Night Ranger

Chapter 95: treasure hunt


As dawn gradually came, Marvin ran tirelessly in the Chiba Forest.

He ran recklessly, with an extra pass in his hand, even if he encountered the Elf Iron Guard, he would be easily let go.

After accepting the blessing of the Night King, he only felt full of strength all over his body.

After becoming a night walker, his strength has undergone a qualitative change.

His attributes have been strengthened again, and at the same time, because the total level (Ranger 5/Nightwalker 1) has reached level 6, he has gained a brand new attribute point. Marvin dropped it on agility without hesitation. This is the path he took, and he would not consider putting free attribute points on other attributes until he had stacked up to 25 points of agility.

Chiba no Mori is very big, but for Marvin, many places here are very familiar.

That page of Naaru's book can be said to be the easiest artifact in Feinan. Although it is only a missing copy, it is not dangerous.

"I remember it was to the north of a small elf village. There seemed to be a waterfall there."

"The cold pool at the bottom of the waterfall is very gloomy and cold. It is only possible to dive down if the cold resistance attribute reaches 5 points or above."

"The Book of Naaru was placed in that pool."

As Marvin headed towards the target direction, he recalled the hiding place of the Book of Naaru that night.

The forest of Chiba is too vast, and the elven village here is just some embellishment. There is no way to find the Book of the Naaru without enough information.

It's no wonder that no one has discovered it for so many years.

The sun gradually rose, and Marvin didn't feel uncomfortable.

It's just that the feeling of being like a fish in water at night has gradually faded away.

The Night Walker is stronger at night after all. During the day, the skill of summoning the night crow is in a sealed state.

However, Eternal Night can still be used. This skill can be used up to three times a day.

"Take a rest, I guess the front is not far away."

Marvin stopped, sat under a tree, took out some dry food and water from the Void Conch, and replenished some energy.

Also taking this opportunity, he took out the magic weapon.

Anger ignited.

This scimitar made by Sean himself contains a lot of rare metals and precious materials. Its attributes are also worthy of the name of magic weapons.

On a scimitar, there are actually two major spells attached!

Arcane missiles are naturally a common instant spell. According to the intelligence of the user, it is decided to summon several arcane missiles to attack the enemy.

With Marvin's intelligence, the summoned arcane missiles should be between 3 and 5, which is still very threatening.

This spell can be used three times a day.

The other spell [Rage Liaoyuan] is more powerful, this is a second-level witchcraft!

And it's a group attack spell!

It is several times stronger than the attack power of Vulcan's Hand. Although it can only be used once a day, Marvin is already very satisfied.

What made him most grateful was that this scimitar was tailor-made for him by the old blacksmith!

It stands to reason that such a magical weapon cannot be equipped with Marvin's current attributes - insufficient power!

The normal strength requirement for this weapon is: 15 points!

However, Sean added a large amount of [Aluminite]—an extremely rare and expensive ore—forcibly reducing the power requirement of the weapon to 12 points, which is just enough for Marvin to use.

It can be seen that the old blacksmith paid attention to details.

It was only at this time that Marvin truly realized that the weapon that really suits him should indeed be made by himself.

After all, you know yourself best.

His previous plan was that after leaving Evernight Paradise, he would never touch the profession of blacksmith again.

But after realizing Sean's good intentions, he slowly changed his consciousness.

Perhaps the profession of blacksmith is not as boring and useless as I imagined.

The only thing that bothered Marvin was that he practiced double-sword style. It is best to keep the weight and size of the scimitar in the left and right hands the same.

Although even if it is a double-knife style, the right hand of a normal person is always stronger than the left hand, but if the texture of the two weapons is too different, it will also cause offensive inconsistency.

Of course, occasional changes in rhythm must have unexpected effects. The key is how to use it.

He thought about it, and finally hung the Rage Liaoyuan on his waist like the emerald dagger, on the left and right.

For the time being, let's use the fangs to make the transition. Anyway, with his skill, changing knives in battle is not difficult.

After familiarizing himself with the weapons, Marvin went on the road again, and soon he found the somewhat familiar small elf village.

This village stands in the west of Chiba no Mori.

The population is about two hundred, and all of them are purebred wood elves.

The village has its own guards, but these people are generally not strong—the most powerful elves have been forcibly recruited to join the elf iron guard.

Although this forced conscription did protect Chiba no Mori, it also caused dissatisfaction among the wood elves.

If it wasn't for the fact that the legendary Great Elf King's personal strength and charisma had indeed reached an unrivaled peak, the Chiba Forest would have been in chaos long ago.

When Ma Wen entered the village, he found that there were only a dozen young adults in the village, and most of them were old people and children.

This is a very ordinary elf village.

They were isolated from the world and lived a quiet and harmonious life. A large field of corn and bananas was planted outside the village, enough for the wood elves to eat for a long time.

Perhaps because they rarely saw humans, many elf children gathered around, not afraid of strangers at all, and asked Marvin some things in the half-baked common language.

Marvin liked the kids, too. He took out some snacks with him and distributed them to the children. These snacks are all Marvin's dry food, which come from the human world, and they cannot be bought in Chiba Forest.

The children got what they wanted, but they entangled Ma Wen even more, so that Ma Wen couldn't escape for a while.

The wood elves in their childhood were still very lively and full of curiosity about the world. This curiosity will gradually fade after adulthood, and most wood elves will eventually become a mentality of indifference.

And those young people seemed a lot more cautious. But after Marvin showed the pass, they relaxed their vigilance.

There are not many people who can get a pass. They are all allies of the wood elves and will not harm the wood elves.

Soon, Marvin found a warm welcome in the village—especially after Marvin juggled some trinkets from the beach city out of the void conch. Those things are not worth a lot of money, but for elves who are isolated from the world, especially children, they are very novel things.

Marvin stayed in the village for a while, and asked the elder elf in the village something about the waterfall in the north.

Sure enough, the elder pointed out the exact direction of the waterfall to Marvin at once.

He also warned Marvin, "Young man, although the waterfall is beautiful, the pool below is very cold. Don't go into the pool."

Marvin nodded. After thanking the elf elders, he finally avoided the pursuit of those elf children and went north alone.

After about half an hour, he found the waterfall.

The sound of splashing water led him forward, and soon, the cold pool exuding the slightest air-conditioning appeared in front of him.

Around the pool, not a single blade of grass grows, perhaps because it is too cold.

Ma Wen came to the edge of the pool alone, and sure enough, a burst of cold came.

"Fortunately, I was prepared."

He looked around, but there was no one around, he quietly took out a bottle of blue liquid medicine, and drank it down!

[Quick-acting anti-cold potion]!

It can temporarily increase the cold resistance attribute by 8 points, the effect is very abnormal, but the time is also very short, only three minutes!

This was what Marvin asked for from Hathaway. The latter probably felt that the status of the Awakened One was worth the price, so he simply advanced a bottle of potion to Marvin.

In fact, this potion is very valuable. Although it is not as powerful as the dragon's power, it can be sold at a very high price on the market.

After Ma Wen finished drinking, he didn't dare to neglect, and quickly jumped into the pool!

His swimming skills were not bad. Although the pool was deep, he knew the approximate location. Soon, after two attempts, he finally caught the box stuck in the mud for the third time!


Marvin shivered out of the cold pool with a splash all over his body, holding the wooden box in his hand.

The increase in the cold resistance attribute does not mean that it is not afraid of the cold. Just don't freeze to death!

There happened to be a small cave nearby, and Marvin got in, took off his clothes, and lit a bonfire.

After warming himself up, he opened the box. The lock on the box has been in disrepair for a long time, and it will snap if you pull it.

Inside lay a bundle of parchment and a human skin mask!

(Thanks to book friends [Devil 1999] and [Vincent’s QI point account] for their rewards! In addition, thank you for your supplementary reminders. The character card 2 will be revised and transferred to the relevant work.)