Night Ranger

Chapter 30: fraud


After the girl's exclamation, there was a murmuring sound!


Marvin's heart shuddered.

He turned on stealth and tiptoed into the backyard.

In the courtyard next to the farmhouse, a gorgeously dressed girl fell to the ground.

And six gnolls were surrounding her, yelling at something.

At this time, the rain gradually weakened and turned into a drizzle.

The girl showed a frightened expression, her life seemed to be in danger.

"It's actually her!?"

However, Marvin did not act immediately.

Because of this woman, he knew.

Before the Gnolls invaded, this woman came to her territory, dressed luxuriously and spent a lot of money, saying that she wanted to establish a long-term trade relationship with the White River Valley.

She claimed to be from Gemstone Bay, she was the daughter of the president of the White Banner Chamber of Commerce, and she had two strong bodyguards with her.

At the time Marvin almost believed it. The White River Valley is not suitable for planting, and there will be a shortage of food in the territory every year, and they need to go out to buy.

But the grain market in River Beach City has always been very expensive. Since Marvin took over the territory, he has been troubled by this problem.

At this time, the girl took the opportunity to propose to solve this problem for Marvin.

She said she could bring a shipment of grain over from Jewel Bay. The premise is that Ma Wen must pay a deposit first.

Although the deposit was not much, it was still a big expense for the financially tight Baihe Valley.

To be on the safe side, the former owner of this body secretly sent Anna to Jewel Bay to verify the girl's identity.

While holding the girl steady, he pretended to be hesitant while waiting for news from Anna.

As a result, five days later, when the exhausted half-elf girl rushed back, she brought news that there was no White Flag Chamber of Commerce in Baoshi Bay.

There is no doubt that the girl is a liar.

She and her two so-called bodyguards were arrested on the spot. thrown into the dungeon of the castle.

Although Marvin didn't abuse her, facing this kind of person who tried to deceive the lord, if he didn't lock her up, it would be difficult to establish his prestige in the territory.

So she has been kept in the dungeon.

Until the invasion of the gnolls.

"How did she escape? Where are her two bodyguards?"

Marvin watched the communication between the girl and the jackal with some playfulness.

This female liar named Laura is very capable, and she can actually speak jackals.

Gnoll language is relatively simple, but because of the special vocal cord structure of Gnoll, it is very troublesome for creatures of other races to imitate.

But this girl can speak Gnoll language well, which is quite a talent.

Although this kind of person is a liar, it is also very important to use it well.

At this moment, a jackal suddenly grabbed the girl's clothes, and put the short knife in his hand on her neck.

The speed of speech has accelerated a lot.

The jackals on the side booed one after another, and some of them even drooled.

"I don't know how she fooled these jackals into letting her out."

"But her current situation doesn't look very good."

"It's time to play a hero to save the beauty."

Laura was terrified.

Her usually extremely flexible mind fell into a blank at this moment!

That damned nobleman, who threw himself in the dungeon, escaped alone.

When she was first discovered, she was almost eaten by those gnolls. If she hadn't been proficient in the language of gnolls, she would have basically died long ago.

But now, she managed to trick this group of jackals into letting them release her.

It's a pity that when she tried to escape just now, she failed.

Now, this group of angry gnolls couldn't listen to her comfort.

They are going to eat her!

Thinking of this, Laura's limbs became weak. She almost didn't cry.

"Lola! Be strong, be strong!"

"I must not cry. There must be a way. After so many years, no matter how difficult the environment is, I have survived it!"

The girl bit her lip, trying to calm herself down.

But when she saw the dagger on her neck, she panicked again.

Tears rolled around the corners of the eyes. The stench of the wolf man was close at hand, she opened her mouth and said in a tone as calm as possible:

"You guys listen to me, I really know a treasure..."


A cloud of blood splattered out, many of which flew into Laura's mouth!

She opened her mouth wide and stared blankly at the head of the jackal leader in front of her!

A figure wearing a mask slowly emerged from the void in human form.


The rest of the gnolls looked at the sudden human in amazement, and immediately rushed forward.

Like low-level intelligent creatures such as kobolds and goblins, jackals simply stay at the level of numbers when judging the strength of the enemy and us.

There are five of them, and humans, only one and a half. That girl can only be counted as half.

No matter how you calculate it, you will win here.


Marvin is no ordinary human being!

Level 5 ranger, 20 points of super long agility!

It's a bit dangerous for him to challenge a second-tier professional, but it's more than enough to face a group of Gnoll fighters with an average level of two!


The cold light flickered, and the two scimitars flew up in Marvin's hands. His movements were natural and unrestrained, and his feet nimbly shuttled among the wolves.

Every cut may not be fatal, but it can definitely be disabled!

The melee ranger's style of play is to aim at the opponent's vitals and fight to the death!

These gnolls had no armor, and their rough fur couldn't stop Marvin's scimitar.

In less than half a minute, a total of five Jackals lay quietly on the ground.

Marvin quietly took out a black rag, wiped off the blood on the double knives, and put it away.

And Laura on the side only reacted suddenly at this time.

She bent over to the side and began to vomit violently!

Three minutes later, inside the farmhouse.

"The blood of jackals is very bloody."

Marvin said quietly: "However, if you vomit a few more times, you will get used to it."


Laura, who had just vomited at the side, couldn't help retching again when she heard this sentence.

Her complexion was extremely blue, she hadn't eaten much in the dungeon, all she vomited was bile.

She just feels dizzy now. However, the basic vision is still there.

This is a master. It can be seen from his posture of killing the wolf man.

The opponent is still wearing a mask, and the masters are all a little weird. However, it may also be ugly

Laura's mind was active, and countless thoughts turned in her mind for a moment, and finally she said pitifully:

"Thank you for saving me."

"I am the daughter of the chairman of the Baoshi Bay White Banner Chamber of Commerce. On behalf of the Baiqi Chamber of Commerce, I have come to the White River Valley to discuss business."

"Who knows that I have encountered so many wolf men. Thank you very much for your help."

"If you can give me something to eat and send me back to Jewel Bay, I will repay you well."

After all, she looked at Marvin with that kind of pure eyes.

In all fairness, Laura's looks are very good, and her big eyes are deceptive, especially deceptive.

It's a pity that Marvin just threw a piece of hard bread to her casually.

"This is food." Because he wanted to lower his voice, Marvin didn't want to say more, so as not to be discovered by this active girl.

"I saved you because you seem to be proficient in Gnoll language."

"I have a place to get you."

"Have a good sleep after eating, and follow me tomorrow morning."

Laura's eyes widened.

It's a pity that Marvin ignored her completely, instead he took out his scimitar and wiped it gently.

Her heart is about to collapse!

Is this just out of the misery of the wolf man, and fell into the hands of the murderous maniac again

Look at his posture of wiping the knife, what is he trying to do

Could it be the gnoll who wanted to single out that castle

I admit that your martial arts are very high, but you are outnumbered!

While eating the bread wisely, Laura complained wildly.

After the bread was eaten, it was night. She wanted to find a chance to escape, but unfortunately this masked master didn't give her any chance at all.

"If you want to escape, I advise you to run hard."

"Caught by me, the fate will be much more terrifying than that of the jackal."

After all, Marvin leaned half against the door and began to doze off and rest.

Laura's heart was cold. After seeing Marvin's skills, how could she dare to do anything wrong

That night, she couldn't sleep well.

The girl was afraid that this murderer who didn't talk much would suddenly get aggressive and chop herself up as a jackal;

Wait, which of the two is better

Laura was so entangled in making comparisons in her heart.

Until dawn, she didn't come up with a result.

But at this time, Marvin suddenly opened his eyes and said calmly:

"Are you awake? It's time to work."