
Chapter 20: The Seven Laws of the Half Que shocked the great Confucians


"Xu Cijiu, my student, is well versed in the art of war, and is a good candidate." Zhang Shen, a master of the art of war, introduced a sentence, who is not good at writing poetry.

This sentence pressed in my heart.

Zhang everyone is a little strange, you don't know how to write poetry, so what are you doing out there.

Zhu Tuizhi, who thought that Ziyu was bound to win, heard the voice and was vigilant at first, but when he saw that it was Xu New Year, he didn't take it seriously.

Just glanced at him.

Classmates for several years, do not say know the bottom line, still know each other's length.

Xu Xinnian excelled in strategy and theory, and also had attainments in the art of warfare, so his poems were hard to come by.

Yupei is still mine.

The eyes of the students fell on Xu Xinnian. He enjoyed everyone's attention, with a defiant expression on his face, looking at the warm sun hanging in the sky:

"A thousand miles of yellow clouds and white sun."

The great national player Li Mubai nodded and stroked his beard. This sentence is only a simple description of the scenery, but the open mind is vivid on the paper.

"The north wind blows wild goose and snow."

It's winter, and the snow hasn't come yet, but it's not far away. This is not an exaggeration.

At dusk and dusk, the snow is flying, and in the whistling north wind, seeing the distant geese in the sky, the picture comes out immediately.

The background rendering of these two sentences is very good, which is in line with this farewell.

Zhang Shen was extremely surprised. He carefully examined Xu Xinnian. Based on his student's poetry level, these two sentences and seven words must have been painstakingly written. If you can maintain the level, it is impossible to compete with one of Zhu Tui.

Among the three great Confucian scholars, Ziyang Layman, who has the highest level of poetry, was chewing two lines of poetry, feeling a little disappointed for no reason.

Qianli, Dusk, North Wind, Lonely Wild Goose, and Xueluo have drawn a desolate and desolate picture.

This is not a job, but as if he was demoted.

However, it really hits the spot.

This time, it seems that he was reused by the court and granted authority. But those forces who came from the Imperial College, will watch him rise to the sky

Will he be allowed to lay the foundation for Bailu Academy in officialdom

Going to Qingzhou this time is actually an uncertain future, and the road ahead is slim.

Suddenly, Xu Xinnian opened his arms, and his handsome face was as flawless and delicate as jade in the warm sunlight.

He raised his arms, looked directly at Layman Ziyang, and uttered the last two sentences loudly:

"Don't worry about the lack of confidants in the future."

"No one in the world knows you."

There was an instant silence outside the pavilion.

After a while, everyone present got goosebumps.

Zhu Tuizhi turned his head a little bit stiffly, staring blankly at Xu Xinnian standing proudly.

"Mochou has no confidants in the future, and no one in the world knows you." Li Mubai cheered high-fives: "Absolutely!"

The first two sentences reveal a sad atmosphere, and the last two sentences turn a corner, making people suddenly enlightened and inspiring.

Zhang Shenshen looked at Xu Xinnian and fell silent.

Lay Shi Ziyang, who is good at poetry, is still caught in the mood of this seven-character quatrain, and his heart is shaking.

"Good poetry, good poetry," he murmured.

"Why is there only a half-queen?" Zhang Shen, a master of the art of war, saw that his students did not continue to recite, and couldn't help asking.

Xu Xinnian's mouth twitched: "This poem is only half-queen."

Only halfway? !

The readers present immediately widened their eyes, unable to accept such words. How can anyone write half of their poems, is this still a human being

"No problem, no problem, Banque is already shocked." Ziyang layman calmed down and smiled deeply, "Xu Cijiu, does this poem have a name?"


Xu Xinnian remained arrogant, but he really didn't know how to explain it. Only by maintaining a solitary attitude can people no longer ask questions.

"Don't be in a hurry," Ziyang Lay's smile widened, "This poem is for me, right?"

Xu New Year nodded.

"Why don't the old man think of one for you."

The great national player Li Mubai and the art of war master Zhang Shen suddenly understood his intentions, and felt like a lemon in their hearts.

"Then how about "Sheep Pavilion Sending Yang Gongzhi to Qingzhou"?" The dignified Confucian scholar looked expectantly in his eyes.

"Shang Ke!" Xu Xinnian subconsciously said arrogantly, and then realized that his attitude was not respectful, and added: "It's all up to the master."

"Shameless thief."


The two great Confucians were even more sour.

"This is good fortune." Ziyang layman laughed loudly, and bowed triumphantly to the two of them.

Now that the poetry is weak, this poem will definitely cause a sensation among scholars and be sung by students all over the world.

The reputation of Lay Ziyang will also rise with the tide. The key is that his actions are equivalent to binding his name to this poem.

If this poem becomes handed down from generation to generation, the name of Lay Ziyang will also be passed down through the ages.

Such masterpieces are very likely to be handed down.

In the eyes of the two great Confucians, the most shameful thing is that Xu Xinnian presented the poem to the teacher as a student. The name of the poem should not be taboo. It should be referred to by "character" or "number". Put the name in the poem.

It can be seen that this thief has been shameless in order to make a name for himself.

What is the biggest dream of a scholar, self-cultivation to govern the country and bring peace to the world? No, this is an ideal, not a dream.

For thousands of years, the biggest dream of scholars has only been one: to be famous in history!

The two great Confucians were separated by the jealousy.

As a teacher, Zhang Shen realized that this poem might not have been written by his students, but he did not expose it. It was his own good fortune that the students could be favored by Lay Ziyang. I am also happy to be a teacher.

In the midst of the students' heated discussions, Xu Xinnian coughed and told the truth: "Teacher, two gentlemen, this poem was not written by me, but someone else."

The discussion stopped for a moment.

The expressions of the three great Confucians were different, and Zhang Shen suddenly showed such an expression as expected.

Li Mubai seemed to be taken aback, very surprised.

Lay Ziyang reacted the most, stepping over the first two books and eagerly asking, "Who is it? Is it a student of our college? Is it here?"

Glancing over Xu New Year, he searched among the students.

"It's my brother!" Xu Xinian raised his chin slightly, maintaining a proud posture.

The silent students began to discuss again:

"Xu Cijiu's brother?"

"Where do you study, why haven't you heard of this character?"

"If I remember correctly, Xu Cijiu seems to be the eldest son?"

"Come on, your elder brother's surname is Gao, who is your teacher, but you say, we don't know anything about such poets."

The students are in a hurry.

The three great Confucians also looked at Xu New Year.

No, I was influenced by Daddy Rough. I shouldn't have said it to the fiery students. Xu Xinnian suddenly realized that he had made a mistake.

All things are inferior, only reading is high, which shows that scholars are proud, and Xu New Year himself is also.

The readers of Yunlu Academy are even more proud.

If Xu Qi'an is also a scholar, they will admire and admire him. If everyone knows that he is just a yamen, they will have negative emotions.

A low-level officer can also write the Seven Laws of Incomparable Products. Where do we put our faces

Xu Xinnian bites the bullet: "My brother is studying the classics hard at home, not in Yunlu Academy, nor in Guozijian. He has a bland and indifferent personality, doesn't like fame, doesn't like merit, and just wants to be rich and poor."

To be so dignified, he is simply a role model for my generation, and the students who admire Bailu Academy are shocked, and their hearts to make friends are surging.

There was no accident at the top spot, Ziyu gave it to Xu Xinian, and the Ziyang layman said goodbye to everyone with a red face, feeling that he had a good idea, and when he boarded the luxury carriage, he left a sentence:

"Such a talent, can't be dusty, Chunjing, be honest, what do you think?"

The two great scholars didn't know if they really didn't understand, or pretended they didn't, and silently sent Lay Ziyang away. When the carriage was gone, Li Mubai suddenly grabbed Xu Xinnian's hand and took him aside: "Farewell to the old days. , The old man suddenly became interested in accepting disciples, and today I have nothing to do, take me to see your brother."

Zhang Shen was shocked and said, "Farewell to the old man, if you and your elder brother worship under the old man's seat, it will be a good story."

It doesn't matter whether you write poetry or not, the main thing is that you don't want to bury such a talent.

If in the future, the wonderful hand comes across a poem that has been handed down from time to time, such as "My Teacher Zhang Shen" and the like, it will be very good.

Li Mubai said displeasedly: "The art of war is not the mainstream. A scholar must first learn the scriptures and meanings, understand the theory of strategies, and cultivate one's body and family."

"Heh, chess is the mainstream? And he's still a person who can't afford to lose. He has no victory in Wei Yuan's hands." Zhang Shen snorted coldly.

"Old thief, shut up, don't ask Wei Yuan in front of me. This old man has always cherished talents, and this student has been accepted."

"Old man, are you cherishing talents? You are a poet who is greedy for him."

"Shameless old thief, see this old man's arrogance and righteousness shocking you to death."

"As if the old man didn't have one."

Xu New Year's scalp is numb.

The students in the distance turned pale with fright. Not knowing what was going on, the two great Confucians quarreled red-faced, and even tended to do it.