Niu Fei Zai Xia

Chapter 1208: Help punch?


"Lao'er!" The boss Xie was startled, and quickly chased after him.

Long Lao and the others were embarrassed to be exposed to the scene like this.

How about Wu Zhe? That's a bad thing. What you say is just positive, and you set buffs for others. Look at the negative emotions on Dugubao? The out-of-control banishment hits the head.

It was still a charm skill before, but it became a negative buff so quickly. Of course, Wu Zhe really didn't use too many butterfly techniques, but just used the innate charm of the evolutionary body and a little bit of language skills to slightly stimulate Dugubao's emotions.

The most important thing is that she was poisoned!

Distraction! A poison that makes people restless and restless.

The thick belt wrapped around Wu Zhe's waist was not for nothing. I don't know how many kinds of medicines are stuffed in it. If it were someone else, they would be confused, but with the help of the super memory and control ability of the evolutionary body, just a little bit of difference in the pattern on the surface of the porcelain bottle can be used to figure out what the different potions are.

When did you poison it? Of course, I made the first step of mixing the potion when I was flicking the hair beside my ears to be cute.

Why free your hands to attack? She had made up her mind to cheat people from the very beginning. Keeping both hands empty is like deceiving people like a magician. The empty-handed magician is the most terrifying, because there are countless possibilities to cast.

Brushing her hair with one hand to show her cuteness, the other hand got the powder from her waist, and then quietly applied it on her cuff.

Deliberately stimulating Dugu Lao to concentrate his energy and dance a sword flower in order to get rid of his own charm, the cuff with the medicine powder was smashed. Through the breath and skin, the mind-disturbing medicine invaded Dugu Lao's body.

This is not a poison, but something similar to an effect agent. So Dugu Lao didn't realize that he was poisoned even though he was from a family. The poison expert Mr. Xie never thought that Zhou Zhiruo dared to poison his son in front of him, coupled with caring, there was still a distance, and Wu Zhe's micro-level control made her succeed perfectly.

It is impossible for Dugu Lao in a state of distraction to maintain a perfect state of enlightenment.

Wu Zhe also teased him verbally, saying that he was not as good as him. People can not produce the idea of jealousy. The language of the evolutionary body is based on the sound of the creature's favorite voice, which intensifies Dugulao's distracted state.

As a result, Dugu Lao, who became more and more anxious, directly fell out of the enlightened state of being jealous of the sword, and finally couldn't use the mysterious sword technique.

"Miss Zhou, I'm in trouble." Elder Mang jumped into the arena in a hurry: "You must be the one who abolished Dugubao's Enlightenment?"

Wu Zhe waved his hands and didn't take it seriously: "It's not that serious. As long as you rest in the dark for a few days and get close to nature, it's easy to get back to your normal state."

Elder Long also came over and said, "Even so, I'm afraid it will be difficult for Mr. Xie to explain. Don't forget that he will have a martial arts competition tomorrow."

"Uh..." Wu Zhe scratched his head. This is really bad.

"What should we do? Elder Xie will come over to quarrel later, right?" Elder Mang asked. He followed Wu Zhe's lead.

"..." Wu Zhe looked at Elder Long.

Long Lao smiled and didn't make up his mind: "You make up your mind."

"If you want to strike another sum of money, let's do it now..." Wu Zhe paused. Deliberately sold off.

"Can you knock a sum of money?" Both Mang Lao and Long Lao were curious: "What should I do?"

"Let's run first and then talk! Hurry up and run away." Wu Zhe laughed.

Mang Lao and Long Lao: "..."

Do you think you are a child causing trouble? He also ran away with Sa Yazi.

"Can't we? Should we stay here and wait for them to come back?" Wu Zhe said with a smile: "Anyway, we have already helped him try the sword technique, so the money they invited us to come is not in vain."

Mang Lao smiled and said: "But they lost the money. I believe that Xie Lao would rather pay double the price than let her son lose his enlightened state of mind by you."

"Take it as a cold." Wu Zhe waved his hand casually.

Long Lao Nianxu shook his head helplessly.

That is the most outstanding young master of the Sanshengzong. How many years does it take to produce a genius who can realize Taoism at the age of twenty. But you actually made him lose his mind. If it were someone else, even apologizing with death would not be enough.

But Wu Guo is only able to do this kind of thing with her, and there is no need to worry about the other party's revenge or Xuanwu Emperor's questioning.

Long Lao thought for a while and said, "Girl, go to my pavilion to rest, don't go back to Prince Mo's mansion for now."

Wu Zhe immediately understood that he was covering him: "Thank you, Mr. Long, for taking care of me."

The three said and left. The followers of other holy sects didn't know whether to dissuade them or have other attitudes, so they could only respectfully let them go.

But as soon as the three of them got down to the mountain pass, Mr. Xie chased them out again: "Hey, where is Miss Zhou?"

Wu Zhe had a normal expression on his face. It doesn't look like you are in trouble and want to slip away: "The task you invited me here has been completed, so naturally I have to go back to sleep."

"Miss Zhou, don't worry. My Luoer said that his condition will recover overnight." Xie Lao didn't look angry at all: "It's just that there is going to be a fight tomorrow, and I hope Miss Zhou will come and help me out." .”

"This..." Wu Zhe looked worried: "Tomorrow, I have an agreement with a commercial firm to do a deal. If I don't go, I'm afraid I will lose some money."

Pack! Pretend to be real! Boss Scorpion rolled his eyes.

"It's easy to say." Dugu Lao's voice came, and he was standing on a high step, cupping his hands in the distance and saying: "One hundred thousand taels of silver, please help Miss Zhou!"

"Hey, please join us as promised." Wu Zhe looked surprised.

This is bargaining. Dugubao didn't mind, Yaoyao said: "If Miss Zhou helps me with the punches, naturally I need more. How about three hundred thousand taels?"

Wu Zhe shook his head: "Didn't we get out of touch when we talked about money?"

"..." Dugu Lao secretly thought that you want to watch the opponent negotiate the price on the spot! Then why did you negotiate the price in public just now

But on the surface, Dugu Lao is still passable: "This is also reasonable. Then tomorrow Xiaosheng will sweep the floor here and wait for Miss Zhou."

After formally leaving, Wu Zhe and the other three walked to the foot of the mountain.

"Miss Zhou, you are really smart!" Old Mang raised his thumbs: "We only came here after receiving the boxing salute. It shows that the relationship with Dugubao is only ordinary. Then Prince Mo won't mind at all."

Elder Long also nodded slightly. The stability of the imperial power naturally comes first.

But Wu Zhe rolled his eyes: "I don't think so much, I just want to trick them into spending money."

Elder Long and Elder Mang: "..."

Just as Wu Zhe was about to board the carriage, he frowned a little: "Who will come to the martial arts competition tomorrow? Why do you have to help me?"

"Girl, how smart are you, why can't you figure it out?" Long Lao laughed.

Wu Zhe really didn't guess it.
