Niu Fei Zai Xia

Chapter 1182: No more queuing to be tortured


The sky was bright, and Wu Zhe and others were bumped into by Wu Guo patrol soldiers when they used force here.

"Who is making noise! The Dawu State patrol is here!" The patrol captain scolded.

Mang Lao and the others naturally noticed the approach of the patrolling soldiers from the Wu State Garrison Battalion, but they didn't bother to pay attention at all. On the contrary, the squad leader of the patrol has good eyesight, and he spotted the fight here from a distance.

In their eyes it was a fight because several people had already been lying down. Two and a half men and three women are in a group. Although it can be inferred that it is not good, but after all, women are mainly women and should be weak people. On the contrary, the two men in blue and black who were fighting with the two half-sized men knew at a glance that they were not good people.

"Array!" The squad leader shouted softly.

He has a level of profound energy of one star, and he soon realized that something was wrong, he could feel that the people who fought on the opposite side had profound energy. Naturally, a small group of soldiers can't defeat two or three-star fighters, but it's no problem to form a resistance to ensure that the warning signal is issued.

The good quality of Wu Guo's army was also reflected at this time, the squad leader and deputy squad leader had already touched the emergency fireworks at their waists.

"Don't panic." Old Mang appeared from a hidden place in the forest, jumped over quickly, and shook a sign. It's like keeping the soldiers from fussing for fear of disturbing the baby's sleep.

What he showed was the token held by the elders of the Sanshengzong.

Sanshengzong is the sect protecting the country of Wu Kingdom, holding tokens is not inferior to general orders. What's more, this is an elder-level holding token, and the identity of the holder is much higher than that of the garrison leader.

"Greetings to the elder." The Wu soldiers immediately knelt on one knee and saluted.

Elder Mang first briefly introduced the identity of Wu Zhe who was sent here, and then said: "Don't disturb the imperial envoy Zhou to train his children here, you wait and go to treat the craftsmen. Then arrange people to make preparations to entertain Commander Zhou."

The soldiers reacted quickly.

Zhou Qinchao is Zhou Zhiruo from our Great Wu Kingdom! Ah, that girl is she! Everyone suddenly realized. No wonder she is so beautiful, she is as beautiful as in the legend.

Many people secretly rejoiced in their hearts, fortunately, they did not follow the previous train of thought to utter any obscenities, otherwise it would be trivial to die without a place to die.

Wu Zhe didn't pay any attention to the matter of the Wu soldiers in the distance, and continued to guide Shuang Xiaolong. After all, their identities are different now, and Shuang Xiaolong needs to be taken care of at any time.

Taking time off, she also cared about the other two girls.

"How are your two medical skills and other miscellaneous skills?" Wu Zhe asked Song Xiaozhi and Shi Xiaoxuan.

"Ah. We understand a little bit." The two girls quickly replied.

When Wu Zhe's eyes swept over his body, the two women only felt that the goddess they admired was paying attention to them.

So it turns out that she is also very important in the eyes of the goddess? The two little girls were about to consider giving up literature and martial arts.

Before, they thought that the goddess was more inclined to cultivate the two young men, but the gazes they were looking at them were obviously concerned.

or. Lady Goddess wants to teach us Yuan Healing Technique? The two little girls were very excited in their hearts, thinking about it quite self-indulgently.

But if you achieve success in practicing Yuan Healing, you can't get married, right? The two little girls hesitated, and even secretly glanced at the people around them.

In fact, Wu Zhe just asked casually, and after asking, he didn't take it seriously.

In her eyes. Big boobs are justice. As for the development of loli, she doesn't have the patience to cultivate developmental products from childhood to adulthood, and only likes ready-made ones.

After fighting for half the night, the disciples of Magic Sound Valley have already taken turns for three rounds.

Should I say miserable or not miserable? Anyway, after a round of fighting, I couldn't move anymore, so I changed people and lay down on the ground to wait.

"Okay, they are already tired, let's replace two." Wu Zhe waved his hand, quite commanding.

The two Magic Sound Valley disciples stood obediently with their hands tied, and then Wu Zhe volleyed a few points in the air. They lie down.

A disciple from Magic Sound Valley muttered softly: "Hey, junior brother, do you think we look like that..."

"Like what?"

"Xianglan Building is waiting to pick up guests..."


"Well, at least it feels the same waiting to be called and then going to work."

"Hey, look at how promising you are. It doesn't look like that at all. The one who picks up the guests lays down to work, and we lie down after finishing the work!"

"Hmph, I wanted to take Zhou Zhiruo's job, but unfortunately I didn't... oops!"

Before he could finish speaking, the disciple was knocked out by Wu Zhe, the ear thief.

This is being bombed while lying down! The surrounding disciples were silent. It is estimated that there is such a big blood bag on his forehead, maybe even his brain is stupid.

They took turns fighting with the two little dragons, gradually getting tired one by one. But Shuang Xiaolong is full of vitality, the more he fights, the more energetic he becomes.

when the sun rises. The two felt their dantians throbbing lively one after another, so they quickly put away their postures and sat cross-legged.

The two-star profound energy has already climbed up, taking the opportunity to stabilize it.

The two and a half boys are really geniuses who only grow in battle. Especially when he was born late in learning martial arts, relying on Wu Zhe's evolutionary body blood awakening potential, he can take this opportunity to climb to the top again.

The disciple of Magic Sound Valley who was training with him let out a sigh of relief, and didn't dare to disturb him at all. Without daring to breathe, he backed up to the side of the crowd.

Before Wu Zhe raised his hand, they tiptoed down on the ground by themselves.

This good habit has been practiced.

The people in the garrison already knew that they had assembled urgently, and the commander personally led the team, but Wu Zhe still arranged for Mang Lao to contact them.

The imperial envoy Zhou is not Zhou's celery, so he still needs to put on some airs.

All the remnants of Magic Sound Valley were escorted away by the soldiers, and they all seemed a little happy. Xiao Qing and Qin Qing, who were the leaders, murmured dumbly: "Finally we don't have to pick up guests..."

It seems that the psychological trauma caused by Wu Zhe's stimulation is not light.

The artists and craftsmen in the house were also rescued. They didn't even know that they had been fainted in their sleep.

After Wu Zhe politely declined the barracks' grand hospitality and promulgated the name [Sanctuary] of Emperor Xuanwu, it caused quite a stir.

Wu Zhe also gave pointers to many artists who were rehearsing dramas. After all, "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" is just a novel, and it is not easy to turn it into a stage play. It is necessary to form the most basic script concept in mind.

Wu Zhe taught this concept to several leading artists in a very concrete way, and even wrote the basic outline of the script, which surprised many artists: "I didn't expect us actors to have such a way to pass on their skills!"

They enshrined Wu Zhe's script samples as if they had obtained a treasure. It is unnecessary to infer that these scripts and even Wu Zhe's own name must become the existence of the founder of the mountain.

After a day's rush, Wu Zhe returned overnight. Unexpectedly, he ran into big trouble on the way home. (~^~)