
Chapter 41: The poetic talent of a subordinate official


The three great Confucians in the academy fought? Is it because the Dao has broken through the limit, and the gentleman's mouth has been upgraded to a hands-on? The eldest princess was taken aback. She had studied at Yunlu Academy for a period of time.

The four great Confucians in the academy often sat and talked, grinning when they were happy, and cursing when they were anxious, regardless of their image.

But the big fight has never happened.

After all, a great Confucian has a noble status and is a teacher, how can he easily do it.

Zhao Shou frowned slightly, put down the teacup, and asked, "Why did you do it?"

The old gentleman shook his head and said helplessly: "I don't know, Mr. Mu Bai was writing the inscription, but suddenly, the two gentlemen appeared in the sky, and then they started fighting."

After a pause, the old gentleman added with a sad face: "You said "old man" and he said "shameless old thief", it looks really angry."

At this time, the dean, who was still as calm as a mountain, was taken aback and realized that something was wrong.

The eldest princess said, "The dean will take me with you."

Zhao Shou said solemnly: "Within ten feet of me, it belongs to the Academy of Saints."

The eldest princess was in a daze for a moment, and then she saw the statue of a saint holding a scroll, the candles were burning, and the green smoke curled up in the hall.

There was an uproar outside the hall, and gusts of wind raged into the hall, blowing out the candles.

On the opposite side of the table, Dean Zhao Shou had disappeared, and the eldest princess walked towards the door of the hall against the strong wind.

The strong wind made her dress fly backwards, and the placket was close to her chest. Even a thick winter coat could not hide her embossed figure.

Looking up, three great Confucians stood in the air.

There was a majestic and majestic wave in the three people's bodies; the aura of neutrality and unyielding collided with each other, stirring the air to generate strong winds.

Zhang Shen snorted: "Li Mubai, you shameless scoundrel, you just robbed me of students that day, but you did such a despicable thing today, and the knowledge of the saint has been read into the belly of a dog?"

The eldest princess was slightly moved, and she didn't know what the Great Confucian Li Mubai had done to make the Great Confucian Zhang Shen so indignant.

Compete for students? Did the two compete for students

Li Mubai retorted loudly: "As a teacher, what's the problem with helping my disciples polish their articles and poems? It's obviously your old man who is jealous of my talent."

Chen Tai: "You can shut up, the old man can't stand it anymore."

Li Mubai squinted at him: "The surnamed Zhang and I are anxious, and there is a reason. If you have something to do with you, Chen Tai, let's go cool."

At this time, Zhang Shen took out a volume of books from his arms, and said leisurely: "It seems that the competition is so righteous, it's hard to tell the difference."

He tore off one of the pages and set it on fire.

The moment the paper burned out, a green cloud formed out of thin air, buzzing towards Li Mubai.

It was a green beetle all over, with ferocious mouthparts, like a locust swarm, densely packed.

"This old man has traveled the world a few years ago, and it's not without gain." Li Mubai didn't panic at all. He also took out a volume of books, tore off two pages, and set it on fire at the same time.

One of the pages burned out and turned into a crimson lizard, somewhere between the real and the unreal.

The crimson lizard cheeks swelled up, and suddenly spewed out a flame that was dozens of meters long, burning the green clouds in the sky into ashes.

At the same time, another page of paper was burnt, and a scantily clad young girl was transformed into a young girl who was as light as a swimming fish, swimming towards Zhang Shen.

In the process of approaching, Zhang Daru's eyelids were heavy, and an irresistible sleepiness surged up.

The young girl raised her mouth slightly and approached Zhang Shen with a charming smile.

At this moment, Chen Tai also burned a page of paper in his hand, and a bright golden core manifested, blooming with golden light.


Li Mubai was backstabbed in vain and staggered by Jin Guang's beating, while Zhang Shen was also burned by Jin Dan, broke free from the sleepiness, and quickly encouraged Haoran to be righteous and scattered the young girls in revealing clothes.

The eldest princess watched this scene silently.

Sixth-grade Confucian habitation can learn the unique skills of other systems, put them into writing, and put them in books.

What Zhang Shen used just now was the method of a Gu Master, and the young girl on Li Mu's white paper was supposed to be of the wizard system, but she didn't quite know what rank it was.

As for what Chen Tai displayed, if she read it right, it was the golden elixir of Taoism.

The three great Confucians were fighting in full swing in mid-air, and the students looked at it with relish. Although they were a little overwhelmed and worried about the sudden fight between the three seniors, it was a once-in-a-lifetime and too rare to see the great Confucians fighting.

Seeing that he couldn't take Li Mubai for a long time, Zhang Shen had an idea: "Li Mubai, your pants fell."

Li Mubai's crotch felt cold, and he was stunned to find that his pants had slipped to his ankles.

"Damn it!" Li Mubai's mentality exploded and he yelled, "Everyone's pants are down."

Below, countless people bent down and raised their pants in horror.

A milky white jade pendant on the waist of the eldest princess glows with stress.

A majestic voice sounded, clearly reaching everyone's ears: "It is forbidden to kill each other in this place."

"It's forbidden to float here, roll down for me!"

When the words fell, the awe-inspiring righteousness of the three great scholars dissipated automatically, and Newton regained his face and pulled them out of the air.

Wearing sackcloth with gray hair scattered, Zhao Shou walked in front of the three with a sullen face and looked sharply: "What's going on."

Zhang Shen and Li Mubai exchanged glances silently, and they reached a tacit agreement in an instant. The former snorted coldly: "It's nothing, it's just that there are differences of opinion on academic studies, and no one can convince the other."

The latter continued: "So we changed the way."

Convincing people with reason is in line with the Confucian style of doing things.

"Dean, I reported them all because I lied to you." Suddenly, the great scholar Chen Tai stabbed the two of them in the back, completing the double kill.

Zhang Shen and Li Mubai turned their heads together and glared at each other.

Chen Tai looked in the direction of the low wall: "The president knows the poem "Sheep Pavilion Sends Yang Qian to Qingzhou"."

Zhao Shou then looked at the low wall, stared at it for a moment, and when he saw the small words, he immediately understood.

Zhang Jinyan and Li Chunjing, he knew the envy of Lay Ziyang during this period of time.

The poem on the low wall is indeed a good poem, not to mention that it became famous after it was spread, and it will have a great chance to be passed on to future generations in the future. The two of them were arguing about their reputation, but they were excusable, etc. What did they mean by concealing from me just now, Dean Zhao slapped his face.

As he was about to speak, out of the corner of his eyes, he caught a glimpse of the long princess who had a long dress dragging on the floor, and the eldest princess with a cold and luxurious temperament came.

He immediately swallowed what he wanted to say.

The eldest princess's beautiful eyes rolled, and she smiled reservedly: "What kind of poetry did the two great Confucianists conflict with?"

Zhang Shen and Li Mubai hurriedly bowed and saluted, "It's just a poem to encourage learning."

The eldest princess immediately turned to the low wall, and her beautiful eyes shone with brilliance: "Good poetry."

After a pause, his lips lightly opened: "Who is this poem contrived."

Zhang Shen bite the bullet: "It's the old man's student, well, "The Sheep Pavilion Sending Yang Qian's Qingzhou" was also made by him."

"That kuaishou from the Changle County Government Office?" A strange color flashed in the princess' eyes.

"His name is Xu Qi'an." Li Mubai replied, adding, "I'm also my disciple."

The eldest princess felt that this name was a little familiar. It seemed that someone had mentioned this name, but she didn't remember it in her heart, so she couldn't recall it.

Such a great talent, being a fast hand in Changle County, is too subservient. Even if he can only write poetry, it is enough for this palace to keep him in the house and think about it as a chief of staff.

The students of the academy stood in the distance, watching the beautiful face of the eldest princess. She was as beautiful as an independent snow lotus.

"Where are the others?" The eldest princess' clear eyes swept across the crowd and stared at each and every one.

"I went to the mountain." Chen Tai said.

The students who heard their conversation fell into a great shock for a while. They finally knew who wrote this poem of persuasion to learn.