Niu Fei Zai Xia

Chapter 1186: A painting


"The slaves are here to serve Miss Zhou." A group of servants bowed and said in unison.

The fact that the attendants of Prince Mo's mansion were able to come to the restaurant to wait on him showed Wu Zhe's current status.

Among them were several guards with star-level profound energy, who also bowed down very obediently. This is rare in officialdom or in the arena. After all, the status of a star fighter is not high, so it is impossible to be so convincing to serve a woman.

But now Wu Zhe has the status to accept it calmly. He was a so-called celebrity before, but now he has served as an imperial envoy in a legitimate way. It can be said that his status as a person highly valued by Emperor Xuanwu has been confirmed. Not to mention the fake tiger's prestige, just the slight fluctuation of the nine-star profound energy emanating from Wu Zhe's body has already convinced the warriors.

"Thank you, everyone." Wu Zhe nodded casually while sipping tea.

She also knows when to hold her own. You can't always be approachable, otherwise it is easy to cause the following offenses.

Among the attendants, the guards stood respectfully around and took the responsibility of guarding. Some of the attendants who took care of the waiters went to the restaurant kitchen, and some cleaned up the environment of the restaurant properly.

The nature of interpersonal relationships in Prince Mo's mansion is completely different from Yuan Healing Hall. The former is the foundation of princes and even future princes. The order of respect and inferiority cannot be violated. The latter is a gentle township for women. Although the level cannot be ignored, the status restrictions can be appropriately relaxed.

Wu Zhe waited leisurely here, and the two guards under Xuanwu Emperor returned to the palace.

On the way to leave, the two guards had already opened the gift from Wu Zhe. As soon as I opened the sachet, I could smell the aroma. Taking a closer look, it turned out to be the Huixiang Pill that helps to condense profound energy, and I was immediately overjoyed.

"This is a first-class item, what a generous and hard-working gift." The two guards exchanged glances with each other, secretly picking their thumbs: Zhou Zhiruo is really interesting.

In fact, these pills, which are precious to the royal guards, are equivalent to popcorn-level snacks to Wu Zhe. After all, one of the medicine storehouses in the imperial palace was raided by her. The refinement and preparation of all kinds of elixirs was helped by the control of the evolutionary organism. Not to mention the daily output of ten thousand catties, it is not a problem to produce hundreds of them every day.

The two nine-star guards went to report to Wu Zhe even more attentively.

You only need to report Zhou Zhiruo's name. The stewards of the inner palace acted as quickly as if they had received an imperial edict.

Emperor Xuanwu soon received a note from Wu Zhe's guards.

"What's so strange about this girl?" Emperor Xuanwu opened it curiously.

Princess Qing, who was cooperating with the director on the desk beside her, also glanced over curiously from the corner of her eye.

"Girl Qing, you are very concerned about Zhou Zhiruo's news." Emperor Xuanwu teased his daughter: "Just now when the inner guard came to report, she had contact with the prince's think tank, and even invited Master Maitreya. But… "

"This is disrespectful to you, Father!" Princess Qing raised her brows upside down. He looked very angry.

Emperor Xuanwu looked at Princess Qing's deliberate look, and smiled slightly, knowing that she was actually here to help Zhou Zhiruo on purpose, so he stopped talking and said instead: "She sent a paper card. It must be to explain this matter. Let's see how she handles this."

He opened the paper and saw that there was not a single word on it, it was just a picture.

"Huh?" With Xuanwu Emperor's concentration, he couldn't help being surprised.

Princess Qing, who was already at the side, glanced sideways and widened her eyes in surprise.

A piece of bamboo.

Bamboo painted in ink.

Emperor Xuanwu looked at this painting for a while, and couldn't help but praise: "The bamboo joints are square and steep, and they actually have the appearance of mountains. The bamboo leaves are thick, light, and dry, and there is a sense of exquisiteness and surprise."

Princess Qing's eyes were filled with brilliance, she never thought that her sweetheart would draw such a superb work.

As a noble lady, Princess Qing naturally dabbles in painting. The high standard of this Danqing ink painting can be seen at a glance.

If you send this painting to the Academy. It will definitely make those painters exclaim again and again, and they can't eat for a few days.

I have never seen such a bamboo brushwork, and it can even be said that no one has ever painted like this! Princess Qing defined this painting in her mind more definitely than Emperor Xuanwu.

If you have time, you should ask Zhiruo for advice on painting. Princess Qing's heart was constantly rippling, and she even imagined that she and her were beside the bamboo forest, holding a pen and Mo Lan, asking for painting skills elegantly.

In fact, Wu Zhe brazenly copied Zheng Banqiao's technique of painting bamboo.

Zheng Banqiao's bamboo is naturally like everyone else's. In this world, I dare not say that it is the best in the world, and it is definitely the pinnacle. Even if Wu Zhe is merely an imitation and cannot reach the true essence of his paintings, it is enough to shock the painting world.

"Bamboo..." Emperor Xuanwu glanced at Princess Qing whose face was turning red. She didn't point it out, but frowned slightly thinking about why Zhou Zhiruo sent such a bamboo painting.

He quickly thought of a potted plant he once gave Prince Mo. That is the rootless flower, a dying peony.

The influence of Lenovo's eldest prince invited Zhou Zhiruo, and she sent a picture of bamboo to announce the news. Could it be in response to my previous hint? Emperor Xuanwu carefully looked at the bamboo painting in front of him.

Bamboo has only one stalk, and there are not even any bamboo shoots around it.

Those who have a little knowledge of bamboo will know that the emergence of bamboo shoots lies in the roots. If there is no root, it will be difficult for bamboo to shoot again.

Could it be that this is also a piece of bamboo without roots

Emperor Xuanwu looked at it for a while, and understood the implied meaning of Wu Zhe's painting: a rootless bamboo.

But bamboo is different from the peony flower bestowed by Emperor Xuanwu. The most important point is: bamboo can live without roots!

A peony will die without roots. But bamboo has a high probability of continuing to live without a root system.

Oh I got it! A flash of inspiration flashed in Emperor Xuanwu's mind, and he figured out Wu Zhe's plan.

"Hehehe, only I can guess the answer to this mystery." Emperor Xuanwu wanted to solve Wu Zhe's little riddle, and couldn't help laughing secretly: young people are always competitive. Especially the little girl, who insisted on coming up with a puzzle in reverse with me.

After deliberating for a moment, Emperor Xuanwu sighed softly again: "If that's the case, there is no need to tie your arms."

Emperor Xuanwu handed the painting to Princess Qing, who looked at it eagerly for a long while, and no longer cared about being reserved, and then ordered the royal guards: "Let me tell Commander Zhou that I will agree."

The guard left according to the oral order.

Princess Qing was still a little confused. Looking at the painting, she couldn't figure out what Emperor Xuanwu realized and what he sent the message.

Emperor Xuanwu didn't say anything, and continued to deal with state affairs leisurely.

It was hard for Princess Qing to think of the matter of the peony bestowed by the emperor before, let alone the fact that the peony in the pot was rootless, so it was absolutely hard to figure it out.

When the guards arrived at the restaurant, Wu Zhe happened to greet Master Maitreya. (~^~)