Night Ranger

Chapter 133: Strong suppression! [Third update! ]



"My lord!"

"Master Marvin!"

The people who were fooled were shocked!

The way Marvin appeared was really shocking. He jumped directly from the back of the giant eagle with the Ruyi rope.

Then there was a decisive knife, which cut off the troublemaker's neck.

Everyone looked at Marvin in shock.

Is this still the lord who is kind to everyone in their impression

This is totally a murderous killer!

"I'll ask again."

Marvin took a step forward slowly: "Are you going to rebel?"

Everyone took three steps back!

Standing on the narrow stone bridge, he is thin and small, but in the eyes of everyone, he has an incomparable deterrent ability!

This is the power of nobility.

Aristocratic Skill - [Majesty]!

For a long time, the Marvin family's rule of the White River Valley has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. When Marvin is away, people may be bewitched.

But when Marvin appeared, especially in such a strong way, everyone suddenly woke up.

What are you doing

Gathering under the castle to make trouble? Is this a rebellion

In the land under the rule of the Southern Wizarding Union, the punishment for rebels is very severe!

Immediately hanged!

There is no room for flexibility.

Most people back off. They were just fooled by rumors and tricks, and when Marvin appeared, they lost their minds about making trouble.

Of course, there are also some perpetrators hidden among the people.

Suddenly, someone shouted: "But we have no food!"

"We need something to eat!"

Marvin's gaze was like a torch, and he fixed his eyes on the young bird.

It was a skinny monkey-like guy. He is not very old, but his eyes are very bright.

"Come here." Marvin said calmly.

The man ducked back. The tone slowed down and said: "Master Marvin, we really don't want to rebel, we just need to eat."

"I know. So, please come here."

Marvin put away the scimitar, and said to everyone empty-handed, "I'm putting away the knife now."

"I promise, if you are not a spy sent by the enemy, I will not do anything to you."

The man hesitated for a moment. Although Marvin said so, he could still feel the murderous look in Marvin's eyes!

He flinched.

"Forget it, since you are back, my lord. We will..."

His words were forcibly interrupted by Marvin—

"Pull him here!"

Marvin glared at the villagers and roared angrily.

The rest of the people immediately obediently pushed the skinny monkey in front of Marvin.

"You said you were hungry and you had nothing to eat, that's why you made trouble."

Marvin grabbed the man's shoulder and grabbed him tightly: "Is what you said true?"

"I swear!" The man panicked and said loudly, "It's because we're really hungry... and we don't have any money. The gnolls robbed us of all the money."


Marvin sneered.

He inserted one hand into the man's jacket pocket like lightning, and in the next second, a wallet came out of his hand!

He opened the wallet, and the silver coins were scattered all over the floor!

That person was dumbfounded! He clearly remembered that he didn't have a penny in his pocket.

Others were shocked to see it!

They all showed greedy expressions, and their eyes were full of doubt and anger when they looked at the thin monkey!

Didn't this guy say he had no money to eat

So many silver coins in the pocket. It is still very convenient to buy food!

This money. You can buy a lot of food in River Beach City.

"Liar!" Ma Wen didn't give the thin monkey a chance to speak, and immediately shouted angrily!

Draw the knife. kill!

Blood splattered everywhere.

Everyone fell silent.

"Liar." Marvin said angrily, "This f*ck is a liar!"

"Haven't you seen it clearly? Some people have bought some people and are deceiving you! Yes, the granary was burned. But it was also done by our enemies!"

"He wanted to take the White River Valley as his own, so he created this conspiracy."

Marvin said coldly: "Now, as the lord, I order you to return to your residence immediately!"

"The food problem will be resolved within a week."

"As the lord of the White River Valley, I assure you."

[Majesty] The skill is activated again!

Most of the people retreated, and they left with shame on their faces.

However, at this moment, the city gate, which had been closed all along, suddenly creaked and opened.

A sneaky figure flashed by, and he seemed to have noticed something was wrong!

Marvin took a stride and accelerated his sprint!

The pair of Thunder Elf boots were still on his feet. After the battle for the Holy Grail, Hensel generously gave this magic item to Marvin as a gift!

Suddenly, Marvin rushed behind the city gate.

Grab that guy!

A very strange face, his face is full of surprise!

Ruyi rope tied him silently.

The people who were just about to go down the mountain watched this scene in surprise. Under the light of the torches, they could barely see Marvin walking out with a member of the security team!

At this moment, Anna and the others also came out to welcome them.

"Master Marvin!" Andre and other members of the security team greeted him excitedly.

They were shocked by Marvin's strong performance just now.

And the most important thing is that they know that when Marvin is back, the territory will not be in chaos!

"Who is this person?" Marvin asked, grabbing the guy.

Andre's expression changed: "This is someone who was just recruited into the security team a few days ago..."

"A spy!" A trace of anger flashed in Anna's eyes: "He must have burned the granary!"

"Now, do you want to take the opportunity to open the city gate and let those troubled people come in?"

Marvin looked at the man, who quibbled and said, "I just saw Lord Marvin come back and wanted to open the door to welcome..."

However, before he finished speaking, he was kicked to the ground by Ma Wen!

It was another icy cold light. Ma Wen chopped off the man's head with a powerful knife!

The bloody head rolled on the stone bridge. Eventually rolled down the moat.

"This is what happens to spies!"

Ma Wen suddenly raised the volume, and kicked the headless corpse into the moat!

Everyone was disappointed to see it, and finally stopped staying and returned to their homes one after another.

Under the castle, only the guards, Anna and others remained.

" are finally back." Anna bit her lip, if not for the presence of too many people, she might have burst into tears.

She is very shrewd and capable, but she is not a local lord after all.

In the days when Ma Wen was away, she suffered a lot and had too many rumors to slander her.

Marvin gently hugged Anna. A comforting sentence: "It's okay."

Who knew that at this moment, a discordant voice came from the side:

"How can you hug Miss Anna so casually?"

"Even if you are a local lord, you can't be so rude, right?"

Marvin frowned, he was very murderous today, but not to the point of killing people randomly.

At that moment, he pointed to the guy and asked, "Who is this man dressed like a turkey?"

For a moment, everyone was silent.

Then there was a burst of laughter.

Even Anna, who never showed her emotions in front of people, couldn't help but burst into tears.

Because what Ma Wen said was really accurate! This man, known as the greatest alchemist in history, wears very luxurious clothes, but the colors match. Really... not flattering.

At night, under the firelight, it really looks like a turkey!

The man went completely berserk: "What are you talking about? Are you questioning my dressing taste? I want to fight you!"

"Duel your size!" Marvin said impatiently, "I'm still busy killing people, so I don't have time!"

He glared at the man coldly: "This is my territory, give me peace of mind."

At the moment he and Anna explained some things. The main purpose is to appease the emotions of the citizens, and then to strengthen the defense of the remaining food.

"What about you?" After listening to Anna, she showed a surprised look: "Are you going to leave again?"

"Just tonight."

Marvin said lightly: "I will never allow it. Someone has repeatedly challenged my bottom line."

Say it. He walked down the mountain without looking back.

The turkey man said angrily: "Unexplainable lord! How can you do something like murder yourself? Miss Anna, you have a problem with your vision."

"Shut up!" Everyone shouted angrily.

The turkey man was taken aback. He didn't dare to say anything at the moment. He never expected that Marvin's status in the hearts of these people was so high!

The night wind whistled in his ears.

Ma Wen was as fast as lightning.

In the middle of the night, it was originally the world of nocturnal travelers.

He's going to kill tonight.

nocturnal. kill.

No matter what purpose or reason Dosi Roah had, he had completely angered Marvin.

The last one who touched Marvin's bottom line was White. Then he died.

Now it's the turn of this nobleman from a city-state in the North.

In the middle of the night, Marvin was covered with a layer of natural protective clothing, and he ran quietly.

Half an hour later, outside a small mountain depression, Marvin quietly got ready.

The Phantom Assassin, Amber, has also been in place early.

In the col is a semi-temporary camp.

There are about twenty people in the camp, more than half of them are Tier 2 fighters. In addition, there is a second-level warlock, who has a very high status and has his own camp.

Dosi Roja himself is a swordsman at the peak of the second level, and he has two standard barbarians [Wildland Braves] as guards.

Wasteland Brave is also a Tier 2 job.

This information was collected by Amber.

"A group of second-tier professionals is enough to overthrow a small Baihe Valley."

Marvin sneered inwardly.

It's a pity that I met myself.

Amber leaned over and asked in a low voice, "Master Marvin, when will we do it?"

"No rush." Marvin squinted his eyes, watching a flame shuttle through the forest.

It was an adventurer disguised as a villager!

He came to inform Dosi Loa.

"Kill him first." Marvin said, pointing at the man.

The Phantom Assassin nodded, and suddenly disappeared in place.

And Marvin himself started stealth and walked to the camp!

... ... (to be continued~^~)

PS: Desperate for the third update! On the new book monthly ticket list, it was firmly in second place a few days ago, and the gap between the next book and ours is more than 600 votes! In the blink of an eye, there are more than 100 votes left! I won't say much about anything else, old readers will understand. Coconut is not reconciled to being surpassed in this way. Very unwilling! If it is true force that crushes us, there is no nonsense about coconuts. I don't want to say anything more now, I just ask everyone to vote for the night ranger. Finally, thanks to the book friend [alexlth] for the monthly pass and reward!