Niu Fei Zai Xia

Chapter 22: Shu Guan who is good at flattering


After Shu Guanshi determined that Xiao Niu was probably the illegitimate daughter of an elder, he decided not to arrange any busy work for Wu Zhe.

"Well... you just need to help me count whether the old lady is in place every day, whether the supervisors clean up as hard as they can, and take the trouble to taste the small kitchen. In addition to providing our food, the small kitchen is also useful for the disciples who study in the scripture library. Serving lunch and dinner."

What is this handyman? Very easy. Wu Zhe didn't consider Guanshi Shu's guess about her identity.

In fact, many handymen who are new to the sect have to eat starter soup. That is to say, the very hard work is done at the beginning, such as pouring the chamber pot in the middle of the night, feeding the horses in the early morning, and doing laundry in the middle of winter, which is similar to the killing stick used by prisoners when they first arrive in a place. It's all a way to control these low-level servants in the future.

Elder Bai naturally knew this, so he sent it all the way deliberately, so that Guanshi Shu could see him, so that he wouldn't make things difficult for Xiao Niu too much. If he deliberately concealed his figure, how could it be Guan Shu's turn to find out

Elder Bai's following made great contributions. Although he didn't speak, it definitely catalyzed Shu Guanshi's speculation about the Great Elder Ling Die.

"This is the place where general handymen live." Shu Guanshi pointed to a row of wooden houses next to the Sutra Pavilion: "But you and I live not here, but over there."

This refers to the small attic.

"I live in the building on the left, and you live in the one on the right." Guanshi Shu shouted, "Mother Zhao, Mother Chen."

The two old women quickly ran out, bowed slightly and waited for orders.

None of them took a peek at the new girl. It was obvious that Steward Shu usually disciplined her very strictly.

"Go and clean up the attic on the right, and invite Miss Xiao to live in." Steward Shu ordered.

The two old women responded, and then looked up at Wu Zhe, but quickly turned around to tidy up the right attic that had been unoccupied for a long time.

Didn't you say that there will be a new female handyman? It's her.

But what happened? Why did the steward let her live in the attic on the right? The two old women couldn't figure it out.

"Miss Xiao, the salary in your sect is three taels a month, and you can have ten days of family leave every season." Shu Guanshi said to Wu Zhe: "But you and I hit it off right away, and I always feel that you have a kind of intimacy, as if It's quite predestined. Therefore, whenever you have something to go out, just leave me a note or ask the old lady to bring a sentence immediately, and there is no need to worry about the ten-day limit."

hit it off? Intimacy? Destined? Wu Zhe was puzzled.

Is it about to chop off the chicken head and burn the yellow characters? But we have transformed, and if we want to kill you, we will kill you. Wu Zhe thought badly in his heart.

Guess he is giving preferential treatment for the sake of someone's face? Stories about Memrise's astonishment shouldn't have spread so quickly. The most likely reason is that Elder Bai sent me here and asked him to take care of me.

"Thank you, Manager Shu." Wu Zhe bowed his hands.

Guan Shu bowed his hand in return, but he didn't take it to heart. It's really characterful, the woman actually bowed her hand. It seems that she is a spoiled girl outside, she is used to doing whatever she wants.

In this way, Wu Zhe lived in the right attic beside the Sutra Pavilion. The daily treatment such as bedding and utensils is actually based on the level of the steward.

In addition, Shu Guanshi specially arranged for an old woman named Zhao to take care of her daily life.

As the sky was getting dark, Zhao's mother brought over dinner for Wu Zhe.

Steward-level meals, two dishes with polished rice.

The dishes, one meat and one vegetarian, are quite good in the eyes of ordinary people, and Guanshi Shu can order them to be carefully cooked, and there is a lot of vegetable oil and meat. If it were Er Yatou and those Qingling girls, I'm afraid they would chew their tongues into it.

Wu Zhe didn't think so.

Although it is polished rice, there are still some chaff left, which is simply unacceptable for modern people. The dishes are also too rough, without chicken essence and other spices for seasoning, and coarse salt with a bit of bitter taste, Wu Zhe is not satisfied with the food.

"Do you want to consider researching KFC, McDonald's and so on?" Wu Zhe said to himself while leaning on his chopsticks.

After finishing the meal, Mama Zhao collected the tableware and came out again, but Guan Shi called her over in a low voice.

He had already asked Mama Zhao to pay attention, so he asked: "Then what are the characteristics of Xiao Niu when she eats?"

"It's a bit elegant, neither like a lady from a big family, nor like a country girl. I just eat it slowly, but..." Zhao Ma hesitated.

"But what?"

"It's a bit unpalatable, and I don't like it very much."

"It doesn't suit your taste..." Shu Guanshi thought for a while, she was indeed a girl with an unusual status, if she were a girl from an ordinary family, wouldn't it be unsuitable for her to eat meat oil

"She also muttered a few words, which couldn't be heard clearly. She said something about gnawed chicken, wheat egg cheese..."

"What chicken? What cheese?"

"Chicken, Wheat Eggs and Cheese."

"what is that?"

"Old servant, I don't know..."

"Well, go down. I will do my best in Caishi in the future."


Going to bed at night, Wu Zhe also felt that the mattress was too hard.

Resting on the bed, Wu Zhe tried to interact with the metallic voice in his head.

But no feedback. On the contrary, there is a progress meter next to the one-star energy bar, and the metal voice suddenly reminded [unknown energy research progress], which is stuck at 7% of the progress.

It means that the research of profound energy energy has completed 7%, right

The next morning, Wu Zhe casually said something to Zhao's mother, and soon brought more mattresses and spread a thick layer on the bed.

They are making me the second generation official. Wu Zhe made a judgment in his heart.

It's also very good, who would refuse this kind of misunderstanding

I checked the progress table of myanqi energy research in my mind, and it was stuck at 16%. Basically, there is a progress of one scale per hour.

Very slow... Wu Zhe complained.

In fact, for professionals who understand analytical techniques, this is already surprisingly fast. In Wu Zhe's sentence, the computing power of the body is not enough to be described by a nuclear explosion, and it should be more appropriately expressed by the power of life evolution.

The evolution of life that occurs every second can definitely far exceed the magnitude of a nuclear explosion.

After washing up and having breakfast, Wu Zhe went out of the right attic, and walked slowly to the Sutra Pavilion.

"Miss Xiao." Shu Guanshi greeted him from the Scripture-Depository Pavilion with a smile on his face.

There are already people studying in the pavilion, some disciples from the outer sect staying in the sect, and many people are curious to see that the steward of the Sutra Pavilion will greet the visitor.

Miss Xiao? Could it be Xiao Niu who shocked everyone with her memory technique yesterday, and who regretted everyone with her talent? A well-informed person thought of it.

Some people looked at Wu Zhe with admiration, but more people cast contemptuous glances.

The memory technique is amazing, but the martial arts have no glory, and they are always looked down upon.

Wu Zhe understood the charm of various gazes, and began to read books on the first floor of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

Here, Wu Zhe knew a very important piece of information...

Xuanwu female general!
