Night Ranger

Chapter 44: firewall


The battle has already begun. The jackals took the lead in attacking.

It was dawn at this time, a total of six mutated hyenas came menacingly, followed by a dense pack of gnolls.

This scene, ordinary people will feel cold when they see it.

Although the combat effectiveness of the Wolf man is really not very good, this number is enough to overwhelm everything.

Unless the cavalry from River Beach City were dispatched, it would be difficult for the members of the guards in the White River Valley to contend with these gnolls.

Everyone hid behind the fortifications, holding their breath.

The mine they chose was the closest to the edge.

There is a hill on the left and a forest on the right. Relatively speaking, it is easier to defend.

The young men of the guard are holding their weapons tightly, ready to deal with the surprise attack of the jackals at any time!

The last time we faced this situation, Marvin ordered them to evacuate because they were outnumbered.

But this time, they can't back down!

Take back their hometown, this is their only choice!

"I need a little time!"

Hearing the two-knife mask shouting to him, Archer Joey didn't feel disgusted, but responded readily.

Veteran adventurers know what to do in combat.

Although it was agreed that Marvin would deal with the Gnoll warlock, but he was just a lonely ranger. If he couldn't find the other party's hidden warlock, the battle would be very troublesome.

Joey does have some outstanding features, otherwise he wouldn't have single-handedly made his name in River Beach City.

His specialty, deep insight, not only has great restraint for stealth units, but also has special usefulness for searching!

After a while, he found the little wolf man in the half-dark environment!

Unlike other gnolls, this small gnoll stood on a small hill in the southeast. There are a dozen guards around.

They didn't charge, they just stood there.

The rest of the gnolls were divided into three waves, keeping a certain distance, and charged towards the human camp!

"Unexpectedly, this warlock knows a little bit about military affairs!"

Ma Wen's heart shuddered, this guy really possessed extremely high intelligence.

Originally, the attacks of the wolves were scattered and chaotic, but under the command of this warlock, they seemed to be much more organized.

This is not easy to deal with.

Under Joey's guidance, Marvin also quickly discovered him.

As long as the Gnoll can be killed, the battle will be much easier!

But now comes the problem.

The distance between the two sides is a bit far. Marvin was hiding in the camp, and that cunning warlock was far away on the hill in the southeast!

He has guards by his side.

Stealth is definitely not going to work, this Warlock has the Eye of Pain, and all invisible units are asking for trouble in front of him!

"Joy, come and help me!"

Marvin thought for a while, and greeted the archer.

The latter was also very straightforward, rolled to the ground and came to Marvin's side.

He moved very carefully and was not noticed by the jackals.

"I'm going to kill that Gnoll warlock."

"But I need your help. First, we need to get closer."

"You know how to sneak? It doesn't matter. We don't need to get too close. The warlock's eye of pain has a range."

Marvin quickly explained his battle plan!

After listening to Joey, he thought about it for a while and felt that the plan was feasible.

Marvin greeted Anna, and then the two of them sneaked out at the same time, and went out from the east of the camp.

And on the frontal battlefield, the menacing six mutated hyenas were about to charge in front of the camp!

"Isn't that woman Anna scared stupid?"

"At this time, you still don't let us make a move?"

In the mine, Maotou couldn't hold back watching this scene.

Everyone in the Bobcat team was also a little uneasy.

In their eyes, the guards in the White River Valley couldn't stop this wave of attacks at all.

If they collapse, they will also fall into a big crisis.

At this time, they should rush out in one breath and kill all those jackals.

Why hasn't Anna given the order yet

This confuses them very much.

However, the captain of the other team, Gru, was very calm.

He held a two-handed sword and continued to observe the situation. Facing the uneasy team members, he just said:

"Wait a little longer."

The man with thorns immediately relaxed.

After going through so many battles, they have almost absolute trust in themselves as the captain.

Now that the captain said it, it must be fine to wait a little longer.

It's just that they are also very curious. When the team members in the White River Valley were building fortifications yesterday, a few of them disappeared for a while, and they didn't know what they did.

How on earth did they stop those six seemingly unbeatable coyotes

The answer was soon revealed.

Just when the six coyotes were about to charge up the fortification, Andre, who had been observing the development of the situation, suddenly yelled:


bang bang!

Several crisp voices sounded from the nearby woods!

Everyone was taken aback and looked to the side!

Only at this time did the careless adventurers notice that the two big trees standing at the edge of the mine had been tied with a few thick hemp ropes since they didn't know when!

The other end of the hemp rope was wrapped around the other big trees!

With Andre's order just now, it was the two guards hiding in the woods who cut those hemp ropes!


The two big trees suddenly began to tilt!

And the direction in which the big tree leaned was the direction of the battlefield!

The mutated hyenas were startled suddenly, trying to slow down. But their speed was already mentioned in the previous running, and it was so easy to slow down all of a sudden!

After two breaths, the two thick trees fell to the ground!



The whole earth is shaking!

"I see!"

"It turned out that those two trees had been cut down before, and they were just hung by ropes. Those gnolls didn't notice this, and they deserve it."

"The person who thought of this tactic is a genius."

Verne's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but praise.

The rest of the adventurers also showed admiration. For them, being able to kill an opponent without bloodshed is the most beautiful thing in the world.

The big tree fell, and the wolves were frightened!

The wailing sounded, and the mutated coyote that rushed to the front was directly smashed into a meat paste by the fallen tree!

The second coyote also failed to stop the car, and directly slammed into the tree trunk, and his brain burst!

The next few heads were lucky, slowing down and trying to jump over the thick tree!

But at this moment, torches were thrown out of the hands of the defense team members!

The torch fell on the tree, and the trunk was covered with flammable pine resin, and the fire suddenly ignited!

In an instant, the crowd's camp was directly connected to the Wolf man, forming two walls of fire.

Two mutated coyotes jumped over, but their fur was set on fire by the flames.

The other two were frightened and hesitated.

As for the other gnolls, they even shrank back in fright, not knowing what to do.

On the other hand, the human side is a big winner!

Anna raised her sword and shouted: "Grue, Verne!"

"Do it!"

The leaders of the two adventurers rushed out of the mine immediately.

The two mutated hyenas that jumped over the firewall had just escaped a catastrophe, but were besieged to death by adventurers!

The situation was suddenly reversed!

Outside the mine, the guards in the White River Valley cut down trees and set fire to them, which attracted the attention of the Wolf Warlock.

The thin wolf man warlock showed a surprised look.

He didn't expect that the enemy could use such a trick to hinder his own attack!

At that moment, he roared a few times, and used his racial talent—[Communicator]to issue new orders to all the gnolls!

[Communicator] This ability is a very rare talent. It can help Gnoll Warlock command the rest of Gnolls in a better and more timely manner.

Ignore the firewall, bypass it, and attack with all your strength!

This is his order!

Under the dispatch of the wolf man warlock, a group of wolf men found their way and began to try to bypass the firewall from the east and attack the enemy's camp.

However, at this moment, eighty meters away from the small hill, two creepy guys stopped.

"It's almost here."

Marvin whispered: "No matter how close it is, he might sense it."

"Try to make sure it succeeds once."

Archer Joey silently took out his bow and arrow, his eyes solemn:

"I will do my best."