Nine Yang Sword Saint

Chapter 69: The largest blood Ugin in history


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"Pfft..." Yang Dingtian suddenly rushed out of the water.

It's so warm. Of course, the water here is just Yang Dingtian's feeling. The water temperature here is still about ten degrees below zero, but this temperature has already made Yang Dingtian feel warm.

The moment he rushed out of the water, Yang Dingtian's eyes suddenly brightened. He was deep in a pool, the area of which was the same as that of the unfreezing pool in the abandoned mine.

There is a hole on the wall of the cave, and behind the hole is a passage, which is covered with all kinds of crystals, red and purple, dazzling and beautiful.

The structure here is almost exactly the same as the large cavern deep in the abandoned mine.

While Yang Dingtian was feeling relaxed and happy, he suddenly felt a strange feeling, but he didn't know where this strange feeling came from.

Climbing out of the water and walking on the ice, Yang Dingtian knew why he felt so strange.

I jumped off the ice-free pool and dived obviously. After diving to 100 meters, the temperature of the water rose, and I floated up quickly. I should have fallen.

Looking at the quiet surface of the pool and this huge cave, Yang Dingtian understood one thing.

Here, it turned out to be anti-gravity

This is under the abandoned mine, Yang Dingtian dived 200 meters from the ice-free pool and rushed out of the water to come here. According to the azimuth, the water surface turned out to be hanging upside down, and Yang Dingtian was standing on the top of the cave, but he didn't fall down.

It turns out that the ice-free pool is not shaped like a hole, but shaped like an hourglass. As long as you dive through the middle of 100 meters, you will enter the anti-gravity field and then float up quickly.

Yang Dingtian gritted his teeth and fought with his life, not only survived, but also came to this wonderful place.

"Blood Ujin." Yang Dingtian immediately thought of this thing. Where there is ice-free water, there are a lot of fire-type ore veins. Zhao Wuji came here for the Blood Ujin.

Yang Dingtian immediately searched for Blood Ujin everywhere.

Soon, Yang Dingtian found the first piece of blood-black gold, in the passageway of the cave wall, a fiery red blood-black gold among a pile of crystals.

Yang Dingtian climbed up the cave wall, entered the cave entrance, and walked into the two-meter-high passage.

"Master, this piece of blood black gold is different from the one we got in the red wilderness." Yang Dingtian said: "The blood black gold here is even redder, as red as blood."

Dongfang Nirvana seemed to be a little stunned. After a long time, he sighed, and said: "It's a blessing in disguise, and the fate is profound. This is the top-level blood-black gold. It has been condensed for at least tens of thousands of years. It is ten times purer than the blood-black gold when I forged the sword."

"Son, are you really sent from heaven?" Dongfang Nie Mie sighed, "Otherwise, why would this kind of blood Ujin, which has been condensed for thousands of years, appear in front of you."

Yang Dingtian was also trembling with excitement and said: "Master, then I will dig it out."

"Well, dig carefully." Dongfang Nie Mie said.

Yang Dingtian took out the dagger, grabbed Xuewujin with one hand, and carefully dug out the whole Xuewujin regardless of the heat.

He clearly felt that when Blood Ujin left the crystal wall, there was something like a soul trembling for a while, as if he was a little bit reluctant, but also a little cheery. The reluctance is because the crystal wall gave birth to them, and the cheer is because they can finally leave to venture into the world.

"Master, it's so strange, I feel like this blood Ujin is alive." Yang Dingtian said.

"It's not life, it's spirituality." Dongfang Nirvana said: "A treasure that has been around for tens of thousands of years must have a spirituality. Forging a sword with such blood black gold is really effective for the cultivation of the sword soul. I really can't imagine how amazing your upcoming sword will be."

Yang Dingtian reluctantly put Xuewujin into the special bag, and continued to walk forward.

"Master, I hope this vein of blood is not the only one." Yang Dingtian said.

"No, since the anti-gravity field and the ice-free pool have been created, there will be more than one. It will be a large mineral vein, and there may be dozens of them." Dongfang Nirvana said: "You continue to walk inside."

Yang Dingtian continued to walk inside, there were red and purple crystal stones everywhere, the passages were not artificially dug, but formed by natural cracks.

"Master, are these crystals useful?" Yang Dingtian asked.

"This is the most exquisite Lihuo crystal. A crystal is worth at least a few thousand gold coins." Dongfang Nie Mie said, "But it's not very useful to you. You can pick one or two when you leave and make an ornament for Yanyan."

Yang Dingtian walked more than ten meters inside, searching for the next Blood Ujin.

Sure enough, there were again, and there were still two, one left and one right on the cave wall.

Yang Dingtian was excited for a while, stepped forward and dug out two ten thousand year blood Ujin, and put them into a special bag.

Next, Yang Dingtian walked forward for tens of meters, and at a corner, there were five Blood Ujins.

Yang Dingtian kept walking in, the more he went in, the higher the temperature became, and finally it was as if he was roasted by fire.

This natural mine is really deep, Yang Dingtian has already walked more than 2,000 meters, and has dug a full 32 blood black gold.

Although the weight of a few hundred kilograms can still be carried, the speed still slows down.

But gradually, the Blood Ujin became less and less, from only one in tens of meters, to only one in hundreds of meters, and finally none in thousands of meters.

At this time, Yang Dingtian had already penetrated more than 5,000 meters, and had dug up forty-five blood-black gold, and Yang Dingtian was about to drag it forward.

In the last 1,500 meters, there was not a single Blood Ujin left, and the temperature inside the cave was already more than 100 degrees. If Yang Dingtian hadn't gone through the three layers of marrow washing and vein cutting, he would have died long ago.

"Master, the front seems to be coming to an end, there should be no blood and black gold left." Yang Dingtian said.

Dongfang Nirvana said: "Maybe there are no more. In general veins, the number of Blood Ujin is a multiple of nine. Forty-five thousand years of Blood Ujin is already an extremely huge ore vein."

"Then I'm going back." Yang Dingtian said, "It's a pity that there are no gold-eating beasts and ice-type monsters here, otherwise the two monster cores destroyed by Zao Wou-ki can be replaced."

Thinking of this, Yang Dingtian's excitement suddenly decreased a lot. Obtaining 450,000-year-old blood Ujin is indeed exciting, but the main purpose for several years is to hunt demon cores. Now that there are no demon cores, especially ice-type demon cores, the five-element yin and yang formation cannot be performed seven days later, and the profound energy cannot break through.

There is another huge trouble, how should I go back

Of course you can go back along the ice-free pool, but how can you bring the 900-jin blood Ujin back and Zhao Wuji is guarding there, so he can't get out of the mine. Also, it has been about five hours since I entered the abandoned mine, the sunset outside is about to set, and it is almost the time Ning Ning agreed, if I don't go out to meet her quickly, I am afraid that she will go into the mine to find me, it will be bad, and it may fall into the hands of this pervert, Zhao Wuji.

"What's the end of this crystal mine? Is there another exit?" Yang Dingtian looked at the end of the crystal mine and thought to himself.

Yang Dingtian hesitated whether to continue walking until he reached the end of the crystal mine, but the temperature in front was getting higher and higher, reaching an unbearable level.

"Try it, if there is another exit, you can avoid Zao Wou-ki, and prevent Ning Ning from entering the mine and encountering Zao Wou-ki." Yang Dingtian thought to himself, then gritted his teeth and continued walking, even though there was no more blood and black gold ahead.

Every meter he walked was extremely difficult, like walking in a stove. If Ning Ning hadn't applied a layer of potion on Yang Dingtian's hair in advance, his hair would have been burnt by now.

ten meters.

Twenty meters.

thirty meters

Finally, Yang Dingtian came to the end of the crystal mine.

Walking through the corner in front, it is the end, because there is an incomparably bright light and an incomparably hot breath.

At this moment, Yang Dingtian was almost dehydrated all over his body, his lips were as chapped as wood, he clenched his teeth, and walked the last few meters.

Passing the corner and walking to the end of the crystal mine, I was completely stunned.

There is no exit here, only an extremely huge cave, and the bottom of the cave is hot magma. This didn't frighten Yang Dingtian, what frightened him was that the surrounding cave walls were full of blood black gold, densely packed with blood black gold, like countless gorgeous fireballs growing on the black stone wall, it looked incomparably magnificent and beautiful.

Yang Dingtian was suppressed, and Dongfang Nirvana was also suppressed.

"Oh my god," Dongfang Nie Mie murmured, "There are such big blood-black gold veins in the world. The biggest veins I have seen in my life are only more than a hundred. The largest blood-black gold veins ever recorded in this world are only 198. How many are there?"

Yang Dingtian was also completely stunned.

After being shocked for more than ten minutes, Yang Dingtian began to count the number of Blood Ujin here.

There are too many, it looks really dazzling, Yang Dingtian counted it over and over again.

In the end, the figure obtained was 954 here, plus Yang Dingtian's, a total of 909 and 99, which is the largest blood black gold vein ever recorded.

Yang Dingtian was instantly overwhelmed by incomparable happiness.

What he wants to forge is a peerless sword, which requires nine hundred and ninety-nine blood black gold. Before Dongfang Nirvana planned to spend several years to find all 999 Blood Ujins, but now there are 999 of them all at once, which means that he has the materials for his superb sword all at once, and the rest is forged by himself.

Moreover, the 999 ten thousand year blood black gold is ten times more than the ordinary blood black gold. Therefore, what these 999 ten-thousand-year blood black gold forged is not only a peerless sword, but even higher, it may be an imperial sword that has never been seen before in history.