Nine Stars Killer

Chapter 143: Demon Flame Mountains


In the early morning of the next day, the two continued on the road!

After traveling for more than ten days, we finally entered the Demon Flame Mountain Range.

"Is this the Demon Flame Mountain Range?"

Ye Feng was a little confused. There was no magic flame at all here, and there was enough spiritual energy here, making it seem like a paradise.

"Don't be confused by the scene in front of you. What you see may not be real. Feel it carefully and see if you can find anything."

Qi Ruomei reminded Ye Feng at this time that sometimes what the eyes see may not be true.

Ye Feng became interested, concentrated his mind, looked into the distance, and found that the space in front seemed to be covered with a layer of ripples, actually flowing.

"How is this going?"

Ye Feng was very confused. It was the first time he encountered such a situation.

"This is the peculiarity of the Demon Flame Mountain Range. The peculiarity lies in the law of time. The law of time here is different from that outside. It is actually twisted and unsuitable for human habitation. Otherwise, such a good environment would have been occupied long ago. "

Qi Ruomei explained to Ye Feng that the ripples flowing just now were the rules and were different from those outside.

"There is such a thing!"

Ye Feng was very surprised.

"This is also why the demons chose this place as a transmission port, because no one comes here all year round. Even if the demons come out, no one will know."

Qi Ruomei continued.

"I see, then let's speed up our pace and try to reach the Demon Flame Mountains before sunset."

After the two of them finished speaking, they continued on their way, less than a day's journey from the Demon Flame Mountain Range.

After traveling for most of the day, the two finally arrived at the Demon Flame Mountain Range before dark. Ye Feng wanted to go in, but was stopped by Qi Ruomei. He now rested outside for a night before going in. Entering the Demon Flame Mountain Range at night was an act of courting death.

Ye Feng didn't ask why. Since Qi Ruomei wasn't allowed in, she had her reasons. She found some dead branches. Although it was late winter and the weather was getting warmer, she still felt chilly at night.

"Ye Feng, do you know why I stopped you from entering at night?"

After lighting the bonfire, the two sat side by side. Ye Feng took out some roasted meat and the two chatted while eating.


Ye Feng took a bite of lean meat and said.

"A large number of warriors died in the Demon Flame Mountain Range. In order to prevent the arrival of the demons, tens of thousands of warriors died here. There were about a million, and they all died in this Demon Flame Mountain Range."

Although Qi Ruomei did not witness the war between humans and demons thousands of years ago, the classics had introductions and even pictures, making everything lifelike.

Ye Feng frowned slightly. He should be able to imagine that there were countless human casualties in the battle that year, so he could stop the invasion of the demons and preserve the human heritage.

Qi Ruomei ate slowly, tearing off a small piece of lean meat with her hands and putting it into her mouth. After eating, she said again:

"After the death of these warriors, no one collected their corpses or buried them. The corpses piled up like mountains, and the time here was distorted. Many people actually came back to life after death, because they lived in the cracks of time, but they lost their lives. Without their souls, they are left with only a body, wandering around here at night.”

Qi Ruomei's tone was very serious and she put down the meat in her hand, as if she had lost her appetite.

"They formed wights?"

Ye Feng asked.

"They are considered corpses, but not necessarily. Some people live in the cracks of time, sometimes dying and sometimes resurrecting. They are completely out of their control. They have been attacked by demonic energy all year round. These dead people have begun to become demons."

Ye Feng was silent for a moment. It turned out that the hospital master did not agree with his coming to the Demon Flame Mountain Range. This was a mission with no return. Fortunately, he met Qi Ruomei. If he forced himself deeper, he might really fall into these time cracks, or even Being attacked by some monsters.

However, everything has exceptions. Although the Demon Flame Mountain Range is dangerous, there should not be much problem with safety if you enter during the day. The original intention of the hospital owner was just to hope that Ye Feng would go in for a look during the day and then exit. It was a symbolic completion. After one mission, you can escape completely.

"Ye Feng, what are you going to do after we go in during the day tomorrow? Do you really want to go deep into the devil's cave to investigate?"

Qi Ruomei asked Ye Feng at this time.

A deep cave in the Demon Flame Mountain Range is the junction between the demon world and the human world. It has been sealed by humans, and it is difficult for demons to penetrate the seal and enter the Shenwu Continent.


What Ye Feng has determined must be completed to the end. There is no perfunctory plan and he should try his best to complete it. A warrior must be consistent and fearless!

As soon as the sky dawned, Qi Ruomei opened her eyes and found that she was pillowing something very soft. When she opened her eyes, she saw that her head was actually on Ye Feng's lap. She blushed and sat up quickly.

"I'm sorry, did it cause you not to have a good rest all night?"

Qi Ruomei didn't expect that she fell asleep, and her face was already red.

"It's okay, let's go!"

Ye Feng didn't want to embarrass her too much. A girl fell asleep on top of a man. It was normal to be embarrassed. Ye Feng put aside the topic, stood up and headed towards the Demon Flame Mountain Range.

The Demon Flame Mountain Range is about a hundred miles long, which is not very big. A million people died in such a large distance. It can really be described as a pile of mountains. There were countless casualties in the battle that year, and many warriors will stay here forever.

After stepping into the Demon Flame Mountains, the scene in front of Ye Feng changed strangely. Everything he saw was distorted. Whether it was giant trees or rocks, they all grew in distorted time and space.

"Ye Feng, we must stay together. If we fall into a distorted time and space, there will be a jet lag, and maybe two identical people will appear."

Qi Ruomei reminded Ye Feng at this time, hoping that the two people would not be too far apart. Once they fall into a time distortion, their time will be misplaced, and there may even be two identical people, one in the past, one in the present, and another One is now and one is future.

"Give me your hand!"

Ye Feng suddenly stretched out his right hand to hold Qi Ruomei's hand and move forward, so that this situation would not happen.

Qi Ruomei's face turned red, she hesitated, and then she stretched out her left hand.

A soft and boneless feeling came to Ye Feng's mind. Qi Ruomei's hand was very small and soft, as if there were no bones. Ye Feng threw away the charm that appeared in his mind, took a deep breath, and led Qi Ruomei deep into the Demon Flame Mountain Range. Move forward.

The two of them walked in the twisted space like this, as if they were on the horizon. Sometimes they felt that the scenery in front of them was appearing in front of them. Sometimes, Ye Feng even walked upside down.

After walking for about half a day, we finally entered the depths of the Demon Flame Mountains. There was still a short distance from the Demon Cave. As long as we entered the Demon Cave and checked the seal, if the seal was intact, the demons would naturally not be able to enter the Shenwu Continent. If the seal was If a crack appears, the demons may invade again.

"Ye Feng, look, there is a magic cave ahead!"

In the twisted space, the two of them felt very uncomfortable. Qi Ruomei suddenly pointed forward and told Ye Feng that there was a magic cave ahead.

"Come on, let's try to get out before dark!"

Because monsters appear at night, the two must leave before dark to avoid being trapped in the Demon Flame Mountains.

A huge dark hole appeared in front of the two people, like an ancient monster, opening its huge mouth and swallowing everything. From the depths of the hole came bursts of weird screams, which was horrifying.

"Ye Feng, are you really sure you want to go in and take a look!"

Qi Ruomei was a woman after all. When she heard the strange cry, she was a little scared and moved closer to Ye Feng.

"How about you wait for me outside, I'll go in and check things out and I'll come out right away. If I don't come out before dark, you can leave here first."

Seeing Qi Ruomei's appearance, Ye Feng couldn't bear her taking the risk with him and asked her to stay outside.

"No, I can't let you take risks alone. Since I came with you, of course we have to bear the trouble together."

Qi Ruomei's eyes showed calmness and determination, and she wanted to accompany Ye Feng in.

"Okay then, follow me closely and don't leave me even half a step."

Entering the edge of the cave entrance, the distorted time disappeared. Ye Feng let go of Qi Ruomei's hand. The latter seemed to be a little unfinished. Qi Ruomei felt a little lost and quickly adjusted her emotions. She followed Ye Feng and walked towards the dark entrance of the cave.

It was pitch dark inside. Fortunately, Ye Feng was prepared in advance and took out the fire to illuminate the surrounding area.

But this cave was extremely huge and had no edges. Even Ye Feng didn't know where it extended, as if it led to the devil's world.

"Hoo ho ho!"

Suddenly, there was a strange wind sound in the black hole, and then some unknown flying objects appeared and flew towards the two of them. Qi Ruomei immediately took out the collar and prepared for battle.

"Don't panic, this is a night bat, it has no attack power!"

Ye Feng relied on the weak light to know what kind of flying object it was and stopped Qi Ruomei.


Ye Feng's feet seemed to have stepped on something. When he lowered his head, he saw that it was a skeleton. It had long been rotten, the flesh and blood had disappeared, and even the bones began to weather. When Ye Feng stepped on it, it turned into powder.

Lowering the flame, Ye Feng looked forward and found a dense layer of bones lying on the ground, all left behind thousands of years ago.

Qi Ruomei was so frightened that she grabbed Ye Feng's arm tightly, not wanting to take a step away from Ye Feng, and the two of them leaned closely together.

"It's okay, it's just some skeletons, and they have been dead for many years. It's a pity that some of the storage rings have rotted, otherwise they could have made another windfall."

Ye Feng took a pityful tone.

"You're still thinking about this at this time!" Qi Ruomei rolled her eyes at him, really not understanding why Ye Feng was so sensitive to resources.

If you know that Ye Feng has nine dantians, which require ten times or even dozens of times as much as ordinary people, you will know why he is so crazy about amassing money.

"Ye Feng, don't you think it's weird? It's been so many years, why no one has entered here to investigate. I heard that every other year, the college will send people into the Demon Flame Mountains to investigate whether there are any demons. Signs of invasion, why no one has come in here at all.”

Qi Ruomei made a confused sound. (To be continued)