Nine Star Burden

Chapter 75: It hurt my skin


"This is a new student in our class, Jiang Xiaopi. I think you all know him already." Teacher Ye pulled Jiang Xiao to his side and said, "He is younger than you, so you should also be aware. Take good care of Jiang Xiaopi."

"Don't worry, teacher, we have to take care of you. Our class has milk. If you get injured in the battle this time, you don't have to look at the school doctor's face."

"That's right, there's no need to ask the guy in the next class."

"It makes sense. I had a bad stomach a few days ago and wanted to ask him to bless me. Guess what? He actually asked me for two boxes of pure milk. He told me to eat whatever I needed to make up for it. Only after drinking milk can the milk come out."

Ye Lanxiang slapped the podium hard: "Shut up!"

Ye Lanxiang looked at Jiang Xiao, pointed to the second-to-last row by the window, and said, "You don't need to introduce yourself. Just sit there and put all your books in order."

Jiang Xiao very obediently walked away without making a sound.

Keywords: middle-aged, female, head teacher.

Put these three words together, they are basically invincible.

Jiang Xiao didn't dare to confront Ye Banren head-on.

She was injured,

He lost his life.

Jiang Xiao quickly sat down in his seat. The location was pretty good, by the window and in the second to last row.

But the location is not perfect either.


The person sitting behind him turned out to be Han Jiangxue!

Jiang Xiao didn't know that this was Han Jiangxue's special position.

Han Jiangxue is quite tall, at 178cm, but she is not the tallest in the class. There are many male classmates who are taller than her, and there are even girls who are half taller than her.

But with the help of the "student master" aura, Han Jiangxue successfully talked through the teacher and sat behind Jiang Xiao.

At this time, Jiang Xiao suddenly felt like a parent attending the class.

No, this is not a feeling,

This is a hard fact!

Moreover, this parent is not with me for one class or one day, but for a whole year.

Senior year of high school is already very difficult, brother.

It’s uncomfortable.

While Jiang Xiao was packing up his books, he quietly looked around. When he came down just now, he saw the young lady in front of him.

He was dressed neatly in his school uniform, with his hair in a ponytail, and he didn't know whether he was wearing makeup or not.

For men like Jiang Xiao, if you can't tell whether they are wearing makeup or not, they will be treated as if they are bare-faced.

When he was sitting behind her, Jiang Xiao discovered that although the girl had a ponytail, which fit her position as a student, her ponytail had been permed.

You can’t tell whether she’s wearing makeup or not, but you can clearly see the perm and curls, and I guess her hair will look beautiful when it’s let down.


The young lady is a bit fashionable,

A cold voice came from behind: "Every school will catch up with the teaching progress in advance. By the time students are in their first and second years of high school, they have basically completed all the courses in the three years of high school."

Jiang Xiao paused while tidying up his desk and did not respond.

Han Jiangxue said calmly: "During the whole year of the senior year of high school, the teachers will lead the students to review all the courses from the first year to the third year of high school. There will be a total of three rounds of review. In other words, the teachers will teach them three times again, and all the lessons will be taught again. It is a distillation of essential knowledge points. You can keep up if you play less with your mobile phone."

Jiang Xiao: "."

"Hello Jiang Xiaopi." The young lady at the front table suddenly leaned back on the chair, turned her head slightly, and whispered, "My name is Su Rou."

"Hello." Jiang Xiao responded politely.

Behind him, Han Jiangxue frowned slightly, but didn't say anything. She lowered her head and read a book.

"Can I ask you for a favor?" Su Rou whispered.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Xiao looked at the girl's profile in confusion, which was quite beautiful.

"I have a stomachache. Can you help me heal it?" Su Rou's face turned slightly red and her voice became quieter.

Jiang Xiao listened intermittently. Although he didn't understand the second half of the sentence clearly, he had already received the first half.


Jiang Xiao leaned forward slightly and asked quietly: "Belly? Or stomach?"

"My relatives are here, and my stomach hurts so much." Su Rou muttered in a low voice.

Jiang Xiao immediately understood what the other party meant.

Thinking that I, a dignified person who has awakened from the medical department, unexpectedly

"Zhongling" cannot solve this symptom, and the person is not injured.

"Blessing" is the correct answer and can cure all diseases.

"The teacher is still up there, let's talk about it after class, okay? This beam of light is so eye-catching when it comes down." Jiang Xiao whispered back.

"Madam, it hurts." Su Rou gasped, her voice soft and weak, which made people feel very distressed.

Jiang Xiao thought for a while and said, "You can ask for leave to go to the toilet, and I'll ask for leave too."

"I don't want to stand up, it hurts so much." Su Rou said.

"This" Jiang Xiao scratched his head, and a layer of white light slowly appeared on his left hand, and he leaned forward against the wall along the bottom of the left window.

Su Rou moved her chair back and felt Jiang Xiao's palm on her left waist.

"I know you are all special! But the cultural class exam is no different from other students!" On the podium, class teacher Ye scolded him, "You are already in your senior year of high school! Don't you know how to study? Your time is already occupied by field work. Occupying a part of it, I don’t have much time left for you! I know you.”

"Hmm~" A pleasant nasal voice suddenly came from the window in the middle of the class.

Ye Banren was stunned for a moment and suddenly turned his head to look.

She had just been scolding the children who were not studying hard. On the side near the window, these students were studying fairly well, so she did not look over there.

Unexpectedly, when I was teaching my students, someone would dare to interrupt me

Ye Banren only saw Su Rou lying on the small desk holding her stomach. Jiang Xiao behind him was still packing the books. It seemed that he noticed that the teacher had stopped scolding him. Jiang Xiao raised his head and looked at the teacher, and hurriedly stopped packing the books. , but behaved in a good manner and looked at the teacher with an obedient expression.

Ye Banren looked confused, what happened just now

Who made the sound

It looks like it's Su Rou. Is she sick

Although this girl likes to do some tricks and play live broadcasts, her academic performance is not bad, and she listens every time the teacher speaks.

Ye Banren hesitated for a moment, but still didn't say anything. He continued to turn to look at the two boys on the right: "Tell me about you two. The English teacher called me last night and told me that you two were in class."


Ye Banren closed his mouth in an instant and turned his head to look in the direction of the sound.

Seeing Su Rou lying on the table in a daze, she asked with concern: "Su Rou? Are you feeling unwell?"

"Comfortable, so comfortable" Su Rou murmured subconsciously, suddenly woke up and said, "No, no, it's much better. Teacher, thank you for your concern. I can continue in class and won't disturb my classmates anymore."

Ye Banren nodded and said happily: "Go see the school doctor after class. Being sick at this time will greatly affect your study status."

"Okay, Teacher Ye." Su Rou nodded in response.

Ye Banren's expression softened a lot, and at the same time, the class bell rang outside the corridor.

Ye Banren glared fiercely at the two classmates leaning against the wall on the right, turned around, stepped on high heels, and walked out.

"Rourou, how do you feel?" The female classmate on the other side of the aisle from Su Rou's seat hurriedly leaned over and asked quietly.

Su Rou blushed and nodded.

"Awesome! My Jiang Xiaopi!"

"You are the legendary gynecologist, right?"

(End of chapter)