Nine Suns Refining God

Chapter 58: Pseudo. Blood Escape. Dharma!


In the middle of the casino is the gambling game of Ouyang Family ###. In order to attract more gamblers to come, the casino not only painted the portraits of Ouyang Xu, but also introduced their own cultivation skills and unique tricks.

Before Liu Yun came to the gambling game, he saw the portrait on the wall at a glance. The portraits of Ouyang Jian and Ouyang Tian were nothing. When he saw the portrait of Ouyang Xu, Liu Yun's gaze was immediately fixed on it.

"It's him, it's definitely him." Looking at the portrait of Ouyang Xu, Liu Yun couldn't help exclaiming, with an expression of excitement in his eyes.

The two Liu Qian and Liu Tao who were killed by Ouyang Xu were the grandsons of Liu Shilong, the elder of Liu’s family. After the two were killed, Liu Shilong issued a high reward. As long as he finds the enemy who killed his grandson, he can get this ratio. Liu Yun jealously offered a reward.

Liu Yun, who found Ouyang Xu's whereabouts, still had the heart to buy something, and hurried back to Sirius Town quickly.

Ouyang Xu didn’t know that because of his fame, he had attracted a powerful enemy for him. He was now walking suspiciously towards the family backyard, where the family elder and suzerain’s training grounds were forbidden. Like existence.

"It's strange, I don't know what Ouyang Rizhan is doing." Ouyang Xu thought coldly, disgusting his father from his heart.

After smoothly entering the backyard gate with guard handles, Ouyang Xu came to the backyard's living room unobstructed. At this time, Ouyang Rizhan and the two elders, as well as Ouyang Jian and Ouyang Tian, were already sitting there respectfully. .

After a simple salute, Ouyang Xu turned around and sat on the next seat, waiting quietly with his eyes and nose and heart.

"This time the three of you are called here for the final three-final match. According to the previous practice, the two should play against each other, and then the winner and the last one will decide the first place, and then the remaining two will decide. Finished second and third, but this time it’s different from the past."

Ouyang Rizhan paused when he said that, with a look of excitement on his face: "Have you three heard of the Secret Realm."

"Father, the secret realm you are talking about, is it a cave house left by the ancient strongman in the legend or a space opened up?" Ouyang Tian's expression was slightly shocked, and he said with some surprise.

"Not bad!" Ouyang Rizhan glanced at Ouyang Tian appreciatively and continued: "The secret realm contains the cave house left by the ancient strong. As for the space you said was not right, those spaces were not created by the ancient strong. They used some means to isolate the place where they lived in the ancient times, or the place with ample spiritual energy, to the formation or the gap in space."

"The secret realm is divided into three levels: cave sky, spirit level, and ordinary level. The secret realm of cave sky level is the most precious and rare. So far, there are only a few of them. Among them, the treasures are unimaginable and they are all controlled by some super In the hands of large sects or nations, the spirit level is relatively inferior, and it is also divided and occupied by the major sect forces. The most numerous and the lowest level is the common level secret realm. There are relatively few treasures in this kind of secret realm, and of course it is dangerous. It’s also much smaller. Fortunately, our Ouyang family discovered an ordinary secret realm."

Hearing Ouyang Rizhan's words, Ouyang Tian, who knew something about the secret realm, showed a look of surprise on his face, even his city mansion was very excited.

"This common secret realm is called the Purple Void secret realm. It can only be entered by martial artists with a cultivation base below Rank 4. It is a pity that the Sirius Liu family and the Great Desert Alliance were also found in this secret realm together with our Ouyang family. Later, after discussion, it was decided that each family would send three disciples into the Purple Void Realm, and your competition would be held in the Purple Void Realm."

"Although the Purple Void Secret Realm is only an ordinary level secret realm, because it is an undeveloped secret realm, there are many elixir treasures in it, so this time you enter the Purple Void Secret Realm, the only purpose is to get the most elixir treasures, and wait until you come out. Later, you will be ranked according to the amount and preciousness of the elixir treasures you have obtained. The first one can get one-tenth of the elixir treasures you have unearthed, the second one can get one-twentieth, and the third one. You can get one-thirtieth. Don't underestimate this one-tenth of your wealth. It is absolutely possible that you can smoothly advance to the top of Tier 5 or even break through Tier 6."

Hearing what Ouyang Rizhan said, the three people, including Ouyang Xu, all showed excitement. They all realized that this would be an opportunity, an opportunity to rise above and beyond.

Seeing the excited expressions of the three, Ouyang Rizhan nodded in satisfaction, and said with a smile: "The time to enter the secret realm is ten days later. In order to enhance your strength, the family can let each of you choose a middle-level exercise at will. I will also give you one thousand taels of silver tickets for each of you to buy something that you think is useful. I hope you can adjust your state to the best in these ten days."

After listening to Ouyang Rizhan's speech, under the leadership of a family child, the three left the backyard and walked towards the Heritage Pavilion.

"Sun Zhan, this trip to the Secret Realm is related to the fate of my Ouyang family in Qingfeng Town. There must be no slippage. There is nothing wrong with the confidentiality of the information." Ouyang Zhenlei asked with a gloomy expression.

Ouyang Rizhan nodded and said: "You can rest assured that there should be no problem. As long as the two of them are not short-circuited, they will never deliberately leak the news."

Just when a patriarch and two elders in the backyard were discussing the details secretly, the three of Ouyang Xu had already arrived at the Heritage Pavilion under the leadership of the family disciples.

Looking at the inheritance pavilion in front of him, Ouyang Xu couldn't help but recall the scene when he first came here, especially the wretched old man who made him remember deeply.

This time Ouyang Xu didn't see the wretched old man, but he didn't care. Compared to him now, the wretched old man at the beginning was nothing, and the change in strength changed his state of mind.

Compared to the first floor, the second floor has much fewer bookshelves, and the number of books cannot be compared to the first floor.

With the existence of the demon king’s spirit, Ouyang Xu’s vision has broadened a lot. He is not very interested in the secrets of the second floor of the family inheritance pavilion, but now it is free. Of course, he will not waste this opportunity. After all, the demon Wang Qiling's technique is good, but it also requires a large number of dead beast corpses.

The second-level exercises add up to less than a hundred books. Ouyang Xu patiently reads the exercises one by one. He does not have any special exercises he is looking for now, but hopes to find a exercise secret book that he is interested in.

In a blink of an eye, half a day passed, Ouyang Tian found a suitable exercise for him an hour ago, and took the lead to leave the inheritance pavilion. At this time, Ouyang Jian also found a copy of exercises that he was satisfied with.

"Ouyang Xu, you don't have to waste time searching, anyway, no matter what exercises you practice, you will not escape the fate of death in my hands. After waiting in the Purple Void Secret Realm, I will kill you by myself." Ouyang Jian looked on. Crazy smile, bloodthirsty ###了### The corner of his mouth, that expression is no doubt a fierce beast.

For Ouyang Jian, who was a little bit crazy, Ouyang Xu directly chose to ignore, making Ouyang Jian depressed and almost couldn't help but mad, and finally resisted his anger and quickly left the inheritance pavilion.

Since the first book, Ouyang Xu has been reading book by book. In a blink of an eye, he has already read more than half of the book, and he has not found a book that makes him attractive.

"Is it because my vision is too high." Ouyang Xu took out the fiftieth book with some doubts. This is a red book cover exercise secret book, which looks very different from other exercise secret books.

"Pseudo, blood escape. Fa!" After seeing the name of the exercise secret book, Ouyang Xu was taken aback. He never thought that anyone could use the word pseudo in such a fair manner.

Being curious, Ouyang Xu opened this pseudo-blood escape and read it from beginning to end, with a look of surprise on his face.

This pseudo-blood escape method is an escape method, which is different from the general footwork and body method, but a more advanced escape method.

According to the above description, as long as you use the pseudo-blood escape method, you can escape thousands of meters in an instant, and you can separate four false blood lights to disturb the enemy's sight. Although you can't determine the direction by yourself, it is attractive enough. .

Based on the previous description, the value of this pseudo-blood escape is definitely not comparable to an intermediate-level exercise, but this exercise has a fatal weakness, which causes the level of the exercise to plummet.

The use of the pseudo-blood escape method needs to rely on your own blood as a medium. Once the pseudo-blood escape method is cast, the amount of blood consumed is enough to cause a normal person to die directly.

Even a warrior will lose the ability to act within a day or two, and may even suffer permanent damage, so that the fundamental problem will come out.

The distance of kilometer seems to be very far. If the enemy is determined to pursue it, even if there are four blood lights to attract attention, once the opponent searches carefully, it will only take a little more time, and then the fake blood escape will be used. People who have lost a lot of blood can only be slaughtered by the enemy.

"Cut, it turned out to be a chicken rib!"

Ouyang Xu lacked interest and returned the false blood to the bookshelf. Instead of giving his life to God's luck, he preferred to hold it in his own hands.

"Blood Escape! Dharma!! Although it is forged and the real Blood Escape. Dharma is not comparable, it is still a very good life-saving method for you now."

"But this Blood Escape. Fa will consume the blood in the body. Once it is performed, even I will be exhausted and unable to move for a short time. By that time, it will not be a dead end." Hearing the words of the Demon King Qi Ling, Ouyang Xu agreed. Said not optimistic.

"Of course this king knows, but since this king allows you to choose, there will naturally be a way to help you solve this fatal problem. If you believe this king, you can choose this pseudo-blood escape Dafa, which will definitely let you go. The chance of surviving in the secret realm is greatly increased."

Through these days of getting along, Ouyang Xu did not find any unruly attempts by the Demon King Qi Ling. Instead, he got a lot of benefits. Naturally chose to believe in the words of the Demon King Qi Ling and chose this pseudo-blood escape. law.