Nine Heavenly Star Art

Chapter 31: Cooperation


Ye Chen activated the flying knife in his body and quickly circulated the profound energy. Three different techniques were running in his body at the same time. Www,QuANbEn-XiAoShUo,CoM

The body of Yuan Lei!

Ye Chen's body glowed with a faint golden light.

"It's not certain who will die!" Ye Chen thought to himself, staring at Ye Moyang firmly.

"So what if you learn the Yuan Lei Body? Do you think you, a sixth-level person, can defeat the peak of the seventh-level person? Today I will let you know how big the gap between the sixth-level and seventh-level people is!" Ye Moyang sneered, Without stopping, the claws clawed at Ye Chen's chest, and the sinister aura of the Yin Thunder Claws came out from his palms.

With this claw, Ye Chen would lose half of his life!

Yun Laoliu suddenly felt something was wrong. Ye Moyang didn't seem to be trying to catch Ye Chen. He clearly wanted to take Ye Chen's life! But it was too late for him to stop him at this moment. Seeing that Ye Chen was about to die under Ye Moyang's claws, he couldn't help but cursed in frustration: "What bad luck, you deserve your bad luck!"

Several people around him also felt that Ye Chen would be covered in blood in the next moment!

Just when Ye Moyang felt that he was determined to win, Ye Chen suddenly raised his head, with a joking expression on his lips.

Ye Moyang was shocked, maybe this kid had some conspiracy, but at this time, it was impossible to withdraw the attack.

I saw the white civet cat eyeball on Ye Chen's shoulder suddenly blooming with a faint light. Ye Moyang was in a trance. Ye Chen suddenly disappeared in front of him and found that he was actually standing on a wasteland. The surroundings were extremely empty and there were no people. Gone, what happened

Ye Moyang just hesitated. Ye Chen dodged Ye Moyang's claw on one side of his body, and struck Ye Moyang hard on the left chest with a thunderbolt.

"Poof!" Ye Moyang spurted out a mouthful of blood and flew backwards.

Ye Chen's palm hit the most vulnerable part of the heart. The power of the palm penetrated into Ye Moyang's body and hit the heart directly! The power of Ye Chen's current palm is not inferior to that of masters in the mid-seventh level. You must know that even the tenacious demon wolf will die immediately after being slapped on the head by Ye Chen's palm.

After the seventh level, you can gather your inner energy. After receiving a palm from Ye Chen, Ye Moyang will not die, but his meridians will definitely be exhausted in the future and he will be unable to practice. He is not as lucky as Ye Chen. Which family is willing to spend countless At the cost of a thousand Qi Gathering Pills, he could rescue Ye Moyang, warm his meridians and then find the Intermittent Pill

Ye Moyang flew several feet backwards, fell heavily to the ground, fell to the ground, groaned in pain, and passed out.

The person who was knocked out was actually Ye Moyang!

How can this be!

The people in Yunjiabao were stunned, especially Yun Laoliu, whose eyes were wide open. What on earth is going on? This kid Ye Chen is clearly using sixth-level profound energy! Why was the seventh-level Ye Moyang so unbearable, not only missing the target with his Yin Thunder Claw, but not avoiding it, he was slapped in the chest by Ye Chen

What a hell!

Yun Laoliu is someone who has been here before, so he naturally knows how big the gap is between the sixth level and the seventh level. Ye Chen actually defeated Ye Moyang with one palm. There must be some hidden trick. He noticed that the golden light that came out of Ye Chen just now was Ye Moyang. The body of Yuan Lei in Jiabao! Could it be that the body of Yuan Lei really has such heaven-defying power that it can easily kill people across levels

"This kid has some skills, and he has learned the body of Yuan Lei from that old ghost Ye Zhantian. Everyone, be careful, let's catch him together!" Yun Laoliu shouted coldly, and together with several people around him, rushed towards Ye Chen Go up.

Seeing the four people rushing towards him, Ah Li let out a squeak, opened his mouth and spat out a cloud of white mist, and the surrounding area of dozens of feet was covered in white mist.

"I can't see!"

"I can't see it either, it's the magic of a monster!"

Those people from Yunjiabao suddenly became blind. Ye Chen opened his eyes and used his soul to lock on those guys from Yunjiabao. A sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth. Since I, Yejiapu, are here, Then don't go back! …,

Ye Chen jumped towards one of the sixth-level ones, and hit the guy on the back of the head with a thunderbolt.

The guy's reaction was quite fast. He felt the howling wind behind him and immediately turned around to prepare to attack, but he was already too slow. Ye Chen hit the side of the guy's face with his palm, and the guy immediately flew backwards. You get hit in the head with a palm and still want to survive

Killed another one!

Ye Chen looked at the remaining three people with iron eyes.

The hatred between Yunjiabao and Yejiabao was irresolvable. Of course, Ye Chen would not show mercy. He jumped up and down and knocked away another sixth-level man with one palm.

"Ye family kid, if you have the guts to come out, you are not a hero!" Yun Laoliu's sight was blocked, and he heard the sound and found that two clan members were dead. He was furious, shouted angrily, and waved away with a palm. Just hearing a bang, the palm force hit the ground about a foot away from Ye Chen, causing gravel to fly.

Yun Laoliu could identify Ye Chen's general location from the sound, but the white fog was too thick and he couldn't know Ye Chen's exact location.

I'm not a hero to begin with, so what's the matter with me hiding my head and keeping my tail low? You guys are still bullying the minority. Ye Chen curled his lips disdainfully. The opponent is an eighth-level master who has already condensed the Gang Qi. In a head-on fight, Ye Chen will definitely He was not an opponent. He moved his right hand and there was an extra thunderbolt in his hand. This was already outside the Lianyun Mountains. There should be no problem with using the thunderbolt here.

Yun Laoliu walked step by step and walked a certain distance when he suddenly heard a voice next to him. He was about to raise his hand to attack when the person next to him suddenly said: "Who?"

Hearing that it was one of his own, Yun Laoliu hurriedly said: "It's me!"

The two men came together and listened.

"I don't know where this kid got a monster that can spray. The mist is too thick. Pay attention to the sound!" Yun Laoliu said solemnly. There are countless monsters in the world who know all kinds of magic, but there are very few people. Taming a monster that can spew out such thick mist must be of a high level!

Just when Yun Laoliu was talking to the person next to him, Ye Chen suddenly projected the thunderbolt.

Yun Laoliu suddenly felt something flying towards him. It was dark and looked like a stone. He sneered: "Only a little kid can throw stones to attack!" That thunderbolt.

There was a loud bang, the fire snake swallowed, and a powerful impact rushed towards Yun Laoliu. He quickly moved up the Gang Qi to protect his body, but it was too late. There was a bang, and his whole body was severely injured. Feeling a sweetness in his throat, he flew out.

The seventh-level man next to him was also affected by the power of Pilizi. Unlike Yun Laoliu, who could condense Gang Qi to protect his body, he was in an even worse situation than Yun Laoliu. He flew backwards for more than two feet and lay on the ground unable to get up. .

Yun Laoliu staggered up and covered his chest. Only then did he realize that what Ye Chen threw was not a stone, but a powerful hidden weapon. Its power was no less than a strike from a ninth-level master. Fortunately, he was that far away. The hidden weapon is relatively far away. If you were hit by that hidden weapon, it’s hard to imagine what the result would be. You’d probably die without a whole body!

The pain in his chest was so unbearable that he couldn't even concentrate his profound energy. He forced himself to take a breath of profound energy and ran outside.

"It's not that easy to leave!" Ye Chen snorted coldly and chased after him. He had already used one thunderbolt. Ye Chen didn't want to use the second one. Yun Laoliu received a thunderbolt and was probably dead. The end of the strong crossbow.

The body of Yuan Lei!

Before the time of the Yuan Lei Body ran out, a golden light glowed on Ye Chen's body, and a violent thunder fist hit Yun Laoliu's back.

We can't let Yun Laoliu run away. If Yun Laoliu runs away, his strength will be exposed, and Pilizi will also be known to the people of Yunjiabao!

Yun Laoliu barely ran for more than a dozen steps, feeling his eyes darkening and despairing in his heart. Could it be that I, Yun Laoliu, who had spent all my life, was going to die at the hands of a young boy from the Ye family? Feeling the whistling wind of the fist behind him, Yun Laoliu gathered up the last of his profound energy, turned around and rushed towards Ye Chen.

Tiangang hands!

With a bang, Ye Chen used all his profound energy to palm Yun Laoliu, and staggered back several steps. The blood in his body surged, and he almost spit out a mouthful of blood. He actually suffered some internal injuries, and the meridians in his right hand He was almost shocked, and felt horrified in his heart. The master of the eighth-level Gangqi realm was really amazing. He could still exert such terrifying strength even though he was seriously injured. It seemed that he was really trusting himself too much. I have never competed against masters of the eighth-level Gang Qi realm before, so I had no idea how strong they were, but today I finally know.

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