Night Ranger

Chapter 88: Heroes save the beauty?


Chiba Forest.

The forest at night is extraordinarily quiet. The moonlight shines on the treetops, and in the shadows below, no one knows what is hidden.

However, this silence does not seem lonely. The whole forest is in a kind of peace.

If Marvin was a druid, he would be able to obtain more information about this forest, and even the history witnessed by each tree.

But as a ranger, the forest is also his favorite place. He could sense the peace of the place.

There is a powerful force guarding this place.

Just as before Anthony's fall, the day and night of the sun's eye watched the entire East Coast, people feel a special sense of reassurance.

The aborigines in Qianye Forest will be blessed by the Great Elf King.

Every tree, every squirrel, is like that.

The forces of evil will never get their hands on this place. And those greedy adventurers didn't dare to go too far. The Elf Iron Guard kept a close watch on the edge of the Chiba Forest, any human beings who broke in would be driven out or locked in a cage.

The cage of the elves is difficult to escape.

At the edge of the forest, two figures, one in front of the other, were advancing rapidly.

Marvin was both depressed and excited.

Sean must be too anxious, right? As soon as he escaped from the demiplane of the Night King [Eternal Night Paradise], he immediately urged Marvin to enter the Qianye Forest.

After a whole year of life as a blacksmith, Marvin would also be tired.

That fatigue is not physical, but mental tiredness. Now what supports him to move forward is only the tenacious will of the soul and the temptation to become a night walker.

That's right, Sean had already made it very clear before setting off.

The next link is the final link of Night Walker—accepting the baptism blessing of the King of the Night!

Once this link is completed, Marvin can smoothly advance to become a qualified night walker and join the night walker organization.

And on Sean's candlestick, a candle full of vitality will be lit again.

"The tomb of the King of the Night was built in the Qianye Forest. At that time, the Qianye Forest had not yet been controlled by the elves."

"So if you want to receive the blessing of the King of the Night, you must sneak into the Chiba Forest."

"Be careful on the road, not to be discovered by the Elf Iron Guard, otherwise it will be very difficult."

This is what Sean and Marvin said before departure.

After he finished speaking, he remained silent, showing the great strength of the former leader of the Nightwalker—this old guy looked old and old, and claimed to have been severely injured irreversibly, but he ran very fast!

Marvin couldn’t catch up with him at all! If he hadn't deliberately slowed down his forward speed, within a few breaths, Marvin would not know where he was thrown.

This made Marvin once again feel the power of the Night Walker.

Sean is no legend!

He used to be infinitely close to the legendary-level 8 ranger/12-level night walker, which is Sean's profession. After reaching the fifth level, Night Walker seldom chooses to advance to other occupations, but continues to upgrade his job and enter the third level. Or upgrade the base class to enhance the versatility of their operations. Shane is one of them.

This has something to do with the powerful specialty of Night Walker.

Although Marvin didn't know how many people Sean had killed, his [Night Walk Kill] specialty had been raised to at least level four.

"Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to run so fast..."

"I'm super long and agile anyway, and I have a high bonus in running speed, but I still can't keep up."

"This is no longer the category of agile decision-making, but the ability of night walkers to be super perverted at night!"

Marvin struggled to follow behind Sean, running hard.

He rarely runs so hard, but the only good thing is that he doesn't need to perceive the surrounding environment.

All he had to do was dash through every place Sean walked.

Marvin suspected that his mentor's ability in the forest at night was comparable to that of the Archdruid.

It's a pity that Sean is said to have suffered serious injuries during his peak period, and his combat strength is far from what it used to be, otherwise it is possible to advance to legend.

So the master and apprentice ran wildly in the Chiba Forest at night.

The benefits of dark vision are vividly displayed, even if he runs fast, everything around him can be seen in Marvin's eyes.

And a year of exercise has also greatly improved his physique - don't underestimate those two points of physique, what these two points of physique brought to Marvin is the transformation of physical strength and endurance.

Not only can he run faster, but he can also run for a long time.

What's more, with the rise of physique, Marvin's personal specialty [Burst] will produce a stronger attack limit.

This improvement in his strength is immeasurable.

It's a pity that the specific attributes of the scimitar have not been studied in time. Marvin actually wanted to stop and check the specific attributes and hidden attributes of [Rage Liaoyuan], but Sean didn't give him this opportunity.

The old guy threatened that if Marvin loses track, Nightwalker's advancement will be considered a failure.

Under such strict conditions, Marvin could only follow along.

Gradually, they have penetrated deep into the depths of Chiba Forest.

After about a while, Sean stopped suddenly and made a silent gesture to Marvin!

"Is there something wrong?" Ma Wen was shocked, braked immediately, and leaned against a tree quietly.

Sean nodded at him, then suddenly disappeared in place!

What kind of ghost ability is this!

Marvin's eyes widened and he almost exclaimed.

Sean was obviously still fifty or sixty meters away, but suddenly disappeared, and then suddenly appeared behind him again!

If he wants to kill himself, it shouldn't be too simple!

Even the advanced level of Phantom Assassin—Ace Assassin's most famous cross-plane killing method [Shadow Transfer] doesn't have such a long distance, right

What's more, it is night now, and there is no shadow behind Marvin to provide coordinates!

It seems that there are still many skills worth discovering in the profession of night walker.

Thinking of this, Marvin couldn't help feeling warm.

"Don't make a fuss, kid." Sean said coldly, "Nightwalker's ability is far beyond your imagination. If I hadn't provoked a legendary wizard when I was young, I can be promoted to legend now! "

"Something happened in the front, I think it might be a kind of test for you."



Sean's words were thoughtless, and Marvin couldn't react immediately.

Something happened in front

He tried his best to move forward, but within the range of vision, he didn't see any figure. Not even a sound.

How far is the front that Sean said...

"Three miles ahead. There is a girl. She hired two adventurers to enter Chiba Forest as guides."

"She seems to be looking for something, but now the two male adventurers are ready to back out, and the girl is now in danger."

"Go and kill those two men. I'm impressed with your killing skills, shouldn't it be difficult?"

Sheehan added some information.

Marvin was dumbfounded when he heard that.

"I rely on it!"

"Three miles away!"

"Wait, how do you know such details?"

Marvin couldn't help but blurt out.

Sean said lightly: "Because that girl came to Oak Town a few days ago, she also found Jane and made a new set of clothes. During the period, the two of them chatted for a while, so I knew the ins and outs of the matter. I can see so far because I have the blessing of the Night King. My eyes are everywhere."

When he said the last sentence, his eyes suddenly became very blank, as if he was staring at a place far away.

He urged in his mouth: "Hurry up!"

"The two adventurers are ready to do it!"

"Don't teenagers of your age look forward to the plot of heroes saving the beauty? Now it is."

Marvin was speechless.

He has no interest in heroes saving the beauty!

Although Night Walker is responsible for protecting Feinan and a certain important secret, it is not the kind of profession that will absolutely draw his sword to help when the road is injustice, right

Looking at the strange look on the old man's face, he smelled a hint of conspiracy.

There must be oddities!

But now he can only speed up his pace helplessly!

Sean followed him, and soon Marvin lost awareness of his tracks.

"Damn it, it really is an old fried dough stick."

Marvin complained in his heart.

Leave such a tricky thing to yourself.

Because he quickly arrived at the place Sean said. It was a small open space.

Two adventurers, one behind the other, surrounded a petite woman in the center.

They laughed ferociously.

The key is that those two people are both fucking second-tier professionals!