Night Ranger

Chapter 129: outcast


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purple hair...

Marvin thought hard for a while, and finally smiled wryly and shook his head.

Purple hair is a relatively common color in Feinan. For example, the Apocalypse Warlock Kate I met in Chiba no Mori before, her hair is lavender; The Valkyrie in Disan Town seems to have purple hair too.

If my younger brother is really an Awakened One, then the future he sees is very likely to happen!

No wonder he was shy, no matter how precocious Pooh was, he was only a nine-year-old child.

Seeing my brother being teased by another woman in my dream... must be very embarrassing, right

Thinking of this, Marvin sighed, and immediately said to Pooh seriously:

"You are not allowed to tell anyone about your dream, understand?"

Pooh nodded vigorously. Looking at Marvin's expression, he also knew that there seemed to be something unusual about him.

After experiencing what happened to the shadow prince today, he also knew that he seemed to be able to see something different.

"For the next month, you will continue to stay in the third-ring tower to study witchcraft." Marvin said carefully, "but you must agree to one condition."

"Okay bro!"

Pooh readily agreed.

"You can't advance." Marvin said seriously.

Pooh was dumbfounded.

An hour later, Marvin boarded a hot air balloon to Moonglade and waved goodbye to Pooh.

Although Marvin's final request was a bit weird, Pooh still accepted it.

He promised Marvin. Don't advance to the second-level wizard within a month, even if he is already on the verge of advancement.

Marvin has no choice. If he advanced to a second-tier wizard, his method might not work. No one can prevent the collapse of the magic pool of the universe—unless the god of wizards suddenly returns to Feinan and forcibly suppresses the new god.

But Marvin had a feeling in his heart that the wizard god would not be able to return for a while. He must be going to a higher universe to explore.

This seems to be mentioned in the expansion of the game.

Feinan, who had been peaceful for many years, was finally about to enter a turbulent era.

Devils and demons are also ready to move, and the evil spirits have even stretched out their minions. The power to protect Feinan became weaker and weaker.

Ma Wen thought to himself that he didn't have the ability to guard the whole of Feinan, he could only guard the people around him, guarding the White River Valley.

In order to do this, before oneself is really fully strong. He must not attract the attention of the gods.

And constantly dealing with legends, there is no doubt that more eyes of the gods will fall on him.

If he speaks out to remind Hathaway or Inheim of something in the future, it may change the fate of some people, but it cannot change the general trend of Feinan.

There is no way to stop the new gods of the third era from entering Feinan and developing their faith.

And Marvin must save his own life. Then grow big.

It wasn't until he was strong enough to contend with these gods that he could show his minions.

Forbearance is not cowardice.

The hot air balloon dangled and landed in Moonglade.

With the pass, Marvin went all the way without hindrance, entered Sleepy Hollow, crossed the Hills of Despair, and found the hut of the Mad Lich directly.

It's just when he handed the eternal flower to Federer. The latter said dejectedly, "Sasha is gone."


Marvin was a little surprised.

Under Federer's explanation. He just reacted. Just a few days ago, the witch left her place of residence. missing.

Federu searched hard, but only found a letter left by Sasha.

She left for the time being, saying that she was going to an archlich in the North to seek real power.

She said that now that she has lost her human emotions, it is impossible to accept Federu anymore.

She wished him well.

There are not many words on the letter, but Marvin can feel the helplessness of the witch when she wrote this letter.

"Loss of human emotion? If it is really lost, will this letter still be left?"

"People who are in love are always so blind and ignorant, always thinking that they are making the so-called best choice for each other, but they are actually doing stupid things!"

"Is she looking for the body restoration technique, but because she feels that the hope is very slim, it doesn't want to delay Federer?"

Seeing Federer's distraught face, Marvin almost couldn't hold back what he knew.

He can only think in his own mind. He wanted to conceal the identity of the time traveler to the end.

At the moment, Marvin could only choose his vocabulary and said, "Maybe you misunderstood what she meant."

"Think about it carefully, if she really lost her human emotions as she said, why did she leave this letter?"

"She could just walk away."

Federer's eyes lit up immediately.

It's like seeing the fire of hope.

"you're right!"

"Sasha left this letter, does she want me to go to the north to find her?"

Marvin suddenly felt dizzy.

Not only is this guy emotionally ups and downs, but he also doesn't seem to be very smart.

What's the use of going to her now? The girl obviously doesn't want to see you because her face is disfigured. Didn't you really go there to drive her to death

Ma Wen followed the instructions carefully: "Don't worry. I think, are you pushing her too hard?"

"Maybe all she needs is some space."

"You also said before that before that incident, the two of you always had the same heart. She understood your heart. So, you don't need to chase so closely. Give her some time. "

A trace of sadness flashed in Federer's eyes: "But I'm afraid that after a long time, she will forget me."

"I heard that liches really have no feelings."

Marvin was silent. He didn't know how to solve this problem.

Now he stayed in Federer's small room for a while, making sure that this guy wouldn't turn into a lich out of his brain, and then left.

before leaving. In order to thank Marvin for the eternal flower, Federer sent another gift.

Federer's net worth looks very rich. Before becoming a necromancer, he seemed to be the heir of a wizard family, with various resources around him.

This time, what he gave Marvin was a very rare bracelet.

[Grass Bracelet]

[Quality: Shimmer]

[Effect: Natural Approval +3]

Naturally recognized, this is a very rare property.

It represents the degree of approval/rejection of living beings by all things that are shrouded by the ancient gods of nature. Ranger is a naturally recognized profession, so in the forest area, there are special bonuses.

And the higher the natural recognition, the ranger's various skills, such as hiding and stealth. will be strengthened more.

Natural recognition +3, according to Ma Wen's estimation, this means that his various abilities will increase by at least 9%.

This is a great strengthening equipment.

After Marvin thanked Federer, he still put the knotted grass bracelet on his hand.

Before parting, he also invited Fedru to visit the White River Valley when he was bored, and the latter readily agreed. Said that he would come to visit after a while.

Anyway, he had nothing to do in the Hills of Despair, and now that Shasha had left, he didn't have many friends.

Leaving the Hills of Despair, Marvin went straight to River Beach City without stopping.

It has been a long time since the White River Valley has been back, and God knows what will become of it. Without the guard of the lord, it will not work after all.

Forest of Chiba. A bewildered figure. Holding a broken sword, he walked out of the forest step by step.

The majestic voice just now echoed in his ears:

"Eevee. You have been deprived of your status as an elf prince and are no longer an outcast."

"From now on, Chiba Forest is no longer your hometown, and you are not allowed to step into Chiba Forest."

"From now on, you are an outcast."

"You go. Maybe one day, when you are strong enough to defeat me, you can set foot on this land."

"Otherwise, I will expel you with my own hands, let's go!"

That was the awe of the Great Elf King with supreme majesty!

In the battle between father and son, Ibrahimovic persisted for a long time, but was still defeated, which was expected. It's just that he didn't expect that what was waiting for him was not the group of stone men, but permanent abandonment!


For the first time, Ibrahimovic's eyes appeared blank:

Sure enough, does he still look down on me

I've tried so hard, but I still can't keep up with him. Yes, how can my talent be compared with the most powerful wood elf king ever

No matter how hard I practice, in his eyes, I am still a waste after all. Ever since I was a child, I have never looked at myself directly.

All along, there was only suppression and contempt, and that lofty look made Ibrahimovic's heart feel like falling into an ice cave.

Whether you like women or not, those little things are nothing... All I really care about is that I want you to look at me more.

The poor Elf Prince was walking outside the forest, the sun was blinding him.

Bang, his broken sword fell to the ground.

Because a dragon's chant came from the east, disturbing his sad thoughts.

In the next second, he suddenly raised his sword and walked towards the east.

"Damn, I'm in a bad mood, go and kill a dragon!" Ibrahimovic looked like a wounded wolf.

Chiba Forest, Mirror Lake, two people standing.

On the surface of the lake, there is a scene of Ibrahimovic picking up the broken sword and heading east.

"My king, Ibrahimovic..."

Oli lowered her eyebrows and said sincerely, "He, he really loves you."

"He worked hard too."

The Great Elf King remained expressionless: "Not enough. Far from enough."

"With such strength, how can I guard this land after I leave?"

"How can such a childish mind make me feel at ease to hand over Chiba Forest to him?"

"I've made up my mind, you don't need to say more. Back off, Ollie."

Ollie bit her lip and left silently.

Beside the Mirror Lake, only the Elf King was left alone.

Nicholas silently walked to the lake and opened his right hand.

In the next second, the scene on the lake suddenly changed!

The running Ibrahimovic disappeared, and what appeared in the eyes of the Great Elf King was a young face.

Looking at that person's face, a gleam of light flashed in the eyes of the Great Elf King.

"The gods of the heavens chose Glenos because he has the skin of [Time Moth] and can pass through the obstacles of the magic pool. They thought the general situation was settled."

"Unfortunately, they are so ignorant that they don't even know that God Lance chose you for Feinan."

"Marvin… "

... ... (A great event for the pie in the sky, cool mobile phones are waiting for you! Follow up~click/official account (add friends on WeChat-add official account-enter qdread), and participate immediately! Everyone has a prize, now immediately Pay attention to the qdread WeChat public account!) (to be continued~^~)

PS: Excessive chapters with a lot of information. Coconut wrote for more than two hours. The monthly ticket is not very powerful, and there has been a gap of about 200 votes. Is it because this kind of rule makes people unable to arouse the interest of voting? If there is still a gap of more than 200 votes before twelve o'clock tonight, then change the rules. Some people say that the monthly ticket war is to see whether the author squeezes the readers first, or the readers squeeze the author first. Coconuts speak for themselves, how about you? The next update is at seven o'clock in the evening.