Night Ranger

Chapter 111: The top of the snow mountain! [Fifth update! ]


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In the early morning three days later, the battle for the Holy Grail of the Three Ring Tower officially started!

The location of the battle for the Holy Grail was still the same as in the past, in the half-plane of the only legendary wizard Lehman in the three-ring tower.

Wizard Lehman personally opened the entrance to the half-plane, and the six contestants entered the half-plane under his personal acceptance.

As for the others, those who want to watch the game must gather under the three wizard towers to watch the live broadcast of the mirror image spell!

On the eve of the game, no matter under the Tower of Ashes, the Tower of Thunder, or the Tower of Artisans, there were dense crowds of people standing there.

Most of these people are local wizards, and there are also wizards or other professionals who come here admiringly.

The battle for the holy grail has always been a very exciting competition, and it is said that it also determines the distribution of interests within the three-ring tower.

Under the towering tower of ashes, temporary tables and chairs were neatly arranged, and the nobles took their seats according to their respective identities.

The high-level wizards sat on the floating magic carpet and watched the game.

Only on days like the Battle of the Holy Grail, the Tower of Ashes will be open to the public at close range. After all, the Battle of the Holy Grail can be regarded as a celebration day for the establishment of the Three Ring Tower.

"Look, the game has begun!"

Among the crowd, there was such a voice suddenly.

The tower suddenly became noisy.

"Silence!" A wizard from the Tower of Ashes law enforcement team threw a mass silence spell with great experience.

In an instant, all kinds of disturbing voices disappeared.

Everyone stared intently at the wizard apprentice group competition which started first!

Marvin opened his eyes, and a gust of snow wind rushed towards his face!

Rao was well prepared. I was also taken aback by this sudden teleportation!

Because at this moment, he actually appeared on the top of the snow mountain!

And ten seconds ago. He was still discussing tactics with Pooh in a hut on the half-plane of Lehman Wizard.

As a result, ten seconds later, he was thrown into this icy world!

There is also a golden key hanging around his neck.

The wind was fierce on the top of the mountain. In order not to affect the movement, Marvin wore very little clothes. Fortunately, Hensel prepared some simple anti-cold potions for him and Pooh.

Otherwise, just the super low temperature will greatly reduce Marvin's combat effectiveness!

After drinking a bottle of anti-cold potion, Marvin regained some energy. He looked around cautiously.

Because it is the time when the snow is blowing and snowing on the snow mountain, the visibility is very low. Ma Wen could only see a stone platform standing on his right hand!

On the stone platform, a golden magic holy grail stood there quietly.

Faint green light fluctuated around the stone platform. Anyone who understands the rules of the game knows that these green lights are the solidified version of [Dissociation Technique]!

Once someone tries to pass through these green lights to take away the magic Holy Grail, his body will be dismembered and shattered!

Below the stone platform, there are six keyholes. Only by collecting all six keys can the defenses around the magic chalice be disarmed.

That's right, six keyholes, corresponding to six keys.

The one hanging around Marvin's neck was one of them.

Three wizards and three followers were teleported into this world of ice and snow. Fight each other. Each has a golden key hanging from him. Only the final winner gets the keys of the others—at least the keys of the other two pairs. To obtain the Holy Grail of magic.

So the rule of this battle for the Holy Grail is to fight to the end!

Even if you come to the top of the mountain ahead of time. It's useless, if you haven't collected all six keys, everything is false!

Moreover, the wizards and their followers were separated. Only the legendary wizard Lehman himself and the audience outside knew where each of them was teleported.

The players themselves don't know.

For example, Marvin, he was teleported to the top of the mountain from the very beginning.

On the top of this snow mountain, he was surrounded by steep snow slopes on all sides, and looking down, there was also a vast expanse of snow, and he couldn't see anything clearly.

"The plan has changed. I didn't expect to be teleported directly to the top of the mountain."'

Marvin glanced at the holy grail next to him and frowned.

However, at this moment, in his peripheral vision, he suddenly saw a black shadow!

The man is constantly climbing up!

He seemed to see Marvin on the top of the mountain.

"Fuck! What kind of luck, you encountered iron bumps as soon as you came up?"

Ma Wen was stunned for a moment, and almost couldn't hold back his curses!

Because that is a shield guardian!

"This Marvin, has he finally used up all his good luck?"

"Last time it was a forest terrain, of course he can take a lot of advantage as a ranger. But now it's the top of a mountain, the top of a snow-capped mountain, and he doesn't even have a place to escape."

"This is a follower of the sorcerer's apprentice in the Craftsman's Tower. He is a level 7 shield guard. His offensive ability is average, but he can definitely make that kid suffer!"

Under the Tower of Ashes, after the silence technique was released, people gradually began to discuss in low voices.

Because the game is played in the demiplane of Rayman Wizard himself, he has all knowledge of the game's progress.

Through his magic vision, and then refracted by the mirror, clear pictures can be displayed on the three towers.

Marvin on the screen seemed to be in a lot of trouble!

At the beginning of the game, he didn't encounter any wizards, but a shield guardian who would make every ranger feel tricky.

The wizard apprentices who had been taught by Marvin began to talk in low voices, their eyes filled with the pleasure of revenge.

And those nobles who wanted to curry favor with the Unicorn family also spoke up one after another, shaking their heads pretending to regret that Magor College might be at the bottom of the Holy Grail competition this time.

Even those viewers who were neutral, or even optimistic about Marvin, felt that the pair of brothers from Magor College had a bad start.

After all, professional restraint still exists. No matter how tyrannical Marvin is, he will face shield guards of the same level. It will definitely be deflated!

Of course, there are not no people who support Marvin. for example-

"Impossible! Baron Marvin will definitely find a way to get rid of that tin can!"

I don't know where such an immature girl's voice came from.

The older people shook their heads and smiled. This kind of words probably came from some ignorant noble girl. Perhaps it was because of Ma Wen's wonderful performance in the previous qualifying rounds that he admired Ma Wen, or it could be other reasons.

But in the eyes of most people, Marvin is in great trouble! This is the truth.

"Let me see what you're going to do to get out of this predicament."

"Hope you don't disappoint me."

Inside the Tower of Ashes, Hathaway lazily peeled an orange, eating while looking at the ever-changing mirror image in front of her.

In the picture, the shield guard from the Craftsman's Tower has successfully climbed to the top of the snow mountain and is confronting Marvin.

The range of the top of the snow mountain is not large, and the two sides are looking at each other across a stone platform.

Under the Tower of Thunder. Also gathered a lot of people.

at a table. A young man courteously said to the girl beside him, "Miss Kate, please sit down."

"The Grail Contest is a rare large-scale wizard duel competition on the East Coast, and it is also a competition held to commemorate the magical Holy Grail made by the great wizard god."

"And it just so happens that in this competition, our unicorn family members are going to kill a clown who dares to provoke us."

"No, did you see that? It's that Baron Marvin, hehe. His luck is really bad. Before our people could make a move, they encountered the shield guard first."

The girl sat there, her beautiful eyes flashed with surprise.

On the way home, she met the so-called heir of the unicorn family, who was shocked by Kate's beauty and invited her to watch the battle for the Holy Grail together.

Kate thought of her sister's constant mention that building a powerful force requires making more powerful allies. She had also heard about the strength of the Unicorn family on the east coast. So he reluctantly agreed. She didn't have any feelings for the man in front of her, it was just out of curiosity. Came to the Three Ring Tower.

It's just that she didn't expect that in this battle for the Holy Grail, she saw someone she didn't expect!

"Miss Kate? What's wrong with you?" The man seemed to have noticed Kate's abnormality.

"Ah, it's nothing. That Baron Marvin looks like a ranger. Such a situation is indeed not very favorable for him."

Kate is not an idiot either, the Unicorn family and Marvin seem to have had a grudge, so she pretended not to know Marvin, and replied tentatively.

"It would be a pity if he died at the hands of this shield guard!" The man said with a smug expression, not without regret: "Our family sent the most elite killers to deal with him. "

"We just want to let everyone on the east coast know what will happen to the provocative unicorn family."

Kate nodded slightly, staring intently at the picture.

For some reason, the scene when Marvin made that awkward request that night when the two were trapped in the cage tree suddenly appeared in her mind.

Thinking of this, her cheeks became hot.

And the man on the side saw this scene, thought that his charm had played an effect, and continued to talk about some things he thought were very interesting.

But in fact, Kate's attention was completely focused on the mirror image on the top of the snow mountain, and he didn't listen to a word he said.

"It should be fine, this guy should be much stronger than ordinary professionals."

She thought silently in her heart.

The top of the snow mountain.

"Give me your key!" the shield guard muffled.

"Your scimitar can't break my defense at all!"

"I've seen the mirror image of your game that day. It's a very clever offensive method, but I won't have that kind of loophole. My armor has been specially modified, and there is no loophole."

"Give me the key, and I'll let you go."

He walked slowly towards Marvin. He was holding a huge shield in his hand, and a small ax was hanging on his waist, and his armor was invulnerable.

With every step he took, his feet sank deep into the snow.

"You can't escape. There are cliffs on all sides here. If you jump off, you will fall to your death!"

The Shieldkeeper continued his verbal offensive.

"Really?" Marvin sneered, "Maybe you are too confident!"

His hands slowly pressed on the scimitar.

"In that case, don't blame me!"

The shield guard suddenly raised his shield and charged at Marvin!

… … … … (A good event for pie in the sky, a cool mobile phone is waiting for you! Follow~click/official account (add friends on WeChat-add official account-enter qdread), and participate immediately! Everyone has a prize, Now follow the qdread WeChat official account immediately!) (to be continued~^~)

PS: The fifth update of the explosive liver is here! ! ! Thanks to the book friend [zh222] for the reward of 3W points, [Wensen’s QI point account] 1W points, [Yeying,] 1W points, [Xingfengstorm] 1W points, and [Weiqing Jixi] 1W points. Thank you for your support~