themselves.

so. This is an age of wizards.

But the wizards of this era also lack creativity because they rely too much on the magic pool of the universe.

Only legendary wizards. Only then will he throw away the limitation of the magic pool of the universe, directly absorb the chaotic magic power from the void, and then create spells by himself.

However, when a third-tier wizard has become accustomed to relying on the magic pool of the universe, it is difficult to get rid of all this.

Therefore, the existence of the universe magic pool has advantages and disadvantages.

It makes it easier for wizards to hit high ranks. But becoming a legend is even more difficult.

Because of the legend, you need to completely abandon the magic pool of the universe and create your own magic pool and spell pool!

In any case, the existence of the universe magic pool is good news for Feinan as a whole. At least ordinary creatures are protected from chaotic magic because of them.

And how to concoct your own magic. It is a very profound knowledge.

After all, there is only so much magical power a wizard can use every day, and if it is wrongly prepared or unreasonable, it will be very troublesome.

"Brother, the result of my discussion with Mentor Hensel is this."

Pooh handed Marvin a list of spells.

There are almost ten zero-ring witchcraft and five one-ring witchcraft densely written on it.

The magic distribution ratio is 6 to 4, 60% is allocated to one-ring witchcraft, and the rest is allocated to zero-ring witchcraft.

There is no problem with such a distribution ratio. It is the textbook golden ratio.

However, Marvin just glanced at it and threw the piece of paper away.

"Brother...?" Pooh was a little taken aback.

"Let's try another recipe," said Marvin.

He grabbed a piece of paper casually and started to write.

It didn't take long for him to finish writing.

The astonishment on Pooh's face became more and more intense.

"Brother, your configuration method..."

He couldn't help asking, "Is there a problem?"

Marvin shook his head, his eyes filled with determination: "Just configure it in this way."

"I need you to do this."

Pooh was silent for a while, then finally nodded and said, "Okay. I see."

"I trust you."

Marvin showed a gratified smile. He didn't say why. Pooh has already agreed to his practice of "a layman" guiding an expert.

My own brother. The trust in myself is really not that deep.

Next, the two brothers had an in-depth discussion on the battle plan. Marvin also explained a little bit why he asked Pooh to choose this configuration.

After listening to it, Pooh suddenly realized that there was indeed a reason for Marvin's choice.

Combined with the objective environment, Pooh also has to admit that Marvin's choice may be the one with the best chance of winning.

The two sides chatted until late at night.

"Let's rest early." Marvin put down a map and yawned: "Our plan is very difficult, and we need to ensure energy during the game."

After all, he was going to rest in another room.

The dormitory of Magore College is very large, and there are five or six single rooms in a student’s dormitory. For example, the old housekeeper slept next door.

Who knew that at this moment, Pooh grabbed Marvin.

"Brother, we haven't slept together for a long time."

"I have been dreaming a lot recently, and I have some very strange dreams. Can you accompany me?"

After all, he looked at Marvin with a hopeful look.

Marvin laughed dumbly.

After all, this kid is still a nine-year-old child.

Are you still afraid of dreaming

"Okay." Marvin agreed.

Pooh let out a long breath and smiled happily.

Tower of Thunder, on the balcony of a quiet dormitory.

A girl in a bathrobe stood there, silently looking at the distant scenery.

At this moment, a pair of strong arms wrapped around her waist.

"Get out!" The girl blushed and pushed the man away.

The latter, shirtless, shrugged.

"I'll warn you one last time. If you dare to touch me again, even if it's just skin contact, this time my cooperation with the Unicorn Family will be terminated!"

The girl shouted sharply.

"You won't. You're short of money. You're a very ambitious woman, I can see that."

The man smiled naturally.

"At least I won't sell my body." The girl said coldly: "Now, as my follower, I order you to get away from me immediately!"

"But you have already sold your soul. Otherwise, you would not accept the price offered by our family."

The man sneered mercilessly.

The girl calmed down instead: "So what? Killing a few insignificant men is not a psychological obstacle for me."

"In my eyes, all men in this world are equally dirty. Anyway, I want to fight for the Holy Grail. That man named Marvin and his brother, killing them is just a matter of convenience!"

"Okay, I can leave." The man sneered and walked away, "As long as you remember what you just said."

"I don't want any accidents in the game. And that Marvin must end his life with my own hands!"

"After all, he was the man who killed my favorite White."

In the last sentence, his voice suddenly turned into a woman's voice!

The girl gave him a disgusted look, cursed in a low voice, "dead pervert", and could only shake her head in the end.

…………………… (A great event for pie in the sky, cool mobile phones are waiting for you! Follow~ click/official account (add friends on WeChat-add official account-enter qdread), and join now! Everyone There is a prize, now follow the qdread WeChat official account immediately!) (to be continued~^~)

PS: The groundwork is complete, the next chapter, the battle for the Holy Grail will officially start, absolutely exciting! The next chapter is updated at five o'clock. Continue to ask for monthly tickets!