Night Ranger

Chapter 93: Advanced! Night Walker (please recommend!)


In the depths of the Chiba no Mori, under a sunken hillside, oak trees and pagoda trees grow.

The hillside is full of weeds. The group of three stood in front of the hillside, staring at the small stone tablet exposed in the depths of the grass.

There is no writing on the stele, and no one knows that what is buried here is the Night King who once protected the creatures of ancient times for a long time.

"Under here, there is an underground palace."

"That is the headquarters of the Night Walker. We will use this underground palace only in the most critical time."

"We have a good relationship with the elves in Chiba Forest, especially Nicholas, the Great Elf King. He is one of the worshipers of the Night King and has always taken good care of our Nightwalker organization."

Sean stood beside Marvin and handed two wooden signs to Marvin.

This is the pass to the Forest of Chiba, which can only be obtained by allies of the Wood Elves. With a pass, walking in the forest of Chiba, the elf iron guards will not only not embarrass you, but also enthusiastically provide you with help.

The Night Walkers have always been friends with the Wood Elves. This was something Marvin didn't expect.

He had long felt that something was wrong with all of this, but he didn't expect that it would be a test for him by Sean.

He snorted coldly, took the wooden sign, and handed the other one to Kate.

This is one of Sean's compensations for her.

The girl looked at the tomb in front of her silently, and suddenly asked, "The Night King, what kind of god is it?"

Sean shook his head seriously: "No."

"The King of the Night is a greater existence than the gods. He does not need our faith. He comes from the eternal night and protects all creatures entangled in fear and death."

"He wants nothing."

Kate nodded and said no more, but she looked at the tombstone with a little more respect.

Before the cataclysm, life was the worst for warlocks. Kate has felt this since childhood.

They were ostracized by the wizards and driven from the fertile land to the edge of the wild. The zealots among the wizards even drove them out. They believed that the power of the warlocks came from the demons, which was actually a very ignorant view.

And the gods will not bless warlocks at all. This is a group of outcasts.

Naturally, the warlocks did not have a good opinion of the gods.

But the King of the Night is obviously different from those high gods. He protects all living beings, which naturally includes the unreliable warlocks.

So she respected this dead strong man.

"let's start."

"Before dawn, we must complete our final baptism," Shinn urged.

Marvin nodded, feeling a little excited.

According to Sean's instructions, he quickly walked to the unwritten tablet of the King of the Night, and knelt down on one knee.

His right hand gently stroked the dust on the stele, with a serious expression.

Sean came behind him, also knelt down on one knee, and began to murmur.

He speaks Anzedi!

One of the oldest languages in the world!

Marvin could only roughly understand what he meant, probably calling for the soul of the Night King.

People in Anze believe that after a great person dies, his soul will not go to hell or enter the kingdom of God, but will wander in the world.

The spirits of those saints will reappear at the call of their loved ones or their successors of will.

Sean's murmur became more and more depressed, but it seemed to have the power to travel through time and space!

Just listen to him read:

"The King of Eternal Night in the long time and space, please fulfill your promise again."

"You gave me the crown of the night, so that those who lead the night will no longer hesitate."

"You gave me the pupil of night vision to see through the fog of fate."

"You gave me the power of grace to continue to inherit the Black Tired Bird Totem."

"Now, I am old, and the torch will be handed over."

After reading this, he gave Marvin a wink, motioning him to read after him:

"The King of Eternal Night in the long time and space, please fulfill your promise again."

"Give this young man (Marvin: me) the crown of the night, the pupil of night vision, and the power of grace."

"When the eternal night falls, there will always be an unquenchable fire that will stay in Feinan forever."

This passage of Anze's old saying was very awkward, but with Sean's help, Marvin read it out very smoothly!

Suddenly, a pair of eyes seemed to open.

Marvin only felt that he was being stared at by a strange look.

Green flames began to burn on the originally wordless stone tablet, which looked like will-o'-the-wisps from a distance.

The green flame spread all the way, from Marvin's right hand to his whole body.

There was a gleam of joy in Sean's eyes!

The will of the Night King has come!

Marvin passed the approval of the King of the Night, and the formal baptism began.

These green will-o'-the-wisps are the remaining will of the great saint after his death.

He'll turn Marvin into a new person!

At this moment, Marvin only felt warm all over.

The green will-o'-the-wisps didn't hurt him, but made him more comfortable.

On the data panel, skip this line immediately:

[Whether to pay 10,000 experience points (killing/general) to advance to a second-tier occupation - Night Walker]

Ma Wen chose OK without hesitation!

I have worked so hard to do so many things, for what? Isn't it just to become a powerful night walker

It's just that he didn't expect that such a huge amount of experience is required to advance to the night walker!

You know, to upgrade the ranger from level 5 to level 6, it consumes 4800 points!

And to become a level 1 night walker, you need a full 10,000 points!

Fortunately, he has accumulated enough experience!

The current Marvin has 7000 general experience points and 5553 killing experience points, which is enough to pay for this huge experience requirement.

General experience and killing experience are the same as the highest level of experience, there is no priority, so Ma Wen randomly squandered 7000 points of general experience and 3000 points of killing experience!

In the next second, the green will-o'-the-wisp began to permeate Marvin's whole body.

Marvin only felt an explosive force pouring into his body!

On the data panel, rows of records frantically swiped!

[You are being baptized by the Night King (the remnant soul of a sage)...]

[The baptism is complete, you have obtained a new job - Night Walker]

[Night Walker's current level is 1]

[You have obtained a professional specialty - nocturnal and nocturnal]

[Your body has been transformed in the advanced stage, agility +1, perception +1, life +50]

[You have gained 60 skill points for your job (Nightwalker)]

[Your job skill list is refreshed...]

[You have received the blessing of the Night King (extra)...]

A large amount of information kept being swiped, and Marvin couldn't read it for a while!

The green will-o'-the-wisp gradually disappeared, and he didn't take a breath until the pair of deep eyes disappeared from Marvin's perception.

Finally advanced successfully!

[Night Walk Killing] This hidden specialty was not revealed as expected. Marvin knew that this specialty could only be revealed after killing enough people at night.

And the professional specialty [Day and Night] is the signature specialty of the Night Walker.

[Daytime and Nocturnal]: Your all attributes +10% at night, unchanged during the day.


"No change during the day? I remember that 20% is deducted during the day in the game, right?"

Marvin found with some novelty that the specialty of night walker seemed to be different from what he remembered.

At least, the night walkers in the real world are much stronger than in the game.

No penalties during the day, bonuses at night—it’s not too much fun!

All attributes +10% is a perverted bonus in itself, which is equivalent to a good bottle of medicine, not to mention the more powerful special bonus of [Night Walk Killer] in the future.

Marvin's fighting power at night will explode!

What's more, while advancing, his class skill list is refreshed again.

In addition to being a ranger, he also has many more skills exclusive to night walkers.

At present, he is only a level 1 night walker, and there are about five or six skills for him to choose from. Each one is powerful.

Marvin hesitated for a moment, and threw 50 of the 60 skill points into one of the skills in one breath!

[Eternal Night (50)]: You can briefly create a virtual night during the day.

This is a very powerful PK skill!

It is stronger than the [Dark Cloak] of the drow warrior.

The dark cloak creates black mist for a short time to confuse the opponent's sight. And the eternal night is actually creating a night.

The level of skill points determines the range and duration of the night.

The eternal night at 50 o'clock is enough to create a night with a radius of about ten meters for 10 seconds.

This was enough for Marvin to unleash a powerful combo.

The other 10 skill points were allocated to another practical skill - [Summon Night Crow].

This skill can summon a night crow to scout for yourself at night. The duration is one minute per skill point, and the base is 3 minutes.

In other words, the night crow summoned by Marvin can exist for about 13 minutes.

Just when Marvin was immersed in the joy of advancing, the girl beside him suddenly exclaimed.

Out of the corner of my eye, a group of smaller will-o'-the-wisps wrapped around Kate.

(The main character card will be updated later. If there are any mistakes or omissions, please point out.)