Nine Star Burden

Chapter 90: Lava goddess statue


In just a few seconds, a pile of dirt quickly formed in front of Jiang Xiao's eyes.

The flowing soil looked so magical in Jiang Xiao's eyes, like a huge pile of poop, enveloping the two of them.

Then, the large flowing mass that stopped for an instant returned to the appearance of frozen soil, thick and hard.

Jiang Xiao only saw a long arm stretching out diagonally from the top of the dirt pile. The hand was swaying continuously, and it was not a purposeful movement, more like a drowning person flapping randomly.

Jiang Xiao had no personal experience with the situation inside the dirt pile and had no way of knowing what was going on inside.

But just thinking about it makes me feel horrible.

Erwei was imprisoned, was he covered in mud

Is your nose, mouth, or even your body filled with mud

How should she breathe


The next moment, Jiang Xiao saw the long arm sticking out of the mound gradually changing color. The dark military uniform was completely burned, revealing the red arm.


On the burning arm, the flames quietly extinguished, but her white and tender arms turned into pitch black. The cracked skin looked like dry earth. In the gaps of the cracked arms, hot magma flowed. .

So dazzling and brilliant.

Immediately afterwards, the arm exploded, and a series of muffled sounds came from the thick pile of frozen soil.

Cracks gradually appeared on the solidified frozen soil pile, bam!

After several explosions, the pile of frozen soil was finally shattered. Jiang Xiao only saw a man covered in mud, walking back leisurely.

But what stayed in place was a woman whose body was as black as charcoal. Her clothes had long since disappeared, replaced by a body as black as charcoal and cracked skin.

The huge body was still flowing with hot magma, and it was constantly flowing along the gaps in her cracked skin, and the woman's red eyes also turned red.

A pair of naked eyes seemed to have turned into lava, and two scarlet gazes looked scorchingly at the enemy on the opposite side. On the charred body, the 13th star slot in the beast's star chart burst out with golden light.

Dazzling, dazzling!

Gold grade star skills!

At this time, Erwei seemed to have turned into a body of lava, and her eyes as hot as lava could no longer see any focus. They could only judge where she was "looking" through the direction of her head.

There was a pop.

The goddess statue with flowing lava knelt on the ground, seeming to have been greatly traumatized. Her body could no longer hold on, and her head hung low.

Let the drops of magma slide across his cheeks and flow to the ground, making a "sizzling" sound.

The mercenary sneered, and the soil on his body slowly scattered. He raised his left hand, and layers of frozen soil quickly squirmed under the feet of the lava goddess statue, wrapping around her ankles like two clay hands.

Erwei, who was kneeling on the ground, tried to get up, but such an action was not allowed. The two hands of lava that were pressed to the ground were also tightly entangled by two hands of clay.

In Jiang Xiao's sight, Erwei struggled hard, but to no avail. He could only let out an angry roar, raised his head, and aimed his hot eyes at the mercenaries approaching in front.

"*&%¥#" The mercenary said something in Russian, as if he was mocking Erwei. A clay hand sprang out from the ground again, quickly wrapped around Erwei's neck, strangled Erwei and kept lifting him up. .

That mud hand didn't just simply wrap around Erwei's neck. The flowing mud even wrapped Erwei's head and flowed into Erwei's mouth and nose, leaving her with no chance to breathe.

At the same time, the mercenary had arrived in front of Erwei, his eyes full of sarcasm. He moved his right hand and looked at the statue of the goddess kneeling at his feet and struggling crazily, but to no avail.

The mercenary aimed at her head, his fist exuding dark energy, and the ninth star slot in the star map suddenly lit up.


It’s also a gold star skill!

What should I do

If Erwei dies, there is no doubt that Jiang Xiao will be next!

But how can Jiang Xiao shake such a behemoth with his star skills and poor Stardust-level star power

Jiang Xiao's expression changed drastically, and he waved his hand hurriedly, and a blessing light fell on the mercenary again.

The mercenary's expression froze and his body sluggishly sluggish.

At the same time, heavy footsteps approached quickly.

The confused mercenary quickly came to his senses and turned his head, only to see Jiang Xiao fighting bravely, as if he had the momentum to die together!

"Haha." The mercenary's fist, which exuded a rich black light, hit Jiang Xiao's head directly.


Jiang Xiao's body was broken.

"Huh?" The mercenary was slightly startled. His fist did hit the entity and there was a touch, but it was not the same as a human touch. It was more like hitting a bubble, which shattered at the touch.

Silver star skill* bait.

This is a star skill that Jiang Xiao does not dare to use. This is also a star skill that Jiang Xiao tries his best to hide. But when life and death are at stake, he can no longer hide it.

It takes one second to delay.

It is no exaggeration to say that Erwei is all his hope.

Once the second tail dies, Jiang Xiao, a weakling from the Stardust stage, will be helpless in front of the mercenaries from the Galaxy stage, and will not even have any chance of survival by running away.

The mercenary snorted coldly and looked far away, only to see two identical Jiang Xiaos rushing out quickly.

"Beijiang, bait?" The mercenary suddenly spoke, with a strong Russian emphasis, and said a sentence in Chinese, "Two of them, one of them is true."

The mercenary gently raised his hand, and the clay hand holding Erwei's neck behind his back rose again. Erwei's lava body was looming, and it seemed that he had a tendency to regain his physical body.

"Are you sure you want to release your true body?" The mercenary's eyes were full of mockery. Looking at the two Jiang Xiaos who were approaching, he raised his hand again.

The closer you get, the more dangerous it is.

Jiang Xiao keenly observed that the opponent's clay hand seemed to have a range of use, but Jiang Xiao had to rush towards the mercenary.

If you don't enter the tiger's den, you won't get the tiger's cubs.

The two Jiang Xiaos stretched out their right hands almost at the same time, and a beam of light enveloped the mercenary again, fighting for this last chance for themselves.

It can't go on like this,

The longer time passes, the greater the chance of Jiang Xiao's death.

When the mercenary's eyes cleared and he quickly came back to his senses, he only saw Jiang Xiao's fist in front of him that was emitting a thick green light, and

The mercenary turned around suddenly, ignoring Jiang Xiao in front of him, and kicked him behind him.

There, Jiang Xiao raised his fist and tried to hit the clay hand at Erwei's neck.


It breaks when touched!

The dreamy bubble was shattered once again with one punch.

The mercenary's face froze, he had been fooled!

The mercenary stamped his feet hastily, and the surrounding land boiled again. Countless mud snakes rushed out. At the same time, a ray of light fell from the sky and fell on the mercenary again.

I just want my milk to fill the sky!

It turned out that the one who had just attacked the mercenary was Jiang Xiao himself. Facing the mercenary with his back turned to him and his flaws exposed, Jiang Xiao did not attack because he knew that his small strength could not shake the brown bear. .

Taking advantage of the mercenary's stunned moment, Jiang Xiao rushed past the mercenary and stepped on the mud snake that was also frozen in mid-air. Jiang Xiao's body turned into a sharp arrow and shot almost sideways. It rushed diagonally downwards.

The target was not Erwei's head wrapped in mud, but her dominant hand.


Jiang Xiao's fist, which exuded a rich green light, hit Erwei's right arm hard. Although Jiang Xiao's man rushed down diagonally, his fist was raised upward.

Silver star skill* green light.

Not even Erwei's power can shake this clay hand, and Jiang Xiao can't even compete with it.

However, Qingmang has grown up with generations of Beijiang people, and there is a reason why it is called an early magical skill.

Because of the special attribute attached to "Qingmang": shock back!

Erwei's tightly imprisoned right hand was suddenly smashed away by this uppercut. The frozen soil was still wrapped around his wrist, but the frozen soil had lost its "root" and was no longer connected to the ground.

The next moment, Erwei's right hand punched her own head, directly breaking the frozen soil covering her face. As the frozen soil on her face shattered, her lava body that had been disappearing and appearing at that time came back again. .

As the 14th golden star slot in the star map lit up, she spat out a mouthful of lava.

Uh. The magma seems to be wrapped in unmelted soil.

So dirty

The mercenary tried his best to dodge, but the magma pillar still spat on the mercenary's leg.

The mercenary's shrill screams resounded through the night sky, and the mercenary lost his control. The soil that bound Erwei's limbs also lost its vitality and was no longer flexible.

Erwei climbed up directly, the lava limbs easily tore apart the entangled frozen soil, and rushed forward.

"Tell them I died on the battlefield."

Erwei's hoarse voice was filled with indomitable momentum, and his body rushed out from above Jiang Xiao's head, like a hungry tiger pouncing on food, and directly threw the mercenary to the ground.

The next moment, Erwei hugged the mercenary's body tightly, and the magma flowing in the gaps on her cracked skin suddenly became extremely dazzling!

In the star map, the 16th golden star slot lights up again.


The majestic star power, the huge air waves, the violent explosion fire.

It completely lit up this dark snowy night.

(End of chapter)