Nine Suns Refining God

Chapter 82: For the noodles, rush!


(Thank you for a flower today, but I still can’t see the name. Of course it’s definitely not a flower inserted on the cow dung, definitely not!)

"Forget it, since we have reached this point anyway, we can only take one step and count one step."

Ouyang Xu, who is naturally open-minded, quickly adjusted his mentality after a brief period of restlessness. Even if he couldn't run Hunyuan Zhenqi, he didn't still have a body refining triple zenith.

After feeling the changes in his body, Ouyang Xu scanned the surrounding people who were imprisoned like him.

These people are men of sturdy build. Most of these people have a charred slave word imprinted on their faces, and some have the word prisoner imprinted on their faces. Only a few people have no imprints on their faces.

After reading it, he realized that these people in the cage were either ### or prisoners, which made him even more puzzled about the purpose of this merchant ship.

Human trafficking generally likes to sell some beautiful female slaves. Compared with the sturdy men who sell them for mining, these dozens of people are not enough for the traveling expenses of merchant ships.

"Hey, my name is Lu Xiaoqian, brother, how did you come in!" As Ouyang Xu was thinking, a man next to him leaned his head and asked softly.

Hearing the sound, Ouyang Xu turned his head and looked up and down the person who was actively talking to him by the light coming in from the outside.

What surprised him was that the person in front of him seemed to be in his 20s or 30s, but he felt like a seventeen or eighteen. He was very delicate in appearance, which could be described as a butterscotch.

He didn't look very sturdy, and there was nothing imprinted on his face. Compared with the lifeless or indifferent eyes of other people, his eyes had a touch of agility.

Ouyang Xu just wanted to inquire about the specific situation. Now that someone takes the initiative to ask, he certainly won't miss it.

"You can call me Xiaoxu, I was rescued by them when I fell into the sea and asked for help, what about you."

"I was caught by the casino owner and sold it to them because I owed money to the casino."

As soon as the two came and went, Ouyang Xu gradually learned some news he wanted to get.

This man named Lu Xiaoqian also didn't know the destination of the merchant ship. They were all bought by merchant ships from other cities. Judging from all the signs, it seemed that the merchant ship was meant to escort them.

"Xiao Xu, how about the two of us unite in a while, otherwise we both will be starved to death here." Lu Xiaoqian moved a ### shape and came to Ouyang Xu's side, his mouth almost stuck to Ouyang Xu's ear Bian's whispered.

While Lu Xiaoqian was speaking, Ouyang Xu Ruowu smelled a faint fragrance, which made him feel strange, but after hearing what Lu Xiaoqian said, he couldn't help throwing the fragrance he had just smelled. Behind the head.

"What do you mean, why do we starve to death, don't they give us food?" Ouyang Xu asked strangely.

"No, they give us food!" Lu Xiaoqian shook his head and said, "But the food they gave us is not enough for us people. Every time food is distributed, it will trigger a big battle. Before you came, there were already several people who robbed us. The food was killed."

After listening to Lu Xiaoqian's words, Ouyang Xu finally understood why he would take the initiative to speak to him. It is estimated that he is also thinner and wants to fight for more food with him.

"The two of us can unite, but I'm a little surprised, why don't you unite with other strong people, but instead unite with me."

A wry smile appeared on Lu Xiaoqian's face, and he sighed helplessly: "These people are not some people who have practiced physical exercises, or some who are born with supernatural powers. They simply don't want to unite with a thin person like me. If it weren't for being sealed off, it wouldn't be so miserable."

A little bit of time passed by while waiting, these people in the cage were not kind-hearted people. For the next food fight, Ouyang Xu used the star forging technique to recover his physical injuries.

The star forging technique seems to be an almighty type of body training exercise. It still has a good effect in recovering the injury. Finally, before the food is distributed, the injury in the body is almost restored.

Looking at the few warriors with swords who walked in outside, a cold light flashed in Ouyang Xu's eyes. Since he couldn't rush out, he could only survive as much as possible. Only by living can there be hope.

Except for Ouyang Xu, everyone else in the cage also cast their sights on the several warriors with swords outside. In their originally apathetic and indifferent eyes, they all revealed a look of desire and greed, like a hungry beast, letting the few outside The famous warrior with a sword is a little hairy in his heart.

"This is your food today. Who can eat it depends on your ability." One of the warriors with a knife threw the food in the basket into the cage through a window above.

"Swish swish!!!" The moment the food was thrown into the cage, everyone in the cage rushed up like a predator cheetah.

"Bangbang!" The impact of the ** erupted like a dull crash, and the food in the basket was scattered and flew in all directions under the scramble for several people.

"Do it!" Ouyang Xu, who hadn't done it, shouted at Lu Xiaoqian next to him when he saw his eyes flashing.

While speaking, Ouyang Xu already rushed forward, reaching out and grabbing a piece of cake that flew towards him.

He seemed to think that Ouyang Xu was a bully. When he grabbed the piece of cake, two strong men around rushed towards him, like two savage bulls.

"Be careful!!" Lu Xiaoqian exclaimed worriedly behind him.

"Huh!!" Compared to Lu Xiaoqian who exclaimed, Ouyang Xu snorted calmly, and when the two were about to hit him, his figure turned into a whirlwind and flung away to the side ###.

"Bump!!" The two shocked people collided together in astonishment, screaming and hugged each other and fell to the ground.

Ignoring the two who fell, he continued to rush towards another piece of cake. After a brief consternation, Lu Xiaoqian also ### reacted and rushed to snatch the thrown cake.

Originally, when there was True Qi in his body, Ouyang Xu always relied too much on True Qi to perform his whirlwind steps.

At this time, the zhenqi was sealed, and when he fully used the power of the whirlwind to perform the whirlwind step, he had a new feeling.

Every time he performed the display, he had a deeper understanding of the whirlwind step, and the whirlwind step that was displayed became more and more weird. Sometimes the prisoner who snatched the bread just felt a wave of air blowing, the bread in front of him. Has disappeared.

"Huh!!" After getting the bread he could grab, Ouyang Xu returned to the communication he had just sat down again, exhaling, and a look of excitement appeared in his eyes.

After using the whirlwind step just now, he finally found a way to break through the whirlwind step to Dacheng. As long as he used it a few more times, he could definitely cultivate the whirlwind step to the Dacheng state.

"Wow, so many flour cakes." Lu Xiaoqian who also retreated next to him, seeing the stack of flour cakes in Ouyang Xu's hand, couldn't help but exclaim in excitement.

Just after shouting, Lu Xiaoqian's expression changed uncontrollably. Looking forward, many people were attracted by his shouting. They looked greedily at the dough in Ouyang Xu's hands. look.

"Boy, hand over the dough in your hand, or I'll break your hand." A man with a fierce complexion walked towards Ouyang Xu, his mouth full of big yellow teeth looked particularly hideous.

Ouyang Xu glanced coldly at the fierce-looking man, and sneered: "If you want pancakes, it depends on your ability."

"Good boy, with personality, I hope you will be so hard-hearted in a while." The fierce man looked slightly startled, and then said with a grin, rushing towards Ouyang Xu quickly.

The others around watched the excitement and dodged aside to make room for the two of them, watching the development of the situation with peace of mind.

Rushing in front of Ouyang Xu, the fierce man waved his casserole-big fist and smashed it towards Ouyang Xu's head. The head of an ordinary person with that fierce strength would definitely burst like a watermelon.

"Does this kid want to die!"

The people who originally thought Ouyang Xu would dodge his body skills again, when they saw him swinging his fists and banging at the fists of the fierce man without dodge or avoiding, most of them had the same thoughts in their hearts.

"Touch! Ah, my hand!!"

A scream of screams sounded, and in the horrified eyes of everyone, the fierce man's casserole-big fist shattered at a speed visible to the naked eye under the attack of Ouyang Xu's small fist.

"Puff!" The fierce man who drew a parabola screamed and fell to the ground. At this time, his right arm was completely deformed, and only a trace of muscles remained attached to his fist.

"Hiss!!" Looking at the miserable and fierce man, many people couldn't help taking a breath.

Although the fierce man is not the strongest and most powerful among the people, he is notoriously fierce. He once killed a man alive for a piece of dough, and now he hasn't even left even a round in front of Ouyang Xu. Down, this is really incredible.

"It turns out that he is so powerful." Lu Xiaoqian looked at Ouyang Xu, a small figure in surprise. He didn't expect that he was just looking for a partner who could unite. He didn't expect to find such a strong master.

"Boy, it's great, how are you interested in joining our team?"

While everyone was hesitating, a bald man took a step forward and looked at Ouyang Xu with interest: "As long as you hand over half of the dough every time, you will be my bald brother in the future. I cover you with my bald head, no one dares to snatch your dough."

"He is bald, one of the two strongest people here. It is said that he is born with supernatural power and once practiced an intermediate body training exercise. The strength of his body is already comparable to that of a martial artist at the top of the triple zenith. If it's covered, other people don't dare to grab our food casually." Lu Xiaoqian whispered next to him.