Nine Stars Killer

Chapter 59: Return to the family


The six people soon fought fiercely together, with an average of two against one, and the strength of the two sides was almost the same. The Yun family quickly gained the upper hand. Yun Qiu slashed at the Ye family boy with a knife, and there was another person assisting him. The boy couldn't avoid it.

At this moment, a beam of light flashed through, like a stream of light, hitting Yun Qiu's long knife, making a crisp sound.

"Who, who is attacking!" The long knife had been deflected and struck out against the Ye family boy. Yun Qiu let out a roar.

Looking at the long knife in his hand, he found that there was a stone embedded in it. The stone deflected the long knife. Yun Qiu's expression changed. The person who took action was very powerful. He could embed the stone in the long knife. Not ordinary people could. Did it.

The surroundings were quiet, no one responded, the battle came to a standstill, and the two Ye family members also looked puzzled.

"Master He Fang, why don't you show up and see me. If you have offended me in any way, Yun will apologize to your senior!"

Yun Qiu's eyes flickered, and he continued to talk around. He was afraid of offending someone he shouldn't offend, or meeting an expert. His tone obviously changed. He was no longer the arrogant one before, but now had a hint of fear.

"I'm not an expert, I just can't stand your behavior!" Ye Feng didn't hide, and walked over from a distance, wearing purple clothes, walking slowly and lightly.

"Ye Feng, is that you?" The young man from the Ye family also looked at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng nodded. This boy was no stranger to Ye Feng. He was the boy who took the risk to send Ye Feng a message last time. His name was Ye Qiu, and he had grown up with Ye Feng.

During this period of time, Ye Feng has undergone earth-shaking changes, both in appearance and temperament. However, the outline is still there, and Ye Qiu took a few glances to recognize it.

"What happened!" Ye Feng asked Ye Qiu.

Ye Qiu told the story exactly. It turned out that he and Ye Lan went to the nearby mountains to practice together, and were finally besieged by four people and forced here.

Ye Feng glanced at Yun Qiu and the others, his sharp eyes making Yun Qiu dare not look directly at them. He had also heard of Ye Feng's name, and the news of defeating Yun Caishi in Tianling Academy had been spread back to the Yun family.

Now that they met, fear appeared on the faces of the four people. Although they had never seen Ye Feng's strength, they knew the strength of Yuncaishi. The elite disciple of Tianling Outer Academy, the ninth level of the day after tomorrow, was defeated by Ye Feng. The four of them also But it will be about the seventh level the day after tomorrow.

"Each of you will give up one arm, and you can go!" Ye Feng said calmly, as if a judge had announced the verdict. The four of them looked livid and uncertain.

"Why, don't think that our Yun family is afraid of you. Let me tell you, sooner or later our Yun family will destroy your Ye family!" Yun Qiu roared.

The Yun family is stationed in Luo City, which is only a hundred miles away from Huangcheng. These two families are the strongest in a radius of a hundred miles, so there is inevitable friction with each other, which turns into grudges and eventually the disciples fight each other.

"Really? But you won't see that day!"

A trace of anger flashed in Ye Feng's eyes. He originally planned to let them go without using an arm, but these four people were stubborn and even wanted to destroy the Ye family. How could Ye Feng spare them.

Feeling Ye Feng's naked murderous intent, the four of them looked at each other, drew out their weapons, and shot at Ye Feng together, planning to strike together and maybe have a chance to defeat Ye Feng.

"Ye Feng, be careful!"

Ye Qiu saw the four of them attacking together and quickly reminded them to draw out their swords and join the battle group.

"A bunch of crumbling dogs, let you know what strength is!"

Ye Feng sneered, punched lightly, pushed out a passage in front, and tightly wrapped the bodies of the four people. The wind of the fist suddenly exerted force and hit the bodies of the four people hard.

"Bang bang bang bang!!"

Suddenly there were four explosions in the air, and a rain of blood fell on the ground, mixed with countless flesh and blood. The bodies of the four people were exploded by Ye Feng's punch, and none of them was intact.

"Ugh!" Ye Lan was a woman after all. Seeing such a miserable death, she started retching and turned her head away, not daring to look at her.

Ye Qiu was stunned on the spot. He originally planned to take action, but he didn't expect Ye Feng to kill the four of them with one punch, almost in a devastating way.

"Ye Feng, your strength is too terrifying. When you return to the family this time, does the head of the family know?" Ye Qiu withdrew his shocked eyes and asked Ye Feng.

"I don't know yet, what are your plans? Should you continue to practice?" Ye Feng asked.

"No, we are going back anyway, why not go back to the family together."

After saying that, the three of them rushed towards Huangcheng together. When the sky was about to get dark, they finally stepped into the door of Ye's house.

The news of Ye Feng's return to the family spread quickly, and almost the entire family knew that this useless person who could not cultivate was back again after returning once two months ago.

Seeing their son return, the eyes of Ye Wu and Ye Feng's mother twinkled, and the mother hugged him tightly to express her longing for him.

"Xue'er, prepare more good dishes tonight. Feng'er is back, we want to celebrate properly." Ye Feng's mother said to the maid.

Ye Feng was in a hurry when he came back last time. He was anxious to go back to participate in the inner sect competition, so he returned to Tianling Academy within two days. This time he planned to spend more time with his parents. For three years, Ye Feng basically spent all of his time in the academy. I feel like I owe my parents a lot.

In another courtyard of the Ye family, four or five men gathered, apparently discussing some important matter.

"Father, our opportunity has come. As long as we unite with several elders to impeach the family leader and take the opportunity to kill this trash, then the position of the family leader will naturally fall to our lineage." Ye Hu was also among them, leading the group. He said to Ye Wen with hatred.

"Well, this matter needs to be carefully planned, and no clues can be left. After all, there are still many people in the family supporting Ye Wu." Ye Wen nodded, and they could not miss any more opportunities.

"Father, you can rest assured. As for the family elders, I will take care of it. As long as I promise them, provide some resources for their training, and even have the opportunity to help their children enter Daluo Academy, the problem is not big." Ye The dragon spoke at this time.

"This is very good. These old antiques can no longer advance in strength in their lifetime. If you give them a mirror, they will probably fall to our side." Ye Wen said quickly.

"My nephew is right. It is difficult for us elders to improve our strength. If you can really find some resources for us to go further, you can get all ten elders to support you. With your current status, it should not be difficult. After all, you are a disciple of Daluo Inner Court and you are in the Xiantian realm. They cannot refuse such a promise," the seventh elder, who has always supported Ye Wen, said at this time.

"Okay, it's settled. I will visit all the elders one by one in the next few days. In five days, I will open the ancestral hall and impeach the head of the family." A domineering aura emerged from Ye Long's whole body, and his innate energy suppressed several other people in the room. Unable to look up.

Bursts of laughter came from a restaurant. In the past three years, this was the most heartwarming dinner Ye Feng had had. He ate until late at night, told his parents a lot, and listened to a lot of things from them.

"Father, mother, I have something important to tell you!" Ye Feng suddenly became serious.

"What's wrong Feng'er? Did something happen to the college?" Ye Feng's mother asked with a worried look.

"Mom, don't worry, this is a good thing!" Seeing his mother's worried look, Ye Feng felt warm in his heart.

Ye Wu had already investigated Ye Feng's performance at Tianling Academy during this period. Although Ye Feng tried his best to hide it, he could not hide the excitement on Ye Wu's face.

"It's like this. In an academy training, I won first place and received many rewards, including two Xiantian Pills. I plan to give them to my father and mother. You are all stuck in the ninth level of the day after tomorrow. As long as you can take Xiantian Pills, Dan, you will be promoted to the Xiantian Realm soon!" Ye Feng did not hide anything and stated his purpose.

Ye Wu and Ye Feng's mother looked at each other, glanced at each other, and finally looked at Ye Feng.

"Feng'er, are you telling the truth?" They all knew that Ye Feng won the first place, but they had no idea that Ye Feng had obtained the Xiantian Pill.

"Of course it's true, these are innate pills!" After Ye Feng finished speaking, he took out two pills and placed them on the table. A faint innate energy flowed from them.

"Put it away first!" Ye Wu immediately put the Xiantian Pill into the porcelain bottle. Some things should not be exposed.

"Feng'er, do you know the value of an innate pill? If word spreads, our Ye family will be in danger." Ye Wu spoke at this time.

"Of course the child knows. Because of knowing, he let his parents take it to increase the strength of the Ye family. No one will dare to covet our Ye family in the future." Ye Feng is well aware of the allure of the Xiantian Pill. If word spreads, some people will go crazy. Robbery, even the Ye family is in danger.

"You keep one of these two pills and give the other to your father. I won't need it for the time being. I think your strength has reached the acquired ninth level. You can also use this innate pill in the future." Ye Feng's mother said. Out of distribution.

"These two pills are for you. As for myself, I still have one, which I have kept for a long time."

Ye Feng originally didn't want to tell it, lest his parents worry. If word got out that he had the innate elixir, it would probably arouse a lot of people's covetousness. That's why Ye Feng didn't tell it because he was afraid that his parents would worry and had to tell it now.

The two looked at each other again. Ye Feng's return this time shocked them too much.

"Without further delay, father and mother, you are ready to make a breakthrough tomorrow!" Ye Feng has long since matured. After three years of training, his character has changed greatly and he will never be sloppy in doing things.

"Okay, then we will prepare to break through the Xiantian realm tomorrow." Ye Wu agreed without hesitation.

In fact, Ye Wu promised that there was another layer of connection, because he already knew that Ye Long had returned to the family. The meaning of this return was obvious. The purpose was to help his father regain his position as the head of the family. If he breaks through to the Xiantian realm, what will happen then? It will be completely reversed. (To be continued)