Night Ranger

Chapter 127: Agreement of the Gods


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The shadow prince's avatar was shattered so abruptly!

The terrifying strength of the legendary monk can be seen.

Of course, Inheim's strength is at the top of Feinan's level, and his level is definitely over level 30, not just as simple as a legend.

There was a particularly reassuring feeling in his voice.

The death of Shadow Prince's avatar made everyone present breathe a sigh of relief.

"Glenos is getting more and more rampant." Lehman said solemnly: "Isn't he afraid that his body will be weak because his clone is killed, and other gods will take advantage of him?"

Inheim also had some doubts on his face.

These legends of them certainly communicated with each other, but even if Hathaway saw the shattering, they did not expect that the new gods who rose in the third era had reached an agreement!

Only Ma Wen, who is familiar with the game process, knows these agreements!

The content of the agreement is to attack the magic pool of the universe at all costs!

The magic pool of the universe is Feinan's barrier and also the cage of the gods. Of course, for the first three generations of ancient gods, because they were naturally conceived by Fei Nan, their consciousness, avatars, etc. could calmly pass through the magic pool of the universe and come to this world. It's just that most of the ancient gods fell asleep after the third era. Some are lost!

And the new gods who rose up in the third era succeeded in conferring gods because of the power of the slate of fate!

At that time, Lance, the god of wizards, opened the outer layer of heaven to them, allowing them to forge their own kingdom of God.

These strong men who had come out of Feinan's various races happily left Feinan, and began to immerse themselves in the joy of forging the Kingdom of God.

However. After they established their own kingdoms of God one after another, they were stunned to find out. I seem to have been tricked by Lance!

They left Feinan, but the passage in the center of the universe magic pool was sealed.

In other words, the new gods rising from the third era can no longer come to Feinan!

The closed cosmic magic pool surrounded Feinan and the wild areas around him. The new gods seemed to be trapped in the heavens. It became very difficult for them to develop believers!

Because they have no way to manifest themselves in the mortal world. Even if he managed to sneak into Feinan through some special means, he would be discovered by the wizard god and stopped in time.

Even after the wizard god left. There is nothing they can do.

Because there are still a group of top legendary experts on Feinan Continent. This group of people is no weaker than the avatars of gods. The reason why they failed to confer the gods was that they did not get the tablet of fate.

What's more, many of them are actually qualified to confer gods, but they take it as their duty to guard Feinan. Didn't leave like the new gods.

Before Lance, the god of wizards, left, he clearly stipulated that the new gods conferred by the Tablet of Fate were not allowed to enter Feinan without permission.

This made the new gods extremely depressed!

Dare to feel that I was caught in the conspiracy of the wizard god!

Lance tricked them into the heavens, but prevented them from contacting Feinan's mortals. This is simply imprisonment!

Of course, the wizard god didn't completely kill them, he still left room for the new gods to live.

He opened up some of the lesser planes to them. These secondary planes are all derived planes of Feinan, located between Feinan and the planes of hell, abyss, and evil spirits.

on these secondary planes. There are also various races. It's just that it doesn't bloom like a hundred flowers like Feinan.

At first, although the new gods complained. But because the wizard gods were too powerful, they had to keep their tails between their legs, and began to compete for territory and believers in the secondary planes.

After a long time, especially after the God of Sorcerers left, the new gods who rose up in the third era finally started to move around.

They want more power, they need more faith!

And the power of faith provided by the creatures of the main material world is the most sufficient.

If he could enter Feinan...then the power of these new gods would be greatly strengthened.

However, these desires alone are not enough to drive the new gods so crazy.

After all, the majesty of the wizard god is still there. Everyone knows Lance's strength and temper. Once he really breaks the rules, what if Lance comes back

And that Eternal Time Dragon that eludes ghosts and ghosts!

It is the wizard god's best friend.

That guy's power surpassed that of ancient gods of nature, ancient gods of elves and other powerful gods, and he could travel from a distant higher universe to Feinan in an instant.

Under the constraints of these factors, Feinan remained calm for many years.

The cosmic magic pool limits the development of new gods and guarantees the rule of wizards.

until the end of the Quaternary period.

A terrifying fuse finally appeared.

There was a rumor that began to pass among the kingdoms of God.

The fourth slate of fate!

Whoever gets him will have the same power as the wizard god Lance.

The new gods are completely insane.

They agreed with each other to break through the magic pool of the universe at all costs!

These new gods have been away from Feinan for too long. In their eyes, the life and death of Feinan's creatures have nothing to do with them.

They have forgotten the race of their origin, and they only desire greater power.

They never cared about the possible disasters caused by the shattering of the magic pool of the universe.

What's more, in the midst of great difficulties, ignorant ordinary people will suffer and despair.

And at this time, their beliefs will be extra loyal. The power of faith obtained by the gods will be even richer!

"No matter what. I will not allow him to continue killing Feinan's legend."

Inheim said solemnly: "Among the god-conferring people of the third era, only Glenos has the artifact that can make the clone come to Feinan. No matter what conspiracy they plan, as long as they keep an eye on Glenos, they should It won't be a big problem."

Hearing this, Ma Wen couldn't help but sigh inwardly: Wrong, wrong!

The reason why the shadow prince Glennos jumped like this was of course that he wanted to weaken Legendary Feinan's intentions by assassinating him. but. More reason is to attract the attention of legends.

Everyone was worried about whether the shadow prince would assassinate him, so no one paid attention to the universe magic pool around Feinan!

Marvin wanted to tell this fact.

But he was silent in the end.

Because he knows. Saying this sentence will not change anything. The magic pool of the universe is doomed to be shattered, and the avatars and holy spirits of the new gods will enter Feinan one after another!

Since then, the world has been in chaos, various churches have risen, wizards have completely fallen, and evil forces have spread.

In the whole area of Feinan, there was almost no pure land left.

As a result, events such as the attack of star beasts, the disorder of time and space, etc., were inextricably linked to the explosion of the cosmic magic pool.

Inheim left. He went to the North to find the archdruid. After the prophecy failed, it was said that only the archdruid from the ancient god of nature could accurately predict the time and place of the next arrival of the Prince of Shadow clone. This legendary monk is really going to spend time with the shadow prince everywhere.

Hathaway returned to the Tower of Ashes with Marvin and Pooh. The shadow prince's avatar was temporarily destroyed, and she could take a breath.

Lehman reopened the spell mirror, announcing that the winner of the Apprentice Division of the Holy Grail Contest is the Marvin Brothers.

The second-tier competition was postponed indefinitely due to unexpected events on the east coast. This made the audience a little bit regretful.

However, they were content to see such a wonderful match in the apprentice group.

Many people were very interested in the "emergencies" that Lehman called, and soon, one intelligence agency after another began to operate rapidly.

After only half a day, all the forces on the east coast were shocked!

There is actually a red dragon openly attacking the crystal island of the unicorn family!

When did the evil forces become so rampant

At the same time, the Third Ring Tower also announced that it was on alert!

All of a sudden. People in the east are panicked. Martial law has begun in all major territories.

Inside the Tower of Ashes. Because Pooh is too weak, although he has the help of rejuvenation. But he was sent back to the dormitory to rest.

On the top floor, only Marvin and Hathaway were left.

The atmosphere seemed a little depressing.

Hathaway stood there, quietly looking east.

Marvin was behind her and could see her trembling hands.

He whispered: "Are you scared?"

Hathaway trembled slightly, and suddenly sat on the sofa weakly.

Marvin didn't look at her expression, but quietly walked to the window, looking at the cloudy east coast.

"Thank you." Hathaway said in a low voice.

She took a deep breath, stood up suddenly from the ground, and regained her previous majestic image!

At that moment just now, as Ma Wen said, she really felt scared!

She was almost killed by the Shadow Prince!


This kind of deep-rooted fear cannot be described in words. So much so that when she returned to the Tower of Ashes, even in front of Marvin, she couldn't hold on anymore.

But the legendary wizard is a legendary wizard, her will is extremely firm, and she quickly regained her strength.

A smile appeared on the corner of Marvin's mouth: "This is the Lord Hathaway I know."

Hathaway snorted coldly and wiped away the thin teardrops from the corners of her eyes.

"You helped the Tower of Ashes win the first Holy Grail competition."

"And just now, you saved my life again, tell me, what do you want?"

Marvin looked at Hathaway's beautiful face, and the eyelashes that were trembling because of the panic just now, and almost couldn't help but want to tease her.

However, the strength gap between the two sides was too great, he finally said solemnly: "Do me a favor!"

"Huh?" Hathaway looked at Marvin curiously.

Marvin pointed to the wishing ring in his hand, and said flatly: "I need to cast a wishing spell."

"Prayer of Turin."

"If it's good, it's nothing."

"If something bad is accidentally summoned by me... I need your help."

Hathaway showed a clear look.

"Not bad, a genuine prayer ring."

"We Awakened have always had good luck, let me see what good things you can summon?"

"Let's summon it here. Master Lehman has fixed nineteen legendary spells for me in this floor of the wizard's tower. Even if Glenos comes in, there will be no place to die!"

… … … (A great event for pie in the sky, a cool mobile phone is waiting for you! Follow it~click/official account (add friends on WeChat-add official account-enter qdread), and participate now! Everyone has a prize, now Follow the qdread WeChat public account immediately!) (to be continued~^~)

PS: I had a stomachache in the morning, and the coconut was very uncomfortable, so I am only updating it now, I am really sorry. The next update is seven o'clock in the evening. on time. Continue to ask for monthly tickets, there is only a distance of less than 300 tickets. In addition, thanks to book friends [Qing Wu], [Lu Yifeng], [mager] for their rewards of 1W points! Thanks to the book friend [Mrs. Yuanyuan] for becoming the first cute owner of this book! The addition of Mengzhu will be postponed for the time being, let the coconut rest for the past two days, and take it easy, thank you everyone.