Niu Fei Zai Xia

Chapter 8: Inner door, outer door, branch door


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"It's easy to say, easy to say." Wu Zhe quickly got up and stepped aside, not willing to accept his bow casually, and cupped his hands and said, "It's a fluke."

"Miss, you're being polite." Zhai's second child abruptly bowed to Wu Zhe, who was standing aside: "Three Masters of Qingling owe you a favor."

Chen Laosan also took two big strides and came over to express his thanks: "I, Chen Laosan, thank you girl."

For Chen Laosan to be able to thank him in front of everyone, if anyone knew his temper, they would probably be stunned. But Lenovo's Heart Demon Breakthrough couldn't be more reasonable.

Both of them no longer called Wu Zhe a chick but a girl, apparently putting her on the same level as themselves.

The old man who led the way could see it clearly, and was very surprised in his heart.

This Chen Laosan is not a clumsy person, and it will be a matter of time before he breaks through his demons. But men are most afraid of wearing a cuckold. He was even engaged in middle age but was run away by his unmarried daughter-in-law.

But this girl was able to wake up Chen Laosan with a few words, which can be said to be amazing.

Hehe, it seems that this time leading the way, although there is no one with excellent qualifications to report back, there is such a quick-thinking little girl, so it can be regarded as an interesting thing to talk about.

More and more people came to the meadow in the valley, Zhai Laoer and Chen Laosan went to greet their acquaintances.

Wu Zhe sat back in his original seat, and a group of little girls surrounded him with a clatter.

"Wow! I was scared to death just now!" The girl grabbed Wu Zhe's arm and shook it desperately: "Why are you so bold! How dare you provoke them? You are not right to give you gold and silver, but then why did they bow to you to thank you?" ?”

"It seems that Xiao Niu helped that youngest Chen get rid of his demons?"

"What's going on? I don't quite understand, what sixteen-character mantra."

Wu Zhe explained for a long time, but a group of little girls still didn't understand.

The purer the mind, the harder it is to understand the demons.

"It's weird, you shouldn't take things that don't belong to you. And even if it's yours, if someone else takes it, we can bear it. Can we still beat it?" This person just doesn’t understand the reason why you don’t want it? Why did you delay the progress of martial arts because of this mood?”

"Uh..." It's really hard to explain this kind of thing, Wu Zhe scratched his head. In this world, there is no enlightenment education such as martial arts, fantasy and self-cultivation novels, so most of the little girls from farming families can't figure it out.

While scratching his head, Wu Zhe touched the girl's bun on his head to make up, and felt a little depressed.

The old man who led the way came closer, raised his finger and pointed to the seats of visitors in various places in the valley, and said, "Little girls, do you know how the sects are arranged?"

The girls immediately changed their interest, and Wu Zhe's embarrassment was relieved.

The old man who led the way began to use the flag as an example to tell the girls about the seating arrangements in various places in the valley.

The outermost circle is where each branch is resting. There is no requirement for Zhimen flags except that white is prohibited, and flags of various colors are colorful. Such as "Yunling", "Baijiawan", "Gonghongling", "Bawangzhai", "Fenggong Mountain", these are all the characteristic names of Zhimen.

Wu Zhe thought in his heart: This is basically a franchise store full of fake bandits, or it belongs to temporary workers...

The second circle is the resting point for outsiders. The flag is bordered with white, and the name is much more formal, with the word door, but the word sun and moon are forbidden. Such as "Ben Leimen", "Poyunmen", "Kingkongmen"...

Well, these institutions directly under the Zongmen, Wu Zhe complained.

The innermost circle is the inner door, with the least number of people. There are only four tables, all of which are empty, but each table has a flag.

Wind, rain, thunder, and electricity, there are only these four characters respectively. They are four courtyards, and each is written in red on a white flag.

It seems that Zongjian Zong respects white.

The inner door is a well-established civil servant, Wu Zhe defined it.

To put it simply, there are three levels in the Zhanjianzong, the inner gate and four courtyards, the outer gate and the branch gate.

On the central lawn in the valley, a mile-long confinement area was built in the form of tents, and nothing could be seen inside.

It is the place where the Zongmen enters the examination.

"Old man, what will be tested in the exam?" A girl with rough skin asked a little shyly: "We can't read big characters, will we be rejected?"

Several girls also looked nervously at the old man Yinke.

The old man who led the way stroked his beard and laughed: "If you don't know it, you won't. Why worry? You don't have a bad heart, you can learn words, so don't worry too much."

"Then what will test us?" Wu Zhe asked.

"The entrance examination of my sword sect has always been a talent and a virtue. In addition to the two items of spar body measurement and Qi Da Baimai, the specific examination content is not rigid."

Crystal body? Qi up to a hundred pulses? Wu Zhe tilted his head and thought about it combined with online novels, 99% of it depends on talent.

Hey, in terms of talent, who is our evolutionary super body afraid of? Wu Zhe is full of confidence in his entrance examination.

After talking for a while, Zhai Laoer and Chen Laosan greeted their old friends and came back, leading the old man to see that it was almost noon, and raised his hand to say goodbye.

The responsibilities of the guides are not specifically defined, and they can do whatever they want, and it is not easy for Zhai Lao Er and Chen Lao San to stay polite or something.

It was just that when the old man led the way, he walked more than 20 steps, looked back and looked at Wu Zhe carefully, and then left.

Wu Zhe and the other girls sat and ate some fruit, waiting for the entrance examination to begin.

What kind of fruit, even fruit skin is not as good, let alone candied fruit with additives. What about the number one sect in the Qi Kingdom? It's a shame. Wu Zhe scoffed at the quality of this kind of small food.

The girl waited for the girl to eat with open eyes, laughing and jokingly shoving me and sometimes snatching it up a few times, as if she rarely had such an opportunity to enjoy the fruit.

Wu Zhe smiled knowingly, it seems that Qingling is still very difficult. If they were given additive food from another world, it would be more delicious than Xiandao.

"Hmph, these bumpkins!" The contemptuous girl's voice suddenly came from the side.

It turned out that a girl used the power of profound energy to send the voice from afar.

Wu Zhe looked, but it was a gorgeous young girl in red, who walked past the Qingling seat followed by several guards.

The guards were sharp-eyed and serious, but they each carried a large package, and they didn't know what they contained.

"...It's Hu Yunjiao, the jewel in the palm of Hu (sound hu four times) the head of the Dao Sect. It is said that she has opened up the profound energy to reach one star as a daughter before she was fourteen years old, and her talent is enviable." Zhai's second child knew each other and said in a low voice To Chen Laosan, reminded: "We don't make trouble."

Chen Laosan's state of mind has been settled, and he nodded at this moment without making a sound.

At the age of fourteen, is it considered a talent to be able to activate profound energy? Wu Zhe disagreed. He is used to Long Aotian's way of improving, so he feels that this kind of talent is inferior.

The girl next to her was happily opening her mouth to take a big mouthful of preserved pears, but when she was choked by a sarcastic voice with profound strength, she was so frightened that she swallowed most of the preserved pears, choking non-stop.

"Hehe, I'm right." Hu Yunjiao glanced at the banner, raised her sleeves and said with a smile, "Oh, it's Qingling, no wonder there are such unworthy candidates."

The faces of the girls suddenly showed embarrassment. Compared with Hudaomen's Qidu, they who were born in Qingling are really incomparable.

Chen Laosan's face darkened, and Zhai Laosan hurriedly pressed it.

Wu Zhe suddenly stood up. ;