Niu Fei Zai Xia

Chapter 1224: Identity change


Scorpion is old and dead. Being attacked by a very powerful profound energy, which mercilessly destroyed the meridians of her whole body, she didn't even have time to say a last word.

When she cared about her son's soul and rushed into the cave where the profound energy conflicted regardless of her own safety, she was already targeted by thieves.

In fact, she has long been missed by thieves. If you are not afraid of thieves stealing, you are afraid of thieves thinking about it. This thief is Wu Zhe.

"Poor man. Although you are a mother, you and I are standing on opposite sides at this time." In the darkness, Wu Zhe looked at the collapsed corpse on the ground and sighed: "At least you don't know that I killed you." You. If you find out that it was your son who thought you were the one who made the move, you are afraid that you will die in peace, right? I have deliberately avoided this kind of tragedy."

When Wu Zhe jumped out of the star well and saw the concerned eyes of Mr. Xie looking at him, he paid attention to Mr. Xie. Especially when Mr. Xie didn't care about the ugly man Ah Luo's physical body and paid more attention to himself, Wu Zhe knew that Mr. Xie... must die!

Now that I know the plan made by the ugly A Luo and Xie Lao, it is due to the fact that Dugu Lao was trying to speak quickly before he failed, and he actually told the whole truth triumphantly.

Due to Duguluo's previous plan, Wu Zhe is now equivalent to a mixture of Duguluo and Wu Zhe's identities. As long as you don't get exposed, you can have many privileges to do things conveniently.

In the Sanshengzong, Rensheng, who is Duguluo's father, must have known about this plan. And this kind of high-ranking father must be obsessed with cultivation, and the contact with Dugu Lao will not be very deep. Wu Zhe is not worried that he will find out that his soul is not Dugubao.


Outside the cave, Elder Mang flew upside down by the suzerain's power.

"Whether you are a good person or a bad person, at least I respect your love for your children. But I can only leave your whole body to show my respect." Wu Zhe said the last words almost silently to the dead Xie Lao on the ground: " Ashes return to ashes, be it resentment or hatred, I hope you will be reincarnated in a peaceful and prosperous world in your next life."

But Xie Lao is different, she is a mother. A mother with a sixth sense is very likely to see through the truth: Duguluo's plan failed, and Zhou Zhiruo was not changed in the Earth Star Well at all!

This will not only cause Wu Zhe to lose a lot of benefits that come to his door, but also make Mr. Xie and even Ren Shengji hate him. After all, the failure of Dixingjing directly made Duguluo a useless person.

Therefore, Wu Zhe had no choice but to kill Mr. Xie.

"How are you doing in Wu Kingdom?" A concerned voice came.

Wu Zhe turned around quickly.

The Suzerain of the Sword Fighting Sect stood behind her with a smile.

Although the light was extremely dim, it did not affect the two people with amazing eyesight seeing each other.

"Very good. How is Master?" Wu Zhe looked at the suzerain with a lot of emotion.

I really want to say some scene words, such as "Master, you have added some white hairs" and other lyrical words, but I can't say it.

The suzerain laughed and said: "You girl was so eloquent in the past, why are you so stupid now?"

"There are so many things I want to say..." Wu Zhe really felt a little clumsy.

"There is not much time, don't let the outside suspect." The suzerain made two more punches outward, forcing people outside the cave to enter, and said quickly: "Your friends are all greeting you, they are all very well. I think I brought you a lot of things, but I'm afraid of causing trouble and missing my foot."

Wu Zhe was a little dazed, opened his mouth and didn't know what to say, his throat seemed to be choked.

"You must have a reason for killing Mr. Xie, but if you blame me, I'm afraid it will arouse the suspicion of the three saints." The suzerain said: "They know that I never attack women and children. Even if Mr. Xie is an elder warrior, I will not be in the cave. killed her."

"Understood, it was Xiao Ruoyao who killed it." Wu Zhe nodded, and hastened to get down to business: "Wu Guo is going to surprise Qi Guo when he proclaims himself emperor, does Master know?"

The suzerain's expression froze: "I know, I have already guessed your code word. This news is very important for the national war! Qi Wai Song Nei Song secretly made arrangements."

The two looked at each other, and it seemed that there was still a lot to say, but there was no more time.

"The Three Saints have arrived!" The suzerain's face was serious. He could feel the profound energy of the three masters approaching.

Wu Zhe hurriedly said: "Master has worked hard, please destroy this valley after making half a cup of tea with Sansheng!"

The suzerain didn't ask much about the reason, and left the cave like lightning.

Three men's voices with the same content came from outside: "Why don't you come in a hurry, old friend, why don't you call him first?"

This is the three sages blaming in unison, and the voice resounds throughout the valley.

They don't know that Old Xie is dead, otherwise Human Saint would not be so polite. Of course, given the age and cultivation level of a sage, Xie Lao may not be so angry when he dies.

It is said that the three great blessings of middle-aged and elderly men are: promotion, wealth and death of wives. If the human sage knew about what happened to Dugubao, his anger would definitely be far greater than if he knew that Mr. Xie had been killed.

The three saints came after receiving the report and came out of the state of cultivation temporarily. They were surprised at why the lord of the Zongjian Sect suddenly appeared at this time, but they understood that Zhou Zhiruo had advanced through the tribulation.

The voice of the suzerain also sounded outside: "I recently heard that the young generation of Wu Kingdom has a large number of capable people. I can't bear to come to have a look. The Zhou family daughter is indeed very personable. Itching for a while and the Zhou family daughter's tongue is not rude, so Try one or two tricks, if there is something wrong, does the old friend mean to blame?"

The words of the suzerain of Zhanjian Sect are very strong, that is, he threatened to say that you dare to condemn me

"Just ask the world, how many people dare to blame the suzerain?" Tiansheng's voice came from the sky: "But the threshold of the Sansheng sect is high, and the suzerain may not be able to pass the threshold since the suzerain came. Old friend go out!"

The suzerain laughed: "Come and send, come and send!"

Before the words fell, there was a thunderclap in the air.

But in fact, this is not a thunderbolt, but the bang of the master's counter move. The three saints fought with the suzerain in the air.

The valley shook, and the half-collapsed cave was filled with dust.

Wu Zhe didn't delay too much, quickly took off the outer clothes on his body, and changed the Liubi shirt that had always been close to the body to outer wear.

She is extremely fast and has changed in seconds.

With a little emotional control, the Liubi shirt, which can feel the owner's emotions, turned dark red.

This is the color of killing intent.

The cloth shoes under the feet were turned inside out, and with the help of the red lining inside, they suddenly turned into a pair of red shoes.

Wu Zhe's body moved quickly, and he jumped out of the cave, and went away like lightning.

"Hey?!" Bog Lao, who was rushing towards the cave while the Sovereign and the Sansheng started, exclaimed.

He was stunned to see a woman in red rushing out.

Long Lao was shocked in the distance, and blurted out: "Old Mang, be careful! That's Xiao Ruoyao!"

Old Mang jumped in fright, and subconsciously shielded himself. He knew that Long Lao was injured by Xiao Ruoyao and disabled most of his skills, and he was probably no match for him.

"Killing one is killing, two of them just make a pair! Take your life and join me in the fun!" Wu Zhe shouted.

Her current identity has suddenly changed to that of Zhou Zhiruo's counterpart of Qi Guotianjiao—Xiao Ruoyao! (~^~)