Night Ranger

Chapter 113: Twins [seventh update! ]


PS: Read the exclusive story behind "Night Ranger", listen to your more suggestions on the novel, pay attention to the official account (add friends on WeChat-add official account-enter qdread), and tell me quietly!

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"How did he do that!?"

Under the Tower of Thunder, the man who claimed to be the sixth heir of the Unicorn family looked at the scene in the magic mirror in shock.

Because he was so surprised, he didn't even notice that the girl beside him let out a long breath.

"This guy is really too bad. He actually used this method to kill that shield guard."

"Sure enough, there are a lot of bad intentions."

Kate thought to herself.

She completely ignored the man named Rohard next to her.

"The shield guards are so easily destroyed? How did he remove the shield guard's armor?"

Rohard was puzzled.

He frowned, watching Marvin take the key from the shield guard, feeling very upset.

But he subconsciously looked at Kate, and a smile appeared on his face again.

In front of the lady you like, you should at least appear calm.

At that moment, he coughed and said to Kate: "It's nothing, the dead soldiers trained by our family also have skills that are not inferior to him."

Kate nodded slightly.

But in her heart, for some reason, she no longer has any good feelings for Rohard and the unicorn family behind him.

Rohard didn't know it, and continued to say: "This shield guard is not one of us, otherwise that Marvin would have died long ago."

"Miss Kate, look, that one is our family's elite killer. Ha. He joined up with that sorceress. That sorceress also cooperated with our unicorn family, and we provided her with a lot of supplies. She still has a lot of tracking items on her. Now Marvin and his brother can't escape."

Kate's attention turned to another magic mirror.

Sure enough, in the picture, Cui Linna, the sorceress from the Tower of Thunder, joined her followers in name. The latter was a very strong man, but with purple hair. What was even more surprising was that in this icy and snowy place, he was only wearing a thin layer of clothing, and he didn't see where his weapons were hidden.

"Our family's killer, the most elite of the second order." Rohard saw Kate's gaze focused on the man, and immediately explained: "Don't underestimate him, this guy's martial arts skills are terrifying. He I have experienced training that ordinary people can't imagine. In the ice and snow, it doesn't matter even if you don't wear clothes."

"His cold resistance is comparable to that of a barbarian. Moreover, his strongest point... hehe..."

Speaking of this, Rohard deliberately sold a trick.

Kate couldn't help frowning, she asked in a low voice: "The most powerful place? What is it?"

Rohard said triumphantly, "He's a twin!"


Kate was startled suddenly, and looked at Marvin with a hint of worry.

The top of the snow mountain. Marvin looked far into the distance, and the snow wind was much lighter at this time.

He finally saw clearly what the two figures who were chasing were!

It was his younger brother Pooh who ran away in front.

And the one chasing after him was the Wizard of the Craftsman's Tower. His name seemed to be Bergner. The shield guard who was killed by himself just now was a follower of Bergner.

Pooh ran very hard, and his feet were shining with blue light. This is a pair of boots with an acceleration effect. And specially adapted to the snow environment.

In fact, if it weren't for this pair of shoes. Pooh, who didn't bless half a wizard all over his body, was already caught up by Bergnar behind him!

"It's a bit of bad luck."

Marvin frowned, and met the shield guard when he went out. If he hadn't had special armor removal skills, it would have been very tricky; Pooh was also unlucky, and he met an opponent directly in the vast snow-capped mountains.

According to the tactics developed by Marvin, Pooh can't consume a single spell now, because it will still be useful later!

So he can only run!

In the eyes of outsiders, this is undoubtedly a very useless performance.

"What's the matter with this Pooh? Even though he's a child, he's a wizard anyway, why is he not as tough as his brother?"

"Didn't you say he was a genius student from Magor College? Why did he run away as soon as he encountered an enemy?"

"No, when I went to watch Pooh's game a while ago, he was still very tough, why did he suddenly become so weird..."

Outside the magic mirror image, everyone was talking about it. For those who don't know Pooh, they just feel that this guy has completely disgraced the wizard.

In this era, wizard is the most supreme profession!

Every wizard has his own pride. Now that you have participated in the battle for the Holy Grail, if you meet on a narrow road, you should fight for it!

Who knew that this kid turned around and ran away as soon as he saw Bergner.

The point is, he runs pretty fast! Bergnar blessed himself with various zero-ring witchcraft to increase his speed, but he still couldn't catch up.

Such a result is somewhat intriguing.

Under the Tower of Ashes, Hensel watched Pooh run like this with a livid face, and the eyes of several friends around him were a bit problematic.

"This is the tactic you designed for your disciple? The first rule of the Holy Grail battle: [Run when you encounter the enemy?]"

A wizard who had always been at odds with Hensel couldn't help laughing.

The rest of the people also had strange eyes.

Before Hensel vowed to them that for this competition, he and Pooh designed many sets of tactics and selected the optimal spell preparation...

As a result, Pooh didn't know what was wrong, and changed his previous tough style as soon as he came up, and ran away directly.

This made him very embarrassing as a mentor!

"Hey, maybe this kid has his own thoughts." Another mentor stared at the mirror image for a while before saying, "Look at his running route, it seems to be purposeful."

"Come on. What purpose is there in this vast snow-capped mountain? I think he is just scared. But I don't blame him, after all, he is a nine-year-old child."

The man continued to sneer.

Hansel said nothing.

Everyone stared at the mirror image tightly. Just at this time. Suddenly, some changes appeared on the screen.

Perhaps Bergnar got tired of chasing it, so he directly took out a scroll covered with many patterns from his arms.

next second. He activated the spell on the scroll!

A ring of witchcraft, fast as lightning!

A very powerful support spell.

Bergnar's speed suddenly increased by more than 30%, and the distance between him and Pooh was instantly shortened.

"I'll see how you escape!" Bergnar stared coldly at the running figure in front of him.

Hansel looked at his disciple with some concern, he didn't understand what happened to Pooh.

It's just that he is very clear that such a change must be because of Marvin!

Only Marvin would make Pooh change the plan he had discussed with him.

"This Marvin, it's really too much. He actually risked his brother's life!"

"Who does he think he is? He knows nothing about witchcraft! How dare a country nobleman change my plan!"

Hensel had already scolded Marvin bloody in his heart.

If it is not for self-cultivation. And he didn't want the people around him to see the joke, he probably couldn't help being rude!

It's so embarrassing...

And at this time, two figures appeared in front of Pooh.

That's the pair from the Tower of Thunder!

A follower of the sorceress Trilina and Temporary Change, whose registered occupation at the time was... Assassin.

But as an assassin, this man is a bit too strong for his size. Looks like a fully muscular fighter.

"I was double-teamed!"

"There is no escape!"

"It's a pity, this little boy is still quite cute."

The audience shook their heads and sighed. The situation on the mirror image seems to be obvious. Pooh was hunted down by Bergnar, and two people from the Tower of Thunder appeared in front of him.

No matter what, Pooh will definitely be surrounded and killed by three people.

And his elder brother Marvin was still on the top of the mountain, unable to come down to rescue him.

If you don't admit defeat. I'm afraid I'll have to pay with my life.

"Don't admit defeat!" Under the Tower of Thunder. Rohard looked at the mirror with a smile and said so.

"But my people. I won't give him a chance to admit defeat."

Kate frowned slightly. To be honest, she also couldn't understand why Pooh avoided fighting from the beginning, which was a very cowardly approach.

The rules of the holy grail battle are already obvious, that is, to snatch the keys from the others in order to get the final magical holy grail.

Sooner or later you will fight, why hide

Fortunately, he was surrounded by three enemies.

In this kind of open snow, unless you have prepared in advance and have better concealment means, running away is not an effective means at all!

"Wait..." Kate's eyes suddenly lit up.

Because her gaze suddenly focused on the other side, the mirror image that was temporarily ignored by others!

That's Marvin on the hill!

What does he want to do

Kate's eyes widened.

"Boy! You have nowhere to go!"

Bergner said coldly.

At this moment, Pooh had already stopped in his tracks. Because he also noticed the shadows of the two people that appeared in front of him.

He couldn't go any further, the combination of these two people in the Tower of Thunder brought him a stronger sense of crisis!

"What should I do?" Pooh asked anxiously.

With his previous style, he would have just raised his staff and cast spells!

Fight to the death with each other!

His combat spellcasting is really strong, and that's how he plays.

However, Marvin's exhortation kept ringing in his mind.

"Spells cannot be wasted easily!" Pooh gritted his teeth.

The two people from the Tower of Thunder obviously also noticed this, and quickly surrounded them, Pooh had no way to escape!

The three of them surrounded him above a narrow col with a steep snow slope below.

"Finally found a prey." The strong man looked at Pooh with a sneer, ready to strike.

However, at this moment, above the snow mountain, there was a sudden whirring sound!

A black shadow rushed down at an incredible speed!

He rushed to them in the blink of an eye!

A rope was thrown out, hooking Pooh's waist easily. Marvin pulled hard and pulled him up!

In an instant, snowflakes splashed and black shadows galloped!

Outside the three-ring tower, the audience staring at the mirror was almost dumbfounded!

… … … (A great event for pie in the sky, a cool mobile phone is waiting for you! Follow it~click/official account (add friends on WeChat-add official account-enter qdread), and participate now! Everyone has a prize, now Follow the qdread WeChat public account immediately!) (to be continued~^~)

PS: The seventh update of Desperate! Sincerely, Coconut, who only slept for three hours last night!