Nine Heavenly Star Art

Chapter 106: The Black Armored Army is dispatched


The soul in Ye Chen's body was more powerful than Ahri imagined. This made Ahri a little excited and couldn't wait to study the soul in his body. wWW. qUAnbEn-xIaosHuo. After Com absorbed Ye Chen's dissipated profound energy, Ahri also had a bud of divine soul in her body. Now the ordinary soul thoughts and divine soul in Ahri's body coexist and interact with each other. It is unknown what the consequences will be.

Looking up at the majestic Black Eagle, Ye Chen thought for a moment and said to Black Eagle: "There are already Da Mao, Er Mao and San Mao in front of you. From now on, you will be called Si Mao." This Black Eagle's Feathers are considered fur, so names like this are easier to remember.

Ye Chen threw a high-level demon pill to Black Eagle, and then gave Black Eagle instructions to practice on his own.

I don't know if there will be monsters coming in later, Ye Chen thought to himself, just conquer one if it comes! If you can't conquer it yourself, you can let Ahri give it a try. If a mysterious beast comes in, there is no way to subdue it. The soul of a mysterious beast is too powerful, and it is not as easy to control as a demonic beast.

Not knowing what the mysterious beast's soul thought was, Ye Chen thought for a moment, and the soul quickly spread out, locked on the lioness, and put the soul deep into the lioness's mind to study it.

The lioness was practicing on her own. As soon as she felt Ye Chen's soul, she was so frightened that she didn't dare to move.

Ye Chen's soul swept through it, and he made some discoveries. The soul thoughts of monster beasts are all condensed into a ball, with different sizes. If you attach a soul thought to it, you can control it, but the soul thoughts of the mysterious beast are different. Different, it is scattered, hovering in the mind like a nebula, and its intensity is far greater than that of a monster's soul. Not only can it change its shape, but it can also spread outwards. Other people's souls cannot attach to it, so they will not be captured. control.

No wonder the monster beasts can be subdued, but the mysterious beasts cannot! The physiological structures of the two are different.

After studying it clearly, Ye Chen took his soul back.

Feeling that Ye Chen's spirit had receded, the lioness breathed a sigh of relief, glad that she had escaped another disaster.

At the bottleneck period at the peak of the ninth level, Xuan Qi would be unable to break through for a while, so Ye Chen practiced the Heavenly King's Sun-Breaking Martial Arts for a while.

In recent times, although cultivation and martial arts have improved greatly, there has not been much breakthrough in terms of artistic conception. Although Ye Chen realized the realm of Tao, he only scratched the surface, and it was difficult to understand the essence.

It’s time to take advantage of this period of time to understand the essence of Tao.

Ye Chen understood the surrounding qi and the changes in the movement of heaven and earth, and gradually fell into trance. The nine stars in his body were full of wonderful rhythms, constantly rotating, like the changes of stars.

Ever since he condensed the nine energy balls, Ye Chen has never practiced a certain technique alone. All the nine techniques are constantly improving. No words can fully describe the wonders of the Nine Stars Tianchen Jue technique. just in case.

While practicing, Ye Chen also gained a deeper understanding of the spirit-gathering array. The arrangement of each stone appeared in his mind, functioning in some strange way.

This spirit-gathering magic circle is really wonderful and unparalleled. It can be activated without any energy, as if it is integrated with the heaven and earth!

The arrangement of the spirit-gathering array was all memorized by Ye Chen, and it was very clear in his mind. He wondered if he could copy the spirit-gathering array and get one in Yejiabao.

Ye Chen felt as if he had disappeared between heaven and earth, forgetting where everything was.

Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it had been more than a month since Ye Chen entered the underground Qiong Tower.

Donglin County Prince's Mansion.

When Qiu Ying and others came back, they were in ragged clothes, like beggars on the street. How could one describe it as miserable? Fortunately, he, Liu Kan and Liu Xun were all safe and sound, and several ninth-level peak guards were dead. What a disaster for them. It doesn't matter. …,

They had a good change of clothes, and then they felt like they were back in the human world again.

The broken weapons and armor materials they picked up from the underground Qiong Tower were used to create two good long swords. If one day weapon spirits are born, they might be able to be ranked among the first-grade spiritual treasures, which would be considered good treasures. In addition to the two weapons, they also obtained a book of exercises called Tianming Jue. It is a fifth-level exercise and comes with three fifth-level martial arts. However, a few pages are missing. If they want to complete it, I am afraid it will take a lot of work. Zhou Zhang was deposed, but even so, Qiu Ying and others were quite excited and gratified. They felt that their visit to the underground Qiong Tower was a worthwhile trip.

"Prime Minister Zuo, are you going back to the imperial capital now?" Liu Xun asked humbly, but his mind was racing with thoughts.

"Yes, I still need to be in charge in the imperial capital." Qiu Ying nodded and glanced at Liu Xun, "What else do you have in mind? Just tell me."

"It's about Yejiapu. Yejiapu is the family that Ye Chen belongs to. This Yejiabao was originally just a small force among the Eighteen Forts in Lianyun. The strongest one was only an early ninth-level person. , and then somehow, a genius like Ye Chen emerged, and the strength of the others also improved by leaps and bounds, and they captured two more ninth-level monsters, which are now a serious problem for us. That kid Ye Chen should be dead now, but Ye Chen The family castle must be eliminated." Liu Xun said while watching Qiu Ying's reaction.

"Have you ever found out what is the reason for Yejiabao's rapid growth in strength?" Qiu Ying tapped his fingers on the table and asked after pondering for a moment.

The strength of Yejiabao made Liu Xun feel deeply fearful. Ye Zhantian and others had previously received the Millennium Flame Snake Fruit and other items from an unknown strong person, and they had probably eaten them long ago. Their strength would definitely increase greatly in the future. How can I allow others to sleep soundly? In addition, Liu Xun has insulted Ye Zhantian before. This grudge cannot be easily reconciled. If Yejiabao becomes powerful, Liu Xun will definitely have trouble sleeping and eating. He said: "It is said that Yejiabao climbed up to a hidden place." The strong man in the world, I don’t know where the strong man in the hidden world came from.”

"An unknown hidden powerhouse?" Qiu Ying fell into deep thought.

"Since that strong man has such ability, why does he hide from the world? Is it because he is worried about being recruited by Emperor Mingwu?" Liu Kan said from the side. If the strong man above the tenth level among the people is known by Emperor Mingwu, he will be killed. They were recruited to go to forbidden areas, otherwise they would be hunted down, and those with family members would be exterminated.

In this Xiwu Empire, there is no strong man who can stand up to Emperor Mingwu!

Liu Xun looked at Qiu Ying and remained silent, waiting for Qiu Ying's decision.

"Prime Minister Zuo, what do you think?" Liu Kan looked at Qiu Ying. He already knew from Liu Xun that Donglin County Prince's Palace was the backstage of Yunjiabao. Yunjiabao almost wiped out the Yejiabao clan, so Yejiabao and Donglin County There was a deadly feud between Prince Lin and Prince Lin. As Liu Xun's father, he naturally wanted to help Liu Xun.

"It would be much easier to handle if the hidden strong man was trying to avoid being summoned by Emperor Mingwu. I am afraid that the other party is extraordinary. It would be unwise to completely anger him. The strong man behind Yejiabao has never appeared. It is still unclear whether there is such a person. It is better to send the black armor army to surround Yejiabao first. In name, it is to protect them and create some friction to test Yejiabao. If it is Yejiabao, The strong man behind appears, and there is no fight to the death. There is still room for change. If it is a tenth-level strong man or even a strong man of the Earth Master Realm, I will naturally ask Emperor Mingwu to come forward and recruit him, and wait for that strong man to go to the forbidden area. You can still take care of the Ye Family Fort." Qiu Ying said with a faint smile.

"What if the strong man never shows up?" Liu Kan's eyes lit up and he had some ideas.

"If the strong man doesn't show up after ten days of siege, it means that Yejiabao can't invite that strong man, or that strong man doesn't have much friendship with Yejiabao at all, or that the so-called strong man simply doesn't show up. If it doesn't exist, it was just fabricated by Yejiabao, so you can take more drastic actions." Qiu Ying smiled slyly. …,

"This is a wonderful method, Prime Minister Zuo!" Liu Kan said with a smile, stroking his beard.

"How about Zuo Xiang staying in our Donglin County for a month? I heard that Yejiapu has collected many good things from various families in Donglin County. After taking control of Yejiapu, everything in Yejiapu's treasure house will all belong to Zuo Xiang. , how about it?" Liu Xun chuckled.

Qiu Ying glanced at Liu Xun and Liu Kan calmly, thinking to himself, these cunning father and son wanted to keep him here, so that if something happened, he could top the tank, how could I be fooled? , smiled calmly and said: "It's not that I don't want to stay, but there are too many things in the imperial capital that need to be dealt with as they are. Don't worry, I will always pay attention to Donglin County. As soon as you have news, I will send a message Diao passed it on to me, as for the treasure house of Yejiabao, how can I take it all by myself? When you take control of Yejiabao, just give me half of it. I should do my best to deal with Emperor Mingwu. It is getting late. I’ll go back and rest so I can travel on my way tomorrow.”

Qiu Ying stood up, and Liu Kan and Liu Xun also stood up to see him off.

Seeing Qiu Ying's back disappearing at the end of the corridor, Liu Kan cursed angrily: "Qiu Ying, this old man, is really an old fox!"

Liu Xun smiled bitterly, Qiu Ying wanted to leave, and no one could stop him. The reason why Qiu Ying was in a hurry to leave the Donglin County Prince's Mansion was because he wanted to distance himself from the Donglin County Prince's Mansion. If Liu Xun and Liu Kan got into trouble with someone they couldn't afford to offend, Qiu Ying could stay out of it. For those who are only tenth-level or Earth-level experts, Qiu Ying can report them to Emperor Mingwu, who will recruit them. He can also ask Mingwu Great Butterfly Skill, and the Donglin County Prince's Palace also wants to thank him. Why? No matter what happens, Liu Xun and Liu Kan will give Qiu Ying half of the items in Yejiabao's treasure house. If there are too few items, they will make up for them. Otherwise, they will give them to Qiu Ying. Who above the hall would speak for Liu Xun and Liu Kan

"This old guy, even if he doesn't stay to help, he will swallow up half of Yejiabao's treasure house." Liu Xun cursed, but he was helpless. Who asked them to ask Qiu Ying for help? Yejiapu must be dealt with. Anyway, that boy Ye Chen is dead. No one saw his death in the Qiong Tower underground. Even if the Xuanyi Yaozun wanted to blame him, it would not fall on him.

Although they were a little worried about the strong man behind Yejiabao, they had no way out. They just waited for Yejiabao to become stronger. They might not be able to deal with Yejiabao by then.

In the Donglin County Prince's Palace Square, more than a thousand seventh-order black armored guards wearing black armor and riding third-order black wind horses stood neatly in a square formation. The third-order black wind horses were also covered with thick protective clothing. Iron armor, armed to the teeth.

Following the order from Duke Donglin, the more than a thousand black-armored guards set off. Dust billowed, the earth shook, and bursts of thunderous rumbling sounds were heard, heading straight for Yejia Fort.

The dispatch of the black-armored guards caused a lot of discussion among the residents of Donglin County. In the past three years, the king of Donglin County used the black-armored guards for the first time. I don’t know what happened. Could it be somewhere in Donglin County? Is there a rebellion, or is a certain family going to be exterminated