Niu Fei Zai Xia

Chapter 1216: The prince retreated


Wu Zhe, Duguluo, the prince and Cigui mixed doubles, competing for the complete jade key to open the Earth Star Well.

Cigui is obviously a shortcoming. Although Xuanwu's level of strength is outstanding among women of the same age, it is not enough for the other three monster-level geniuses.

The crown prince often wants to defend her, but Duguluo and Wu Zhe are masters who have cheap and never let go, and they put all their energy into attacking Cigui. As a result, the prince was completely powerless to fight back in order to take care of Cigui.

Wu Zhe gradually began to use the Tucao whip to attack specifically, not only by gathering sword intent.

Not long after, the prince was powerless for a while, and a sword intent broke through the protection of the wave palm.

Ci Gui flipped her swords and tried to resist, but she felt a strong force coming, like a mantis flying backwards from a car.

"Stop!" The prince exclaimed, and forcibly protected Cigui, but was also knocked away by the rest of his strength.

If you judge only from the point to the point, the outcome has already been divided.

After the prince stood still, he refused to admit defeat and said, "It's amazing, come again!"

He was about to leap forward again, but he suddenly realized that Cigui hadn't followed.

Turning her head to look, Cigui's figure was shaking, and she was hastily wiping away a trace of blood from the corner of her mouth.

Even though Wu Zhe stayed behind in that attack just now, Dugu Luo didn't hold back at all. Under the full attack, Ci Gui's meridians were not broken and she just vomited blood, which was already protected by the crown prince.

"Ah, let's come again!" Ci Gui quickly cheered up and rushed forward with the prince.

"Wait." The prince stretched out his hand and pinched Ci Gui's wrist, and when he penetrated his profound energy, he immediately found that Ci Gui's profound energy was running chaotically, and he had already suffered an internal injury.

"Take a break, I'll fight!" The prince slowly pushed with his right hand, sending Cigui out backwards with a strong force.

Cigui was pushed to the sidelines by this force, but she shed tears. Although he was dissatisfied with Xiao Ruoyao in his heart, he had to admit that he was not enough to compete with the crown prince, and only those of Xiao Ruoyao's level could join forces with him.

The prince fought alone against Dugu Luo and Wu Zhe. Although it was unfair to be one against two, the agreed female companion was unable to continue the fight, and others could not fault it.

What's more, Wu Zhe and Duguluo are not fair people, how can they let go of the opportunity to bully their opponents? The poor prince didn't know that Zhou Zhiruo was someone he knew, and Wu Zhe didn't know that the prince was Lolita Susu.

The prince used one against two, and the undulating palm showed the mystery. Flying up and down with palm strength to resist the opponent's profound energy, it won't suffer for a while.

But both Wu Zhe and Duguluo were doing their best, and the prince's defense showed signs of weakness after a long time of defense.

After all, the strength of Wu Zhe's profound energy is not much weaker than that of the winner of the moon rank. Coupled with the jealousy sword of Dugu Luo, who has integrated the way of heaven and earth, the crown prince's profound energy is gradually unsustainable.

However, the prince is also the pride of the world, with a strong fighting talent, and after a few times of tossing and turning, he unloaded the offensive that was supposed to win. The cooperation between Duguluo and Wu Zhe cannot completely defeat the prince for the time being.

In fact, Wu Zhe already knew the wave in his heart, but he didn't want to decipher the opponent's moves in public. In particular, Dugu Luo, who possesses the ability of human jealous sword, relies on the power of heaven born from jealousy. If he is too genius, it will help Dugulao's enlightenment power.

So in the full time of two cups of tea, the two besieged the prince, but just suppressed the upper hand on the scene, and could not defeat the opponent.

Cigui sat cross-legged on the sidelines and tried to repair her injuries, but she looked at the center of the court in a state of urgency, unable to calm down at all, which was not conducive to the rapid treatment of injuries.

Wu Zhe was lazy, and he couldn't do his best after fighting for so long, so he naturally felt impatient, so he simply said, "Prince, you have been unable to win, but you have been stalemate, are you going to stay until you are hungry?" Come and stop? Even if one side starves to death first, the other side wins?"

Wu Zhe just complained casually, but the prince is a thin-skinned person. He knew in his heart that he could no longer win. Hearing this, his face became hot, and he snorted and retreated: "Forget it, I will retire temporarily today. Come to learn another day!"

Her figure receded, smooth as water, and she pulled the sleeves of the robe to lift up the rose, and she went out.

Dugu Luo smiled and didn't stop him, he held his sword upside down and said in a loud voice: "Thank you, Prince, for letting me go! As for the key to the Dixing Well, Xiao Ke will keep it!"

Wu Zhe withdrew his braids and threw it to the attendants on the sidelines, and went to Mr. Long and the others and said, "Mr. Long, do you think the beating I just made is reasonable?"

Long Lao said with a smile: "Lazy people don't want to work, they just pretend to be."

Wu Zhe smiled and did not refute.

After hearing this, Dugubao suddenly realized that she didn't try her best. Old Xie and Old Mang didn't notice either. Only Long Lao's original cultivation base was a level higher, and his vision did not decrease after his profound energy was low, and he could see that Wu Zhe was playing soy sauce.

Duguluo threw the sword to the attendant, cupped his hands and said, "Thank you Miss Zhou for helping me punch. Only with the girl's help can I win today, and it will be a great reward."

Wu Zhe smiled and said, "Are you talking about it, or is it really rewarding immediately?"

"Uh..." Dugubao choked. In fact, this was just a polite remark, and he was a little embarrassed to think that the girl would climb up the pole in a hurry.

However, Dugu Luo seemed to be very generous, and quickly laughed and said: "After entering the Dixing Well at 3:00 noon, Miss Zhou can take out a treasure from my warehouse at will, how about it?"

This is a generous report, open the warehouse and pick at will

Elder Long and the others clicked their tongues when they heard this.

However, Wu Zhe became suspicious. Why is this Dugu brand so generous

Seeing that Wu Zhe didn't say a word, Dugu Luo simply said, "At the same time, Miss Zhou is of great help to my entry into the Sacred Sect. You can walk in and out as you like in the future. Any expenses can also be taken from me, how about it?"

When did Dugu Lao become so generous? Wu Zhe murmured in his heart. Although he was not a small-minded person in the past, but since he has mastered the sword of jealousy, how could he be a bold person who treats money like dung

Peeking at Mr. Xie, he didn't seem to mind at all.

Even this straight-hearted poisonous mother has no objections? So Wu Zhe became even more suspicious.

Dugu Luo led everyone back to the guest hall, and said loudly again: "Next, we will put together the yin and yang double jade keys of the Earth Star Well, and when the time comes, please invite Miss Zhou to enter the Earth Star Well with me, ah!"

Dugu Lao was talking, when suddenly he let out an ah.

Of course it wasn't poisoning, but he opened his mouth in astonishment and looked up at the main beam of the palace.

A pair of kodama keys that were originally nailed to the girder are gone!

Boss Xie shouted: "Block the whole mountain!"

Dugu Lao changed his face and changed his color: "Who can steal the jade key under our noses?!"

The first thought of most of the people present was: Could it be that the suzerain of the Sword Fighting Sect of Qi State has come? !

But Wu Zhe suddenly said: "Everyone, don't worry, the key is actually not lost."

She took out the pair of jade keys from her bosom without any haste. (~^~)