Night Ranger

Chapter 7: trial


(Something went wrong with the network... After a long time... finally uploaded)

In this era where wizards rule the world, usually only wizards and their descendants can become nobles.

Marvin's father wasn't a wizard, his grandfather was. Marvin's grandfather was a high-ranking wizard in the Southern Wizarding Union. At that time, River Beach City had not yet been established. He led his followers to expand the territory and opened up many new lands for the Wizarding Union in the wild. According to the agreement between the Wizards Union and the Pioneering Wizards, part of the land, which is now the White River Valley, became the territory of Marvin's grandfather.

Because the new territories were opened up and approaching wild lands, these new territories were more free than the major southern city-states. Apart from paying taxes to the Wizards Union regularly, they didn't need to be commanded too much by the Wizards Union. Only in times of emergency mobilization would one have to respond to the call of the Wizards Union.

Marvin's grandfather has two children, the eldest son is Marvin's father Gene, and the second son is called Miller. After Marvin's grandfather passed away, Jean inherited the White River Valley and managed the territory in an orderly manner. And because Miller had no right of inheritance, after receiving a large amount of inheritance, he left the White River Valley with the extra wealth that Jean privately donated.

The Uncle Miller in Marvin's memory has been gone for many years. It was not until last year that he suddenly returned to the south. It is said that his business is very successful now, and he is a wealthy businessman. Miller bought real estate in River Beach. The two brothers had met many times, and Jean was very happy about his brother's return and entertained him very carefully.

In the memory of a pure boy, although that Uncle Miller was a bit stingy, he was still very kind to his brothers.

But in the eyes of Marvin today, there are many clues in the memory:

In the six months after Miller returned to River Beach City, his father Gene's health suddenly began to deteriorate—you must know that the 40-year-old Gene was originally in his prime, as strong as a bull, and although he did not know witchcraft, he was indeed a real second child. A high-level warrior, he once wiped out a mutated stone-toothed wild boar that broke into his territory alone. It stands to reason that it is impossible for his physical function to degrade too much at this time.

Even if it is a disease, it is difficult to cause any trouble to such a strong fighter.

But because of an inexplicable serious illness, his father Jean passed away half a year ago. Marvin, who was only 14 years old, inherited the territory and the title, and began to manage the territory conscientiously.

This is very embarrassing for a 14-year-old boy, but judging from the results, he did not do badly.

"Although this boy is kind and cowardly, he is still very talented in internal affairs."

"At Father Gene's funeral, Miller came and wept falsely. He said some weird things."

"The time of his return coincides with the time of his father's death. It is indeed possible that he did it. I heard that in the early years, this Uncle Miller hated his father because he could not inherit the territory. Perhaps this is the reason for the incident. Fuse. He's rich now. So he's coming back to get revenge on us."

"Maybe, he still wants to take away the inheritance rights of the White River Valley. As long as I die, the younger Pooh is definitely not his opponent. He bribed the Akron gangsters and the city hall of River Beach City, and the White River Valley is his. !"

In just a few minutes, Marvin thought of many things.

Uncle Miller is indeed very suspicious. But things can't be concluded so quickly, they don't have evidence yet.

"Whether Uncle Miller is doing something to us, we need to investigate further."

Marvin said quickly, "Maybe those two Akron gangsters can clear things up for us."

"you mean?"

"Come with me, walk lightly." Marvin said softly, "Two people, one will survive."

In the dark alley at the front door of the Ridge Hotel, the thieves boredly glanced at the unchanging scene in front of them.

There was a delicate hourglass under his feet, and the sand on the upper layer was almost gone, which meant that it was time to match the signal.

"That woman probably slept like a dead pig. There's nothing else to monitor. I heard that the employer likes this half-elf very much. He called for her to be captured alive. It seems that the boss will do it himself tomorrow."

The thief played with the dagger in his hand, thinking so.

He looked at the roof not far away, and another secret sentry was diligently observing.

However, at this moment, his eyes suddenly shrank!

A furtive shadow is approaching the companion on the roof!


The thief squinted his eyes, his perception was extremely high, and it could be seen that it was a stealthy person.

Thieves from other gangs

Before he could open his mouth to remind him, his back suddenly felt slightly cold!

"Oops! Someone saw through my stealth!?"

He turned around abruptly, only to see the half-elf female swordsman rushing over with a long sword in her hand.

Her eyes locked on him tightly, obviously she knew where he was hiding!

The thief reacted quickly, turning around deftly, preparing to go around the alley and not confront the swordsman head-on.

However, at this moment, a shadow suddenly flashed in his peripheral vision!

A dexterous shadow took three steps and two steps, and fell from the roof, blocking his way.

The thief looked bitterly at the corpse of his companion on the roof, his mouth was a little dry.

Such a decisive and neat method of killing...

This guy, can't be a real assassin, right

From the moment he discovered that the opponent was stealthily preparing to kill his companion, to the appearance of the elf female swordsman, in just two or three seconds, he had already completed the assassination

This is simply a fantasy!

The gangsters in the market have never seen this kind of killing method! This is purely a quality that can only be displayed by a super assassin who has assassinated countless powerful people in the dark.

But when he saw the assassin's face, his jaw almost dropped in surprise:

"It's you! Why aren't you dead? You..."

The thief was already speechless in astonishment.

Anna's sword touched the back of his heart, and said coldly: "You have two ways. Cooperate with us, or die."

The thief obediently dropped the dagger and spread his hands. He has given up fighting. Not to mention that the seemingly weak young aristocrat has such a terrifying assassination ability, the half-elf in front of him is also a fighter with at least four professional levels. In the case of a direct confrontation, he has no chance at all.

"Tie him up, I know there's an abandoned warehouse nearby." Marvin said softly.

In the north of the city, in an abandoned warehouse.

"I swear, I've told you all I know."

The thief named Dink was firmly tied to a chair with a hemp rope, and said with a bitter face, "I'm just in charge of following, not doing anything."

"You still haven't told me why you Akron gang wanted to kill me?"

Marvin said coldly.

Dink pretended to be pitiful and said: "I really don't know..."

"Ah! What are you doing?!" The thief was terrified.

Ma Wen sneered, grabbed Dink's right hand, and lightly cut his wrist with a knife. Blood flowed out immediately.

"It doesn't hurt at all, right?" Marvin sneered, "But it's your vein that I cut, and your blood will drain slowly."

After that, he lightly cut Dink's wrist again.

"You're a devil!" Dink was terrified: "Stop it."

"Tell me what I want to know. I will set you free." Marvin said lightly, "Otherwise we will leave here and let you bleed to death."

Anna looked at Marvin with some concern. Of course she knew that some methods must be used in the interrogation, but she was very worried about Marvin's state.

He looked a little too ruthless. It seems to have gone from the previous kindness to another extreme.

"It's all because I'm too useless. I failed to protect the young master and made him suffer so much and become what he is now." The half-elf bit her lip, and the hand holding the sword showed clean veins because it was too white.

Under Ma Wen's simple questioning, Dink quickly collapsed. These gang members were not ruthless characters who had received any training against interrogation. They joined the gang just to support their families, and their willpower was very weak.

In his previous life, Marvin had met some religious fanatics, and asking for information from them was the most troublesome thing.

"This guy really doesn't know who wants to kill me. He just said that it was a rich businessman in the city who paid a lot of money."

"The Akron gang is only a second-rate force in River Beach City. Their boss wants to rise, which requires a lot of money. The wealthy businessman is said to have promised to invest in shares after the event is completed."

"Only their boss has met the employer, and the rest of the subordinates are just following orders. If you want to know who is behind the scenes, you have to find that guy named [Diafes]."

Marvin thought silently.

In order to save his life, Dink said everything.

The Akron gang is not very powerful, except for Diafes himself who is a second-level fighter, the other most powerful one is just a fourth-level thief. Their stronghold is [Pyroxene Bar], which is a famous underground casino in the slums, and they also do skin and meat business, so there are many people and eyes.

Diafes is a very careful person, he arranged the Pyroxene Bar almost like a small fortress, especially the backyard and basement. It's not that easy to sneak in easily.

After all, Marvin is a ranger, not a thief who is good at clearing traps and stealth, so he can't approach Defias quietly.

"Master, what should we do now?" Anna asked.

For some reason, Ma Wen, who woke up from a serious illness, actually made her feel a little dependent.

"You said you would set me free!" Dink said loudly.

Marvin walked over, snapped a few times, and cut the hemp rope with the machete in his hand.

Dink froze for a moment, he didn't expect Ma Wen to release him so readily.

Anna frowned, and was about to say something, but at this moment, Marvin made a lightning strike, and a cold light flashed across.

Cover your mouth! cut throat! Blood rush!

Dink stared, struggled for a while and died.

"I will give you freedom, but I never said that I won't kill you." Marvin calmly pushed away the thief's dead body and wiped the scimitar clean.

Anna shuddered a little: "Master Marvin, what's wrong with you? This doesn't look like you at all."

Marvin looked at Anna and said sincerely: "Everyone has many sides. In this situation, I have to be another myself."

"I won't allow anyone to take my territory, and I won't allow anyone to try to hurt you."

"I will never allow it."

He held Anna's cold hand and said softly, "You are one of the most important people in my life. Someone wants to plot against you, and I will make him pay the price."

Anna blushed slightly, seeing such a terrifying Marvin, she felt an extra sense of security in her heart.

She shook off Ma Wen's hand shyly, and said in a low voice, "Master, what shall we do next?"

"To the cemetery."

Marvin named an unexpected location.