Nine Stars Killer

Chapter 29: Absorb Yin Qi


Ye Feng's body fell back to its original position, and was forced back by Hei Wuchang's palm. His eyes were red and angry, and naked murderous intent filled the surrounding area.

"Boy, enjoy the zombie war!"

Hei Wuchang saw Ye Feng fall back to where he was, with a ferocious look on his face. He had spent so much time waiting for this moment, wanting to see how Ye Feng died.

The six people on the periphery saw Ye Feng surrounded by layers of ghouls. It was impossible to rush in. They could only hunt on the periphery, which was of no use at all. It was a drop in the bucket. Compared with the huge team of ghouls, they seemed too weak. .

The rich corpse energy moved closer to Ye Feng, completely covering the sky above him. If he jumped out, he would inhale the corpse energy, and Ye Feng was in a desperate situation.

The nails popped out unconsciously, covered with a thick layer of green light, his eyes gradually turned red, and even two tiger teeth grew out from between the teeth. At this time, it seemed that Ye Feng had changed his form, like a ferocious beast.

"Roar!" Ye Feng bared his teeth, shot out, and grabbed the corpse in front of him with his claws.

"Senior Brother Ye, no!" Seeing Ye Feng's actions, the six people in the outer circle roared, thinking that Ye Feng had lost his mind and would be assimilated once he was contaminated with corpse aura.

But Ye Feng couldn't take care of that much. He was going to die, so he might as well fight. The corpse ghosts had already submerged him. The corpse energy was rolling like a tide, close to the essence, and entered Ye Feng's body along his pores.


He inserted his fingers into the corpse ghost's body and tore it apart with his big hand. The corpse ghost was torn open by Ye Feng, and the corpse energy inside entered his body along the arm.

A stream of yin energy rose from under his lower abdomen, and his whole body was covered with a light layer of frost. Ye Feng's body was frozen in place.

Hei Wuchang laughed when he saw Ye Feng being infected by corpse energy.

Everyone was stunned in place. Ye Feng's sudden change made everyone at a loss, especially the six disciples of Tianling Academy. If Ye Feng died, they would inevitably die under the corpse.

"It's so cold!" Ye Feng shuddered.

"Didn't I inhale the corpse air? Why wasn't I assimilated?" Although Ye Feng was frozen in place, his consciousness was very clear and he was not assimilated.

What surprised him even more was that one of the Dantians was frantically absorbing corpse energy. After entering the Dantian, it turned into pure Yin energy and was stored in the Dantian.

The frost on his body slowly dissipated, and Ye Feng regained his ability to move. A look of shock appeared on his face. The sudden change caught him off guard.

It turns out that Ye Feng's body has mutated long ago and is no longer a normal human being, and the nine Dantians are even more peculiar. One of the Dantians can actually absorb Yin Qi. The Dantian absorbs it crazily, and Ye Feng feels that his strength is growing rapidly.

"I understand. The nine dantians should correspond to nine attributes. Although I don't know which nine they are, the truth will eventually come to light in the future. This dantian should correspond to yin energy."

Ye Feng seemed to understand that normal people cultivated only one attribute, except for a few who practiced dual attributes. Three attributes were very rare, and nine attributes were unheard of.

After his body regained its ability to move, Ye Feng kicked off and his nails seemed to have grown a little longer. The corpse ghost had already arrived in front of him, with a ferocious face and strong corpse aura.


Ye Feng shouted loudly and waved his arms. The three corpse ghosts in front of him were scratched open by his claws. Corpse Qi rolled into his body and converted into pure Yin Qi. His Dantian was still swelling. Ye Feng seemed to have touched the eighth level threshold of the day after tomorrow.

"How is it possible that he absorbed the corpse energy and was not assimilated!"

Everyone was shocked. Only the six disciples of Tianling Academy were inexplicably excited. They cheered happily because Ye Feng was not dead.

Hei Wuchang's expression changed rapidly. I don't know what he was thinking. He clearly saw Ye Feng absorbing the corpse energy. Now he looks no different from a normal person. His strength has even increased dramatically. I can't understand it at all.

The Chen family had retreated to a safe area, and the six disciples of Tianling Academy sped up their hunting speed, but compared with Ye Feng, they were incomparable to each other.

The six people were not hunting as fast as Ye Feng alone. Ye Feng's shadow was everywhere on the scene. The corpses were absorbed wherever they passed. The corpse energy inside was a great tonic for Ye Feng.

The nails are getting longer and longer, reaching the length of the little finger. Once they are scratched, the bones of the corpse are cracked, and they can only turn into skin and bones, turning into a pile of rotten bones and falling to the ground.


The head of a corpse ghost was twisted off by Ye Feng, and the corpse energy spurted out and entered the body along the arm.

Ye Feng was already numb. There was a mountain of minced meat on the ground. Stepping on the corpse's body, Ye Feng began to attack, intending to rush out of a gap and leave here first.

All the ghouls in a radius of more than ten miles have been summoned. Hei Wuchang can no longer summon more ghouls. The number is decreasing rapidly. There were only a few hundred ghouls just now, but in the blink of an eye, Ye Feng killed more than a hundred.

The killing continued, Ye Feng went crazy, his eyes were red, and the shadow step instantly entered the perfection state, the speed was faster, and the hunting speed doubled.

"Bang bang bang!!"

The body-shattering bone-shattering fist was unleashed, and a wave of air rushed out. More than a dozen corpse ghosts in front exploded out of thin air. Although the corpse energy could increase the strength, there was too much corpse energy, and Ye Feng couldn't take care of it. The violent fist wind swept across.


Another punch was thrown, a passage appeared in front of him, and a deep pit appeared on the ground. Ye Feng shot forward, and his body swept forward.

"Phew!" The sharp whistle sounded again, Hei Wuchang looked gloomy, and this time the sound of the whistle changed.

"Dong dong dong!" The ground seemed to shake, and a huge corpse stood in front of Ye Feng.

"Senior Brother Ye, be careful, this is the Corpse King!" someone reminded.

Ye Feng has already seen that every hundred corpse ghosts will be accompanied by a corpse king. Seeing the corpse king appear, Ye Feng is not surprised and has already been prepared.

When they grow to the level of Corpse King, a Corpse Pill will grow inside their head. They rely on the Corpse Pill to absorb the essence of the sun and the moon, and slowly cultivate themselves. The larger the Corpse Pill is, the higher their strength is. Corpse Pills are different from Demon Pills. Demon Pills can Refined into elixirs, they are priceless.

The Corpse Pill is poisonous and has no use. Although it contains the essence of the sun and the moon, humans cannot eliminate the corpse energy inside. Once absorbed, it is easy to suck the corpse energy into the body together.

But there are exceptions to everything. For some people, Corpse Pill is a great tonic for them. Ye Feng has also heard of these people who practice demonic skills. Everyone is a vicious creature because they themselves are a kind of evil demon. Their nature Brutal, but now it seems to have disappeared and rarely appears.

The Corpse King stepped quickly and appeared in front of Ye Feng in an instant. The Corpse King already had a hint of intelligence and grabbed Ye Feng's head very quickly.


As soon as he moved his steps, Ye Feng punched the corpse king directly in the lower abdomen.

"Clang!" Ye Feng felt himself hitting the steel plate, making a metallic clang sound. The corpse king's body was so hard, and Ye Feng's punch had the power of a flying dragon, but he was unable to knock it away.

Not suitable for fighting, Ye Feng's body exploded back, avoiding the attack of the Corpse King. Its fist missed and hit the air, making a burst of explosions.

If the strength of the corpse king is measured by the human realm, it is probably at the peak of the acquired ninth level. Even some powerful corpse kings can reach the innate realm. They can no longer be called corpse kings, but rigor mortis. They are dead but not stiff, and their strength is greatly increased.

These monsters have no eyes and rely on perception and smell. They can smell the smell of human essence and blood. When Ye Feng retreated, they followed up and punched Ye Feng again.

"Whether you can break through the eighth level of the day after tomorrow depends on you!"

Ye Feng shouted loudly, intending to absorb this corpse king to break through the eighth level of the acquired world in one fell swoop. If he could absorb the zombie king's corpse elixir, Ye Feng would have great hope of breaking through the shackles. With the strong Yin energy surrounding him, there would be no problem of lack of resources at all.

The fist is covered with a thick layer of jade color, and the body-shattering bone-shattering fist, which is close to the perfection state, roars in. The wind of the fist rubs through the air, producing a bunch of sparks. This is when the speed reaches the extreme. When it collides with the air, the sparks will appear. Appear.

"Both the jade and the stone will perish!"

A stream of light passed through the space, his feet shot out, his body jumped into the air, and a punch hit the corpse king's body hard. The huge body was actually rolled up and flew into the air, still making a metallic sound.


Ye Feng's fist still stayed in the air, and his voice lasted for a long time, echoing in the Qiyang Mountains.

The body shot out again, stepped out with one foot, and stepped hard on the corpse ghost. One corpse and one corpse fell quickly to the ground. Ye Feng stepped on the corpse king's body and pressed down forcefully.


The Corpse King hit the ground hard, and turtle lines spread out in all directions. The Corpse King's body made a large pit one meter deep.

Even if Ye Feng attacks like this, the corpse king's body has not been broken. It can be imagined how hard the corpse king's body is, even harder than weapons. If it were replaced with ordinary weapons, Ye Feng could smash it with one punch.

He turned his hand and punched again, hitting the corpse king's body. The body flipped over again and flew into the air. The wind blew on the soles of his feet, and his body flew up. A glimmer of light flashed in his eyes. After a few rounds, Ye Feng seemed to have discovered the corpse king's body. Their weak point is the backbone. If hit, the body will be paralyzed instantly.

Ye Feng's guess was correct. Whether it was a corpse king or a ghoul, their weak point was at the back of their spine. It was very fragile. If they were hit, they could easily be killed with one move.


A punch aimed at the spine and hit it hard. This time, the corpse king's body was like a kite with its string broken, and it quickly fell back.

"Don't let it go!"

The corpse king's body is full of corpse energy, which is much richer than that of the corpse ghost. How can Ye Feng give up? Whether he can break through the acquired eighth level depends on this corpse king.

"Suck me!"

Both hands were inserted into the body of the Corpse King. The rich corpse energy entered along the arms and turned into thick Yin energy, which was absorbed by one of the dantians.

The dantian formed the shape of nine stars in a row, and one dantian about fifteen degrees closer to the right was devoured crazily. Gradually, the dantian began to become saturated. Ye Feng felt the opportunity for a breakthrough, his veins bulged, and his body's strength increased crazily.

He grabbed it with his right hand and took out the Corpse Pill, which was about the size of a baby's fist. The energy inside was just enough to maintain the vitality that Ye Feng lacked when he broke through.

Corpse Pill is the essence of the Corpse King's life. He has accumulated a large amount of essence over the years, and now it is all going into Ye Feng's body. (To be continued)