Niu Fei Zai Xia

Chapter 1226: The resolute Princess Sunny


The remnants found in the courtyard where Zhou Zhiruo grew up as a child are all after the fire disaster? 20?? Wu Qing, who is the princess of Wu Kingdom, didn't dislike the dirty smoke, she wiped each one with a handkerchief and looked at them.

She didn't look at it with an attitude of finding fault, but simply wanted to know more about her sweetheart's thoughts.

"Small dishes and small bowls? They seem to be little things for playing games." Princess Qing was chatting and wiping some remaining bowls with interest: "Zhiruo is a nostalgic person, and she still keeps these things from her childhood."

At this time, Princess Qing had already forgotten her initial worries, and she just had a good impression of her sweetheart, and it was more like getting in touch with some of her childhood fun. Unfortunately, she didn't know that the current Zhou Zhiruo was no longer the Zhou Zhiruo before the fire.

Of course, she also knew: the eldest lady who was raised in the deep part of the house had also experienced being robbed at that time, and her mood may have changed.

"I didn't expect that she liked porcelain dolls as much as I did when she was a child, especially the plump ones, and she didn't think they were ugly." Princess Qing cleaned two more porcelain dolls.

The fat and puffy porcelain dolls are in the shape of a pair of golden boys and girls. Even if they are wiped after being burned, there are still gray-black deposits and smoke marks that are difficult to remove. But the original appearance can already be seen, it is a pair of plump porcelain dolls.

Toys in this era are naturally simple and cheap, and most of the remains from the fire are such porcelain and other objects. Princess Qing held it and looked at it for a long time, and couldn't help laughing: "At the beginning, you didn't expect that the pair of porcelain dolls in the future will not be a man and a woman, right?"

She naturally compares herself with herself, and feels that the two of them are not the opposite sex of the golden boy and jade girl.

How can people of different genders fall in love? Of course it has to be the same. Princess Qing chuckled and turned the porcelain doll back and forth.

She soon found out in amazement that the weight of the porcelain doll seemed wrong

After carefully weighing it, yes, the porcelain doll seems to be hollow.

Princess Qing began to observe the porcelain doll carefully, and soon found some loose traces on the bottom of the porcelain doll.

After a little digging, I found that the bottom was roughly sealed with soil. It seemed to be painted with some white things before, and after experiencing the fire, I couldn't see the original appearance, so I ignored it when I wiped it.

Princess Qing took off the hairpin, and tried to poke the sharp end at the bottom of the porcelain doll.

Sure enough, it was loose, and some soil was dug out, and the things hidden in it were quickly revealed.

It is a small white silk cloth with some handwriting on it. Although it is a little old and the ink is very old, the writing on it can barely be seen.

"It's better to be a bird than to die without food. It's also happy." Princess Qing gently read the words written on it.

The font is delicate and soft, and it is obviously the font of a young girl.

At the bottom of another porcelain doll, a white silk cloth was also stuffed. It is also the same font when disassembled.

Princess Qing read again: "It's better to be dead than to die, and to be self-deteriorating without covering up, and happy."

Twenty characters, all in the font of a young girl. It is almost certain that this is Zhou Zhiruo's previous handwriting.

Because in that deep boudoir, only she is qualified to play with words. The others are all maids and maids who are arranged to keep this eldest lady in captivity, let alone write such elegant words, I am afraid that they can know no more than a few words.

Only the young lady Zhou Zhiruo can express her heart in a porcelain doll instead of expressing it directly!

These two sentences mean that I would rather be a bird, even if I starve to death without food, I would be happy. I would rather die immediately, without any bedding and coffins quietly decaying, and I will be happy.

"I'd rather be a bird than die without food, and I'd rather be happy..."

"It's better to be dead than to perish without covering up..."

Princess Qing gently re-read these two sentences twice, and couldn't help sighing: Zhi Ruo was a captive young lady who was raised to marry when she was young, poor person, this state of mind makes people feel sad.

It is conceivable how sad Zhou Zhiruo was when she was kept in captivity in Zhou's house, without freedom, and even had no chance to express her emotions, and even wrote her heartfelt feelings to hide in the porcelain doll.

Ordinary people would not do this at all, but the eldest lady under house arrest in that environment might do so.

But Princess Qing quickly frowned.

She quickly spread the silk cloth on the table, and looked at it several times carefully.

Princess Qing's face turned pale.

Soon, she checked the other items again, and after finding nothing new, she repacked one of them. However, the two porcelain dolls and the silk cloth were placed next to each other.

"Come on!" Princess Qing called out loudly.

The maid outside responded quickly.

"Go to the East Pavilion!" Princess Qing ordered: "Go quickly!"

Soon, Princess Qing's unique phoenix-driven chariot rushed back to the palace, and went to the place where a large number of official documents were stored.

Princess Qing entered the East Pavilion and carefully selected a few memorials that had been reviewed recently.

After looking at it carefully, she had a very bad complexion, she almost walked out of the East Pavilion in a trance, got into the Fengchariot feebly, and returned to her Changqing Palace.

These few memorials were all reviewed by his sweetheart Zhou Zhiruo. After observing, she discovered a very surprising thing...

Who is Princess Qing

Except for Zhou Zhiruo, Xuanwu Emperor intends to use him as a think tank and as a smart person with right and left hands!

The phoenix chariot had just stopped at the gate of Changqing Palace, and she had already thought of all the possibilities represented by the problem she found.

The biggest possibility among them is also the one she is least willing to accept...

"Your Highness, Miss Zhou has arrived! I'm eating a snack you made yourself in the middle of the hall!"

As soon as Princess Qing got off the phoenix chariot, a maid on duty stepped forward to report.

But to the surprise of all the girls, Princess Qing was not as happy as before. In normal times, Princess Qing would have rushed in with her robes and skirts in hand.

But when Her Royal Highness came back today, when she heard the news, her face was as pale as paper.

Princess Qing took a quick breath, and turned her gaze to several of her expert guards.

"Princess Qing, please order." Several guards guarding the princess quickly bowed and stood by.

But Princess Qing was silent for a moment, but shook her head: "It's nothing."

She who could summon stronger guards, and even the top experts around Emperor Xuanwu in the palace, gave up the opportunity.

"Please Miss Zhou to wait for me in the inner room of Changqing Palace." Princess Qing ordered the maid, then turned to arrange for the guards and said, "Also, use the princess token to go to the House of Internal Affairs to transfer the treasure box. Enjoy hidden weapons and treasures inside."

"Yes." The maid and the head of the guards didn't think too much, and they obeyed their orders.

Princess Qing stood quietly outside the palace for a while with her head bowed, but instead of looking for her sweetheart, she went to the apse where she bathes and changes first. (~^~)