Night Ranger

Chapter 121: Warlock! [The first update on staying up late]


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part time

When these data flashed before Marvin's eyes, he suddenly shuddered, and woke up under the stimulation of coldness and pain!

Pooh lay quietly beside him, as if he had passed out!

He looked up sharply.

"Here is...a pothole..."

"Fortunately, the pothole is not very deep. After I passed out, Pooh must have carried me on his back, and accidentally fell into it!"

Marvin hurriedly checked Pooh's condition. The latter's face was flushed, his limbs were cold, and his condition was not very good!

Pooh's physique is weaker than Marvin's, only 7 points!

Even after taking anti-cold medicine, the effect is not so significant. What's more, at this point in time, the effect of anti-cold medicine has begun to weaken.

The temperature is too low. If it drags on any longer, Pooh's life will be in danger!

Marvin took a deep breath and stretched his muscles.

He originally thought that his physical condition would be very poor, but who knew that he would find that it was not a serious problem when he moved.


That part-time job!

Marvin immediately checked his data panel.

Sure enough, next to the ranger, night walker, nobleman, blacksmith and other professions, there is an additional profession, firmly occupying the position of the first part-time job!

The name of this profession is very strange. At least 90% of Feinan's people have never heard of this profession.


"It's actually a magician!"

"I thought it was a shadow warlock before. I didn't expect that at this time, the potential of my bloodline was stimulated."

Marvin was ecstatic.

This battle for the Holy Grail was indeed somewhat beyond his expectations. He boasted to Hathaway, but he didn't expect to meet such a pervert as the twins.

If it is purely a shield guard or a wizard. He has the confidence to solve it easily.

But the twins are really terrifying. This thing is not a human template at all. Even the hero template is not so strong!

After killing him, Marvin himself was almost useless. Before passing out of coma, he was still considering whether to simply admit defeat!

It's a pity that he passed out before he could tell Pooh about it.

Marvin didn't know what happened next, so he could only guess a rough idea.

"This kid is very stubborn. He refuses to admit defeat."

He looked at Pooh beside him, showing a gratified smile.

Although the little guy is only nine years old, his willpower is amazing. Even if the magic pool of the universe collapses in the future, Marvin has a way to save him from this catastrophe. And with such a strong willpower, he is likely to burst out with even stronger power during the birth of the new wizard profession!

Sitting in a hole in the ice. Marvin didn't feel cold, he began to carefully study his blood and this part-time job that suddenly appeared.

When communicating with the ancient elves before, Marvin knew that he was a descendant of the Numans.

The Numans were a short-lived race in Feinan's history. They are very powerful and have a natural ability to cast spells.

They don't need the magic pool of the universe, they can cast spells by themselves.

They are visitors from another world.

Warlocks were oppressed by wizards. It has nothing to do with the Numans. The Numans ran rampant on Feinan, and were eventually expelled by the crowd and exiled.

It's just that Feinan still has a small number of Numan blood. These people will become part of the big family of warlocks—after all, the profession of warlocks has too many miscellaneous avenues, such as apocalypse warlocks, demon warlocks, ghost warlocks, evil spirit warlocks... hiding among warlocks so that they will not be discovered The blood of the Numans.

Although the Southern Alliance of Wizards canceled the killing order for the descendants of the Numans three hundred years ago, most people still have doubts about the descendants of the Numans.

Many ignorant people think that the Numans are a kind of demons.

therefore. Most of the rest of the warlocks also suffered. No matter how they explain it, people still don't believe that they are [Dragon Vein Warlock] or [Heaven Warlock]. It's [Demon Warlock].

Ignorance is just that scary.

In fact, even within the Numans, there are many branches.

When using the Book of Naaru before, Marvin got the magical ability of [Shadow Clone]. This innate ability also came in handy when dealing with the twins.

At that time, he deduced that his potential blood was [Shadow Warlock]!

It turned out not to be.

"Magical Warlock is a profession even rarer than Shadow Warlock!"

"In my memory, I don't seem to have encountered many magicians..."

"Wait, one time when I went to the world of evil spirits to brush [Lord of the Six Evils] Di Gaogeng, it seemed that one of his teammates was a magician."

Some knowledge about Warlocks gradually emerged in Marvin's mind.

However, compared with his understanding of other professions, this knowledge is really pitiful!

He only knew that Warlocks are one of the few among the Numans. This profession seems to be able to switch between various forms, and there are very few spells.

"It doesn't matter, let's see if there are any changes in attributes."

Marvin settled down and carefully checked the properties panel.

The data record is displayed as follows:

[You automatically obtained the first part-time job—Magician (bloodline)]

[Personal expertise - multi-talented and effective, the first part-time job does not accept experience penalties]

[By default, 1000 points of killing experience will be deducted, and the part-time magician will succeed]

[Your physique +1, charisma +1, health +10]

[Your bloodline is activated (1/5), and you can get all the magic spells at the first level]

[You have obtained a professional specialty - all things are impermanent]

[All things are impermanent]: Active feat, you can switch between various forms. Form 2 is currently enabled: Shadow Form, Beast Form.

After reading the records he had brushed when he passed out in a coma, Marvin had a general understanding of this profession.

It's an amazing profession.

There are actually various forms. Currently, two forms are opened, one is the shadow form, and the other is the beast form.

After the part-time Warlock. The default is normal form, which is human form.

And open another form once. It takes a lot of physical strength, once it is turned on, at least half of the physical strength will be consumed after it is turned off.

With Marvin's physique, he can maintain a non-human form for about 10 minutes.

As for the abilities in the non-human form, Marvin still doesn't know.

In human form, besides attribute bonuses, there are actually only two so-called [all first-level spells] in the data records!

One is [radiant]!

This spell can make the target's charm +3 within 30 minutes. In other words, it seems to be good for seducing little girls.

The second spell is [Magic Cube]!

This spell is a control spell. It made up for Marvin's lack of control!

There are only two spells at the first level. What the hell kind of a warlock is this

Marvin couldn't help but complain.

However, he noticed that after the part-time job was over, his body seemed to recover from a weak state to a full-bodied level.

The injuries from being thrown on the back by the twins have fully recovered.

This should have something to do with the magician's bloodline power.

"It's really hard to say something like blood. The world is still full of crises. I can't be careless anymore."

"If it wasn't for my luck... wait. Luck?"

Marvin suddenly remembered something.

He took a closer look, and on the data panel, the line [lucky +1] had disappeared at this moment!

Lucky gone

what does that mean

Marvin was not a fool, so he understood in an instant.

"It turned out to be like this! I'm not lucky...but the good luck attached to me has been inspired!"

"Blessings from Stupid Lucky Elf!"

The lucky elf is the incarnation of the slate of fate, and its power is terrifying. Her blessings are naturally unimaginable.

Even if Marvin only has a 1 in 10,000 chance of awakening the bloodline. After lucky opening. It can also mention a ninety-nine percent chance.

That's what luck does.

However, luck is not unlimited. After helping Marvin activate the blood. That bit of luck is gone.

If Ma Wen falls into a similar danger next time, I'm afraid he really can only play luck!

In any case, this blood part-time job that was accidentally triggered has already satisfied Ma Wen.

At least the profession of Warlock will not waste part-time positions, and it also saved his life.

He looked up at the top of the ice hole. The hole was not very high, and he could jump straight out if he tried harder.

After all, there is [Flying Over the Wall].

Judging from the weather, it should be late afternoon.

The fact that he and others were not rescued proved that the game was not over yet.

"There's another Cui Linna." A murderous intent flashed in Ma Wen's eyes.

This Cui Linna, if it wasn't for her, how could there be such monsters as twins in this competition

Ma Wen will never show mercy to this woman!

"Let's go out and talk."

Marvin took out the Ruyi rope, tied Pooh, and prepared to jump out first, and then pulled his brother out.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a long wolf howl came from outside the cave.

This wolf howl was very sad, but very penetrating.

Marvin felt something was wrong for a moment.

He flew over the wall and rushed outside.

I saw a thin wolf standing there on the vast snowy slope, howling constantly.

And beside it, stood a petite figure!

Cui Linna!

Marvin took a closer look, and found that although the little wolf was thin, his howling was full of spirit.

"Winter Wolf!"

"Although it is a cub, it has become her pet! The unicorn family is really willing to spend!"

Marvin suddenly realized that something was wrong.

The young Winter Wolf was alright, he thought he could deal with it. The key is that this thing can summon a large number of wolves.

Wolves are very scary things.

On the mountain in the distance, low howls of wolves began to respond.

This is a low-level wolf answering the call of the winter wolf!

Once the wolves are assembled, it will be difficult for him to break out!

"No, Cui Linna and that wolf cub must be killed first!"

A flash of cruelty flashed in Marvin's eyes, and he made a decisive decision and moved Pooh to a more secluded place in the ice cave.

As for himself, he put on Pooh's thunder spirit boots, and rushed to the snow slope where Cui Linna was standing at the fastest speed!

"It's time to show the power of the profession you just got!"

As Marvin thought about it, he was ready to switch his form!

… … … (A great event for pie in the sky, a cool mobile phone is waiting for you! Follow it~click/official account (add friends on WeChat-add official account-enter qdread), and participate now! Everyone has a prize, now Follow the qdread WeChat public account immediately!) (to be continued~^~)

PS: The first update is here. There is nothing to say, the monthly pass is over a thousand. Although it is only a little over a thousand, it is still more than that. Coconut, who has never stayed up all night, fulfills its promise, and it is five o'clock today. Coconut is not a great god, he doesn't have such a strong monthly pass appeal, and he doesn't have many fans of the leader, so he can only fight for the monthly pass. I'm too sleepy, go to bed first, wake up and continue coding. In the past three days, the average sleep time per day was no more than five hours. But as long as everyone enjoys watching it, I am very satisfied. In addition, thanks to the book friend [Coral Bookworm] for the reward of 2W points. Sincerely thank you, this old book friend gave coconut a lot of support during the headshot period.