Niu Fei Zai Xia

Chapter 112: Celestial Demon Palace Cigui


"Hehehehe—" Seeing the shock of everyone, the woman from Tianyao Palace let out a smug laugh.

The laughter is mixed with powerful profound energy, and the star rating is definitely not low.

The voice echoed in the air, causing many disciples with lower levels of profound energy to shake and become unstable.

Mu Qingya's figure also trembled slightly, she couldn't stand it with only one star of profound energy.

Hu Yunshang hastily stretched out his hand to press her shoulder, channeling his profound energy to help her concentrate.

"Damn it!" Wu Zhe, who was not affected, was furious like a group of high-ranking disciples.

Two sword servant disciples had already jumped up and rushed towards the woman from the Heavenly Demon Palace.

However, some people who knew the sect's defense arrangement were surprised why this woman was able to pass through the protection of Wojiang Peak.

In the eyes of several high-ranking inner disciples, this woman is only about six stars in profound energy, how could she have the ability to come here without anyone noticing? Although this is the edge of the Zongmen's domain, but with her strength, she will not be able to break through.

"Two against one?" Seeing a sword servant rushing towards him, the woman giggled and pulled out the sword from her waist.

Two white lights flashed in the air, and the thrust of the two sword servant disciples was blocked, and the people flew backwards as if they had been hit hard.

Few were present to see what happened.

Wu Zhe didn't see it clearly either, but he quickly started to play back in slow motion in his mind. From this, it is easy to see that the woman's two swords in a row are extremely fast in an instant, and she not only knocks back the sword disciple's sword posture, but even...

"Tian Yao Gong's kindness, I offer you a meeting gift." The woman moved towards the distance to bless her, but towards the position of the master of the sword-wielding sect hiding in the dark.

At this time, the two sword servant disciples had turned over and landed in the air. Although their blood was surging, they did not suffer much damage.

The two sword servant disciples were not convinced, they took a breath of profound energy again, and wanted to jump forward again.

"Senior brothers, be careful of your belt!" Wu Zhe shouted loudly.

The two were shocked when they heard this, and quickly stabilized their figures. Fortunately, they reacted quickly. At this moment, they touched the belt suddenly and found that the white silk belt had just broken.

If it wasn't for Wu Zhe's reminder, I'm afraid the two of them would make a fool of themselves and drop their pants in the air.

If that is the case, it will not hurt much, but it will lose face.

Wu Zhe's reminder invalidated the so-called meeting ceremony of the woman named Cigui from the Tianyao Palace. She fixed her eyes on Wu Zhe, paying special attention to her.

Cigui was surprised to find that it was a masked woman speaking.

It turned out that Wu Zhe had just quickly unloaded several weapons, and covered the parts below the eyes with a handkerchief.

She fears revenge...

Hu Yunshang took a step forward, holding Wu Zhe behind him with a knife in his hand. Mu Qingya straightened her mind and drew out her sword.

"Don't protect me on purpose, or you will easily find me and cover your face for nothing." Wu Zhe asked Hu Yunshang in a low voice, "Why is this girl's name so weird?"

"Every generation of disciples in Tianyao Palace has a generational character, such as ci, and then add a single-character flower name." Hu Yunshang kept his eyes on the woman, and explained to Wu Zhe in a low voice: "The generation of ci seems to be the same as the disciples of our generation. It's the same generation."

Hey, you are wrong. My seniority is actually quite high, Wu Zhe secretly laughed.

"Young people of the benevolent generation in Tianyao Palace, why do you dare to go wild in Zhanjianzong?" The voice of Inspector Li Daoming came from afar.

Acquaintance, I just met yesterday. Wu Zhe remembered that he was one of the authors of the question.

"Passing by the expensive place, I have nothing to do, so I'll come and see the brothers of the same generation of the sword-wielding sect." The woman covered her lips and giggled, as if she was not afraid of Li Daoming at all: "I don't want everyone to get in my eyes. I don't know Is it because Cigui has a high vision, or is it because of the unlucky years of the Sword Sect, who only received some cats, dogs, and dogs..."


"This woman is full of spouts!"

This sentence immediately aroused public outrage, and the disciples of the Sword Fighting Sect scolded them one after another.

"Oh, why do you want to besiege the little girl?" Ci Gui deliberately put on a frightened look: "Could it be that the sword-fighting sect is good at swarming up, and doesn't dare to challenge me in the same generation?"

"I come!"

"I'm going! Let her know how powerful our disciples of the Sword Fighting Sect are!"

A group of disciples wanted to go up and do it one after another.

"It's ridiculous!" Wu Zhe shouted: "You woman keeps saying that you want to fight us one-on-one, so what are you pretending to do? Just hand over a name card, and the Sword Sect will accompany you."

Following the sound, everyone saw that it was a woman from the sect talking, who was facing the intruding woman, and the woman was covering her face, so they all stopped talking and listened to her.

Ci Gui said hypocritically: "I'm worried that you will not respect the morals of the world, and you will rush to bully me, a weak woman... How about, sister, come and fight me for a round?"

Who are you calling sister? Wu Zhe was very upset: "Hey, don't say it so righteously, okay? A female tortoise ran to the land of tigers and leopards and insisted on screaming loudly, wanting to have a baby with a baby who may not have opened her eyes yet. Tiger races. Tsk tsk, this is really majestic!"

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, but quickly realized that they immediately burst out laughing.

Cigui, isn't the word Tim a female tortoise? The name is so ridiculous.

The woman became very angry, pointed at Wu Zhe and said, "You woman is really hateful! Report your name, and my subordinates will not kill nameless ghosts!"

"I won't tell you!" Wu Zhe, who was covering his face, answered resoundingly: "As long as you don't tell you my name, you can't touch me. You said it yourself! Listen carefully, she is in public. Swear it!"

Everyone was startled again, and soon burst into laughter.

The other party just said that the nameless ghost is immortal under his command, but Wu Zhe extended it a bit, can't kill him if he doesn't know the name? The meaning has changed completely.

Everyone was very happy. Our junior sister is actually so good at speaking.

Cigui's face changed with anger, and she couldn't keep her smiling face any longer, so she wanted to jump to capture Wu Zhe.

"This woman's sharp tongue wants to lure us to a duel, she must be trying to waste time doing some sneaky things!" Wu Zhe raised his arms and called out: "Brothers, you don't need to talk about morals with this witch, let's go shoulder to shoulder! "

Everyone roared with laughter, but they also drew out their swords one after another, and a dozen figures actually jumped up at once, and killed this Cigui.

Most of the four or five hundred people had less than three stars of profound energy, but there were also quite a few inner disciples who regrouped, so there were no less than thirty five or six star profound energy experts on the scene.

If a man said so, there would not be so many people responding. But the sect junior sister spoke, and the opponent was a member of the Heavenly Demon Palace who everyone had the same hatred for, so Wu Zhe's call received a lot of response.

After all, Ci Gui came alone, and under the siege of more than a dozen people, he was in a hurry, and the swords and swords were dangerous.

"Zhoujianzong doesn't care about the morality of the world!" He yelled kindly.

The crowd ignored Wu Zhe's booing before, and didn't take her scolding seriously, and continued to slash and stab.

Cigui from the Heavenly Demon Palace, who wanted to pretend to be b, met Wu Zhe, who was an orthodox criminal pretending to be b, and she was definitely out of luck... ;