Night Ranger

Chapter 80: Thieves group


The back room of the blacksmith shop is completely different from the mess in front.

The place is tidy and clean, oil paintings are hung on the walls, and it looks like someone cleans it from time to time.

A total of eighteen candles, long-lasting.

Marvin observed for a while. Although these candles were not very long, they were all flame-resistant. Some of them were long and some were short.

"As you can see, including me, there are only eighteen night walkers left in Feinan."

"Our membership is dwindling. For every candle that burns out, a Nightwalker leaves this world."

The old man's voice became serious.

Marvin nodded. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw an extinguished candle standing on the edge of eighteen candles.

"That was a recently departed member whose candle I hadn't had time to bury."

The old man said sadly: "I have lost the ability to fight, otherwise I will definitely avenge him."

"He was killed by the Scarlet Patriarch of the Twin Snakes. He was tracking the whereabouts of these cultists, but he fell into their trap."

"If you really join the ranks of our night walkers, then you will take his place."

"So you want to kill the Scarlet Patriarch, this is your destiny, understand?"

Marvin nodded calmly.

He knew that the advanced profession of Nightwalker was not that simple.

They are not only an organization, they seem to be charged with some kind of mission to protect the mainland.

Every Nightcrawler is remarkably united—at least the Aboriginal people. They call each other "brothers".

They are subordinates of the Night King in ancient times, and they have always believed in some ancient creeds.

Usually, they choose to lie dormant, and once they reach certain special moments, they will truly show their power in front of the world.

Marvin didn't know much about Nightwalker. He only knew that in the game, there seemed to be a small expansion piece about the appearance of this profession.

The long night is coming.

These four words are the motto of the Nightwalker organization, which is also a prophecy.

All in all, this is an extraordinary organization. They favor justice, but hide in the shadows.

"Of course, you are not qualified to talk about these now."

The old man looked away from the candle.

"Awakened people are certainly some people with outstanding potential, but not every awakened person can become a nightwalker."

"You need to go through some tests, including ability, morality, will, etc. And in the process of these tests, you may die, understand?"

Marvin nodded firmly.

If he couldn't handle this little danger, he would be the master of the dark night in vain.

"very good."

Seeing Marvin's firm attitude, the old man showed approval for the first time.

Night Walker doesn't ask about his background, but only pursues one creed, which is to protect Feinan when the long night falls.

For this reason, the ancient night king left them many treasures.

The old man pushed open a side door, which seemed to be a place similar to an operating room.

"Before the first test, I will give you something."

"Go in, lie down, keep your eyes open, and do nothing else."

Marvin was a little apprehensive, but he still followed the old man's order.

He was lying in that chair like a patient about to have his tooth pulled.

The old man rummaged through boxes and cabinets to find something, and then slowly came behind Marvin.

"Whatever you see, don't panic."

He said lightly: "Those are nothing but illusions."

In the next second, Marvin's eyes went dark.

A black bandage was tied around his eyes.

Suddenly, scorching pain came from the eyeballs, and the old man muttered curses next to his ears!


Ma Wen only felt the pain as hell, and his whole body was stiff!

But he didn't move.

He gritted his teeth tightly, and moist liquid flowed out of his eyes, he couldn't tell whether it was tears or blood!

Visions began to appear before his eyes.

A blazing fireball kept rolling in front of his eyes, and a dark figure appeared in the fireball!

The man's face was stern and extremely cunning. Holding the dagger in his hand, he shrank suddenly and disappeared into the light.

Yet the shadow remains.

Ma Wen saw himself, saw his back, the shadow suddenly appeared, and the dagger pierced his back heart!

He just felt a crazily painful pain in his heart!

"It's all an illusion!"

he told himself.

However, this did not lessen his pain, he knew that man, he was the shadow prince he was very familiar with!

Hallucinations and burning sensations pounded Marvin's nerves alternately, and it took more than an hour before the old man's murmurs ended.

The bandage was removed, and Marvin was covered in cold sweat.

"The physique is too poor." The old man said dissatisfiedly, "You should come and learn how to forge iron with me."

Marvin smiled wryly, and he opened his eyes, only to feel a blur in front of him.

"My eyes... what's wrong?"

He blinked, and at first it was a blur—and then everything suddenly became crystal clear.


This is clearly in the dark!

"As a night walker, how can you not have dark vision?"

"The eyes given to us by the King of the Night are much more powerful than the dark vision evolved due to the harsh underground environment."

"You should experience it well."

"Have a good rest, it's time to perform your first test."

After saying this, the old man handed over a parchment scroll in his hand to Marvin.

Marvin looked around in surprise and joy!

How could he acquire super dark vision just like that

He hurriedly checked the data records—

[You are receiving the blessing of the Night King...]

[Illusion test in progress...]

[Pain check in progress...]

[You got dark vision!]

Darkvision! Not dark vision!

The so-called dark vision is nothing more than being able to see a certain distance in the dark with the help of some spells or items.

Even within the scope of dark vision, it may not be clear.

But [Dark Vision] is different!

This is real vision, that is to say, in the dark, Marvin can see the surrounding things as clearly as in the daytime—and after taking up the role of Night Walker, he can even see farther and clearer!

This is the power of Night Walker.

In the remote underground, in the mysterious country, those night elves are born with infrared vision, and the advanced drow warriors are even equipped with powerful skills such as [listening to the voice] and [blind fighting], but all these are in front of the dark vision. lame.

Even if it is a night spell, there is nothing to hide from the dark vision!

From then on, the night could no longer cover Marvin's eyes.

After the excitement, Marvin calmed down.

The night walker in the real world seems to be stronger than in the game. And this organization is also very powerful because of the inheritance of the King of the Night.

Joining the Night Walker by yourself is not only because of advancement, but also can win over a powerful organization.

There is no conflict between the goals of Marvin and the Night Walkers, and the two parties can cooperate with each other.

"Let's pass the test of Night Walker first. I heard that Night Walker's assessment is very strict."

Thinking so, Marvin opened the parchment in his hand.

It recorded a task in the common language, and after reading it, Ma Wen's face immediately changed!

At the same time, there is also a [Professional Advancement - Night Walker] task in his task panel!

This means that since he obtained dark vision, his advancement has already begun, and he can no longer go back on his word!

[Professional Advancement - Night Walker]

[Task 1: Ability Assessment]: Every night walker is one in a million experts. They can stand alone, especially when night falls, and the rest of the professionals are not their opponents. If you want to become a night walker, you must show your strong strength.

[Task objective: Marcus Thieves Group.]

[Task Requirement: Kill everyone in the thieves group!]

[Task time limit: one week]

[Task Reward: Qualification for the next round of trials; 1500 general experience points]

Below is a detailed description of the tasks. The Marcus Thieves Group is a force entrenched on a strange barren hill in the west of Oak Town, adjacent to the Dead Hills.

This band of thieves is composed of five members. They are all good fighters alone, but they stick together because of various wanted arrests.

All in all, a pretty tricky bunch.

However, the old man's request was for Marvin to kill these five people within a week!

"It's a bit difficult."

Marvin frowned. But he didn't hesitate, and left the blacksmith's shop directly, taking advantage of the night, he started to act.

(Advancement is about to start! Ask for a big recommendation ticket to encourage!)