Niu Fei Zai Xia

Chapter 63: You get off the stage for me!


Everyone has never seen such a confrontation with such different strengths!

The state of the two is very different, one side is full of profound energy, and the other side is calm.

Lin Chaoying had already arched her body in violation of the rules, only her elbows were still on the table, her whole body erupted with profound energy fluctuations, trying to overwhelm Wu Zhe's wrist.

Such an imposing manner, not to mention the outer disciples, even the inner disciples, there are few who can follow it indifferently. Some people secretly praised him, he deserves to be a potential star disciple on the list.

But what about the other side

Wu Zhe half drooped his eyelids, and even smacked his own mouth twice with his free right hand, pretending to be bored and sleepy.

The other side is as mysterious as a battle, but here it is like walking in a garden!

The most astonishing thing was that Wu Zhe didn't have any fluctuations in his profound energy!

In the distance, even the elders headed by Great Elder, Elder Bai, and Elder Fuling were stunned.

Absolutely no reason!

**How can a mortal body fight against profound energy

Soon, everyone focused their attention on Wu Zhe's arm.

Deacon Fu's hand was resting on it.

That's how it is... Many people let out a sigh of relief.

The event that almost subverted the worldview turned out to be the action of Deacon Fu.

In fact, Deacon Fu was more shocked than anyone else.

what happened? I didn't pull her

He snatched Wu Zhe's hand away, but he didn't pull it away after a bit of effort. Moreover, the profound energy that hit the opponent's veins, not to mention that it didn't work, even disappeared inexplicably!

Does this Xiao Ruoyao have a deeper background than I imagined

Could it be that it's not that she doesn't have profound energy, but that it's deeper than mine, even far higher? !

To be able to achieve such a level, not to mention Elder Fu Ling is also reluctant, I am afraid that only Elder Bai, Great Elder, Suzerain and other veteran masters can be so subtle!

This is super star performance! Deacon Fu's heart was filled with turmoil.

Lin Chaoying also saw Deacon Fu's hand, and immediately reprimanded angrily: "Deacon Fu, how can you be partial?!"

When these words came out, Lin Chaoying almost covered her mouth. The tone was too strong, how could I speak to him like that for a deacon of such status

However, taking advantage of this, Lin Chaoying quickly withdrew her hand, finding a reason not to compete anymore.

Deacon Fu hesitated for a moment, then withdrew his hand, and said sternly, "Miss Xiao has made it clear before that she won't use her profound energy to compete with you for the second time. Ms. Lin, don't you forget?"

How old and sophisticated Deacon Fu is, if Wu Zhe doesn't say it, he will naturally not show his cards.

In fact, many people at the scene were hesitant. It seems that Lin Chaoying used her profound energy first, and Deacon Fu made a move a little later. It should be that Miss Xiao vomited blood after being shaken, right

However, no more reasonable explanation seems to be conceivable.

Only the Great Elder and the others in the distance looked at each other, feeling that there might be some reason in their hearts.

"..." Lin Chaoying had nothing to say for a while, so she could only say, "Since that's the case, I don't want to compete with a village girl for arm wrestling."

"Oh—it can't be compared—" some disciples booed in the audience.

"Disciples of potential stars, words don't count."

Lin Chaoying listened to these slanders, turned her heart away, and said angrily to Wu Zhe: "Female handyman, get off the stage!"

Wu Zhe shrugged his shoulders and stood up: "I don't know who it was just now..."

Lin Chaoying shouted loudly: "This is the platform for the potential star disciples!"

"You're putting on airs! Miss Lin is really shameless!" Zong Zhilian, the narcissist, took the lead in booing below.

"Okay, okay! Miss Lin is going to chase her away!" The disciples in the audience were in a commotion, obviously it was not good.

Lin Chaoying's face was livid, pointing to the audience to drive Wu Zhe off.

It's too embarrassing to be pointed at by her like this. Wu Zhe was unwilling and wanted to stay on stage to anger Lin Chaoying: "Hey, Miss Lin, do you still dare to compete with me in swordsmanship?"

"Don't talk nonsense! Get down!" Lin Chaoying pointed to the audience and emphasized: "Go where you should go. After the martial arts performance is over, only potential star disciples can come up on the stage! You are not qualified to stand here."

"Why did you let her go down? You were the one who provoked us to come up!" Er Yatou shouted from below, and Mu Qingya also waved her fists in support.

Immediately, some disciples shouted: "That's right! You have to admit defeat first, and Miss Xiao is willing to step down!"

"Miss Xiao is doing great!"

"Miss Lin has such a big face!"

"It should be said that he has a thick skin!"

"Miss Xiao, don't come down! You are the one who should stand on the stage!"

Although there were flatterers in the Sword Sword Sect, the overall atmosphere was good. In the face of such a clear right and wrong, people immediately supported Wu Zhe.

Those who surrounded Lin Chaoying before did not dare to say anything at this moment.

The young and energetic Lin Chaoying's face was as black as a scapegoat, and she repeatedly shouted at Wu Zhe angrily: "You are a handyman surnamed Xiao! You have no right to stand here! Step down immediately!"

Before a cup of tea, she was still a disciple of potential stars. Unexpectedly, at this moment, a female handyman from yesterday won by arm wrestling, and she was seen to be using profound energy for good, and was cast aside by everyone, so she immediately disregarded her demeanor and tore her face on the spot.

"You don't think so." Wu Zhe wanted to find a reason.

Lin Chaoying, who became angry from embarrassment, squinted her eyes and said coldly: "You are not a potential star disciple, do you want me to bring you a ladder to let you go down? Or should I just push you down?"

These words are very serious, it is like slapping your face in public.

Many people who were close to the platform where the list was released were stunned for a moment when they heard her cold words.

Wu Zhe was about to find another reason, but Deacon Fu suddenly said, "That's right, what Miss Lin said is absolutely true."

Lin Chaoying was taken aback, this Deacon Fu made it clear just now that he wanted to help this female handyman, why is he so sure of his words now

Could it be that he suddenly woke up? Or did he realize that Miss Ben Lin had reached four stars of profound energy at the age of fourteen, her future was limitless, and she was among the disciples of potential stars, so he wanted to join the team again

Lin Chaoying was overjoyed immediately, her mood improved just now, and her haughty chin lifted again.

Deacon Fu slowly stepped forward, stood on the edge of the list display platform, took out an order document and put it on his chest, and said loudly: "Pass down the order of Elder Bai, the first elder approved it, and the potential star list is urgently corrected!"

What's the meaning? Urgent correction? Is it to advance my tenth place ranking? Lin Chaoying was confused for a moment.

The thousands of people in the audience quickly fell silent, all of them pricked up their ears and listened in awe. Deacon Fu will announce the changes to the potential star list at this moment.

For decades, there has never been such a change in the potential star list.

The list has been changed!

Moreover, it was Elder Bai who changed it himself, and the Great Elder approved it!

"Decree! I will change the potential star list of Jianzong, and the tenth potential star disciple..." Deacon Fu's mysterious voice resounded through the audience, and he stopped for three breaths. Said: "It's replaced by... Xiao Ruoyao! The former potential star disciple Lin Chaoying is no longer on the list!"

After the announcement, Deacon Fu put away the order and made a gesture of invitation to Wu Zhe.

This inviting action was aimed at the potential star disciple chair that Lin Chaoying had sat on that had been placed before.

The meaning couldn't be more obvious, this girl Xiao is Xiao Ruoyao, the tenth potential star disciple, please sit down.

The voice fell to the ground, and the audience remained silent for a long time.

After a while, the audience became noisy.

Amid thousands of people's discussions, Deacon Fu continued to ask Wu Zhe to sit up, but at the same time, he said to Lin Chaoying who was stunned, "Lin Chaoying, you are no longer a potential star disciple. "

Wu Zhe, who had reacted, also fell into trouble, put his hands behind his back, narrowed his eyes slowly like Lin Chaoying did before, and said to her coldly: "You are not a potential star disciple, do you want me to bring you a ladder?" Go down? Or... I'll just blow you down?";