Night Ranger

Chapter 130: River Beach City is changing!


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Marvin had no knowledge of what happened in Chiba no Mori.

He headed south all the way to River Beach City.

Along the way, he found that there were obviously more people walking on the official road.

These people appear to be leaving River Beach.

They looked panicked, and some even wore luxurious clothes, but they could still only walk.

Among these people, some were even officials of the City Hall. When Marvin first sought help from the City Hall of the River Beach City, he was often looked down upon by them.

"Did it really happen... the purge of the high-level people in River Beach City."

As Marvin walked along the way, he secretly thought about it.

The great changes in River Beach City seem to be a little earlier than in history, and they may also be influenced by themselves.

This is related to the early appearance of the city lord of River Beach City.

This one is also a quasi-legendary female wizard on the same level as Hathaway - a professional at the peak of the fourth order.

It's just that she doesn't have the good luck like Hathaway, she is a sky awakened person. On the eve of her promotion to the legend, the magic pool of the universe collapsed. Although she withstood the wave after wave of willpower brought by the chaotic magic power injected into her body, her strength stopped at level 20 forever, and she could no longer advance.

If it weren't for the fact that River Beach City was the birthplace of large players, and there were countless players with hero templates known as "sons of gold" who followed suit, River Beach City might have been destroyed in a certain monster riot long ago.

Marvin entered the river beach city and found that the current river beach city is much deserted than when he left. Not many people can be seen on the street, and the empty road gives people a feeling of depression.

But in fact, the prosperity of the previous river beach city was a false prosperity.

A lot of dirty trade exists, and the officials of the town hall collude with various lower-level nobles and merchants. oppress the common people.

Huge amounts of wealth are circulated in the hands of a few people, and various unreasonable systems are rampant. The gang fights frequently. People die every day in the slums.

Many teenagers, because they don't have a job to earn a living, can only choose to join gangs and become the lowest level of cannon fodder.

These dark corners, hidden under the bustling exterior, can only feel the disgusting smell of blood when you deeply understand the city's night.

But now this situation has been greatly improved.

Because the acting city lord was revoked, the real lord of River Beach City walked out of her wizard tower, ending her more than three years of closed-door training.

Her strength was consolidated at the quasi-legendary level of level 20, and she began to manage her territory. In the Wizarding League of the South. Her noble title is low, only Viscount.

But this has nothing to do with her strength, it's just because the area controlled by River Beach City is a little smaller. If she is willing to open up wilderness for the alliance, the title of earl is more than enough.

In short, after the city lord reappeared in the public eye, the atmosphere in River Beach City improved for a long time.

Even the black sweet poison incident that caused panic a while ago seems to have been brought under control because of the actions of the chief wizard group and the knights of the Silver Church.

People are talking in the street. Talk about the source of the plague. Among them, the name Silver Knight Guderian was mentioned most frequently.

It seems that Guderian contributed the most to arresting the Plague Cultist and spreading the black sweet poison!

And the name of the double-knife mask has been mentioned repeatedly.

When Marvin heard it, a smile could not help but appear on the corner of his mouth.

In his reply to Anna, he mentioned that he had agate and amber disguised as a double-knife mask and killed several evildoers in the river beach city. Then deliberately release the news.

Presumably Anna has executed Marvin's reply. Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many rumors of double-knife masks in River Beach City.

His relative regional popularity has increased a bit.

And these reputations are all positive. What people are saying about Double Swords Mask. It is no longer the indifferent killer who single-handedly wiped out the Akron gang, nor the cruel criminal who killed the Miller family alone, but more, it is the enthusiastic man who is doing justice everywhere.

This made Marvin very satisfied.

"So, you spread most of the public opinion yourself? Describe Miller as a rich and unkind businessman or even a cultist? You portray the double-knife mask as a hero."

asked Marvin.

In a secluded alley, Phantom Assassin Kyle Amber met Marvin again.

Marvin kept him in the River Beach City with the purpose of staring at Dosi Loa, the nobleman who was said to be from a city-state in the north, and he seemed to have been coveting the White River Valley for a long time.

Intelligence is always the most important. Sometimes, knowing a little more about the enemy will increase your chances of winning many times!

Amber shook her head: "I found a poor and down-to-earth bard. This guy has a cheap mouth, but he has a good eloquence."

"The most important thing is that this person has no lower limit, as long as you give him money, he is willing to do anything."

"What's more, what I let him spread is also the truth."

Marvin nodded. In this matter, Phantom Assassin did a great job.

But he was more concerned about another matter.

"How is Doshiroa? By the way, there is also the Lynx team."

Marvin asked.

He didn't forget that when he regained the White River Valley, the Lynx team tried to entrap him repeatedly!

The cat-headed Verne even tried to get the disciplinary knights from River Beach City to kill him after he captured the White River Valley!

As for Dosiroa, this guy and Miller are obviously on the same mind. It is estimated that he was also involved in the Gnoll man being found in the first place.

No matter what his background is, he wants to harm the things he guards, Marvin has always had only one solution!

That is to kill!

The forbearance before was because he wanted to find out who was behind the Bobcat team.

Now, it's time to make a move.

Amber did a good job of intelligence work in Riverbank.

He immediately told Marvin what he knew.

Sure enough, during the days when Marvin left, River Beach City underwent earth-shaking changes!

The real city lord banned the acting city lord, and began to implement a series of decrees.

More than half of the city hall officials were fired, and one third were expelled!

and. These people have all their properties confiscated!

For the first time, all members of the chief wizard group were dispatched, coordinating with the river beach city guards and disciplinary knights. Coupled with the full support of the Silver Church.

Everything was done in a hurry.

The toughness of the city lord can be seen.

What Marvin saw on the official road before was the expelled nobles and city hall officials. They were expelled from River Beach City and had to find a way to make a living elsewhere.

Then there is the large-scale decree to kill the plague cultists. This has played a great role in curbing the spread of black sweet potato.

The black sweet poison was strangled in the cradle as soon as it started to stir up trouble. Among them, Marvin naturally has a contribution. If he hadn't killed the Plaguebringer who was the mastermind, it wouldn't be so easy for Riverbank City's officials.

During this period, a strict curfew and interrogation system was implemented throughout the process. The entire river beach city was shrouded in a powerful coercion.

This is the deterrence of a top wizard, even if it is not a legend, it is enough to deter all forces by himself in a place like River Beach City.

at this time. The poorer the person, the more at ease. Their lives were finally partially safeguarded.

In this purge operation, Dosi Roja was also involved.

Due to his background, the lord of River Beach City did not confiscate his property, but expelled him.

However, as far as Amber knew, after this guy was expelled. And did not leave River Beach City for the first time!

He seems to have set up a temporary small camp somewhere in the wild near River Beach City, planning something secretly.

Because there was an anti-invisibility expert among Dosiroja's retinue, and Amber didn't dare to get too close, so she didn't get any information about what Dosiroja wanted to do.

All he knew was that the camp was located in a small mountain depression between River Beach City and the White River Valley!

"It's actually near the White River Valley."

"This guy is really ruthless."

A killing intent flashed in Ma Wen's eyes: "Then, where is the Lynx team?"

"Because the Lynx team colluded with many senior officials of the city hall. It seems that they were arrested by the city lord as a model."

"Now the six of them are locked in cells in the north of the city."

Amber replied quickly.

"Prison?" Marvin frowned.

Doshiroya's move. Let him have a bad feeling.

But now it is definitely impossible to find the other party alone.

He needs an entry point to figure out what this guy wants to do!

North of River Beach City, Blackwater Prison.

Two guards pressed a thin boy and walked inside.

It was too dark to see the boy's face clearly.

"What's the matter with this guy?" asked the person who registered.

"I violated the curfew and ran around in the street when it was dark. Do you really think that the recent martial law in the city is fake?"

The guard's tone was also somewhat helpless.

The young man's expression was a little frightened, probably because he didn't know what happened.

"At least a week. Lock it up until No. 7." The person who registered took a look at the boy and thought he was not a threat, so he let him go.

Ten minutes later, the cell was locked with a creak, and Marvin and several strong men were locked in a small cell.

"Hey, new here..." A man with a naked upper body and tattoos all over showed an ugly smile: "He looks quite handsome."

In the other corners of the cell, there was a burst of wretched laughter.

A high-pitched voice said, "Mundin, don't try too hard, the one who came in last time was played to death by you the next day."

"It hurts that none of us have a chance to taste it."

"Be gentle this time, let this kid live a few more days."

The tattooed man laughed and said, "There's so much fucking nonsense."

"Hey, boy, come and lick me..."

Before he could finish his sentence, a heavy punch hit his face, followed by the sound of teeth cracking!

The cell suddenly fell silent!

... ... (to be continued~^~)

PS: In the evening, it will be updated earlier than now! The main reason is that the monthly pass has risen so slowly, and the coconut can't sit still. If this continues, it is estimated that there will only be five shifts on the seventh. On the new book monthly ticket list, there are a few books in the back that are said to have begun to receive tickets. The number of votes is constantly being caught up, and the coconut is under a lot of pressure. There is no choice but to fight. Let alone what I said earlier. No matter, starting tomorrow morning, the fifth watch will break out! The next chapter is in the early hours of the morning, which is the first update of tomorrow's fifth watch! I hope you will support Night Ranger a lot!