Night Ranger

Chapter 99: Massacre


Mortal blow!

Ma Wen's series of tricks is for the last one!

His strength is very limited, so the way of fighting is to attack the enemy's weak point, and then maximize the damage!

As the night faded away, the setting sun shone from afar, shining on Black Jack's painful and unbelievable face.

His knees softened and he knelt down slowly!

However, what surprised Ma Wen was that this guy was not dead yet!

"I have an immortal body!"

With his back turned to Marvin, Black Jack roared in a low voice!

However, his limbs trembled, but he couldn't move!

Marvin narrowed his eyes and did not approach easily.

Black Jack's health dropped like a fly, but it didn't cause fatal damage!

"This guy... really almost entered the third level."

Marvin was secretly startled.

Fortunately, I chose this way of attack!

Many professionals in Tier 3 have a powerful trait, that is, they can be immune to lethal damage!

Their bodies are already strong to a certain extent, and their hearts, and even their brains, have extremely abnormal recovery capabilities. Unless their heads are directly twisted off, they will not die directly due to severe injuries!

But a slow death!

With enough treatment during this time, they may even recover!

"Fortunately, he didn't choose to cut his throat or attack his heart, otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous."

Marvin's palms were slightly sweaty.

This is the afterthought.

During the fight just now, everything seemed to be under his control, but only he himself knew how much pressure Black Jack, who was on the edge of the third level, created for him!

If it weren't for the anger that erupted from seeing those innocent corpses lying in a pool of blood, Marvin might not have the courage to confront Black Jack so forcefully!

Three consecutive sets of combos almost used up all of Marvin's hole cards and skills, and only then did he barely defeat Black Jack.

If any part of the three sets of combos goes wrong, Marvin will fall into a great passive position.

It's a tightrope walk.

Fortunately, Marvin won. True, Blackjack was immune to lethal damage, but the emerald dagger penetrated the back of his head, severing his spine deeply!

His nervous system has been destroyed. You could tell by his body movements that he wanted to stand up, but couldn't.

His life value is very high, and the decline is very slow.

But in the process of dying, pain is inevitable, especially the fear of knowing that one is about to die.

Marvin slowly walked around in front of Black Jack, still keeping a certain distance from him.

Be careful there is no big mistake. God knows if this lunatic has something in his hands that will die with him. Before he dies, it's better to keep a distance.


The corner of Black Jack's mouth overflowed with blood, his eyes protruded, and he stared at Marvin: "Hide your head and show your tail, I'm going to kill you..."

However, before he finished his sentence, he heard a puff, and a dart was thrown out fiercely, hitting Blackjack's shoulder with precision!

His body suddenly tilted, and he fell to the ground, moaning in pain.

Marvin held a few darts expressionlessly, and quickly played with them in his hands.

He didn't bother to ask Blackjack such stupid questions as to why he killed these innocent elves. Because he had already guessed the other party's answer, it was purely for advancement.

This guy, so rebellious, probably fell out with the Shadow Spider Society, completely lost the protection of the forces of order, and could only vote among the most extreme group of people in the end.

The exiles on the red road have always been the source of chaos. On Feinan Continent, it seems that the backs of the exiles on the red road may appear in every turmoil.

He just stood there, throwing dart after dart mercilessly at Black Jack!

The wound made by the dart was not deep, but it was painful.

Marvin deliberately chose some insignificant parts as places to attack.

Soon, Black Jack was covered with darts all over his body!

From a closer look, his situation at this time was horrific, blood was flowing everywhere, and even two sharp darts were pierced into his cheeks on both sides.

Marvin was like the ruthless executioner, with a little bit of calculation, he ended Black Jack's life.

This kind of person has too many sins, giving him a pleasure is simply to spare him!

Black Jack's vitality is already comparable to that of a Tier 3 professional, so after losing his ability to move, he can only endure this kind of torture!

"It's a familiar scene, isn't it?" Marvin estimated Black Jack's life value, and he stopped shooting darts when he was almost on the verge of death.

He said coldly: "When you tortured and killed that black bear, you seemed to enjoy it."

"You madman!" Black Jack murmured in a low voice, "That's a beast!"

"What about the people in this village? Peace-loving wood elves?" Marvin's eyes were cold.

Although Black Jack was revenged, these kind elves will never wake up again. Revenge has always been motivating, but practically meaningless.

But there are some things we have to do.

Black Jack laughed miserably: "You have elf blood? Your mother was raped by elf grass? No wonder you are so angry... So he is a **** bastard?"

"Ah!" Before he finished speaking, the sarcasm before dying turned into a painful cry.

The Ruyi rope directly entangled him, strangled his neck, and hung him on a wooden stake that had not been ignited.


He tilted his head back and coughed violently. Eyeballs were bloodshot.

He looked at Marvin with hatred in his eyes: "I, I... People like me die, and will... enter the world of evil spirits..."

"I will take revenge on you."

The Ruyi rope was pulled suddenly, his voice was completely suppressed, and his ferocious face turned purple!

Marvin walked to him gently, and whispered, “Sorry, you won’t.”

"According to my experience, after the body is burned immediately after death, there is no way to enter the world of evil spirits."

"So, the future will be indefinite, Black Jack."

A look of deep fear immediately appeared on Black Jack's face!

He struggled in pain and seemed to want to say something, however, Marvin was too lazy to look at him.

In the next second, he ignited the stake with his own hands.

The flames engulfed Black Jack, and the Ruyi rope that strangled Black Jack was automatically released and returned to Marvin's hands.

The whole village, the flames last forever!

The thick smoke choked his nostrils, and Marvin watched Black Jack's body turn into scorched flesh in the flames. His face was a little tired, but his heart was extremely firm.

Get stronger!

It's a chaotic world! In a world full of crises, even the forest of Chiba, blessed by the Great Elf King, will be massacred by lunatics like the Red Road Exile!

Not to mention a small White River Valley.

An ordinary ranger has no way to better protect the people around him and his territory in the coming catastrophe.

"After the battle for the Holy Grail, the White River Valley must be rapidly developed."

"River Beach City has broken off diplomatic relations, and the only nearby place that can provide food and trade is Jewel Bay."

"That barrier, it seems it's time to break through!"

Marvin thought silently.

However, at this moment, a large shadow poured into the village.

"Evil human beings! How dare you torture and kill elves in Qianye Forest?"

Elf Iron Guard.

This elf iron guard consists of about twenty people, all of whom are well-equipped, and each of them is a master of at least the second level.

Their leader is even a Tier 3 magic shooter!

Marvin glanced at them casually, and estimated the general strength of this team.

Every elf iron guard was very angry. This can be seen from the trembling of their hands holding the bows and arrows. The elf's hand is steady, which is rarely the case.

This shows that they are suppressing their instincts.

The elf iron guards have all been trained by the Great Elf King himself, and they obey the orders of their superiors. If the leader does not speak, they will not attack.

"Evil human beings. Believe me, the pain you are about to face is ten thousand times crueler than these innocent villagers!"

The leader pushed back his mask, revealing a young face.

It was a beautiful female elf, and her eyes were also full of anger. However, according to the regulations, a person as bad as Marvin had to be handed over to the Great Elf King himself.

So she could only suppress her anger and prepare to capture Marvin and hand it over to the Great Elf King.

However, at this moment, a lazy voice came from the side:

"Ollie, you're still so big and brainless..."

"How could this person be the real culprit of this massacre? I really don't know how Nicholas assured you to be the captain of an elf iron guard."

(Currently recommended second! Hope to continue to be stable! Thank you for your support!)